3 minute read

Why I Teach

By Tiffany Houtz, CVT

My passion and focus have always been enhancing the lives of animals. I started my career as a veterinary assistant in high school. After I graduated from Harcum College and became a certified veterinary technician, I continued working in private practice. I loved helping to treat and care for the patients, but surgery and anesthesia were always my favorite.

During this time, I also found myself taking a management role and training all new employees. As I was training a new employee, one of the veterinarians asked, “Have you ever thought about teaching?” At this point, teaching was a career that had never crossed my mind. It was something I had no interest in. I chose animals for a profession, not teaching. As some questions do, this started a little fire in my stomach. I started to wonder, “Do I possess the qualities and knowledge needed to be a teacher?” I had to try! I sent my resume to local career and technical high schools, all the while thinking I would not get a call. However, a few weeks later, I received a call for an interview at Dauphin County Technical School (DCTS) for a veterinary assistant instructor position. I was offered and ultimately accepted the position. While instructing, I earned my vocational II teaching certificate. Twelve years later, here I am teaching the NAVTA-approved veterinary assistant program at DCTS. I instruct students in grades 9 through 12, helping them discover their career path within our amazing industry. Throughout my professional career, I have experienced many similarities between the worlds of education and veterinary medicine. As veterinary professionals, we educate clients on the best way to care for their pet. We continuously educate and share our knowledge with colleagues on best practices regarding protocols, disease processes, and treatment options. This learning network as a veterinary assistant was a benefit when I entered education. When I first started teaching, I had no idea how devoted and passionate these young students were about our profession. Their excitement is like no other when they learn of their acceptance into the veterinary assistant program. They are thrilled to wear their scrubs, take notebooks full of theory notes, and complete clinical appointments on our patients. Their work ethic is strong. With teamwork and dedication, most of them have high expectations of themselves and their futures.

The are some concrete differences, too! Most veterinary professionals do not scream and go into complete panic when they cut a nail too short or look like they are going to vomit when observing an anal gland expression. Instead of documenting in a medical record, I am writing lesson plans. Now, I log bad behavior instead of placing a caution or muzzle sign on the patient’s file. Every day is still an adventure.

I work with great students with big hearts and a true love of learning. Their determination and unyielding potential inspires them to reach for their dreams. As they learn more medical knowledge and continue to practice their skills, their confidence grows. My students see the endless opportunities available to them in veterinary medicine. It is an honor to watch them find their passion and develop skills in our profession. It is my goal, as an educator, to support students in achieving their highest potential as a veterinary professional. I love sharing my knowledge and experience through teaching. Their successes in veterinary medicine have shown me just how bright the future is in our field.

About the Author: Tiffany Houtz, CVT, is the Veterinary Assistant Instructor at the Dauphin County Technical School (DCTS) is a comprehensive Career and Technical School located in Harrisburg, PA. She can be reached at 717.269.3261, or tbghoutz37@gmail.com.

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