2 minute read
Message from the President
Dear PVMA Members,
Human resources are how people are directed and managed within an organization. The concept of Human Resources is accredited to John Henry Patterson of The National Cash Registrar Co. when, in 1900, he organized a department dedicated to human resource issues of the time. While most job sites are exponentially advanced compared to the industrial conditions that founded this concept, human resources continues to expand, bend and evolve to meet the needs of those it governs.
Workplace satisfaction, organization and overall well-being were concepts that have been stretched to the limit over the past few years with the pandemic. Challenges to workplace safety and changing priorities of workers resulted in Human Resources to continue mixing, matching, and adapting to meet everyone’s needs with the new normals in life. Those involved in Human Resources can likely attest that the pandemic brought some of the biggest challenges to our workforce within this generation.
This issue of The Keystone Veterinarian is dedicated to Human Resources and those who manage HR as we focus on the team. As veterinarians we are reminded daily that we are nothing without our teams. Whether you are a veterinarian, CVT, assistant, practice manager, office staff, animal trainer, lab technician, or any other member of a veterinary team—you are integral in the health and well-being for our larger communities.
While evaluating the team’s role in the community, evaluation of the PVMA’s role has also arisen. Recently, someone asked me, “Does the PVMA still exist?” I didn’t have an immediate answer as I thought that this person was kidding. However, after much consideration, I realized that it was a legitimate, valid question. In this ever-changing world, people want consistency. They want security and comfort. Change is a hard concept to digest, especially when it is being forced upon you from all angles.
Yes, the PVMA still exists, and it will continue to exist. There are numerous individuals who are dedicated to its continuation and wellbeing. While the PVMA may not look or feel exactly the same, we are here. We are working on ways to become more financially fit. We are working on ways to better serve our members and constituents. We are working on ways to better fit our community’s needs. We are and will be working on strengthening our relationships with the University of Pennsylvania and veterinary technician/nursing programs to make sure that we are meeting student needs and expectations. We are evaluating the diversity and inclusion within our organization and working to find ways to assure that everyone is welcome and valued.
We have teamed with a practice management group to help lead our organization. Denise Ott of Atlas Management Inc. has been a welcome addition. Along with her team, she joins our dedicated PVMA employees in continuing PVMA operations. They are meticulously working at helping further organize and develop the management of our finances, conference planning, membership programs, and other day to day duties. Please extend a warm welcome to Denise and her team if you see them at an event!
We are working on a membership survey to make sure that we are meeting your needs within our profession. Please watch for emails for more information about this survey in the coming weeks. While surveys can take a few minutes to complete, please keep in mind that this data is invaluable as we plan for future programs, events, and work to overall serve our members.