Real Estate of Coastal Connecticut V1N2

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GUILFORD HISTORIC SALTBOX $449,900 This 1780 David Parmalee Saltbox sits proudly in Guilford’s Historic Village. One family owned since 1944. The home has been meticulously maintained. The rst oor is freshly painted and renovated. Over 2450 square feet with three bedrooms, two baths, and three replaces. Formal living and dining rooms, eat-in kitchen. Large family room, porch, rst oor laundry, full bath, and mudroom. Detached garage and shed. Enjoy nearly a half acre of perennial gardens, spring blooming trees and sprawling level rear yard just steps to Guilford’s renowned town green. Pre-Inspected. Pre-Appraised. Home Warranty in place.

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Joel Lucas 8,0.304.9150


4our Shore & Country Real Estate Specialist Visit to See All of My Listings with Photos and 3,0 Virtual Tours

OLD SAYBROOK WATERFRONT Exclusive and Distinctive CT River custom built Nantucket style Waterfront home. Nicely sited at end of private lane with sweeping views of CT River and salt marsh on 1.95 acres. Stunning gourmet kitchen, 1st "oor and 2nd "oor Master Bedroom suites, plus !rst "oor in-law/guest suite. Convenient to both Essex and Old Saybrook villages’ amenities and marinas. $1,399,000

CLINTON Resort style living at spectacular home on beautiful setting next to “babbling brook”! Gorgeous kitchen includes Stainless Steel appliances, granite counters and island. Dramatic marble foyer. Private yard with inground pool beautifully landscaped. 3 car gar, Inlaw possible. EZ Commuting location near Golf Course and beaches! Quiet cul de sac location of !ne homes. $675,000

ESSEX Beautiful new Colonial home in quiet cul de sac neighborhood. State of the art kitchen with custom cabinetry, granite, and double oven. Enjoy the large sun !lled great room, spacious master suite, and masonry !replace in formal living room. Home is well sited on a professionally landscaped acre private lot set back from road. $549,000

GUILFORD Waterfront! Beautiful “Maine-like” location! Sweeping views of LIS from this 2004 remolded Mulberry Point home. Enjoy open-"ow living,granite kitchen, hardwood "oors, of!ce, !replace,deck, and a detached 2 car garage with artist studio - steps to beach! $725,000

5 Main St., Essex • 8,0 304 9150


EAST HADDAM $479,000 !"#$%&'(&)'*+,-$.#-$."/+0112+3-4"5+6.7(*+-.+(4".+ß+((8+4'-.9+)&.8((,9+ :(.&)+ 8((,+ (;"8+ <-8-<"+ =+ *(&8+ %>($%"+ (?+ !-)#"8+ )&$#")5+ @>8""+ '";"'+ -%8")A+48$)#$."+%(./$#$(.B+3(&.#8*+'$;$.<+-#+$#)+Þ+.")#5++Jeanne Rutigliano 860-460-0478

ESSEX $2,650,000 C4"%#-%&'-8+D(8#>+3(;"+E-#"8?8(.#+")#-#"+E$#>+&.)4($'"/+3@+F$;"8+;$"E)+ (??"8)+(;"8+G011+CH+(?+E"''+-44($.#"/+'$;$.<9<(&8,"#+I@9+2)#+ß+((8+:"/8,+ )&$#"9+48$;-#"+/(%J9+'(;"'*+<-8/".)9+)#&..$.<+4(('+=+4(('+>(&)"B+Andrea Woolston 203-605-4770+

ESSEX $1,697,000 %B2KLM+ )"8"."+ E-#"8?8(.#+ >(,"+ 48$;-#"'*+ '(%-#"/+ (.+ !$//'"+ 3(;"B+ F"N ,(/"'"/+J$#%>".9+0+Þ+8"4'-%")9+O+:"/8((,)9+GBO+:-#>)B+0+)&$#")+E$#>+48$;-#"+ ".#8-.%"+?(8+-&+4-$8+(8+(?Þ+%"B+Joanne & Bill Ryan 860-581-3066+

ESSEX $925,000 3-4#-$.+P,:8()"+ Q()#+ R(&)"9+ :&$'#+ %B2K0S+ $)+ -+ 8-8"+ )#(."+ ?"/"8-'+ )#*'"+ >(,"+ETLUF)9+0BOUP)9+E((/+ß+((8)9+4"8$(/+/"#-$')9+)4-%$(&)+8,)9+GHQ)9+ <-8/".)+ =+ -.+ "V#8-+ :&$'/$.<+ '(#B Diane Gregory 860-395-8433 Roger Parkman 203-676-1061+

ESSEX $575,000 3&)#(,+3-4"+ET2)#+ß+((8+,-)#"8+:"/8((,+)&$#"B+W-&'#"/+%"$'$.<)+$.+<8"-#+ 8,+=+?(*"89+?8(.#+=+:-%J+%(;"8"/+4(8%>")+4'&)+4-#$(+(;"8'((J$.<+:"-&#$N ?&'9+'";"'+<8(&./)+ET".%'()"/+/(<+8&.B+X&$"#+.(N#>8&+)#B+Peter Bonanno 860-227-9798

LYME $1,150,000 Y8-%$(&)'*+48(4(8#$(."/+O+:"/8((,9+LBO+:-#>+2K#>+%".#&8*N)#*'"+3('(.$-'5+ U"-&#$?&''*+)$#"/+(.+ZBMO+4-8J'$J"+-%8")B+!"#$%&'(&)'*+,-$.#-$."/+?"-#&8N $.<+J($+4(./9+$.N<8(&./+4(('9+".%'()"/+4(8%>+=+ß+-<)#(."+4-#$(B+Marilyn Jacobs 860-304-6264+

OLD LYME $2,250,000 !"#$%&'%$($)*&+,#"-.$/0$1234$,5*"67$#%&6$8,6#"*9:--.;<:&-#7$5:6#/8$=/0#"8; )/*,*.$">:?"6$:0&@:"0"66$&0$&#6$?"6&'0$($5*",#&/02$!:)"*<$+&"A6$($-&'%#$ &0$,--$*//862$B55"66$#/$A,#"*$($#"00&6$5/:*#62 Judy Schaaf 860-227-3688 Joe Rhodes 860-227-0921

OLD LYME $1,295,000 C,0/*,8&5$ +&"A6$ /9$ #%"$ -/A"*$ =D$ E&+"*$ ,0?$ F/0'$ G6-,0?$ !/:0?$ 9*/8$ "+"*.$*//8$/9$#%&6$=/0#"8)/*,*.2$H3$,5*"6$/9$)*"6"*+"$-,0?$A&#%$8:-#&)-"$ ?"5I6$($%&??"0$',*?"0$A&#%$),#&/2$Joe Rhodes 860-227-0921 Laurie Walker 860-227-5571 http://realestateofcoastalCT.com105183

