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The Importance of the Bar Association and Other Professional Associations

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Join your local bar association ASAP, get involved, and participate in the social events. You never know, you may meet someone who will be very important in your future.

Honorable Ann M. Wheatcraft, Chester County Court of Common Pleas

Get involved with the Bar Association much sooner.

Karyn L. Seace, Esq., Seace Elder Law, PLLC

I’d tell myself to join and get involved in the Bar Association. I missed out on years of learning from and networking with my colleagues!

Margaret Rover, Esq.

The importance of your values

This is a service business, not a money making business . Service , ethics. professionalism and collegiality must always prevail.

Samuel Stretton, Esq.

Never compromise your honesty or integrity.

Jamie Goncharoff, Esq., Law Offices of Jamie W. Goncharoff

Work on things you care about! Life is too short to spend much time working for things that do not matter. Have a passion! Be kind and do not worry too much about money. Money will come – enough to make it to tomorrow and beyond if you only care. Be well!

Janet Colliton, Esq., Colliton Elder Law Assocs., PC

There is NO client worth losing your good reputation with fellow attorneys for; clients come and go but a reputation as difficult or untrustworthy can negatively impact the rest of your career. The time WILL come when you need grace from some opposing counsel or fellow attorney. Don’t burn that bridge now for a client you may not even recall when the time comes.

Katherine B.L. Platt, Esq.

Coaching and Mentoring

My advice would be to find an experienced attorney to be your mentor. There are invaluable lessons to be learned from seasoned practitioners.

Steven M. Pacillio, Esq., Omnis Law Group, LLC

Try to work alongside the best lawyer(s) in the practice area you’re interested in, regardless of the money, and watch how they do it.

Barry Rabin, Esq., The Law Firm of Barry S. Rabin

Find a few trusted mentors and don’t be afraid to ask questions!

Elizabeth Srinivasan, Esq.

Have one or two great mentors. Also focus on shadowing more senior attorneys to really learn the practical aspects of being a lawyer and the tricks of the trade.

Jennifer M. Breton, Esq., Buckley Brion McGuire & Morris LLP.

Keeping a Sense of Humor is Always Important

Forget the law and try to get into medical school.

Elliott Goldberg, Esq., DiGiacomo & Goldberg

Buy Microsoft stock.

John A. DiSantis,


A.J., trust me (you), you know that silly website with the awful web design that you just used to sell your law books back for a few bucks, well it’s going to catch on...I know, just stick with me here. Whatever money you make from the law books sale, take it and go buy that company’s stock because it’s less than $2. Just do it and you won’t be practicing law for long. Separately, someday that same goofy company is going to have a slew of drivers that deliver random things to your door, like fragrance free, organic, homeopathic, edible, invisible deodorant; pickleball (it will make sense later) sporting goods; and endless amounts of holiday decorations to celebrate everything from Cinco de Mayo to Victoria Day in Canada –they will visit your house so often you’ll start to wonder if your future wife is having an affair – but don’t worry, she’s not...but thank god you bought that stock because your credit card bill is a doozy.

A.J. Ober, IV, Esq., Law Offices of A.J. Ober, IV & Assoc.

Continued from page 13

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