2 minute read
By Adam Tanker, Chair of the Member Services Committee
On May 12, 2023, I had the pleasure of hosting a breakfast for new members at the Bar Association in Doylestown. This relatively new tradition is held twice annually and was started last year under Jen Ryan’s tenure as Chair of the Member Services Committee. For the first breakfast of 2023, we were lucky to have over 30 attendees.
The breakfast is a great opportunity for new members to see the wonderful facilities such as the useful conference rooms and meeting spaces and to meet the friendly staff. In addition, new members learn about all the amazing member benefits, interact with members of the Bar Association leadership, and learn how to get the best out of their membership. The breakfast also encourages new members to sign up for committees and sections and to become active within the Bar Association.
After opening remarks by Heather Cevasco, the eloquent Executive Director, which covered the mission of the Bucks County Bar Association and the Bucks County Bar Foundation, the Officers, Board of Directors, and Section and Committee Chairs in attendance spoke about what the Bar Association meant to them. Additionally, they commented on the circumstances that led them to become active within the Bar Association. They also discussed doors that were opened, and opportunities presented to them as a result of their membership.
Before and after the presentations, new members had the opportunity to network with each other and members of the bar association leadership.
In preparing my remarks to give at the breakfast, I was reminded about all of the benefits afforded to members of the Bar Association such as discounted CLE fees, discounted rates on meeting room rentals, access to the Club Room and Carriage Room for informal meetings or a place to relax over their lunch break while in court, free parking, access to LawPay and Caseroads, advertising discounts for the WRITS, access to the Lawyer Referral and Information Services program, access to the Membership Directory and discounts from over 20 local retailers. This is in addition to the networking events, softball game and of course, the fantastic Bench Bar Conference.
In preparing my remarks to give at the breakfast, I was reminded about all of the benefits afforded to members of the Bar Association such as discounted CLE fees, discounted rates on meeting room rentals, access to the Club Room and Carriage Room for informal meetings or a place to relax over their lunch break while in court, free parking, access to LawPay and Caseroads, advertising discounts for the WRITs, access to the Lawyer Referral and Information Services program, access to the membership Directory and discounts from over 20 local retailers. This is in addition to the networking events, softball game and of course, the fantastic Bench Bar Conference.
By the end of the breakfast, the new members in attendance were primed and ready to reap all the benefits of their membership in the Bar Association and were informed as to how they can become active. I enjoyed hosting this breakfast, and I look forward to the next one in the Fall of 2023.
Jocelin A. Price
And Macminn