OLD LYME $869,000 J*,8,#&5$ *"6&?"05"$ A&#%$ 6/,*&0'$ 5"&-&0'6$ ,0?$ -&'%#;$--"?$ *//86$ 6:**/:0?"?$ $<.$ 0,#:*,-$ 6"##&0'$ /+"*-//I&0'$ )/0?2$ K/:*8"#$ I&#5%"0$ AL '*,0&#"7$ -:>:*&/:6$ M,6#"*$ !:&#"2$ Laurie Walker 860-227-5571 & Jodi Strycharz 860-884-3011

OLD LYME $825,000 =%,*8&0'7$6:00.$.",*;*/:0?$%/8"$&0$<",:#&9:-$N?'"$F",$5/88:0&#.O$N0; P/.$1$<"?*//867$Q$<,#%67$'*,0&#"L6#,&0-"66$I&#5%"0$($5/0+"0&"0#$/)"0$$//*$ )-,02$B66/5&,#&/0$8"8<"*6%&)$&0$,$*,*"7$)*&+,#"$-/5,#&/02$Karen Conniff 860-304-3229$

OLD LYME $699,000 E,*"-.$ ,+,&-,<-"7$ .",*;*/:0?7$ ?&*"5#$ A,#"*9*/0#$ /0$ F/0'$ G6-,0?$ !/:0?O$ B?/*,<-"7$RSE$E,05%$A&#%$:)'*,?"6$',-/*"2$T:--.$*"8/?"-"?$I&#7$%&5I/*.$ %*?A?67$:)?,#"?$<,#%$,0?$8/*"2$B<6/-:#"-.$5%,*8&0'2$Agent/Owner. Karen Nadeau 860-335-7009$

OLD LYME $690,000 U/0?"*9:-$4$<"?*//87$124$<,#%$=/-/0&,-$0&5"-.$6&#"?$/0$Q24H$)*&+,#"$,5*"62$ V)"07$6:00.$$//*$)-,07$'*,0&#"$I&#5%"07$&0;'*/:0?$)//-7$1;5,*$',*,'"$($ 6"),*,#"$&0;-,A$,),*#8"0#2$W&--,'"$-/5,#&/0O$$Victoria Barri 860-227-2216 Nancy Birge 860-227-2406$

OLD LYME $649,000 !"#$%&'()*+#&',*-%".*%/,*#/$#&#/0*+1%2#34+*56'".3/&7+&)('8*93.':*;'%&4"7 #/0*%*&-3*+&3")*+&3/'*Þ*"'1(%2'*%/,*-%((*3<*-#/,3-+*31'/*&3*%*1%&#3*-#&9* +&3/'*-%((+=*0%",'/+=*93&*&4>:*!#2&4"'+?4'@*;#"+&*ß*33"*.%+&'"*+4#&':* Jodi Strycharz 860-884-3011*

OLD LYME $599,000 A1%2#34+* +&)(#/0* 3<* &9#+* 'B2'1&#3/%(* C* >,".=* D:E* >%&9* F%1'@* G3"0'34+=* /'-*2%&9',"%(72'#(#/0*+4/"33.=*<3".%(*,#/#/0*"33.*-HÞ*"'1(%2':*!"#$%&'=* 1'%2'<4(*+'&&#/0*3/*13/,*-#&9*+'"'/'*.%"+9*$#'-+:*Laurie Walker 860-227-55711*

OLD LYME $589,900 I'-()*"'/3$%&',*F3/&'.13"%")*J4+&*&-3*.#('+*<"3.*6#((%0'@*I'-*24+7 &3.* K#&29'/=* >%&9+=* +#,#/0* %/,* -#/,3-+:* I%&4"'7'/9%/2',* -#&9* 4+'* 3<* +K)(#09&+* %/,* 0(%++:* L-3* 1"#$%&'* %2"'+@* Mary McDonald 860-227-3812

OLD LYME $549,900 A1%2#34+=*24+&3.*MNO=*C:ENP*F3/&'.13"%")*F3(3/#%(@*Q1'/*ß*33"*1(%/=* 410"%,',*K#&=*<%.*".*-HÞ*"'1(%2':*R%+&'"*>,".*+4#&'*-#&9*+#&&#/0*%"'%*%/,* -%(K7#/*2(3+'&+:*;#/#+9',*(3-'"*('$'(=*2'/&"%(*%#"*S*D72%"*%&&%29',*0%"%0':** Linda Marsh 860-227-6424*

SALEM $1,290,000 A'"'/#&)*T#((*;%".:*P*"%"'*S*'B&"%3",#/%")*1%"2'(*3<*2('%"',*S*+3%"#/0* .'%,3-+* 3<<'"#/0* 0"'%&* $'"+%&#(#&):* O'/3$%&',* 2%1'* 93.'=* >%"/+=* 34&7 >4#(,#/0+U*DD*1"#$%&'*%2"'+*-#&9*#/Þ*/#&'*3113"&4/#&#'+@*Jeanne Rutigliano 860-460-0478*

WESTBROOK $995,000 V#"'2&*-%&'"<"3/&*3/*3/'*3<*&9'*>'+&*>'%29'+*3/*&9'*+93"'(#/':*L9#+*29%".7 #/0* $#/&%0'* F3(3/#%(* <'%&4"'+* MHE* >',"33.+=* 3"#0#/%(* -%#/+23&#/0=* '/7 2(3+',*13"29*%/,*+4/"33.*1(4+*1%&#3*%/,*2%>%/%:*Connie O’Brien 860-559-0742*

!"#$%&"''"(%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%)*+,-,.. Love the location of this home! Large private, level lot. Great for Summer Picnics. Quiet street. Newer siding, roof, mechanicals. Large rooms. 1st ßoor laundry, sunken family room w/pellet stove. Relaxon front porch or rear deck. !ee Hasu() *+,-./0-/*+0 /00123345675806059:;968067<$=;9>3?.@+@.

&"''"(%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%)*AB-,.. Well maintained home in private setting on .5 serene acres. Hardwood ßoors, updated baths, dining room with French doors. Stone walls, lush landscaping, pool! 1au(a 2o(4smith *+,-9:/-0/+0 /00123345675806059:;968067<$=;9>3?.@+@+

(CC'D#%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%)*+,-,..% Pottery barn colors enhance the interior of this newer Colonial on convenient cul-de-sac. Open ßoor plan with wood ßoors thruout & Master BR with walk-in closet. Many added accents. Move-in! ;a<=ie >o?e(( *+,-9,0-,/.9 @AAe @st(e) *+,-9,0-:,B* /00123345675806059:;968067<$=;9>3?.@+@B

CE'%#"FGHCCI%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%)B,,-,..% Pride of ownership is found in this well maintained, spotless Cape built in 1740. Loaded with charm, 3 Þreplaces, crown moldings and wood ßoors. Two bedroom guest house. Indian Town Beach rights. /00123345675806059:;968067<$=;9>3?...B@

CE'%#"FGHCCI%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%)BB,-,.. You are sure to love this waterfront cottage with lovely unobstructed views of Long Island Sound! A decorator’s delight. Sandy beach at your doorstep; maintenance free! /00123345675806059:;968067<$=;9>3?.@**,

CE'%#"FGHCCI%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%)A..-...% Make yourself at home in this 2 bedroom, 2 bath Cape! Open & airy ßoorplan with spacious great room & kitchen with Þreplace. Privately sited on 0.99 acre. /00123345675806059:;968067<$=;9>3?.@*A.

