ANNUAL REP ORT 2011-2012
DEAR FRIENDS, We’ve used our tagline “connecting people with ideas” for more than 25 years, and it continues to be an accurate representation of our mission. So often, we talk about the “ideas” side of the equation. Over the last two years, it was really the people – connecting with one another – that defined our work. When our original play Dreaming Again toured the state last spring, telling the New Hampshire immigration story from the early settlers to today, a transformational exchange took place. Performers and audience members alike experienced the connecting power of the play’s stories of escape, survival and homemaking in a new land. Through the play and the other events in our three-year project, Fences & Neighbors: New Hampshire’s Immigration Stories, we reflected on the meaning of the American Dream, then and now, and thought about what it means for our children. In the creation of our new bilingual picture book, The Story of a Pumpkin, we invited refugees from Bhutan to share their traditional stories with us. This book, in the hands of librarians and elementary school teachers around the state, is serving to introduce neighbors to one another, building bridges of understanding across cultures. And, as part of our adult literacy program, Connections, it will facilitate English language acquisition among natives and newcomers alike. Beloved Humanities to Go presenters now have groupies, who travel wherever their favorite speakers are appearing. They join crowded rooms of local folks for evenings of laughter, learning, and spirited conversation. And many talented new presenters offering a dazzling array of new programs joined our Humanities to Go speakers bureau through our new catalog released in the fall. We hope you enjoy perusing this Annual Report and exploring through words and images the many worlds that have come together to celebrate the power and pleasure of the humanities in our lives.
Sylvia McBeth Chair, Board of Directors
Deborah Watrous Executive Director
For almost four decades, the New Hampshire Humanities Council has been bringing the thrill of discovery and the power of ideas to people of all walks of life, from all corners of our state. WE SUPPORT local cultural and educational institutions during hard economic times by awarding grants for innovative educational programs and capacity-building.
WE INVITE citizens to reason together, to learn from and listen to one another. WE OFFER teachers cost-effective, content-rich professional development that strengthens the teaching of the humanities in our schools.
WE DEVELOP communities of readers, especially among those struggling with literacy and those new citizens just learning about their new culture and government. Our programs connect people to culture, history, places, ideas and one another.
In 2011 and 201 2 we fu nded program s in mor free e than cities an New H d towns ampshi reachin re g more than Granite Staters a with mo nd part re than nering commu nity org anizatio ns.
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FENCES & NEIGHBORS New Hampshire’s Immigration Stories
“I was happy to see the confidence of the women and feel their strong desire to tell their stories. This clearly provided an important outlet for them as well as an education for others. You have created something unbelievably important for these women…and for the rest of us.” WHOLE CLOTH PROJECT PARTICIPANT, CONCORD, NH
, tion Stories e’s Immigra ir sh p g m u a ew H te thro h ranite Sta eighbors: N G N e & ht th s ce in l en ve, F ich broug arriva Cloth, wh ear initiati riences of e le -y p o e x h e re W th re g s a r ie in Ou clud ities to sh communit projects in opportun fiber art, to d aborative n ll a presented s co gram y rd it o n ld in w School pro of commu ities After women, to n e a e m g a number orld u fu w H re e ’s ollege lore th of African Anselm C nce to exp a t in ch a the stories y of a S , it . e rs rn ir Unive ative bo w Hampsh ities at the n rant and n a ig m across Ne m u e, H im th pshir a r the udents, bo New Ham Center fo e in e th p o d New n H offered st A d n ies. fugees to ache a e humanit l recent re ted: Heart o ra e ro v p e state. se U th f d through th o ss ies acro e stories e produce it n th ir u sh ld m p to m m a ly id in co New H ry that viv were held documenta iscussions d rs grant. d n a s g powerful Neighbo screenin ences & m F il a F y . b e ed ct, fund Hampshir je Cloth pro e Whole nts in th a ip ic rt Pa artlett. Susan B Photo by
FENCES & NEIGHBORS New Hampshire’s Immigration Stories
“With a convincing dialect or deft mannerism, a well-placed drum riff, or a simple twist of the scarf, the ensemble of Dreaming Again transported its audiences into the emotional, legal, political, cultural, and economic landscapes of NH’s immigrants and refugees. The oral histories of escape, survival, and homemaking, from the Amoskeag Mills in 1850 to Laconia in 2010, lived on stage with such power that a Sudanese woman spontaneously shouted her own strong lines along with actress Lydia Hannibal— ‘Down, down Al-Bashir!’” Dreaming Again project evaluator Emily Archer
event in our culminating e th as ay pl oned a on Stories. ncil commissi re's Immigrati hi ou ps C s am ie tor it H an ew ichele, Direc ghbors: N The Hum Genevieve A Fences & Nei , by ve ti en ia tt it e ri in at w ay te St three-year al dramatic pl ories of Grani in is an origin sed on the st ga ba A d g ns offered an in , ia ct ic am je us re ro D heatre P cast and m T al re on hi si ps es of am pr ter, Gorham, esent. A of the New H onia, Manches , past and pr ac es L ge in s fu ce re d en an ic audi immigrants to enthusiast ces last spring an m laremont. or C rf d pe ten tsmouth an or P , ne ee K , er Concord, Dov . heryl Senter Photo by C
“Our young people will ask many questions about how life used to be in Bhutan when parents and grandparents told folk stories to the children. Your work will help to make the lives of refugees in their new home better.� TIKARAM ACHARYA, EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, BHUTANESE COMMUNITY OF NEW HAMPSHIRE
Connections is a book discussion program offered education classe in collaboration s, the prisons, re with adult basic fu gee resettlement supporting adul organizations, an t literacy and En d other nonprofit glish language ac s Bhutanese Nepal quisition. In 2011 i Folktale Projec w e initiated the t, a collaboration w interpreters, tra ith Bhutanese sto nscribers, and th rytellers, artists, e Bhutanese Com traditional folkta munity of New les from their na H am pshire to record tive culture with in English and N the goal of prod epali. In the sum uc in g a picture book mer of 2012 we a Folktale Festiva launched The St l where we shar or y of a Pumpkin with ed stories, food, Pumpkin has been music and danc distributed to lib ing. The Story of ra rie a s and schools thro available to purc ughout the state hase through th and is e University Pres s of New Englan Photo by Deb Cram d. .
“The many programs you offer provide not only cultural and educational opportunities for smaller communities like ours, but also help reinforce our New England heritage.� CHRISTINE FOGG, BELMONT HISTORICAL SOCIETY
Humanities to Go is our spea kers bureau, of community or fering 200 hum ganizations ac anities progra ross New Ham ms to Granite Stater pshire reaching s. In 2011 the N tens of thousa H Business an nds of success of Hum d Industry Ass anities to Go w ociation recogn ith its N ized the H Advantage audition for ne Award. In 2012 w programs an d w un e he ve ld an iled a revised an catalog features d expanded ca programs on th talog. The new e Chinook, a N explorers to th ew Hampshire e South Pole; th -bred dog that e documents be they tell us; th pulled hind the Salem e undying appe W itch trials and al of Sherlock H cellar holes. L what olmes; and the earn more and secrets revealed browse the on by -line catalog at Humanities to Go presen www.nhhc.or ter Joan Gat g. Photo by turna as Cheryl Senter .
