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Fall is at our doorsteps!
Hopefully, you have found prior issues of this magazine informative. We look forward to hearing your responses, ideas, and contributions to upcoming editions.
In this edition we are bringing you articles from a legislative report from PAMED, updates for Breast Cancer Awareness Month, a new Continuing Medical Education (CME) program our county medical society and PAMED are rolling out in 2023 for members, and social media and its effect on medicine.
October is breast cancer awareness month. Please read the article “Saving Breasts Saving Lives: Take the First Step.” This is an important topic that everyone needs to be made aware of. As someone whose family has been affected by breast cancer, it is critical to take the time to get checked or to ask someone you care about to get checked.
Most of us use some form of social media. We use it to communicate with friends and family, shop, and research things, including healthcare. Please read the article “Social Media and Medical Information: Dermatologists’ Tips for Identifying Accurate Information” for some excellent tips to better ensure that what you are reading is credible, useful information from legitimate sources.
In the article “The Importance of Quality Improvement in Advancing Health Care and Controlling Costs,” a new concept is discussed and while it is not easy, it is worth reading.
We also are re-running the piece from the Pediatric Cancer Foundation of the Lehigh Valley as we made a proofreading error in our last issue.
We hope you enjoy the magazine and find it both educational and relevant to your interests. If you wish to see past issues, they can be found at https://lcmedsoc.org/ our-publication.
As always, we hope you will enjoy reading our magazine! We will see you again in the next edition.