2 minute read
Berks County Commissioner's Message
When it comes to Berks County Government, we and our team do a lot of work, much of which is 24/7. In recent years, we have concluded that most residents of Berks have very little knowledge of everything that county government does and are unaware of what is available to them.
That is all changing with the launch of Berks 1st. This magazine will be focused on communication about county government, to and for the people of Berks County. Berks 1st is not designed to take the place of any other publication or communication network. Rather, Berks 1st is all about the services, programs, projects, and events that the County is engaged in that can impact, help, and benefit the people of Berks County.
The design and production of the publication is funded by ad revenue and led by a local company, Hoffmann Publishing Group. The only cost to the County is the cost of postage and distribution. And that distribution is huge! Berks 1st will be published three times a year and each edition will be sent to nearly 90,000 homes, as well as hundreds of businesses in Berks.
Each article will also include a QR code that will take the reader to the online version where they can read and view additional content and access the entire magazine in Spanish.
We want our residents to know about our Parks & Recreation events, what is happening with the initiatives to restore passenger rail and expand broadband accessibility, and what services are available to our veterans, farmers, business owners, voters and more.
The Berks 1st Magazine is all about connecting you to valuable information about your County Government. Welcome to our inaugural edition.