2 minute read

A Breakfast for Political Stars

By David Truelove, Esquire

The BCBA annual legislative breakfast was held on May 19, 2023 at the Bar Association building. Among those attending were members of the BCBA Executive Board, along with Bar Foundation President Jeffrey Liebmann, and many members of the Bar Association itself. BCBA Executive Director Heather Cevasco and her staff were very helpful in organizing the event.

Legislators in attendance included State Senator Frank Farry, a staff member from the office of State Senator Steve Santasiero, and Representatives Perry Warren, Craig Staats and Shelby Labs. Rounding out the attendance was the BCBA lobbyist, Chris Lammando, from Gmerek Governmental Relations in Harrisburg.

As with prior legislative breakfasts, lobbyist Lammando provided insight into legislative issues of concern, many of which are recurring, including the proposed elimination of the requirement to publish certain legal notices in county legal journals, and taxing of legal services. With respect to the former issue, attempts have been made to educate the legislators as to the distinction between legal notices required in county legal journals, versus those that are to be published in newspapers of general circulation. At this time, it appears that the notice requirements for county legal journals are safe from elimination, but vigilance is still counseled according to Lammando. No legislation is currently pending during this session relevant to the legal journal notice elimination.

With respect to taxing of legal services, this matter has not been of prime concern to the legislature in recent sessions due primarily to the available revenue sources to assist in balancing the Commonwealth budget. However, future budget scenarios will no doubt anticipate a revival of the legal services taxation debate.

At the beginning of the breakfast, Heather Cevasco and Jeff Liebmann made presentations regarding the Bar Association, and Bar Foundation’s missions, programs and community involvement. Key initiatives were also discussed, including the Veterans’ Court program, and the BCBA’s long-standing, supportive relationship with Legal Aid of Southeastern Pennsylvania (“LASP”).

The legislators/legislative staff members were engaged and interested in the various BCBA programs. They also emphasized the need for coordination between their respective offices and the BCBA, regarding numerous constituent questions and concerns, including referrals for protection from abuse representation and other services that the Bar Association does provide through its various committees, sections and programs.

One overriding takeaway from the breakfast was the ongoing need to establish a structure between the BCBA/BCBF and the legislative offices, so that constituent services can be met that may require legal intervention. Notably, it is also helpful to the Bar Association to strengthen its relationship with the legislators so that Bar-related concerns, as well as legislative initiatives promoted by the Bar Association, have an effective and responsive voice in Harrisburg.

While the legislative breakfast provides an extremely helpful forum to the BCBA/BCBF, it is imperative that Bar Association members continue throughout the year to find ways to increase and improve the relationship and communications with the legislators, their offices and staff. Vigilance is important and critical. While the legislative breakfast provides a helpful initial communication mechanism, an ongoing dialogue with the legislators and their staffs is imperative. 

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