Ci(( DaEe *+,-..F-/:,B

CHESTER $769,000 I8#(&-0&*,.&6.(*8#<%&("*8#"/':*A:&#.*#."*4&W$2.66"?/<& #.(-)"*.@&-(&CX&"6#.:%&+8.:*&,-8:.&-#&,-$.&-0&6.B :*8@'-4& Y#"6'-8:& '(& .).#<& #.+"#@%& :8$$.#:%& 9..>7 .(@:&-#&<."#&#-8(@4&Y-#+.-8:&":&"&9,-/.&9'*,&2-:7 :'?/.&:8?@')':'-(4&

OLD LYME $1,495,000 Y#"6'-8:& =-(*.$2-#"#<%& U"(*86>.*& :,'(+/.7:*</.& ,-$.4& DE6.2*'-("/& @.*"'/:& F& $"*.#'"/:4& M'#:*& &--#& ;":*.#%&9.//7"22-'(*.@&>'*6,.(&F&2--/&6-$2/.E&*-& .(*.#*"'(&F&.(Z-<4&I"/6-**&M"#$:&G::-6'"*'-(%&@-6>& F&*.((':4&

OLD LYME $1,050,000& ="2*')"*'(+& 9"*.#0#-(*& 9'*,& ?#."*,*">'(+& )'.9:& -0& *,.&L'.8*.("(*&3').#%&Y#."*&W:/"(@%&5"<?#-->&/'+,*:& "(@&U-#*,&=-).[&Y-#+.-8:&6-(*.$2-#"#<&#.7@.:'+(4& K-"#@9"/>&"(@&@..2&9"*.#&@-6>4&

Nancy Mesham 860-227-9071

DEEP RIVER $699,900 !"#$%&'()'*'(+&,-$.&'(&)'//"+.&-0&1..2&3').#4&52.67 *"68/"#&)'.9:&-0&;-(.<&=#..>&7&9"*6,&*,.&?-"*:&:"'/& ?<& 0#-$& .).#<& 9'(@-94& 1#"$"*'6& 6,.0A:& >'*6,.(& 9B)"8/*.@&6.'/'(+:&-2.(&*-&/"#+.&@'('(+B.(*.#*"'('(+& "#."4&C:*&&--#&$":*.#&:8'*.&9B:*."$&:,-9.#4&DE*.(7 :').&@.6>'(+&F&'(7+#-8(@&2--/4&

EAST HADDAM $799,000 D/.+"(*& ,-$.& '(& ?#."*,*">'(+& :.**'(+& -0& ("*8#"/& ?."8*<&F&*-*"/&2#')"6<4&G//&"$.('*'.:%&-8*:*"(@'(+& 6,.0A:&HI%&JK3:%&:2#"9/'(+&;K3&:*.&-(&C:*&/.)./%& 0-#$"/&L3&F&13%&M3&"//&9'*,&MN:4&DEO8':'*.&@.*"'/:& *,#-8+,-8*4&5*-(.&2"*'-:%&+8.:*&,-8:.&F&.E*.(:').& +"#@.(:&7&"&*#8/<&@':*'(6*').&2#-2.#*<4&P9(.#B"+*4&

Maureen Pelletier 860-608-2493

EAST HADDAM $499,900 1'#.6*& =-((.6*'68*& 3').#& 9"*.#& 0#-(*"+.& '(& *,.& O8"'(*& )'//"+.& -0& D":*& Q"@@"$4& K."8*'08/& )'.9:%& RK3:%&C4SKG:4&T'(*"+.&,-$.&9'*,&'(,.#.(*&6,"#$4& U..@:& :-$.& 82@"*'(+V& ?8*& 9.//& 9-#*,& *,.& .00-#*4&

Cathy Lynch 203-627-2331

MADISON SUNNY COLONIAL $599,000 Lovely 4 BDR Colonial in move-in condition. Sunny, eat-in Kitchen, open to FR w/fp; lst . bonus room; additional 700sq. ft in nished walkup attic. French doors open to tiered decking & paved patio.

MADISON COLONIAL $1,275,000 Stately custom home in desirable Madison Estates. Great oor plan. 1st oor ofce. Addition au pair space with separate entrance.Fin attic and walk out lower level with full bath. Superb landscape w/ pool & spa..

MADISON LOCATION $979,000 It’s all about the location and this property has it. Large 2700 sq ft cape with great bones and second oor waterviews. Lot allows for up to a 4000 square foot foundation.

MADISON $319,000 Pristine open oor plan on this ideally located home, walking distance to village and beaches. Remodeled kitchen and bath.New improvements include, driveway, roof, furnace, windows, nothing to do but move in. great back yard a wonderful home.

MADISON CUSTOM HOME $799,900 Custom home with open oor plan ideal for entertaining. Kitchen opens into family room. Two story replace. Addit’l bonus room on 2nd oor could be au pair/inlaw. Gorgeous lot on cul de sac with inground pool.

MADISON $579,000 Picturesque and much loved Madison Springs is the setting for this very well maintained 9 room home w/ remodeled kitchen with granite and stainless appliances. Central air. Large family room addition. Great location close to town & beaches

MADISON LIKE NEW $679,000 Immaculate. Cul de sac neighborhood close to beach and town. Two en-suite baths, 9 foot ceilings, granite counters and stainless appliances. Seller will consider reasonable offers

MADISON $450,000 Wonderful downtown antique farmhouse. 2/3 Bedroom, country kitchen, family room addition with stone replace, Large 2 car garage with potential for ofce studio or apartment. Walk to town, train, green and beaches.

GUILFORD WATERFRONT $1,450,000 Sachem’s Head Harbor w/dock and outbuilding. Artist-designed home lled w/natural light. Open oor plan captures front & back views.. Marie Lee (860) 304-0618

Madison • 203-627-2331 752 Boston Post Rd.