Rachel Revere .
CONSTITUTIONALLY SPEAKING “I don’t believe there is any problem of American politics and public life that is more significant today than the pervasive civic ignorance of the Constitution of the United States and the structure of government.” Justice David H. Souter
llaboration y Speaking, in co all ion ut tit ns Co e, itiativ to be n a new major in Law, and the soon In 2012 we bega e UNH School of th ty, : to cie ng ki So t ea ur Sp preme Co titutionally with the NH Su The aim of Cons n. io at uc t Ed ou c ab vi dialogue tute for Ci civil yet spirited created NH Insti ens of all ages in iz cit re hi ort for the ps pp su am to galvanize d engage New H an e tim r ou of e launched the utional issues in our schools. W n important constit io at uc ed ics at the Capitol meaningful civ ce David Souter sti Ju reintroduction of ith w t en ev School of ber with a public posium at UNH project in Septem ovember 17 Sym N A d. or n. The nc tio Co na rts in across the Center for the A nal experts from io ut tit ns co ming, and m ed ra sh stingui , K-12 prog Law featured di ity conversations un m m co ith w .com. s in 2013 nallyspeakingnh project continue www.constitutio at e or m n ar Le public events. Wolowitz. Photo by David
“I’m a big believer in the idea that we swim in a river of knowledge. Some of the information that comes and flows through us comes from our distant past and we call that genetics. Some of it comes in the form of art and culture and music and ideas and we call that the humanities. It is what flows through us and forms us.” David Brooks, 2011 Annual Dinner Keynote Speaker
“Faith isn’t meant to accommodate people to injustice, but rather to give them the means to challenge it.” Ambassador Andrew Young, 2012 Annual Dinner Keynote Speaker
Our 22nd Annual Dinner with David Brooks and our 23rd Annual Dinner with Andrew Young and Kabir Sehgal attracted capacity audiences to the Center of New Hampshire in support of our sole annual fundraising event. PHOTOS BY DEB CRAM.
“This film will endeavor to capture the vibrant, centuries-long interplay between this classic piece of civic architecture on the one hand, and the activities of the men and women of the community on the other—an interplay often seasoned with either grace or controversy, for this building has always mattered a great deal for this town.” Ron Jager, Project Humanist
2011 MINI GRANTS Mt. Kearsarge Indian Museum Speakers Series: More than Beads and Baskets The Lives and Works of Native American Women
World Affairs Council of NH Speaker Series - Primary Concerns: Critical Foreign Policy Issues at the 2012 Ballot Box
White Mountains Community College The Northern Forest: A Discussion Series
Exeter Historical Society Traces of the Trade Documentary Film Showing and Panel Discussion
Society for the Protection of NH Forests Century of White Mountain Conservation: Celebrating the Weeks Act Lecture by Conservation Historian Char Miller
Hopkinton Town Library Marie Curie Living History Presentation and Introduction to Young Chautauqua Camps
World Affairs Council of NH Speakers Series: After Iraq-US Foreign Policy and Moral Dilemmas in the New Middle East
Arts Alliance of Northern NH Caravanserai: A Place Where Cultures Meet – History and Culture Discussion
Souhegan High School Ethics Forum HYPE Day Philosophy Conference
Saint Anselm College Meelia Center for Community Engagement 2011 Humanities After School: Exploring the World of Human Greatness
NH Timberland Owners Association Living History Presentation: First Forester Gifford Pinchot Historical Society of Cheshire County Educators Book Group: The Great Depression and the Second World War
Hillcat Community Theatre Benny Pierce Project: Post-performance Talks
Keene Public Library Chautauqua 2012: Building Common Ground – Community, Compassion & Civility Berlin Public Library “The Way We Worked” in the North Country: Exhibit and Lecture Series First Congregational Church Wolfeboro Poetry & the Social Conscience Daylong Workshop Friends of the Dublin Library Recasting Monadnock’s Classics: Reading, Art, Discussion and Writing Series The Fells Emancipation Proclamation Sesquicentennial Event: Lincoln Living History Presentation and History Lecture Fuller Public Library The Big Read: Edgar Allan Poe Discussion Series New Hampton Historical Society Oral History Project Howe Public Library Everyone is Reading: Donovan Hohn’s Moby-Duck
Colby Sawyer College Storytellers Multigenerational, Multimedia Series
2011 MAJOR GRANTS Keene State College Cohen Center for Holocaust and Genocide Studies 2011 Summer Teacher Institute
Historical Society of Cheshire County Teacher Workshop: Living Through the Great Depression & Second World War
The Washington Historical Society Washington Meetinghouse Documentary: Phase 2 - Video Production
Keene Public Library Keene Chautauqua 2011: A Celebration of Southern Writers
Institute for Art-Based Literacy Our Stories in Pictures & Words: Immigration Now and Then Exhibition, Teachers Workshop and Lecture
Keene State College Adam’s Vision, Book XI, Paradise Lost Dramatic Reading and Panel Discussion
Strawbery Banke Museum Fitz John Porter: Civil War Hero or Coward? Exhibition and Lecture Series
Historical Society of Cheshire County Teacher Workshop: Embracing the Native Heritage in the Monadnock Region
New Hampshire Public Radio NH’s Immigration Story Radio Series and Website
