7 minute read
Compassion Fatigue
by The Rev. Dr. Jeremiah Sassaman, D.Min., S.T.M., M.Div., EMT
Compassion fatigue is ever present these days. Whether you are reading this as a caregiver, a first responder, or anyone of a million other human vocations that matter, you are tasked with the daily responsibility of giving yourself to the world. Yet, despite the cultural adages and uplifting phrases, there will never be enough compassion to patch everyone up. You may try; but you will fail. You cannot be everything to everyone. I can quote you a bunch of fancy definitions and give you a ton of personal stories. I will not do that though. You already know why you are reading this. You are finding it difficult to care.
Fatigue is a common enough experience. We get physically tired and mentally exhausted, and yes, we also get emotionally exhausted. Each affects us in different ways. Yet when we are emotionally spent, it can have repercussions on our bodies, minds and spirits. We can overcome physical tiredness with a nap, and mental fatigue with a similar rest. Emotional fatigue is not the same. More so when we are tasked with the role of being compassionate providers for others. It is difficult, day in and day out, to hear the same complaints, treat the same broken people and care for the same stricken souls. We know we are supposed to wish all people well and care about every concern that ails our fellow human beings. Yet, we really hit a wall. We just cannot care anymore for those that continually put themselves into the same situations. Drugs and alcohol, dangerous living, overeating and stupid decisions. We get sick and tired of people needing us, when a few moments of forethought or effort would allow us to just stay in bed at the station, or maybe even at home ourselves. So, what do we do about it?
My introduction to being a first responder was very different than that of many. It was in my final year of study in seminary that I decided to become a volunteer with the fire service. The events of September 11th, 2001 drove me to rethink the ways in which I might serve the community as both a newly minted Lutheran pastor, and a willing servant in the emergency services. Serving as a chaplain with the fire service of a small central Pennsylvania town, was my first experience with being a first responder. I had so much to learn. I was excited and ready to change the world.
Fast forward twenty years. I have worked with thousands of people, in hundreds of unique and different emotional, spiritual and even physical situations. I have cared as you have cared and wept as you have wept. Life is hard enough when lived for one. To journey alongside so many and take part in their pain and joy, sorrow and celebration, wears a person down. We become exhausted by simply being compassionate. Unlike being burned out, which is another very real danger, compassion fatigue can hit a person swiftly. It does not always exhibit itself in the same ways for every person and can look very different depending upon the nature of the interactions between the one cared for, and the caregiver. Treating a victim of child abuse can have a very different outcome for providers with children of their own, than it might for single providers fresh out of training. Compassion fatigue may hit you differently when you rescue a pet from a burning building than it might when you resuscitate a young victim of drowning. For each provider the reactions, symptoms and treatments may look different, yet the core truths remain the same. We are fatigued.
“What does compassion fatigue look like?” you may be asking. Well, as stated above, compassion fatigue may present in many ways. Often, we become irritable, dissatisfied, anxious and disconnected from our own compassionate selves. We can lose touch with who we are as caregivers. Especially if we allow our compassion fatigue to remain untreated. Maybe we find ourselves caring less, overstressed and physically exhausted as well. All these things lead to a decreased ability to successfully care about the very ones we strive to care for. Perhaps, we develop self-disgust and feelings of worthlessness. Compassion fatigue can affect us physically as can any form of stress, good or bad. The question becomes, “How do we deal with it?”
Like many things in life, compassion fatigue can be treated. Awareness is the first step in healing. In a similar manner, it is also essential to admit we may have a problem. As a fellow first responder (a chaplain and EMT), I understand the importance of this self-reflection and awareness firsthand. I, like so many, spent years self-medicating in order to fight my fatigue. It was not until I admitted my own problems that I was able to begin healing. After 15 years of sobriety and compassionate caregiving work, I continue to learn, grow and find ways to cope. What I have found though, are several basic things that have made the journey to wellness easier. It may seem obvious, but exercise, proper diet and getting restful sleep all lead to a much more well-balanced self. Seeking out colleagues and caregivers to talk and share experiences is also essential. Even the most quiet and introspective among us are made stronger when we are heard. We are made stronger when someone acknowledges our pain and fatigue. Take plenty of time for family and self. It may not always be easy, yet such self-care can keep you caring for others and serving your neighbors with the energy and drive that called you into compassionate service in the first place.
Over the past years, much has been written, and much spoken about fatigue among those who are called to care. Some of it is easy to digest, and some of it is too technical for me. I encourage you to look and raise your own level of awareness. Find the ways you may be able to instigate conversation and institute policies that take the challenges of a caregiving vocation seriously. You may serve your community as a first responder wearing any one of a dozen different hats, yet you must always take the time to respond to yourself. May your service by satisfying, your hearts remain open, and your minds continue to grow. May God bless you all.
Binge Drinking Facts Binge drinking is the consumption of 4 or more drinks for women or Binge Drinking Facts 5 or more drinks for men, per occasion Binge drinking is the consumption of 4 or more drinks for women or 5 or more drinks for men, per occasion
Nationally, over 4.2 million youth aged 1220 were binge drinkers in the past month In Berks County, 6.2% of students in grades 6, 8, 10, and 12 reported binge drinking in the past two weeks Binge drinking is on the rise among older adults— more than 10 percent of adults ages 65 and older reported binge drinking in the past month In the U.S., one in four women has engaged in binge drinking in the past month
Nationally, over 4.2 million youth aged 1220 were binge drinkers in the past month A higher percentage of females (53%) ages 12-20 binge drink compared to males(47%)
In Berks County, 6.2% of students in grades 6, 8, 10, and 12 reported binge drinking in the past two weeks Binge drinking is on the rise among older adults— more than 10 percent of adults ages 65 and older reported binge drinking in the past month In the U.S., one in four women has engaged in binge drinking in the past month A higher percentage of females (53%) ages 12-20 binge drink compared to males(47%)
61.9 million people age 21 and older in the U.S. report binge drinking 61.9 million people age 21 and older in the U.S. report binge drinking
Binge drinking increased in Berks
County youth 6th graders between 2015 and 2019 Binge drinking increased in Berks County youth 6th graders between 2015 and 2019 White youth have the highest binge drinking White youth have the rate (64%), followed by highest binge drinking Hispanic youth (20%)rate (64%), followed by Hispanic youth (20%)
More than half of underage youth and young adults who use alcohol binge drink Sources: 2019 National Survey of Drug Use and Health 2019 Pennsylvania Youth Survey
More than half of underage youth and young adults who use alcohol binge drink Sources: 2019 National Survey of Drug Use and Health 2019 Pennsylvania Youth Survey