1 minute read
The Tortoise and the Dove
Poem by Kesia Buckley 8D
Once there was a tortoise and a dove. In the day the tortoise would watch the dove, And in the night the dove would tell the tortoise of their adventures. One day the dove broke its wing, And could no longer fly high in the clouds. The tortoise helped the dove to heal.
But even when the wing was healed the dove still couldn't fly. The dove then asked the tortoise after being so long on the ground, "How are you so happy?"
And the tortoise replied that the dove was always by their side, And then the dove asked:
‘"Are you never jealous that I can fly and you cannot?"
And the tortoise replied that it could see the world through the dove. After a pause the dove asked:
"Why are you still here even though I can no longer fly?"
And when the tortoise answered he said:
"You can now see the world through my eyes.
I carry you on my shell as we see the other animals, I will still love you as you are my best friend."
The dove closed their eyes and said:
"But I am scared."
And the tortoise could not reply.