World Affairs Council of NH International Film and Discussion Series
2012 QUICK GRANTS Home Health & Hospice Care Helping, Fixing, Serving: Conversations for Caregivers
2012 MAJOR GRANTS Saint Anselm College Meelia Center for Community Engagement 2012 Humanities After School: Exploring A World of Human Greatness
Hopkinton Historical Society Along the Basket Trail: Talks and Hands-on Demonstrations on Native American Basket Making Mount Washington Observatory Mount Washington Valley Weeks Act Centennial Lecture Series Concord Public Library Foundation Concord Reads: Warren St. John’s Outcasts United Henniker Youth Theatre Amy Cheney Beach Stories: Theater Workshop and Pre-and Post-Performance Talks
Historical Society of Cheshire County Educators Book Group: Abenaki Culture and History
Arts on the Edge Wolfeboro Singing Words: Daylong Workshop Celebrating Poetry, Music, & the Creative Spirit
Newington Historical Society From Vanceboro to Comedy Central: How Louis deRochemont Shaped Modern News
Friends of the Conway Public Library One Book One Valley 2011: Tom Ryan’s Following Atticus
NH World Fellowship Center Building Community with Stories: Workshop on the Art of Gathering & Presenting Oral History
2012 MINI GRANTS Ascanius: The Youth Classics Institute Eureka Conference 2012: Teacher Workshop White Mountains Community College Forests & Mountains: Living & Working in the North Country Discussion Series
Plymouth State University Museum of the White Mountains Passing Through: The Allure of the White Mountains Historic New England “The Way We Worked”: Traveling Exhibit UNH Center for the Humanities Fade to Black: Recovering New Hampshire’s Buried African American History Documentary Pre-Production
DONORS OPEN CIRCLE DONORS November 1, 2010 - October 31, 2012 The Humanities Council is grateful for the significant unrestricted support of donors who have made a gift of $1,000 or more. We recognize the Leadership Circle (donors pledging multi-year support of $1,000 or more) by listing their names in bold. Doug & Mitzi Barrett Charles & Barbara Bickford, The John Bickford Foundation John & Pamela Blackford Dan & Blythe Brown Foundation of the New Hampshire Charitable Foundation J. Willcox Brown & Natale L. Brown Trust William L. Chapman Frank & Irja Cilluffo The Geoffrey E. Clark & Martha Fuller Clark Fund of the New Hampshire Charitable Foundation Couch Family Foundation Sally W. Crawford & Peter F. Wells Jere & Elena Daniell Ronald & Sharon Dean Dianne & Dayton Duncan H. Newcomb & Sally M. Eldredge Lucia Ewing Tom Ewing Drs. Lorne & Nona Fienberg Mr. & Mrs. James L. Garvin Priscilla W. Gemmill Robert & Mary Gile Kathy & Bill Gillett Robert & Beverly Grappone Katherine M. Hanna Patricia Hicks Dr. Lourdes N. Jimenéz & Dr. Daniel M. Kervick Cleve Kapala & Lucia Kittredge Thomas & Kristina Lucas Joseph & Theresa Marcille Sylvia & Craig McBeth Selma Naccach-Hoff & Paul Hoff Dan Nelson The Honorable Robert P. Odell, Jr. Jim & Judy Putnam Jack & Carol Resch Terry & Linda Robinson Marshall G. Rowe Michael & Sheila Satzow Tracy & Wally Schier Ms. Cathleen A. Schmidt Marjorie & Peter Smith Bryant F. Tolles, Jr. Michael & Janet Ward Deborah & Richard Watrous David H. Watters & Janice M. Alberghene Susan & James Wright Anne & Kimon Zachos
PROGRAM SPONSORS CHARLES G. BICKFORD FUND FOR INNOVATION Charles & Barbara Bickford, The John Bickford Foundation
CONNECTIONS Bank of America Foundation Norwin S. & Elizabeth N. Bean Foundation The Bishop's Charitable Assistance Fund Susan Danoff Devine Millimet Endowment For Health Lucia Ewing Kathy & Bill Gillett Lincoln Financial Foundation Manchester Visiting Nurse Association McIninch Foundation Merrimack County Savings Bank Foundation Park Street Foundation St. Mary's Bank DOROTHY B. OSBORNE FUND FOR EDUCATION Joseph & Theresa Marcille FENCES & NEIGHBORS: NH'S IMMIGRATION STORIES John & Pamela Blackford The Duprey Companies Endowment For Health Evans Printing Hermanos Cocina Mexicana New Hampshire Charitable Foundation Putnam Foundation Red River Theatres Lincoln Financial Group National Endowment for the Humanities TransCanada HUMANITIES TO GO Adam Boyce Bank of America Foundation National Endowment for the Humanities, We the People New Hampshire Historical Society The Neil and Louise Tillotson Fund TransCanada CONSTITUTIONALLY SPEAKING The Badger Fund of the NH Charitable Foundation D. McLeod Florist Endicott Furniture The Hoffman Family Foundation Paul and Sandra Montrone NH Bar Foundation The New Hampshire Charitable Foundation The Treat Foundation ANNUAL DINNER Public Service of New Hampshire Dartmouth College Bank of America TransCanada People’s United Bank University of New Hampshire TD Bank Lincoln Financial Group Comcast Dartmouth Hitchcock Devine Millimet Cambridge Trust Company Citizens Bank Saint Anselm College
William L. Chapman Dianne & Dayton Duncan The Duprey Companies Derryfield School Granite Investment Advisors Hinckley, Allen & Snyder LLP Hypertherm McLane, Graf, Raulerson & Middleton, P.A. Nathan Wechsler & Company NHTI - Concord's Community College Northeast Delta Dental Orr & Reno, P. A. Pax World Investments Phillips Exeter Academy Rivier University St. Paul’s School Sheehan Phinney Bass + Green PA Southern New Hampshire University Fidelity Investments Grappone Automotive Group Ledyard National Bank Northland Forest Products Stonyfield Farms, Inc.
