3 minute read

New Matter

CCBA Officers

Brian L. Nagle, President

Donald B. Lynn Jr., Vice President

James Doyle, Treasure

Catherine H. Voit, Secretary

New Matter Committee

Maria Janoski, Editor

Rami Bishay

Mark Blank, Jr.

Ryan Buchanan

Charles T. DeTulleo

Jennifer Fink

Andrew Lehr

Shannon McDonald

John McKenna

Kim Denise Morton

Mary Wade Myers

Sara Planthaber

Karyn L. Seace

Bill Wilson

CCBA Staff

Greg Nardi

Executive Director

Melissa Willson Communications, Events, and Marketing Manager

The Chester County Bar Association’s quarterly publication, New Matter, has been provided to Bar Association members for four decades. A valuable aspect of CCBA’s membership, New Matter aims to provide our members with information pertaining to current issues facing the practice of law, historic legal issues, continuing legal education opportunities, Chester County Bar Association activities, programs, meetings, functions, practice tips, procedures for attorneys, and items of personal interest to our membership.

The opinions expressed in this material are for general information only and are not intended to provide specific legal or other advice or recommendations for any individuals. The placement of paid advertisements does not imply endorsement by the Chester County Bar Association.

All rights reserved. No portion of this publication may be reproduced electronically or in print without the expressed written permission of the publisher or editor.


Brian L. Nagle, Esquire President Chester County Bar Association

The first quarter of 2023 has vanished in a flash. The Judicial Plebiscite is complete (more on that in a moment) and the Spring Bench Bar went off without a hitch. Only three quarters to go and it seems it will be a Herculean task to accomplish all that I am bound and determined to get done during my term as your president.

I'll share an interesting little tidbit about the history preservation effort we have undertaken. The history committee, a few years back, sat in a room with key bar association members and culled through our association photographs and listed the various people pictured therein. To the members and president who led the task, thank you. Interestingly, that compilation was created prior to our current “cloud” experiment (you know, the one where we all faithfully launch our personal, professional, and financial information into the online or server or whatever stratosphere that stuff goes into) and we discovered that just maybe the computer the information was saved on, well, we might not be 100% sure where that is. I supposed this begs the question: which do you prefer, hard drives lost in basements or on a server “in the cloud” with an unknown location owned by who knows? Well, either way, we are going to figure this thing out and make sure our “history” is properly preserved. More to come in my next report on that subject.

Meanwhile, just to share a little inside scoop, I had mentioned some insane job fair idea to our new Executive Director, Greg Nardi. In talking to other firm leaders and solos, and through my own experience at MacElree Harvey, I got a sense that we are not doing the best job getting good talent to see the true value of this little gem we call Chester County. And almost literally moments after Greg told me how tough it is to host a job fair; he had sent a survey to our membership to get feedback on the subject. Fellow members, I’m pleased to report, this new ED of ours is totally awesome and we will hold our first “Chester County Legal Community Job Fair” on June 8th at the CCBA Building.

Last and of foremost concern to me at the moment, I'll get back to the Judicial Plebiscite. This is not what our forefathers and foremothers envisioned with this process. We should have pushed harder in the last bylaw change. This is too important to be passive. All candidates should be included. By the way, I can’t blame folks who didn’t participate; what benefit is there to candidates who want to run, but don’t really know the membership? That might be the very clue we are looking for: give everyone a fair shot at exposure so they don’t feel they have to stay away. We will have a draft bylaws change on this subject for consideration by the membership at the annual meeting.

Saturday, June 3 | 6 p.m.

Location: Malvern Memorial Cabin (Corner of Monument & Sugartown Rds)

Picnic starts at 6 p.m. followed by a movie at dusk!

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