MADISON $975,000 Picturesque New England farm on 3.77 acre. Beautiful main house with 3 bdrms and 2 full and two half baths. Quaint one bedroom cape great for au pair, inlaw or additional rental property. Full barn with stalls and a 2800 SF building with ofÞce perfect for equestrian use or business. !"#$%&'()$*+,-./0-.+++

MADISON $950,000 Stately colonial foundin one of the most sought after neighborhoods in Madison. Exquisitely appointed, traditional but timeless, this residence boasts spacious rooms bathed in natural light. New kitchen and baths, four bedrooms, expansive landscaped gorunds. !"#$%&'()$*+,-./0-.+++

MADISON $990,000 Pristine, turn key, just beautiful ....classic New England seaside home with unobstructed views of Long Island Sound. Completely renovated, central air, three bedrooms, detached garage, generous, manicured lawn, with sandy beach just steps away. !"#$%&'()$*+,-./0-.+++

GUILFORD $1,395,000 Gentleman’s restored Estate, superb amenities, 7 Þreplaces, 5 bdrms, 4 full baths on 2.12 acres. Courtyard w/Þreplace, 20X40 heated in-ground pool, 3 barns, w/ potential and approval for a loft apt. Perfect for gentleman’s farm or equestrian compound. Heirloom trees, perennial gardens. !"#$%&'()$*+,-./0-.+++

MADISON $947,000 Post and beam home. Views of Long Island Sound from the front and spectacular views with access to Neck River that leads to the Sound from the rear. Main house has 3 bdrms, 2 full baths with 3 car gar. Apt. has 1 bdrm, 1 full bath with a one car gar. perfect for in-lawor added income. !"#$%&'()$*+,-./0-.+++

MADISON $775,000 A true Madison classic beach home with sweeping water views, charming renovated with deeded beach rights. 4 bedrooms, 3 full baths, generous rear yard with large deck and bluestone patio. Nestled on a private lane. !"#$%&'()$*+,-./0-.+++

KILLINGWORTH $795,000 Private Estate! 5+ acres, perennial gardens, neighborhood, cul-de-sac, in quaint Killingworth CT, min. to shore towns. 1'2&3$4&55&6"($*+,-7,+-8,9:

KILLINGWORTH $795,000 Golfer’s Wanted! —Practice your golf short game on low maintenance synthetic putting surface. 1'2&3$4&55&6"($*+,-7,+-8,9:

KILLINGWORTH $795,000 Fine Architect. Details, Open Plan, & Upgraded Appliances. Romantic Master Suite. 3500+ sq ft, 4 BR. 1'2&3$4&55&6"($*+,-7,+-8,9:

;6<&(=2$>$*+,-.*9-*,,0 97*$?=()=2$@=()$A<B

MADISON $564,000 The Augustus Peck home, a center chimney cape built in 1824, has charm and character. The 1700 sq foot home has 3 bedrooms, 2.5 baths, a four season sunroom, 2 car barn/garage and corncrib on a beautifully landscaped one acre lot. Shell% C(mpstone 860-391-2747

MADISON $1,750,000 Take advantage of this unique opportunity to own 4.21 acres along the Madison coast. Three bedrooms, 2.5 bath 2100 square foot cape on a private lot with deeded beach rights. Create a family compound for years of enjoyment. Shell% C(mpstone 860-391-2747

KILLINGWORTH $674,700 MagniÞcent post and beam home. Over 3800 sq ft with exposed oak beams. Sited on 6.4 acres, this 3 bedroom, 3 full bath home is a work of art! Geothermal heat/AC, huge kitchen with granite and stainless, exercise room with sauna and a three car barn/garage. Shell% C(mpstone 860-391-2747

KILLINGWORTH $2,700,000 Exquisite country estate. This twelve room, 6600 sq ft farmhouse built in 2002 has 5 bedrooms, Þeldstone Þreplaces, inground heated pool, “cooks” kitchen, 30.43 acres including three approved building lots. Abuts State Forest. Perfect for an equestrian facility. Shell% C(mpstone 860-391-2747

GUILFORD $475,000 Beautifully updated Dutch Colonial Home located at the end of a cul-de-sac. This 4 Bedroom, 3.1 Bath home has an Open Floor plan and features a Þrst ßoor ofÞce, screened porch and 2 Þreplaces. Recently Þnished lower level offers a total of 3,970 sq ft of living space. Lin@a Toscano C203D E20-7899

MADISON $349,000 This 3 bedroom 2 bath home is located walking distance from Hammonassett Beach. Close to everything and move in condition. First ßoor master! Well maintained. Comfortable, clean, cozy and charming - you won’t want to miss this one! F(lie OGian C203D 676-3126

LYME $398,000 Charming cape, move in cond, full handicap access. Fenced yard. First ßr master w/full bath,kitchen opens to deck w/electric awning,gardens and patio. Great alternative for 55+ housing or family with children. Generator hookup installed. AND,Home warranty! Carol O<Hare 860-334-3411

OLD LYME $343,000 Move in colonial. 3Br 2.5Ba, kitchen w/granite,redone baths, screened porch opens onto ingrd pool, private fenced yard, prof. Lndscpd gardens w/fruit trees and fountain. Private oasis in great neighborhood. A super home at a great price. Carol O<Hare 860-334-3411

MADISON $1,150,000 Unique offering. Artist/photography studio on miniEstate with residential conversion potential. Very private setting with lake frontage and breath taking views yet close to all of Madison’s amenities. FoAnn StirlinI 203-671-8072

Ma@ison K 203-627-2331 7E2 Boston Most R@.

Lorey Walz 203-619-4029 Meig Walz Newcomb 203-996-7209


omes by the Sea !"#$%&'(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((,C.122.222 B%/.")-(/"@&9")%#8#(/)&9-)+&%@%$"/)&@-;#"#C&(=%#@((,D -/$&)+%&.(7/<0 344567789:;9<4:49=>?=:<4:;*+@?=A7-211D1 Lorey Walz 203-619-4029 Meig Walz Newcomb 203-996-7209

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For All Your Real Estate Needs Along the Connecticut Shoreline and Lower River Valley

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For All Your Real Estate Needs Along the Connecticut Shoreline and Lower River Valley

WESTBROOK Summer by the sea! Beach and boat lover’s paradise! This cozy 3 bedroom “Coral Sands” beach house is only 4 houses from the sea and in walking distance to Pilots Point Marina. Newer roof, windows and electric. Beautiful knotty pine interior. Move right in. $299,000. Julie Bedell, 203-453-6511

BRANFORD Amazing views from this completely renovated. cottage directly on the water in Sunrise Cove. Outdoor shower, patio, deep water dock & mooring. Sunrise Cove Association & all 35 homeowners own an equal share of the Assoc. The land is not leased so there is no monthly fee. The annual fee is for water, landscaping,snow removal. $359,000. CT Town & Shore Partners, 203-453-6511

BRANFORD Stony Creek. Expansive views of the Thimble Islands & Long Island Sound await you at this original 1820 Stony Creek Quarry House. One of 23 Branford homes named to the National Register of Historic Homes. 3-storys, 3 bedrooms, 2.1 baths, hardwood ßoors. Renovated cozy guest cottage, large deck, 2-car garage, a dock for your boat. $1,250,000. CT Town & Shore Partners, 203-453-6511

