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The Inn Goes Platinum
The Guy G. deFuria Inn of Court
was awarded “Platinum Status” for 2021-2022 through the American Inns of Court “Achieving Excellence Program.” The American Inns of Court recognizes individual Inns that achieve excellence and make significant contributions in five core competencies: Administration; Communications; Programs; Mentoring; and Outreach.
The history of the Inns of Court can be traced back to the 14th century, and prior to the introduction of bar examinations in the United Kingdom in the 19th century, all lawyers were trained by the Inns through a process similar to an “apprenticeship.” Students and lawyers would live, work, and dine together in the respective Inn to which they belonged and would thus learn the practice of law and skills necessary to serve in the courts.
The Guy G. DeFuria Chapter of the American Inns of Court, a Section of the Delaware County Bar Association, was chartered in 1990. The Mission: To promote excellence, civility, and professionalism in the legal profession and in legal advocacy.
Who was Guy G. deFuria?
No one says it better … An excerpt from MUSINGS ON GUY G. deFURIA delivered to the Inn of Court May 7, 2003, by Alexander A. DiSanti, Esquire.
“The Talmud teaches that ‘when a sage dies, all are his kin’ … Those of us assembled here tonight cannot help but feel kinship with Guy G. deFuria, whose legacy as a man and as a lawyer is that so many of us were fortunate to have had our lives touched and enriched by the force and vitality of his intellect, character and personality. While his corporeal shell may be gone, the inheritance he left us is forever, because the indelible imprint he made upon those acquainted with him was fashioned by the force and power of his mind and spirit, and his ideals and standards are beyond temporal bounds. This Inn of Court’s bearing his name will serve as a constant reminder for years beyond his passing of Guy G. deFuria’s many and varied contributions to the grand and noble profession we pursue.”
Why become a member of the “Inn” crowd?
“The Guy G. deFuria American Inn of Court offers unique opportunities for newer attorneys, as well as experienced attorneys. It allows the practitioners to network with judges and other attorneys and to discuss legal issues that may be of importance to them. Additionally, the Inn presents timely educational programs for which CLE’s are available. There are always perils of wisdom that are offered at every meeting which are not contained in textbooks. These gems help lessen the stress you face on a daily basis” ... The
Honorable John P. Capuzzi, Sr.
“The reasons are many that the Delaware County Chapter of the American Inns of Court known as The Guy G. deFuria Inn of Court has been able to thrive and to endure. The Inn embraces diversity and inclusiveness; it fosters education (CLE accreditation), civility, professionalism, collegiality, society, and yes, fun! Membership is an opportunity to develop your network connections and provide for a greater base of peers to bounce ideas off of and from them, seek advice. The Inn offers support and mentorship programs from where any attorney seeking mentorship can be paired with a volunteer mentor.
Personally, I gained much knowledge and keen insight from speaking with and learning from the judges and seasoned attorneys. Their guidance has been invaluable and was incorporated into my practice. I was a better attorney and counselor due to their assistance.
As an Inn member, I had the opportunity to be a guest of the Temple Inn of Court in London, which was an overwhelming experience. Inn members also have the opportunity to attend the annual gala at the US Supreme Court and meet a Justice and mingle with attorneys from around the country.
If you are interested in being the best, then you need to associate with the best and the Inn members are the best.” The
Honorable William “Chip” Mackrides
Congratulations to Joseph P. Lesniak, 2022 recipient of The Guy
de Furia Inn of Court Award, a part of the larger American Inns of Court Circuit Professionalism Awards, which are awarded each year to a lawyer or judge whose life and practice display sterling character and unquestioned integrity, coupled with ongoing dedication to the highest standards of the legal profession and the rule of law.
The Award was established in 1991 to celebrate the career of this former acting Delaware County District Attorney and distinguished trial lawyer, Guy G. deFuria.
Join Us! Visit the Inn’s website at www.defuriainnofcourt.org. 2022-2023 Guy G. DeFuria Inn of
Court Officers: Mary Jo B. Gilsdorf, Esq., President; Timothy L. Frey, Esq., President Elect, Vice President; Jennifer M. DiPillo, Esq., Secretary; Joseph T. Mattson, Esq., Interim Treasurer; Amanda Davidson, Esq., Pro hoc; Hon. George A. Pagano, Judicial Rep.; Conal P. Hickey, Esq., Immediate Past President; Hon. John P. Capuzzi, Sr., Program Chair; Andrew J. D’Amico, Membership Chair; Robert F. Kelly, Jr., Esq., Mentorship Chair.