UNRESTRICTED GIFTS The hundreds of free public programs the New Hampshire Humanities Council makes available each year would not be possible without the generous support of our donors. Your gifts help us reach more than 100,000 Granite State citizens of all ages with opportunities for lifelong learning and civil conversations on topics of importance to us all. Thank you to the following donors whose gifts to the Council between November 1, 2010 and October 31, 2012 helped to bring the power of the humanities to the citizens of New Hampshire. Anonymous (117) Anonymous in honor of Marjorie Smith Bill & Jean Abbott Carole Abbott Richard Abel & Roberta Berner in honor of Nona & Lorne Fienberg Abraham Burtman Charity Trust Accompany Frank Ackerman Acorn Financial Janice R. Adams Francis & Gillian Aguilar Ms. Marian Akey Col. & Mrs. James C. Allard Bruce Allen Dr. & Mrs. E. John B. Allen Katherine W. Allen Rev. & Mrs. John S. Allen The Honorable Susan W. Almy Sarah & Benge Ambrogi Heather & Richard Ames Amoskeag Questers Ken Andersen Janet S. Anderson Leroy J. Anderson Patrick & Betsy Anderson Shirley C. Anderson
Dr. Timothy & Mrs. Ann Antaya Roberta Arbree Emily & Herb Archer Jean D. Arkwell Elizabeth W. Arms Denise T. Askin & Walter J. Noyalis James B. Atkinson Marion R. Austin Paul & Mary Avery Andi Axman Dr. Victor Azzi Merwyn & Carol Bagan Robin Rolfe Bagley Dr. Brigitte Bailey Harriett H. Bailey Mr. & Mrs. Ernest L. Bainton, Jr. Ms. Louise Baker Gwyn Baldwin Ms. Lori Baldwin Peter & Carolyn Baldwin Bank of America Stephen & Gail Barba David & Fay Barden Bill & Betty Bardsley Patricia A. Barker David & Margaret Barnes Lawrie & Carol Barr Richard & Susan Barr in memory of Maryse V. Conway Catherine Barrett Doug & Mitzi Barrett John & Beth Bartlett Mr. & Mrs. Peter S. Bartlett Frances Baschnagel Margaret M. Bashe Cecily Bastedo Mr. Russell Bastedo Jane Baugh & Dick Thompson in memory of Mary Osgood Rebecca R. Baum Wendy Bayles-Dazet Mary I. Beale Dottie Bean Mr. & Mrs. James Beattie Peter & Gail Beckett Frank & Catherine Behrens Dr. Barbara Beierl in honor of all my cats, past, present & future Joe & Judy Beliveau Arno A. Bellack Margaret & Malcolm Bennett Clare Bensley Randy & Carolyn Benthien Pauline C. Bergevin Linda & Richard Beyer Rajat Bhattacharya Bi State Primary Care Association Charles & Barbara Bickford, The John Bickford Foundation Christine W. Bird John & Pamela Blackford Jill K. Blackmer &. Arpy Saunders Mark & Kathy Blanchard Peter & Peg Blume David & Elizabeth Blundell The Boston Educational Network
Henry E. Bothfeld Mr. & Mrs. Ron Boufford Philip & Suzanne Boulter Nancy Belfield Bower Peter Bowman in memory of Suzanne Bowman Edward M. Bradley The Reverend Michael L. Bradley Paula Bradley in memory of Bill Bradley Daniel Brand Ingrid Braulini Ann Brayfield Alexandra T. Breed & Douglas P. Hill Dr. & Mrs. R. Huntington Breed II Dr. & Mrs. Frederick Briccetti in honor of Lisa & Peter Sands' 20th Anniversary Mrs. Ann M. Bridge Eleanor Briggs Muriel & Edward Broad Barbara Broderick Vincent Broderick Kathy Brodsky Elaine Brody Clara Brogan in memory of Edward Brogan Allen & Joanne Brooks Dr. Roger C. Brooks & Carol D. Brooks Michael Brosnan Dan & Blythe Brown Foundation of the New Hampshire Charitable Foundation J. Willcox Brown & Natale L. Brown Trust Kenneth & Diane Brown Tafi Brown Ms. Kathy Brownback & Mr. Harvey Shepard Sherry Bryant Linda O. Bundy Emilie & Tom Burack Linda & Arnie Burdick Robert Burnett-Kurie Mr. & Mrs. David M. Burrowes The Honorable Elizabeth B. Burtis Judith Buswell & David Stamps James S. Butler Hope Z. Butterworth Mr. Eric A. Bye Joan C. Camann Stephen Camann Cambridge Trust Company Pete & Nancy Cameron Mr. George Carlisle & Ms. Joanne Thorpe Lorna Carlisle Carl Carlsen Barbara Carpenter Janet & Curt Carr Kathleen A. Carr John & Diana Carroll Esther M. Carstensen Yolan F. Carter R. Cassels-Brown John Cerullo Nancy Chaddock Alice Chamberlin Jack & Dianne Chambers Alan R. Chandler Col. & Mrs. John Chandler Mr. Philip Chandler Susan & Wells Chandler
Helen Thayer Chapell William L. Chapman Ms. Jane Charlesworth Dr. Brinda Charry George & Sally Chase Marjorie P. Chase Robert S. Chase Jean L. Chester Sandra J. Chick Chickering and Company, CPA Michelle Chicoine & David Goldman Peng-Khuan Chong Frederick H. Chormann, Jr. Jane H. Christie John & Sharon Churchill Ciborowski Associates Citizens Bank Carolyn Cicciu Frank & Irja Cilluffo Myra Citrin & Robert Millstein Charles & Margery Clark Charles & Priscilla Clark Dr. & Mrs. Donald W. Clark Edie Clark Eloise Clark The Geoffrey E. Clark & Martha Fuller Clark Fund of the New Hampshire Charitable Foundation Jonathan & Diane Clarner Alan & Suzanne Cleveland Bill & Ki Clough John Clough Marshall & Jane Clunie Eleanor Cochran Arline & Tom Cochrane Joan & Philip Coggin in honor of Amanda Coggin Dr. Arthur E. Cohen, MD in memory of Ruth Cohen Burt & Patty Cohen Devra H. Cohen, MD & Marc M. Sadowsky, MD Richard & Jan Cohen in honor of Sylvia McBeth Eleanor H. Colby Pamela Coleman in memory of Alice Higgins Pamela Coleman in memory of Ray & Winnie Coleman Robert Colgate Richard & Ruth Colwell Carol Ann Conboy Wendy Conquest Bradford & Kathleen Cook Richard Cook & Rebecca Courser Mr. & Mrs. Peter R. Cooke Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Cooper Mr. & Mrs. Thomas C. Cooper Ms. Heidi Copeland Susan & Douglas Copley David & Judy Corbit Rupert & Wilma Corrigan Alvin B. & JoAnn M. Corzilias Linda & William Cotter Anita & John Cotton Couch Family Foundation Clarence D. Coupe