CLINTON Breathtaking panoramic waterviews surround this spacious 5100 sf, 5 BR year round, direct waterfront beach home. Two master suites, one on the Þrst ßoor, 3 full & 2 half baths, kitchen with walk-in pantry. Open ßoor plan, media room, wrap around sunporch. Enjoy decks on 1st and 2nd ßoor. Beautiful landscaping, stonework, stair access to sandy beach. $1,875,000. Rob McConville, 203-245-1593

GUILFORD Better than waterfront but without waterfront taxes! Two bedroom sun-Þlled Cape recently expanded with panoramic views of Long Island Sound. Sunroom opens to deck overlooking beach and Long Island Sound. Beautifully maintained. $799,000. John Campbell, 203-245-1593

MADISON This rare 26 acre picturesque estate offers the ideal canvas on which to paint one’s real estate dreams. Enjoy a short walk over quaint bridges and trails to your own 1-acre private beach without leaving home! A renovated 5 bedroom home, barn, and boat house dot this unique setting abundant with wildlife, outdoor experiences, and limitless memories. $8,675,000. John Campbell, 203245-1593

LYME This historic Center Chimney Colonial has been thoughtfully restored blending historic details with modern enhancements. Sited on over 8 acres, the property includes a guesthouse, tennis court, pool and several outbuildings. Abundant windows ßood the interior spaces with natural light. $2,400,000 Mick Marsden River to Shore Group 860.767.5390

ESSEX Sun-Þlled Village Colonial on tree-lined private road. Gracious Living room and Dining room, 5 bedrooms includes spacious Master bedroom suite, granite kitchen, sun porch, patio. Third ßoor walk up offers potential. Many updates. Walk to shops, parks, marinas & restaurants. $769,000 Owner/agent Chip Frost Ct River Properties Team 860.767.5390

ESSEX Gracious 6,598 sf manor blends exquisite original details w/magniÞcent architectural elements. Soaring 12-foot ceilings result in light-Þlled rooms. Stunning center hall, 9 Þreplaces, unique moldings embellish every room. Perfect combination of formal and informal areas. $1,500,000 Linda Freedman Ct River Properties Team 860.767.5390

89 Whitfield St., Guilford • 724 Boston Post Rd., Madison • 35 Main St., Essex 203.453.6511




RANDALL, REALTORS Serving Coastal Connecticut Real Estate

STONINGTON BOROUGH! "#$%&! '()&*#(+%,! )(-.(Þ!+%.+$! %&&%+'$)! &*! &'()!/012!3%..*.!456%#$!'*7$8!9:;<=!>?<948!@(A(.-!#**7!B(&'!Þ!#$C D,%+$8!E$B!F(&+'$.!G!H%7(,I!#**7!*A$#,**F!,*A$,I!A(,,%-$!-%#J$.8!K!L=)M! K!N%&')8!3$.&#%,!%(#8!<,$A%&*#8!O/MK00MPPP8!Q$,(.J%!3%#,(),$!01PCRSTCUPUU! V!TP2!!

STONINGTON!;B*! %.&(56$! '*7$)! D,6)! /RS! %+#$)8! Q%(.! '*7$! '%)! S! Þ!#$D,%+$)8!W#(-(.%,!H$%&6#$)!&'#*6-'*6&8!@%#-$!+*6.&#I!F(&+'$.8!2!+%#!+%#C #(%-$!'*6)$X-%#%-$8!T.J!'*7$!()!%!/MT0S!)5!H&!3%D$!B(&'!2!L=)M!/8R!N%&')8! O/MURPMPPP8!Q(+'$,$!Y$&$#)!01PCRSTCUPUU!V!TT/!!!

STONINGTON! //! #**7! "#$$F! =$A(A%,! .$)&,$J! *.! /PZ! %+#$)8! @%#-$! F(&+'$.!*D$.)!&*!H%7(,I!#**7!B(&'!Þ!#$D,%+$!G!+%&'$J#%,!+$(,(.-8!K!L=)M!2! H6,,!%.J!T!'%,H!N%&')8!L$%6&(H6,M!D#(A%&$!-#*6.J)!&*!$.[*I!(.-#*6.J!'$%&$J! D**,8!O/M/PPMPPP8!Q(+'$,$!Y$&$#)!01PCRSTCUPUU!V!TT/!!

MASONS ISLAND!9%&$#H#*.&!C!)D$+&%+6,%#!9:;<=!>?<94!*H!\()'$#)! ?),%.J!4*6.J!G!@%&(7$#!@(-'&!H#*7!&'()!R!L=!'*7$!,*+%&$J!B(&'(.!D#(C A%&$!%))*+(%&(*.8!Q**#(.-!G!J$)(-.!&*!#$N6(,J!J*+F!%A%(,%N,$8!T!Þ!#$D,%+$)8! WA$#C)(]$J!T!+%#!-%#%-$8!O/MKUUMPPP8!Q(+'$,$!Y$&$#)!01PCRSTCUPUU!V!TT/!!

MASONS ISLAND! 9:;<=\=WE;! >?<94! H#*7! %,,! #**7)! *H! &'()! "=<<E!@<<^4!.$B!+*.)&#6+&(*.8!WD$.!ß!**#!D,%.8!WA$#!TR0P!)5!H&8!2! L=)!Z!J$.M!2!H6,,!N%&')8!4&%#&(.-!%&!OUSRMPPP8!\#%.!9($'.!01PCRSTCUPUU! V!TPK!! !

MYSTIC!L$%6&(H6,,I!7%(.&%(.$J!(.C&*B.!3*,*.(%,8!_(&+'$.!#$+$.&,I!#$C 7*J$,$J!BX-#%.(&$M!R!N6#.$#!-%)!)&*A$!G!B**J)&*A$8!Q%)&$#!)6(&$8!9%,FC6D! %&&(+8!Y%#&(%,,I!Þ!.()'$J!N%)$7$.&8!Y#*H$))(*.%,,I!J$)(-.$J!%N*A$!-#*6.J! D**,!*A$#,**F)!D%#FC,(F$!I%#J8!OSRPMPPP!!Q(+'$,$!Y$&$#)8!01PCRSTCUPUU!! V!TT/M!01PC00KC2P0K8!

22 Holmes St, Mystic • 15 Chesterfield Rd, East Lyme • 279 West Main St., Norwich 860-572-9099




RANDALL, REALTORS Serving Coastal Connecticut Real Estate

MYSTIC Spectacular WATER VIEWS of the Mystic River from this hilltop Contemporary. Gorgeous gardens. 3 BRs, 2.5 baths. Family room with stone replace. Open oorplan. Gorgeous cherry kitchen. $1,199,000. Melinda Carlisle 860-572-9099 x 203

GROTON LONG POINT Direct WATERFRONT/deep water dock for 2 boats. Unparalleled design. Spectacular gourmet kitchen opens to wateside patio & dock. Skydeck with 360 degree WATER VIEWS. 4 BRs, 3 baths. 3 car attached garage. $2,850,000. Melinda Carlisle 860-572-9099 x 203

GROTON LONG POINT Spectacular luxury waterfront with views of Fishers Island Sound and three states. Amenities include theatre, 600 bottle wine cellar, wraparound porch & much more. Beaches, tennis courts, sailing & shing just steps away. $1,990,000. Jonathan Rodgers 860-5729099 x 295, 860-536-4829.

