1 minute read
An investment that protects the profession
In his “Closing Argument” column in the Winter 2019 issue of The Berks Barrister, Executive Director Emeritus Donald F. Smith Jr. noted that contributions to the PABAR-PAC are “an investment that serves to protect our profession.”
In 2022, the following 23 Berks Bar members “invested” in the PABAR-PAC:
Jana Barnett; Brian Boland; Kevin Feeney; Jeffrey Franklin; Frederick Hatt; Robert Kreitz; Joan London; Rachel Louviaux; Heidi Masano; Frederick Mogel; Daniel Nevins; Paul Ober; Andrew Onwudinjo; Jesse Pleet; Gabriela Raful; Richard Raiders; Michael Righi; William Roberts; Jill Scheidt; Latisha Schuenemann; Donald Smith; Robert Ullman; and Terry Weiler.
If you’d like to join your colleagues in investing in the work of the PABAR-PAC, visit pba.org and click “get involved,” or contact the Legislative Department at legislativedepartment@pabar. org.
PBA’s Legislative Department is a three-person team. They are Fred Cabell, Legislative Director; Anna King, Legislative Counsel; and Logan Stover, Legislative Coordinator.