Marc Couture Edythe L. Craig, D.O. Sally W. Crawford & Peter F. Wells Charles & Susan Crickman Bruce Cronhardt Don Crowell Croydon Historical Society Richard & Jane Cunningham Dan & Joyce Curll Glenn & Susanne Currie Edwina Czajkowski John & Jean D'Espinosa Steve & Edie Daigle Dan Dailey & Linda MacNeil Ms. Candice J. Dale Wright & Claire Danenbarger Jere & Elena Daniell Kimberly Danosi Arlene A. Dart Dartmouth College Virginia Davidson Helen Davie Heidi Dawidoff in memory of Joan Hanchett Heidi Dawidoff in honor of Carol Brock, Librarian of Francestown Catherine-Ann & John P. Day Mary Deal in honor of Jan Alberghene & David Watters Ronald & Sharon Dean Thomas & Dorcas Deans Deerfield Historical Society Robin DeRosa Susan Deschenes Devine Millimet George & Janet Devito Dianne M. Dickson Jeffry M. Diefendorf Julia M. DiStefano Elena Dodd in honor of Lynda Patton & James Spruill of Winchester Charles B. Doleac Brian & Margaret Donaher Mr.& Mrs. Robert Donin Daniel Donnellan Nancy S. Donnelly Philip & Virginia Doster Joan Doty Larry & Ann Douglas Lynn & Tim Douillette Mr. & Mrs. William D. Downall Mr. & Mrs. Richard Doyle Katherine Drisko Eric & Antoinette Drouart Andrea Dudley & Richard Masse Caroline & Walter Dueger Sam & Diane Dugan Anna F. Duke Dianne & Dayton Duncan Bill & Sue Dunlap Stephen M. Duprey Sylvio & Cecile Dupuis Claudette Durocher Cedric Dustin III Dick & Nancy Dutton Albert & Christine Dwyer Christine Dwyer
Dick & Linda Dyer Aurore Eaton Patricia W. Eckels Effingham Historical Society John & Anne Egan H. Newcomb & Sally M. Eldredge Judith Eliasberg in memory of Leah Mathios Michael Elwell George T. & Sally C. Embley Warren & Julia Emley Martha R. English Robert & Alfrieda Englund Episcopal Diocese of New Hampshire Howard & Priscilla Epstein Kathy & Dick Erskine Jessica L. Eshleman & Jim Rood Mr. & Mrs. Joseph H. Eshleman, Jr. Peter H. Estabrooks & Esther Leiper-Estabrooks Peter H. Estabrooks & Esther Leiper-Estabrooks in honor of Steve Taylor Paul & Gisela Estes Bob & Mary Lou Evans Evans Printing Company, Inc. Douglas E. Evelyn Mary S. Ewert Lucia Ewing Tom Ewing Mr. & Mrs. Robert Fairweather Steve Farish & Jeanette Heidmann Farmington Historical Society Edward & Mary Jane Farmlett Linda S. Farnham William & Carol Farrell Charles & Charlotte Faulkner Ms. Deborah Fauver, Esq. Federation of State Humanities Councils Scott Feinberg Lewis M. Feldstein Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Fellows William S. Felton Mr. Michael K. Ferber Roderick Ferland Fidelity Investments Drs. Lorne & Nona Fienberg Esther Fishman Barbara Fitzgerald Candace Flanders Dick & Kathie Flanders The Honorable Joseph W. Fleck Hilda W. Fleisher Donald & Paula Flemming Mrs. Mary F. Flinn Dr. & Mrs. Richard Foemmel Maggie Fogarty Tim & Sally Fontneau Bill & Joan Ford Lorraine Fortier Joanne Foulk & Denis Kelemen Ed & Ruth Fowler Elenore Freedman Mr. & Mrs. Carroll D. French Mr. & Mrs. David E. French Kevin & Susan Frewert Roger & Kathryn Frieden
DONORS Merle Luber Friedenberg Friends of the Davis Public Library Friends of the Moultonborough Public Library Friends of the Wolfeboro Library Helen H. Frink Patricia Frisella Richard M. Frye Mary Lou Fuller James E. Furman Ms. Helen Kay Galloway Edith Gambee Carolyn & Louis Gargasz John Garvey & Cotton Cleveland Mr. & Mrs. James L. Garvin Michael & Diane Gavrish Stephen & Carol Gehlbach Louise & Wayne Gehman Richard & Shari Gelber Janyce & Stan Gemborys Priscilla W. Gemmill Stephen & Luane Genest Charles & Patricia Gerhan Rosemary Gianno Gibson's Bookstore Laura Jean Gilbert in memory of Lincoln J. Gilbert Robert & Mary Gile Ann Giles Jean Gillespie Kathy & Bill Gillett William R. Gilvary, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Filson H. Glanz Timothy C. Glover Dr. Robert Goodby Nancy Goodell George W. Goodloe Lynn R. Cozza Goodman Bruce & Jennifer Goodwin Willard W. Goodwin Eva Goss & Mike Pratt Eliga Gould & Nicolletta Gullace Kenneth & Selma Gould Dr. & Mrs. Frank Graf Fred & Ann Graf Herbert F. Gramm Granite Investment Advisors Grantham Historical Society Grappone Automotive Group Robert & Beverly Grappone David & Barbara Green Mary E. Green Fay & Michael Greenberg Ethel Greenspan Mr. & Mrs. Peter Greer Janice Gregory Ruth K. Griffin in memory of Forest B. Griffin Mr. & Mrs. Charles Griswold Richard David Grossman Rita E. Grote Gruber Foundation Ruth P. Gulick Allan E. Gurney Rhonda & Mark Gurney Mary Ann Haagen & Charles DePuy
Ann T. Hackett Dennis & Liz Hager Mr. & Mrs. Richard Haines Jean Haley Mr. Stanton Hallinan Mary Hamblet Christina Hamilton Maryann M. Hamilton Bob & Margaret Hamm Christine Hamm Evie Hammerman Doris Hampton Peg & Harry Hampton Reverend & Mrs. Bayard Hancock Mary Louise Hancock Katherine M. Hanna Laurie Harding & Peter Mason Sam & Betsey Harding Ruth E. Harlow Mr. & Mrs. H. E. Harrington, Jr. Mr. Joel Harrington Andrew T. Harris in memory of Ted Harris Mrs. Joan V. H. Harris Ms. Margaret Harris Carolyn Hartnett Wayne & Peg Hartz in memory of living & past parents Cynthia & Michael Harvell Harvest Capital Ann Hasbany June Haskell Governor Margaret W. Hassan & Mr. Thomas Hassan Richard & Joan Hastings Phil Hatcher & Peggy Kieschnick James V. & Susan M. Hatem Doug & Judy Hatfield Mr. Karl Hauck Anna C. Hayden Rev. & Mrs. Dwight S. Haynes Tom Haynes & Carin Torp Ms. Mary Heath Norman M. Henderson in memory of Elizabeth T. Henderson Steven & Elizabeth Durfee Hengen Hugh Hennedy Jack & Susan Herney Chris & Irene Herold Andy Hertig & Jane Carr Richard & Shirley Hesse Patricia Hicks Richard High, Ph.D. Susan Hilchey & Robert Gagnon Tom & Kathryn Hildreth in honor of Lorne Fienberg Mr. Samuel Hinchey Hinckley, Allen & Snyder LLP Donald & Mary-Lou Hinman Jay & Marjorie Hodes Dr. Jamison Hoff John E. Hoffman John & Patricia Hoffman Marilyn & Alan Hoffman Sally H. Hollaman Carolyn & Philip Hollman Jim & Elise Hood
