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In a League of Its Own GRCA’s Signature Summer Event Strikes Up Big Fun for Members
In a league of its own
GRCA’s signature summer event strikes up big fun for members
By Katie Johnsen, Events Coordinator, GRCA Photos by Wayne Becker, Zerbe Photography

The GRCA came to play at First Energy Stadium Thursday, Aug. 9! Because stormy weather delayed the GRCA’s Annual Picnic to its rain date, the more than 400 attendees were able to enjoy a perfect summer day and a stunning sunset. When guests weren’t networking over delicious food and beverages, they grooved to the jazz of the Millhouse Trio and danced with Teacher’s Pet until the very last song.
But that’s not all! GRCA’s new giant Jenga tower was a big hit, and the cornhole games were busy all night long. Thank goodness for the sponsors who cheered on our competitors — Chester Perfetto, EthoSource, East Penn, Met Ed/First Energy, and Shuman Development Group — and for the Great American Creamery for providing congratulatory ice cream afterwards!
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To improve sustainability with our event, members drank out of reusable cups – which they got to bring home – and used compostable plates and utensils.
The Fourth Annual Berks Biz Home Run Derby was the most anticipated event of the evening. After more than a dozen batters, a hard-won victory was scored by East Penn’s Chris Drasher with 191 points.
If it isn’t obvious from the photo booth pictures and all the rest of the action shots taken by Zerbe Photography, members and staff had a blast networking, playing, dancing, eating and drinking. Stay tuned for even more exciting events and opportunities in the fall and beyond!