5 minute read
The Equity Stop
By Michelle Dempsky, Esq.
Name Change Clinic
Last year, the Montgomery Bar Association and the Montgomery County Prothonotary’s office engaged in an exciting joint pilot program to offer free name changes for residents of the county. Seven volunteer attorneys assisted twelve Montgomery County residents with their name change petitions via Zoom, drafting and filing the petitions, along with the waiver of filing fees and publication costs for the posting of the hearing notice in the Montgomery County Law Reporter. Ten clinic participants moved forward with their name change petitions and attended their respective hearings in mid-December. DEI Co-Chair Michelle Dempsky and other volunteers represented them at the hearings in mid-December, and all of the petitions were granted. Given the success of the pilot program, we’re happy to announce a second year of the clinic.
While the Montgomery County clinic was open to all County residents, there was a deliberate effort to invite transgender, non-binary, and gender nonconforming individuals. This year, the clinic is being offered this spring as well; any MBA member can volunteer as well. The clinic is currently being tentatively scheduled for Friday, May 19, 2023, between 4:00pm and 8:00pm. Anyone interested in volunteering should note that there is no obligation to appear at the hearing itself, only to assist with the petitions. Volunteers can sign up for one-hour slots in this timeframe, to assist, and the MBA currently offers a recorded DEI CLE on the name change process and social awareness for transgender and non-conforming issues relative to legal practice.
Project Linus
The Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee started off last year with a joint program with the Young Lawyers Section in honor of Martin Luther King, Jr. The Committee members made over 40 new blankets for Project Linus, a non-profit organization that provides new handmade blankets to children in need. Due to the success, the project has been renewed for the current year, and is likely to be an ongoing joint project. Volunteers who wish to contribute can appear at the next DEI meeting on March 8, 2023, at 12:00pm.
Wills for Seniors
In previous years, the Diversity Equity, and Inclusion and Elder Law Committees have teamed up with volunteer attorneys from the Montgomery Bar Association and the Senior Law Center to offer a free simple will, durable power of attorney, and advance medical directive to Montgomery County Seniors. Due to previous successes, the clinic is once again being offered on May 2, 2023. Since the previous in-person clinic was offered in Norristown, this event is being held at the Pottstown Senior Center, 288 Moser Rd #1, Pottstown, PA 19464, to help achieve more coverage across the county. In addition, the MBA offers a free CLE on wills and medical directives and power of attorney for volunteers that wish to assist, and CLE credit will be offered for all volunteers.
Meet & Greet with Local Law School Diversity Members
3/30 5:30pm-7:30pm
On March 30, 2023, the DEI committee will engage in a new project; a meet and greet with local law school students. The event will be held at the MBA building on March 30, 2023, from 5:30 to 7:30pm. This is a chance for students to meet with judges and attorneys in the county, learn of employment opportunities and DEI initiatives, and to have their resume reviewed. The event is open to wider MBA members, and comes with free hors d’oeuvres and drinks, and is a wonderful opportunity to forge connections with incoming attorneys.
North Penn Rainbow Alliance Supreme Court Mock Trial
The DEI committee has previously volunteered attorneys to help guide students in local North Penn High schools in mock Supreme Court oral arguments on real cases involving LGBTQIAA+ issues. The two previous events were a great success, and the DEI committee is eager to assist with the next session, at a date to be determined. Anyone interested in being involved should contact the MBA.
Other Programs:
- Robert Slota Diversity Program: the DEI committee is proud to assist in the diversity program for another year.
- Diversity Book Club: At the next DEI meeting, members are invited to help select books and participate in our novel diversity book club, selecting authors who highlight important DEI issues worldwide.
- Women Networking Event - Collaboration with Women in the Law: the DEI committee is preparing a women’s networking event, at a date to be determined, to foster networking and connections between women in the field of law.
- Career Day at Local High Schools: the DEI committee is proud to be creating a presence at various ‘career days’ at local high schools, for students considering pursuing law as a field. More details will be forthcoming as to dates and times and locations.
ERUC Rent Relief Program Termination
Since the Covid crisis began, the Federal Government dispersed $2.9 billion in funds under the Emergency Rent Assistance Program (ERAP) to the states, to assist tenants who have lost income due to Covid. The program began effective March 13, 2020, and continues through the present. However, not every county is left in the same position. While there is no monetary limit on the amount of assistance a household can receive, the ERAP funding was not unlimited, and many county agencies have already approached the threshold on exhausting available funds. This has caused different counties to either terminate their rent relief programs, or severely limit new applications or eligibility for relief. Unfortunately, due to funding exhaustion, Montgomery County’s program has issued a termination date. Montgomery County: Montgomery County’s ERA program, the Emergency Rent and Utility Coalition (ERUC), run through Your Way Home (YWH) of Montgomery County, will stop accepting applications this year through its partner organizations. The last date that recertifications (re-applications for further assistance) will be accepted is March 31, 2023. Furthermore, no new applications will be accepted after April 1, 2023. Landlords and tenants, and attorney’s practicing in the area of law, should all be aware of the impending closure, as only a few weeks remain to obtain assistance. Priority is given to households with active eviction cases or pay and stay judgments. More information can be obtained at: https:// yourwayhome.org/eruc.
To be eligible, a Montgomery County household merely must show that (1) one or more individuals in the household has qualified for unemployment benefits or experienced a reduction in household income, incurred significant costs, or experienced other financial hardship due, directly or indirectly, to the COVID-19 pandemic, (2) the household can demonstrate a risk of homelessness or housing instability, and (3) the household must be at or below 80% of Area Median Income at the time of application.
To apply, residents are encouraged to call 2-1-1 or text their zip code to 898-211. Applications can be done over the phone, in person, emailed, or a combination. Residents can also reach out to one of six partner organizations below to learn more about the program and apply:
- ALCAMO: www.aclamo.org, (610) 277-2570 (Norristown) or (610) 970-2134 (Pottstown).
- Family Services of Montgomery County: ERU@fsmontco.org or (610) 630-2111 x235.
- Manna on Main Street: www.mannaonmain.org/need-help/ getting-help or call (215) 855-5454.
- CADCOM: Visit www.cadcom.org/pre-screen-formeruc-cadcom.
- Pottstown Cluster of Religious Communities: call (484) 393-5441 or www.pottstowncluster.org/ covidrentutilityassistance.
Special Needs Corporate Trustee
Other Counties: In addition, other surrounding counties have had alterations to their rent relief programs. These programs vary in requirements and funding, but a guide is given here:
Chester County: Chester County’s ERAP program ended September 30, 2022, when the first round of funding was exhausted. However, as of December 12, 2022, Chester County’s Emergency Rental Assistance Program (ERAP) relaunched with new eligibility guidelines to support individuals and families facing court-ordered eviction, in possession of a utility shutoff, or with a need for security deposits to secure permanent affordable housing. Applications are being accepted by the Chester County Department of Community Development (DCD).
Delaware County: Delaware County’s Emergency Rental Assistance (Delco ERA) program CLOSED Saturday, September 10, 2022. Applications filed on or before September 10, 2022 at 4:00 p.m. were processed until funds reached 100% exhaustion; no further relief is available.
Bucks County: On September 2, 2022, Bucks County announced changes to the Bucks Emergency Rental Assistance (BERA) program. The BERA webpage states, “eligible tenants can receive 3 total months of financial assistance, including utilities, with up to 1 month of prospective rent assistance. This financial assistance is one time only, and additional funds will not be made available.”