MYSTIC Tucked away on a quiet, dead-end street with wonderful WATER VIEWS of Mystic Seaport & the river from every room. Classic 1907 shingled Gambrel with open front porch. Small boat launch. 3 BRs, 2.5 baths. $998,000. Melinda Carlisle 860-572-9099 x 203

GROTON LONG POINT Direct waterfront expandable Ranch with private beach, mooring, potential dock & splendid views of Fisher’s Island Sound. Liv rm with vaulted ceiling, woodburning FP, rear deck. Partially nished walkout inclu rec room. $1,335,000. Josie Flynn Navin 860-5729099 x 234, 860-214-6563.

MASONS ISLAND Custom Post & Beam home. Use of unique woods (mahogany, douglas r), granite & stone. Great Rm + family room w/loft above. Beautiful master suite + 4 BRs. Full basement. Unobstructed views of salt marsh. Kayak from backyard. $1,325,000. Michele Peters 860-5729099 x 221, 860-884-3084.

22 Holmes St, Mystic • 15 Chesterfield Rd, East Lyme • 279 West Main St., Norwich 860-572-9099





or the finest representation of the finest properties

ESSEX: One of a kind Village Waterfront! 3 Historic House Compound in the heart of Essex on Middle Cove. Spectacular views! 3300 SF Main House with a 650 SF guest house, in-ground pool, a barn perfect for a studio or office, an 1800 SF house with separate deed. Fully permitted dock. $5,500,000 Colette Harron 860.304.2391

ESSEX: Stunning waterfront contemporary in the village. Dramatic use of windows, high ceilings & sleek lines make this 3BR home as amazing as its panoramic views of North Cove & the CT River. Built in 2001, new dock, 3 fplcs, large MBR suite, stone walls. $1,875,000 Leslie Holland 860.575.5144

ESSEX: This flagship 1750’s style center chimney cape sets the standard for early New England homes, consisting of a hearth centered open floor plan and reproductive details throughout all nestled privately on a pond. This is an example home. Bring your plans. $1,295,000 Donn Holland 860.227.4737

!""!#$%&'(!&)*!$$+$$,,,-,.//.012.33-451$$ 67$80.9$"3:;;3<$!==;><$?@$ABCDB$+$EBA-FBF-FCEE$

OLD LYME: Antique Colonial in Historic Old Lyme Village near Art Academy. Large formal LR w/fireplace, den/office w/fireplace, large formal DR w/fpl, eat-in kitchen and sunroom on 1st floor. 3BRs, 3 baths. Large outbuilding for office/studio. Joe Kelly 860.287.1222

! ESSEX: Circa 1898 village “Queen Anne Colonial” tastefully remodeled. 3BRs, 1.5.5 baths. Large kitchen, elegant DR, formal LR, den, front & rear porch. Finished 3rd floor w/views of boat yard and & CT River. Newer mechanics, roof, wood floors, A/C. $599,000 Leslie Sullivan 860.391.3337

or the finest representation of the finest properties

OLD LYME: Few steps to beautiful White Sand Beach

from this 4 bedroom well maintained cottage with water views. Large lot will simplify year round conversion. Recently updated electric, roofing and siding. New septic and well. Large kitchen, DR, LR, enc. porch. $499,000 Joe Kelly 860.287.1222

ESSEX: Lovely remodeled three-story townhouse over-

looking North Cove & the CT River. Open floor plan kitchen, DR & LR with slider to patio. 3BRs, 1.5 baths. Set on the point where Falls River meets the Cove. $325,000 Leslie Sullivan 860.391.3337

OLD SAYBROOK: Surrounded by both the Connecticut River and Long Island Sound, this magnificent, Shingle-style, direct waterfront Fenwick residence was architecturally designed and reconstructed to complete perfection in 2006. The wonderful open floor plan encompasses a stunning Chef ’s kitchen with a screened dining porch, living room with beach stone fireplace and additional screened porch, and a fabulous Master Suite with balcony, and five additional bedrooms and baths, all overlooks the incredible view and a meandering walkway to a private, sandy beach. A spectacular, separately deeded, 2700 square foot Guest House completes this remarkable compound! $13,000,000 Jennifer & Jane Associates 860.388.7710 or 860.227.6634

!""!#$%&'(!&)*!$$+$$,,,-,.//.012.33-451$ 67$80.9$"3:;;3<$!==;><$?@$ABCDB$+$EBA-FBF-FCEE$


or the finest representation of the finest properties

ESSEX: An exquisite waterfront oasis discreetly tucked

LYME: Dock or moor your boat(s) on picturesque and historic hurricane hole Hamburg Cove. CT River and Long Island Sound access. Private, pristine 4,300 SF shingle-style home offers 5BRs, 3.1 baths, 4 fpls, 9’ ceilings, views! $1,995,000 Rick Weiner 860.227.3191

ESSEX: Waterfront! Traditional New England Cape on Falls River Cove with amazing views!! This home is set on 2.8 private acres and has a new 3 car garage/barn with 2nd floor. House has been beautifully maintained and updated. Don’t miss this GEM!! $1,695,000 Mariette Woolfson 860.883.3667

ESSEX VILLAGE: Stunning historic home in the vil-

ESSEX: An iconic Essex Village colonial c.1727 set well

KILLINGWORTH: Nancy Fishelson, an “architectural

back on Main Street. An immaculate period home with modern updates, 4 fireplaces, stone walls, gorgeous grounds, pool, garage. $1,495,000 Rick Weiner 860.227.3191

designer”, whose work has been featured in Ct. Cottages and Gardens and Country Living has transformed this ca.1760 home into a wonderful integration of old and new. Her use of antique materials and eye for design has created a very livable open floor plan. $1,195,000 Linda Hicks 860.391.1269

NIANTIC: Best of both worlds!! This property can be your

WATERFORD: Beautifully updated 3547 SF home sits

away at the end of a private village lane. Offering the charm and character of a ca.1780 home with all of modern conveniences and amenities that you could hope for. Pool, dock, gardening cottage. Exceptional! $2,950,000 Leslie Sullivan 860.391.3337 Rick Weiner 860.227.3191

lage offers 9 rooms, 4 bedrooms, 3 ½ baths and has been totally renovated. Private, professionally landscaped yard. Two-car detached garage with guest suite above with private balcony. $1,595,000 Linda Hicks 860.391.1269

