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Consulting Foresters

The Forest Society encourages landowners to consult with a licensed forester before under taking land management ac tivities. The following are paid adver tisers.

Calhoun & Cor win Forestr y, LLC


Realize what you value the most in your forest Ser ving individual, municipal, state, non-government, and industr y forest owners

41 Pine St , Peterborough, NH 03458 • 603-562-5620

Email: swiftcor win@gmail.com

Full Circle Forestr y, LLC

Ehrhard Frost, NHLPF #103, Thetford Center, V T 802-785-4749 • efrost.fcf@gmail.com

Eric Radlof, NHLPF #447, Antrim, NH 603-321-3482 • eradlof fcf@gmail com

Jeffrey Snitkin, NHLPF #452, Newbur y, NH 802-310-0292 • jsnitkin.fcf@gmail.com

Benjamin Vicere, NHLPF #453, Springfield, V T 802-779-7021 • bvicere fcf@gmail com

We specialize in creative, ecological approaches to forest management that are designed to provide long-term economic and intangible benefits to landowners and their forests FCF par tners are licensed foresters, NRCS Technical Ser vice Providers, pesticide applicators, and Tree Farm Inspectors

752 Rt 103A Newbur y, NH 03255 • 802-310-0292

Mar tin Forestr y Consulting, LLC

Offering complete forest management services, including timber sales, cruises, appraisals, and wildlife habitat management. Ask us about recreation trail planning, construction Brontosaurus mowing, and forestr y excavation ser vices.

P O Box 89, New Hampton, NH 03256 • 603-744-9484

Email: mar tinforestr y@gmail com

Meadowsend Consulting Company

Quality Consulting Forestr y with Integrity Guaranteed Jeremy Turner, NHLPF #318 Southern NH jturner@meadowsendco.com

Matthias Nevins, NHLPF #518 Central NH mnevins@meadowsendco.com

Ryan Kilborn, NHLPF #442 Nor thern NH rkilborn@meadowsendco com

Vast range of quality land management ser vices

Connect with us for a free site consultation! meadowsendco com • 603 526 8686

Licensed foresters should address inquiries about advertising to Anne Truslow by calling 603-224-9945 or emailing atruslow@forestsociety.org.

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