Anne L. Hostage Ann Marie Howard Constance B. Howard Tom Howe & Sarah Thorne Frances A. Howland Dardana Hoyt Mr. Phil Hueber Barbara H. Hughes Richard & Anne Hunnewell James & Cynthia Hunt Susan & Beatty Hunter Ms. Theresa Huntley Mr. & Mrs. Lee Hurst, Jr. Andre & Barbara Hurtgen Sandra J. Hyslop Mr. & Mrs. Anthony L. Introcaso Martin Isaks Ann & Carl Jacobs Mr. & Mrs. Carl B. Jacobs, Jr. Jay C. Jacobs Marvin & Nancy Jager Drs. Lee S. &. Rosemary Jahnke Harold & Betsy Janeway Mr. & Mrs. Milton Janosky Linda M. Jansky Florence M. Jarrell Katie & Ray Jarvis Richard W. Jarvis Ms. Eleanor Jenkins James R. Jensen Dr. Lourdes N. JimenĂŠz & Dr. Daniel M. Kervick E. L. Johnson Jacqueline F. Johnson Kathy Johnson in honor of Dot & Stan Johnson Margaret A. Johnson Marilyn P. Johnson Ms. Martha Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Johnson Bruce Jolin Dan & Linda Jones Gary Jones & Mary Sue Tuuri-Jones Phil Jones & Jane Richard-Jones Robert D. Jones & Margaret F. Beale Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Jones Ruth Jones Cheryl & Jay Kahn Sandy Kallman George & Penelope Kaloudis Robert & Cora Kangas Cleve Kapala & Lucia Kittredge Dr. & Mrs. Donald H. Kaplan Mr. David B. Karrick, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Firoze Katrak Keene State College Dick & Marcia Keller George & Carolyn Kelley Richard B. & Marilyn Z. Kellom Lorraine & Larry Kelly Sarah B. Kendall Mr. & Mrs. Charles Kendrick Robin & Leslie Kenney The Honorable Susan R. Kepner & Major Dennis Kepner Peggy & Howard Kerbaugh
Virginia Keysar Megan Burke Kidder Donald & Kaisa Killam Irene Kimball Ms. Christine Kindeke Sarah & Harry Kinter Pamela & Gary Kinyon Rita Kirk Henry & Pamela Knight Glenn A. Knoblock in honor of my daughter Anna Mr. Harvard V. Knowles Ellen Knowlton Pat Kokko Margret Kolbjornsen Mary E. Koon Ms. Deborah Leonard Kosits Paul M. Kotila Paul E. Krampfert Ms. Donna K. Krapf Elaine & Shel Krasker Rosmarie Krosch Maxine Kumin Gail P. LaBrecque Dr. & Mrs. Robert LaFlam Judy & Gary Lamphere Josephine A. Lamprey Mr. & Mrs. John C. Lamson Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Lamson Philip E. Lang Madeleine LaRose Paul & Jane Lawrence Mary M. Leadbeater & Michael Strack Sandra & Martin LeBeau Alfred & Ann LeClair Jennifer A. Lee M. Grace & K. Lee John & Sybil Leland Ms. Janaki Lennie & Mr. Graham Openshaw Karen Levchuk Jeannine T. Levesque Dr. & Mrs. Clifford Levy Diana Levy Capt. & Mrs. Robert S. Lewellen JosĂŠ & Ingrid Lezcano Barbara Lezon Julie Liese & Arthur Rugg Lincoln Financial Group Ginny Litalien Curtis & Alice DeSouza Little Ellen Hawkes Little Paul Lizotte Kay Lohnes Michael Lonergan & Wende Shoer Peggy Longley Mr. & Mrs. Philip W. Lord Robert K. Lord & Karen Sheehan Lord Caroll Lothrop Peter W. & Joyce C. Lovejoy Jean Lovely Thomas & Kristina Lucas Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Luke Jere Lundholm & Harriet Forkey The Honorable Robert Lynn Doug & Nancy Lyon Sharon L. MacCartney
Karen & Gary MacDonald Lisa MacFarlane Marion MacNeill Charlton & Diana MacVeagh John H. & Cynthia H. Madden Claudia Mahar James & Marilyn Mahoney Mr. & Mrs. Paul R. Mahoney Mr. & Mrs. W. David Malcolm, Jr. S. Maldonado John Louis Malkowski Anne-Marie Mallon Dr. Bruce L. Mallory Richard & Barbara Maloney Richard & Kathy Mandeville Richard & Janet Manganello Mr. & Mrs. Joseph P. Manning Alice K. Mansfield Nancy Marashio Joseph & Theresa Marcille Mr. & Mrs. Bill Marcussen Jane Marett Nancy Marston Ralph & Linda Martin Millicent Mason Nancy H. Massey Chris & Judy Mathews George & Nancy Mathey Mr. & Mrs. Charles L. Mathis Jeff Mathis Sally Matson Ebba W. McArt Sylvia & Craig McBeth Jo Ann McCalister Karen McCloskey Tamara McClure John & Kay McCrillis Inez E. McDermott & Paul Barbadoro Carol McEntee & William Badgley Catherine McGovern Mary S. McGowan The Honorable Kathleen A. McGuire Cam McGurk Sandy McKenney Herbert G. McKinney & Nancy Brown-McKinney in memory of Joseph & Elsie Brown Jane A. McKown McLane, Graf, Raulerson & Middleton, P.A. Martha & Richard McLeod Douglas McVicar & Frumie Selchen David & Sharon Meeker Miss Cynthia J. Memmen Robert M. Mennel Amanda Merrill Fred Metting Patricia Meyers Jack B. Middleton Dr. & Mrs. Joseph M. Miller Mr. Michael Miller Theron W. Miller Peter & Alida Millham Mrs. Blanche M. Milligan James W. Milliken Anne D. Milne John & Stephanie Minteer
Kathleen Mirabile Sylvia Miskoe Kristen Moavenian Deno & Beth Mokas Ms. Claira P. Monier Mary Louise & Charles H. Montgomery, MD Kathryn S. Montgomery Mr. & Mrs. T. Holmes Moore Mrs. Ellen G. Moot Lorraine B. Morong Ms. Evelyn M. Morrison Daniel W. Morrissey Maxine Morse Michael & Jane Moss Dr. Judith N. Moyer Margery Thomas Mueller Pamela Mueller Mr. Tony Mueller Kathryn & James Muirhead Ellen Muller in memory of Bill Muller Ms. Frances R. Murray Jeff Myrdek Carolyn Myrick Selma Naccach-Hoff & Paul Hoff Mr. and Mrs. Philip L. Nash Norma L. Nason Kevin P. Natwick Gloria J. Neary Dan Nelson Dr. & Mrs. Lloyd S. Nelson New Hampshire Catholic Charities New Hampshire Charitable Foundation New Hampshire Print & Mail Services New Hampshire Public Radio NHTI - Concord's Community Collge Ginny Nedved Catharine Newick Paul & Mary Nichols Robert & Carol Niegisch The Honorable David L. Nixon, Esq. in honor of Steve Taylor The Honorable David L. Nixon, Esq. in memory of Ann D. Middleton Janet Nixon Nixon Peabody LLP Ms. Kathleen Norris Timothy & Susan Norris in memory of Barbara Brown Mr. & Mrs. William J. Norris Mr. & Mrs. Scott Northcott Northeast Delta Dental Northland Forest Products, Inc. David P. Norton Bonnie L. Noyes Richard & Jane Nylander Dr. & Mrs. Sean O'Connor Patrick & Kendra O'Donnell John & Julia O'Hare Sue & Ward O'Neill The Honorable Robert P. Odell, Jr. Jane E. Olivier Dr. David Olken Mrs. Eunice B. Ordman Orr & Reno, P.A. Ms. Karen Erickson Orvik Theodore Osgood