ESSEX VILLAGE Much admired Cape c.1900 redesigned by architect Rod Hartung and extensively remodeled. Sweeping views of North Cove and the CT River from most rooms. Spacious master suite with vaulted ceiling, dual walkin closets and balcony. A true Essex village gem! $875,000 Rick Weiner 860.227.3191

private residence or use part of it as a very special Inn. Won the Best of New England in Yankee Magazine. Renovated to keep its purity & integrity. A must see!! Also for lease. $829,000 Mariette Woolfson 860.883.3667

!""!#$%&'(!&)*!$$+$$,,,-,.//.012.33-451$$ 67$80.9$"3:;;3<$!==;><$?@$ABCDB$+$EBA-FBF-FCEE$

on 1.71 park-like acres. The terraced back yard has an inground pool and cabana. Totally private and serene. 4BRs, gourmet kitchen, sunken FR, 4 fpls. It’s a vacation at home! Virtual tour at: $699,000 Peter Allam 203.605.4320

F ESSEX: Shingle style “Craftsman Cottage” built in 2004 is a leisurely stroll from “Essex Village”. First floor BR suite, custom kit, MBR suite w/jetted tub & sep shower + dressing room. 3rd floor media/play Rm. “April Air” Clean air recovery system. Irrigation system! $629,900 Peter Allam 203.605.4320

or the finest representation of the finest properties

ESSEX: Immaculate Classic Colonial. Gracious LR w/fpl & built-ins. Stunning formal DR w/bay window. Spacious FR w/fpl. Renovated kitchen. Library/office on first floor., 4 BR, 2.5 bath. Wonderful location, quick walk to town. $595,000 Kathy Schellens 860.395.4441

ESSEX: Exceptional Colonial with privacy in-town. Beautiful LR with columns, built-ins & fpl. Beautiful granite and stainless kitchen. Formal DR & study. 4BRs plus bonus/FR. 500 SF lower level finished area with 1/2 bath. Live in the heart of Essex! $549,500 Kathy Schellens 860.395.4441

ESSEX: Steps to historic Essex village, this luxury condo

features rich architectural details & quality craftsmanship throughout w/a custom kitchen, steam shower, bookcases & cozy fireplace. Spacious LR leads to balcony w/sweeping lawn & No. Cove views! $569,000 Donn Holland 860.227.4737

WESTBROOK: Introducing villas by the sea. A Luxury ESSEX: Village living at its best. New first floor luxury

condo nestled among antique homes. Views of CT River. Highest quality materials, fabulous kit. w/granite & high end appliances. Private entrance, large covered pillared porch, garage. $529,000 Donn Holland 860.227.4737

Lifestyle Beyond Compare! A new paradigm in luxury oceanside vacation living has been created at the exclusive Water’s Edge Resort Spa, in Westbrook, Connecticut. Twenty exquisite, fully furnished and elegantly decorated waterfront condominiums are available to a select few, offering a maintenance-free lifestyle with full service hotel amenities at your fingertips! Offered from $550,000 to $1,200,000 Jennifer & Jane Associates 860.388.7710 or 860.227.6634 and Peter Allam 203.605.4320

ESSEX BROKERAGE | 13 Main Street, Essex, CT 06426 | 860.767.7488 (860)-535-8364 | | 108 Water Street Stonington, Connecticut 06378

STONINGTON, CT This historic village home offers a library w/ fireplace, a double parlor with beautiful woodwork, & French doors opening to the garden, & an elevator. The well landscaped grounds are completely fenced with gardens and mature plantings surrounding all sides of the house. Call Lynn Young 860-984-5309 $989,000

STONINGTON, CT This handsomely restored 1760 village home creatively blends contemporary style with Col. charm in lovely 4BR home that offers gorgeous water vistas from most of its rooms & its broad veranda that overlooks lawns, pool, dock & mooring. Call Lynn Young 860-984-5309 $2.295M

STONINGTON, CT Set high above the water on 3.7 ac of beautiful lawns & gardens this handsome 5 bedroom contemporary home commands wonderful panoramic vistas of Stonington Harbor, Little Narragansett Bay and the open ocean, and offers quick boating access to nearby beaches. Call Lynn Young 860-984-5309 $2.98M

STONINGTON, CT Ideally sited on prestigious country road, this immaculate 4 BR, 4BA 18th century reproduction home overlooks rolling fields, woodlands and original stone walls. Built to last with every modern amenity. Includes a large post and beam barn and a separate guest bedroom. Minutes from the harbor and Stonington Village. Call Lynn Young 860-984-5309 $989,000

STONINGTON, CT Secluded on 3.21 acres with over 200 ft of shoreline, this lovely and cheerful 3 bedroom harborfront home offers a deep water dock and beautiful panoramic vistas looking across Stonington Harbor, Little Narragansett Bay and out to the ocean. Call Jim Michalove 860-535-8364 $1.995M

STONINGTON, CT This beautiful 7.5 acre parcel of pristine waterfront land (comprising 2 approved lots w/ 700 ft of shoreline) is secluded on an enchanting 34 acre peninsula within easy walking distance of charming Stonington Village. The property enjoys spectacular water vistas of Little Narragansett Bay, Napatree Point and the open Atlantic, and offers quick boating access to nearby ocean beaches. Call Lynn Young 860-984-5309 $2.9M

FISHERS ISLAND, NY Set high above West Harbor, this gracious 1927 home is the crown jewel of a wonderful 11.4 acre waterfront estate that offers beautiful sweeping views of Fishers Island Sound. Property includes a sturdy dock, a guest house and an historic observatory with a 17 ft telescope. Extra land available. Call Jim Michalove 860-535-8364 $3.45M

STONINGTON, CT Surrounded by 17 acres of conservation land this handsome stone & clapboard residence enjoys breathtaking water vistas from each of its rooms & is the centerpiece of a magnificent 3 acre waterfront estate that includes lovely lawns & gardens, a sturdy dock & over 700 feet of shoreline. Call Lynn Young 860-984-5309 $3.95M

STONINGTON, CT Hidden away on a quiet side street in historic Stonington Village, this 1930s residence sports incomparable water vistas of the bay & sparkling ocean. The bright & cheerful 4BR home borders 3.68 acres of conservation land & offers quick access to nearby beaches from its dock. Call Kathy Michalove 860-535-8364 $2.1M

Serving Southeastern Connecticut & The Rhode Island Shoreline (860)-535-8364 | | 108 Water Street Stonington, Connecticut 06378

PRIVATE VILLAGE ESTATE IN STONINGTON BOROUGH Secluded on beautiful lawns and terraced gardens, this meticulously restored 1789 Colonial home is the centerpiece of a magnificent private village estate that sports lovely water views, a guest cottage, and 2 additional building lots. $3,650,000 Jim Michalove 860-535-8364 x11

