Make a new horizon with objective views
Volume 01
TW&FT - Trendy World & Flexible Thinking
INTRODUCTION The relationship between education and gender equality has never been simple. The changes of social thinking as well as progress in the development of science and technology have stabilized people's beliefs about the ideological limit between the rights of men and women in education. Therefore, over the last five decades we have seen many innovations of gender equality in this field.
Nguyễn Lê Thanh Vy Education can be considered to be criteria for evaluating the growth rate of a country or an area. This significant field strongly reflects the citizen's living standard and academic quality. Therefore, most of all countries throughout the world pay considerable attention to educating their subject. Especially in the previous period of history, an educational differentiation between males and females of many nations occurred clearly. Equality of educated rights did not exist in the "old societies dictionary" for women. A specific example of this status is the number of girls who enrolled to study in primary and secondary schools was extremely rare. Perhaps that gender discrimination happens because of outdated beliefs of the majority of the citizen during the conflict periods. Most people acknowledge that males play a more important role than females. Fortunately, in our modern society, distances in gender have changed dramatically. Along with the development of science and technology, views about sexism have almost been reduced. This can be seen as the key to opening a period of gender equality in all aspects of life, especially in education. It can be seen that boys and girls have the same number of opportunities to participate in core subjects and extracurricular activities organized inside and outside of school. Also, girls have the same freedom of speech as boys, which means they can express their personal views on an issue. In addition, all girls can be taught about social skills, gender education as same as boys. When girls have access to quality education, they tend to delay their marriage, focusing more on national economic development. When the government prioritizes developing the quality of education for young citizens, it will create a positive wave for the future of later generations. For those reasons, I suppose that gender equality should be promoted in education for contributing to national economic development.
Lại Vĩnh Phú
Nguyễn Thị Tú Lan
Gender equality is what brings equality to women and men all over the world, according to the ancient concept, women are weak and should only do housework, while heavier things are done by men. grandfather. But today, gender equality has made great progress. For example Firstly, from the past, women in Vietnam have always suffered more disadvantages than men. But with the progress in equality between men and women, women's participation in labor to earn money has been equal to that of men. secondly, with women's participation in labor, their wages will also be paid at the same rate as men's, so their quality of life will also be much better. Finally, women in today's society have the right to participate in the political affairs of the society, their rights and status are also consolidated as other men, so that no woman can be despised anymore. In short, although gender equality is now widely popular, there are also people with an outdated concept following the old way of thinking that girls should not be the breadwinners of the family. Therefore, we should change that old and outdated concept to help society become more and more progressive.
As a girl, I am so grateful to be born in today’s development era- when women have respects from people, especially in education. Nowadays, girls can go to school and pursue their dreams in the way of education. They have the same rights to be supported with full conditions as boys. It is no exaggeration to say that women are not inferior to men. Firstly, women are more hardworking than men although they are physical weaker. Secondly, girls perform better than boys at all levels of education. At university level, there are more women than men in full-time undergraduate courses. According to a survey in 2021, more than 90% of women are literate. In short, women are gradually proving their position in society. However, gender discrimination remains a thick barrier that restrains women from showing their abilities. Therefore we need to change mind-sets, especially among men and advance the development of women’s rights.
Vũ Gia Luật Gender equality is a matter of concern in many countries. Therefore, education to raise awareness about gender equality is essential. Nowadays, sexism still exists in many countries. It is not equal that girls get less education than boys. Around the world, 129 million girls are out of school, including 32 million of primary school age, 30 million of lower-secondary school age, and 67 million of upper-secondary school age. It is the fact that poor families often favour boys when investing in education. Moreover, in class, teachers pay more attention to boys. This trend may exist because boys are often perceived as being more mischievous, causing teachers to monitor and engage with them more actively in class. These lead to gender inequality in education which is becoming a difficult problem to solve in some countries. How to solve this problem? It is a thorny question. Ministry of Education should promote education about gender equality in schools. The impact of gender norms can have serious consequences for children’s education, so schools play a key role in challenging these problems. In terms of classroom aspects, when referring to the group as a whole, it is very important to avoid saying pronouns like “guys”, “boys”, “girls” because because it is seen as gender discrimination. Instead of this, teachers should say “everyone”. On the other hand, encouraging students to work in groups is also a good solution. In conclusion, education for all is a fundamental human right. So too is equality of women and men. Hence, we need to do everything to reduce gender inequality in education.
Dương Quyền Linh Up until now, education has always been appreciated by everyone and it also is a factor that affects a person's personality. In the past, because of the gender imbalance, women often did not attend school as much as men, so they were easily looked down upon. Fortunately, society is developing and that old concept has been gradually eliminated. Today, everyone has received an education whether it is a boy or a girl. Therefore, girls have had the opportunity to show their abilities and prove that they are as good as men. Besides, they will not be discriminated against by teachers at school, and will not be looked down upon by everyone. Gender equality in education is a big step forward in society because it not only helps people to develop themselves, but also makes women be more confident.
ĐỖ MINH VŨ Gender inequality is one of the social problems that need to be solved. The ideology of respecting men and disrespecting women has become deeply rooted and slowly prevents social development. It affects many areas of society including education. Some places don't allow girls to go to school because they believe that girls can't be as smart as boys, it's the girl's duty to stay at home and take care of the family. This leads to a lower schooling rate for girls than for boys. However, in reality, the percentage of women who are admitted to universities is not inferior to that of men. When it comes to natural subjects like math, physics...we often think that men will do better because mathematicians are all male. But we didn't know that women were not allowed to go to school in the past However, today's society has improved a lot. Girls can go to school, they can freely choose the major they want. Society also has policies to protect children's right to education, whether male or female. Women can now have a broad enough education to be able to decide their own future. Thereby showing that prejudiced practices that prevent women from going to school should be eliminated, they can also study as well as and can surpass men. So parents should allow their children to go to school fairly.
TRẦN PHƯỚC MINH KHANG Gender equality is a very common and important theme, especially in education. In the past, many family in Vietnam don’t take their daughters to school because they don’t have enough conditions and most of them think that boys are smarter and they have the responsibility of being the breadwinner of the family while girls will be the housewife and take care of their family so they don’t need to go to school. Nowaday, this oldfashioned thinking almost disapears because of the social progress, it’s only in a few remote areas. On the other hand, there is a gender equality problem that always present in today’s society. Many people believe that boys are supposed to be strong, competitive, aggressive, and logical thinkers while girls should be sociable and emotional thinkers. Some people think that boys are better study maths and girls have to study well English. They even force their children to study subjects that they may not like. In my opinion, parents should think more widely, respect their children's interests and promote their forte.
MESSAGE It can be said that gender equality in education is of great importance to the development of the country. For this reason, let's work together to raise the awareness of each individual to create a better future for later generations.
TW&FT - Trendy World & Flexible Thinking