Tom & Amanda Osmer Joanne E. Ouellette Ruth & John Page Charles & Priscilla Palmer Wendy J. Palmquist David Pangburn Nancy Pape Dr. & Mrs. Stanley S. Paras Mrs. Edith V. Parker Warren & Betty Mae Parnell Ila Parnell Mr. Bruce Parrish Janet Parsons Ms. Susan Paschell Mr. Robert P. Patenaude Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Patterson Sandra Paul Pax World Investments Mr. & Mrs. David B. Payne Dr. & Mrs. Norman C. Payson Bill & Sandie Peabody Kim Peavey Raymond C. Peavey, Jr. Dr. Melissa Pennell in memory of Marianne Knowlton Nancy A. Penney People's United Bank Ruth & Nick Perencevich John & Holly Perrault Robert B. & Claudette O. Perreault in honor of Victoria & Charles Perreault, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Henry H. Peterson Shirley J. Phillips Phillips Exeter Academy Walter & Nancy Pierce Penny Pitou & Milo Pike Charitable Fund of the New Hampshire Charitable Foundation Larry & Barbara Pitsch Plymouth State University Hazel F. Pomiecko Pontine Theatre Ms. Jeanine Poole & Mr. Tom Moran Velma Pope Eleanor Porritt Brent & Wendy Powell Benjamin Pratt Rev. Emily B. Preston in honor of the 46 refugees from Vietnam, Cambodia & Thailand who came to us in Jaffrey in the 1980s! Janet Prince & Peter Bergh David R. Proper Public Service of New Hampshire Heather & David Pullen David & Joan Pushee Bob & Rosemary Putnam Jim & Judy Putnam John T. Putnam Thomas P. Putnam Ruth E. Quinn Harold & Priscilla Quinton Jo Radner Diane & Ray Raimo Tom Ramsey Michael Ransmeier in memory of Vicky Ransmeier
Allen & Marianne Rapp Mary & John Rauh Mr. & Mrs. James F. Raymond Ms. Lencie V. Raynor Red River Theatres Anne S. Reed Len & Joan Reed Celeste Reid Ken & Kathleen Reilly Nancy & Barry Reinbold Stephanie Reininger Darayl Remick Kit & Steve Reno Jack & Carol Resch Bud & Diane Rice Wendy & Jack Richards Katrina & Gary Richardson Stewart & Carolyn Richmond Susan & Jim Richmond Ms. True Ricker Rob & Tabitha Riley RiverWoods at Exeter Resident Social Activity Committee Rivier University Janis Roberts Mr. & Mrs. Robert B. Robertson Elinor Y. Robie Ann Robinson John S. Robinson Terry & Linda Robinson John Rocklin Ms. Nancy Rockwell Mr. & Mrs. Glen Rodgers Paula Rogers Judy Romano Randolph & Deborah Roody B. & J. Rosenfield Family Fund of the New Hampshire Charitable Foundation Cindy Rosenwald & Peter Klementowicz Bud & Kate Ross Rhoda Ross & Joseph Solomon Fund of the New Hampshire Charitable Foundation Daniel & Lisa Rothman Ms. Rachel Rouillard Dr. John C. Rouman Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Rounds June Rowan Marshall G. Rowe Gary Ruppert Jim & Carolyn Russell Patricia C. Rust Paul & Audrey Rutherford Carolyn Ryan Elizabeth Ryan Mary Ryan R.F. Rylander Phil & Sue Rysanek Beth A. Salerno & Tod F. Ramseyer Saint Anselm College St. Paul's School Jacqueline W. Salvatore E. Charles & Wendy Sanborn Ellie & David Sanderson Douglas & Beverly Sarapin Kenneth A. Sargent in memory of Marion Beach Sargent
DONORS Michael & Sheila Satzow David T. Sawyer Athena Anne Sayce Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Scanlon Bob Scarponi Diane Schaefer Tracy & Wally Schier Ms. Cathleen A. Schmidt Elaine & Carl Schmottlach Mr. & Mrs. Merle Schotanus Kristina Schram & Daniel Unzen Carolyn Schroeder Mr. & Mrs. Richard D. Schubart F. Augustus Seamans Diana L. Seifert Siobhan Senier Brenda D. Sens Robert A. Shaines Sheehan Phinney Bass + Green, P.A. Mr. & Mrs. John Sheehy Lisa Sheiman Charles & Ellen Sheridan Fund of the New Hampshire Charitable Foundation James & Barbara Shuchman Mr. & Mrs. Josh Siegel Keith & Carroll Simpson Professor James C. Sindelar & Ms. Iris Sindelar Karl & Paula Singer Tim Sink Bruce & Anne O. Smith Dr. & Mrs. David W. Smith Emily & Dan Smith Frederick Smith, Jr. Gerald L. Smith in memory of Dorothy K. Smith Linda D.N. Smith Marjorie & Peter Smith Peter W. Smith Reverend Richard A. Smith Ruth Smith Stephen & Ann Smith Timothy Smith Medora Snigger Gary & Carol Sobelson Southern New Hampshire University Paul & Kathy Specht Freda Spiro Joseph & Kelley Spoerl Mary Lou N. Spofford Jane Nichols Spragg Mr. & Mrs. Hans Sprauer Ted & Ann Spurr Dr. & Mrs. James Squires Dr. David G. Stahl David C. Steelman & Virginia Theo-Steelman Ken & Cindy Steeves Betsy & Bruce Stefany Debra Stephens Derek & Jeanne Stern Frank B. Stevens Mr. & Mrs. H. Allen Stevens Barbara Stewart Dr. David Stewart-Smith Maggie Stier Mr. & Mrs. William A. Stoops
Dick Stott Strawbery Banke Museum Susan Strickler Carol & Jean Strong Strong Family in memory of our parents Bill Stroup & Amy McIntyre Richard & Ruth Stuart Ronald P. Suduiko & Lois A. Graham Cindy Suldenski-Rowsin Winifred Sullivan, PhD Andrew R. Supplee Mr. Jay Surdukowski Jean Surowiec Dennis & Jan Sweetland Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Swenson Lois Swick Dr. & Mrs. Robert Swift Jim & Michele Swisher The Tamposi Foundation Abner Taub & Liliane Sznycer Eric & Marlene Taussig Dr. Herman Tavani Curtis & Nancy Taylor Joan Taylor Nancy Taylor Steve Taylor Ms. Suzanne TenBroeck in honor of ongoing excellent programs TD Bank Elinor H. Terrile Jim & Pat Theisen Joan Theve Jacqueline H. Thomas Jim Thompson Jeffrey Thomson A. Thurston Michael & Karen Timm Helen Tognetti Bryant F. Tolles, Jr. Ed Tomey & Maich Gardner Ms. Mary Townsend TransCanada Phillip & Betsy Twombly Linda Tyring & Brenda Pergerson Roger & Mimzie Uhler UNH Manchester University of New Hampshire University System of New Hampshire Peggy Vagts & Mark Miller Pamela VanArsdale & Robert Dewey Amy & Scott Vandersall Susan & Jim Varn Jim & Cindy Varnum Dick Vee William Veillette George & Suzanne Veilleux Henry & Judith Lee Veilleux Paul & Nancy Vincent Jane Vincent-McIlwaine Henry E. Vittum Sonja Voegtlin John & Sarah Voll Dr. & Mrs. Philip Wade Nicholas & Beatrice Wadleigh Ann & Chris Wadsworth Karen Wadsworth