Serving Southeastern Connecticut & The Rhode Island Shoreline

Quintessential Craftsman T


he understated elegant exterior gives way to a resplendent interior appointed with designer kitchen and bathrooms. This eclectic home offers spacious one floor living and two multi-purpose second level suites perfect for children, in-laws or au-pair. Conveniently located close to beach, marina and Interstate 95, this spectacular Craftsman Cape sits atop the second highest point elevation in Old Lyme, allowing for privacy and expansive views. $1,150,000

Craftsman Cape l 11+ rooms l 4 bedrooms l 4 full baths l 5,336 sq.ft. living space l 1.17-acre lot l finest quality materials throughout

Beach Villa



ajestically set overlooking private beaches with sweeping views of Long Island Sound and 5 local lighthouses. Whether enjoying sunrise over Fishers Island from the wrap around deck or a midnight swim at the private white sandy beach, this comfortable beach home makes every day seem like a vacation. Designed with comfort in mind, this hillside ranch offers 4 bedrooms, 3.5 baths and a walk out lower level with theatre and game rooms. Put a smile on your face and call this home! $1,295,000

Marilyn Lusher Broker/Owner


Comfortable living | 10 Rooms | 3434 sq ft living space | a fabulous find

ESSEX WATERFRONT Spectacular 4BR Craftsman Style Colonial on South Cove features modern kitchen w/ viking and granite counters, which opens to a formal dining room with crown moldings & built-in’s. Gleaming wide board oors through-out the rst oor highlight the grand rooms and open oor plan. French doors invite you to a large deck w/ stairs leading to 80 foot dock. Master Bedroom suite offers vaulted ceilings, balcony, high-end remodeled bath & walk-in closet. Lower level suite w/ stone replace, full bath & French doors leads to a private patio with hot tub! A 2 car garage completes this magnicent home! $1,495,000


an d


WESTBROOK Walk to the beach from this lovely 4-5 bedroom Brick Home with hardwood oors throughout in Stannard Beach Association. Cherry kitchen with granite counters, open to a formal dining room and large living room with replace. Fully nished lower level offers kitchenette, additional 2 BR’s, living room and sunroom, 2 car garage. $589,900

WESTBROOK WATERFRONT SUMMER RENTAL Enjoy the Long Island Sound view and your own private beach as you relax on the wrap around covered porch of this 4 Bedroom, 3 full bath waterfront Escape. $12,000 per month (July & August) Academic Sept-May $1,995 per month

WESTBROOK 860.399.8799 •

HIGGANUM WATERFRONT Spectacular views all year long in this Stunning 3,749 sq ft, 4BR Waterfront Colonial on Chatham Lake! Cherry kitchen with granite, family room, wine cellar & sauna. Huge Master BR Suite with jacuzzi and private loft. $574,900


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STONINGTON BRILLIANT WATER VIEWS This exquisite hilltop home enjoys brilliant water views from throughout its nearly 6,000 square feet that includes a beautifully nished walk-out lower level. Impeccably appointed at every turn with custom details--coffered ceilings, generous crown molding and abundant use of marble and granite. Spacious master suites on both rst and second levels and en suite baths in two additional bedrooms, and a fth bedroom option and ample space for In-law or Au pair. An in-ground pool surrounded by lush professional landscaping, fencing and lighting, a Connoisseur’s wine cellar and pristine 3-car garage are just a few of the endless amenities that this truly spectacular property offers. $1,795,000 Melanie Tary 860-235-6607

MYSTIC Cove Front Cape With Traditional Flair Completely renovated in 2009 with meticulous attention to every detail! Offers 3BR/2.5BA, custom kitchen, state-of-the-art heating/CAIR system, Cherry Floors, waterfront terrace & more. Captivating inside & out--Dramatic interior accentuated by breathtaking views of water & wildlife... An enchanting Pied-a-Terre! $1,100,000

STONINGTON BOROUGH WATERFRONT Outstanding opportunity--Waterfront & a Dock, in Stonington Borough! One of two condo units total, nicely located “off the beaten path”, yet just around the corner from restaurants, shops, yacht club, beach...Private deck, perfect for viewing harbor activity, gorgeous sunsets... Offered for $1,100,000. Melanie Tary 860-235-6607



NORTH STONINGTON LOVELY 1777 HISTORIC FORMER TAVERN !"#$%&'$(()*+#&,%#&,"-*.%/,"*0#((.1*23&.%&,4*!5!*#$%6/7&8#%&/,1* 9*(#74"**"(-.*'/7*#,&+#(*/7*4#7-",*$."1*9*.%#((*:#7,*0&%6*'$((*;,-**//7* 0&%6*.<)(&46%1*=%%#>6"-*.%/,"*%"77#>"*/''"7.*6/%*/$%.&-"*.6/0"7*#,-* 6/%*%$:1*?*:"-7//+.@*,"0*4/$7+"%*<&%>6",1*A$7"*>6#7+1*$549,999

STONINGTON RARE ANTIQUE VILLAGE HOUSE B#7"*6&.%/7&>*6/$."*#C#&(#:("*&,*D%/,&,4%/,*!/7/$461*E6&.*6/$."*-#%".* :#><*%/*FGH?*#,-*6#.*(&,"#4"1*I/$7*:"-7//+.*0&%6*#*0#(<J$K*#%%&>1* L#7-0//-**//7.@*0/,-"7'$(*>/.)*<&%>6",*0&%6**7"K(#>"1*+#.%"7*.$&%"* 0&%6*,"0"7*+#.%"7*:#%67//+1*=.<&,4*$695,000 From Europe: +028 956 80025 United States: 860-535-8300 117 Water Street, Stonington, CT 06378


ON THE MYSTIC RIVER WITH BIG WATER VIEWS !"#$%&'()*+,-.$$%')/,0'$.-,(1,&2$,34-&'#,5'0$6,*)7,8'-2$6-,9-+*)7,:(;)7<,=*6>,4(;6,?(*&,'),16()&,(1,&2'-,&26$$, ?$76((@,#()7(@')';@,*&,5*)7*++A-,B2*61C,*,6$#$)&+4,6$-&(6$7,2'-&(6'#,?;'+7')/<,D2$,$+$/*)&,#;-&(@,EFGG,:H,8&, ')&$6'(6,?(*-&-,*,/(;6@$&,>'&#2$)C,-%*,*)7,*,.*++,(1,.')7(.-,(%$)')/,&(,*,IGG,:H8&,7$#>,1(6,.*&$6-'7$,$)&$6&*')')/<, D2$,*&&$)&'(),&(,7$&*'+,'-,$"#$%&'()*+J,K'>')/,>'&#2$),.'&2,L(7'*#,H;*6&M,#(;)&$6,&(%-,*)7,@*-&$6,?*&26((@,-%*, .'&2,,0$,2$*7,-2(.$6<,B*+>,&(,7(.)&(.),34-&'#C,N())$#&'#;&<,Asking $1,595,000 From Europe: +028 956 80025 United States: 860-535-8300 117 Water Street, Stonington, CT 06378

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