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Getting to know Mrs Arthur
Michael Gove (who was Secretary for Education at the time) came for a tour of my old school and spent some time observing a lesson on solving equations I was teaching to a year 8 class. During the lesson I wrote on the board 10 – 6 = 10, and had to have my mistake pointed out by a student.
A student wrote an email begging to have a detention rescheduled because it was Valentine’s day and he absolutely needed to go to the hairdressers before his date.
Great, everybody was very welcoming
My interview day, it was a little strange as my daughter was 11 weeks old at the time and it was the first time I’d been away from her.
I can lick my elbow.
My amazing physics teacher when I was at school.
People trying to use the constant acceleration equations when the acceleration’s not constant.
Hana Moattar, Year 12 Maths Primary Afternoon
On 26th June 2019, NHEHS Maths Representatives hosted a series of exciting activities for Year 5 pupils from three local primary schools: St Gregory’s Catholic Primary School, North Ealing Primary School and Selbourne Primary School.
Erin Malinowski and Amira Nuseibeh challenged the budding mathematicians to build the tallest, sturdiest towers of spaghetti and marshmallows that they could (which were highly successful despite the number of marshmallows secretly eaten!).
Avani Sethi and Immi Sandhu set the pupils off on a mathematical trail around the school, during which they were practising their counting, estimating and shape-spotting skills.
Chaoyi Jing and Samar Al-Haddad also provided inspiration to potential new GCHQ recruits in their code-breaking session, using Caesar wheels to decode secret messages.
The Year 5 pupils thoroughly enjoyed getting to know each other and honing their mathematical skills during this action-packed afternoon.
Maths Representatives, Year12
Pi Day
On the 14th March 2019, Notting Hill and Ealing High School held its annual Pi Day. The Maths representatives created a treasure hunt for students and staff to compete in, in order to get the winning key word. The students had until lunch time to complete it. There was a race to complete the hunt and bring the key word to the Maths department first. The hunt was comprised of some uestions relating to pi and it was an enjoyable, as well as challenging experience for the students to guess the pi-related answer.
At lunch time, we hosted the pi recital, where students had a chance to sign up and try to recite as many digits of pi as they could in one go. It was a huge success and many students got involved. The highest number of digits recited was 160 digits, which was very impressive!
Our next event for the day was hosting the celery throwing event, where in the ground atrium we set up some white tape for lines, and students and staff had the opportunity to throw celery, and counting how many landed on the lines and how many didn’t. We then used this to calculate a value for pi. We calculated a value of 3.1724 for pi which was impressively close to the real pi value of 3.14.
Overall, for students, staff, Pi Day was a monumental success with students being able to learn more about the topic of pi and develop a greater apreciation for Maths.
Davitika Sharma, Year 12
Calculator Club
The introduction of new graphic calculators for the Additional Maths pupils prompted NHEHS students to launch a brand-new and unexpectedly popular club this year: Calculator Club.
Each week, keen Year 11s got together to explore the new, exciting capabilities of their CG50s, entertaining themselves with the seemingly endless possibilities of the new machines, including plotting graphs, finding equations of tangents and normal and calculating the area under a curve.
Maths Representatives, Year 12