Ruth Wallace Thomas & Kathryn Wallace Brian Walsh & Linda Patchett Michael & Janet Ward Joseph & Linda Warner Warner Historical Society Washington Historical Society Deborah & Richard Watrous David H. Watters & Janice M. Alberghene Ann & Cassius Webb David Weber Tara Weckstein Mrs. Christine H. Weeks Jack & Pat Weeks John & Gail Weeks Kathy & Bill Weibel Arlene Welch Binney & Bob Wells Randolph & Ronna Werner Ellena Weston Liz Whaley Jean & Allan Whatley Donald Wheeler in memory of Katharyn Wheeler Katie & Doug Wheeler Mr. Major W. Wheelock Peter B. Whelpton Carolyn & Frank White David & Jane White Mimi White Mr. & Mrs. Sidney White Steve & Nancy Whitman Ned Whitney Bert R. Whittemore, The Whittemore Foundation Charles & Betty Whittemore Mr. & Mrs. W. M. Wichman Ms. Julie Williams Dr. Robert W. Williams Ms. Winifred L. Williams Mary J. Wilson Dr. Robert O. Wilson & Jill C. Wilson Richard & Frances Winneg Stephen & Lucy Winship Margaret Winton in honor of Steve Taylor Fred Wolff David & Carole Wood Marjorie P. Wood Mr. & Mrs. David Woodbury Mr. & Mrs. Edsel A. Woodward World Affairs Council of New Hampshire Mary Jo Wright Moses E. Wright III Susan & James Wright Kathy Yackanin Lawrence Yerdon Pamela R. Young Pearl Young Roland & Paula Young Anne & Kimon Zachos Daniel & Jean Zavisza John J. & Mary B. Zentis Dr. & Mrs. William G. Zimmerman Isadora Zlotowicz Charles Zoeller in honor of the Connections program
Dana Zulager Mr. & Mrs. Rodman Zwirner, Jr.
MATCHING GIFTS Bank of America General Electric Foundation Houghton Mifflin TransCanada
IN-KIND GIFTS Adam Boyce Susan Danoff Chickering and Company, CPA Colby-Sawyer College Concord Community Music School D. McLeod Florist Endicott Furniture Evans Printing Havenwood-Heritage Heights Hermanos Cocina Mexicana Laconia Middle School Lake Sunapee Protective Association Manchester School of Technology Manchester Visiting Nurse Association Medallion Opera House New Hampshire Division of Historical Resources New Hampshire Historical Society New Hampshire Print & Mail Services New Hampshire Theatre Project Plymouth State University Red River Theatres River Valley Community College Rivier University Saint Anselm College St. Thomas Episcopal Church Tracy & Wally Schier Society for the Protection of NH Forests State of New Hampshire Sulloway & Hollis Washington Camp Morgan Lodge William B. Cashin Senior Center Veteran Technology Services, Inc. Every effort has been made to accurately reflect gifts received from November 1, 2010 through October 31, 2012. Please let us know if your name or that of your company, foundation, or organization is missing or printed incorrectly.
Robin O. Kenney, Vice-Chair Peterborough Martha McLeod, Treasurer MMcLeod Consulting
Grants - NEH $654,070 I Cont ributions $363 ,393 I Endo wment Distrib utions $77,884 I Prog ram Fees $20, 504 I Dona ted Services & In-kind Contrib utions $115,484
Cleve Kapala, Secretary TransCanada Stephen P. Barba Plymouth State University Roberta “Mitzi” Barrett Nashua Mary-Jo Boisvert Public Service of New Hampshire Brinda Charry Keene State College
Program Serv ices $965,060 Administratio n $140,938 I Deve lopment $124 ,052 I
Jane Christie Kingston Sally W. Crawford Exeter Patricia Hicks University of New Hampshire, Manchester Lourdes Jimenéz St. Anselm College Kristina Lucas NHTI - Concord’s Community College Inez McDermott New England College
0 EH $598,22 Grants - N 54 ,0 56 ions $3 00 I Contribut ions $76,9 ut ib tr is D t en m ow d I En 50 $104,711 Fees $19,8 I Program ntributions & In-kind Co es ic rv Se I Donated
Daniel M. Nelson Dartmouth College Bob Odell New Hampshire State Senate Tracy Schier Hudson Bryant F. Tolles, Jr. Center Sandwich David Watters University of New Hampshire Dan Will Devine Millimet Susan DeBevoise Wright Sunapee
81,557 Services $9 I Program 566 8, 0 tration $1 I Adminis 27 9 8, 4 ment $1 I Develop
Ken Burns Director Emeritus
STAFF Deborah Watrous, Executive Director Sue Butman, Office Manager Anne Coughlin, Marketing Director Lynn Douillette, Development Associate Jessica Eshleman, Development Director Terry Farish, Connections Program Director Susan Hatem, Community Grants Director Kathy Mathis, Program Director Judy McCarthy, Controller
Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage PAID New Hampshire Humanities Council
New Hampshire Humanities Council 117 Pleasant Street Concord, NH 03301
In 2011 the Humanities Council awarded a grant to the Arts Alliance of Northern New Hampshire for Caravanserai: A Place Where Cultures Meet. The project introduced Granite Staters to art and artists from the Muslim world.
HAMP an indep SHIRE endent n HUMA on-profi region o NITIES t, not a s f the sta COUN tate age te. ncy. We NHHC reach pe C I L I S ople in e R very FUND ECEIVES AP I N G fr P R O X I M AT om the raises th Nationa ELY H e remain l Endow ALF IT ing half ment fo S fr o m r the Hu NHHC individu manitie als, corp REACH s and o r annuall ations a ES MO y throug nd foun RE TH d h huma ations. A N 100 nities br ,000 view NHHC oadcasts e r sa on radio CONN , televisio nd listeners resource ECTS s, and, m n and th Granite e web. ost impo Staters w rtantly, ith idea with on e anothe s, precious cultu r. ral