1 minute read
When recruiting new members to NHLA, I often get the question, “Can you tell me about the benefits of being a member?” Essentially, people are asking, “What can NHLA do for me?” It’s a straightforward question with multiple answers. Your company may need training for a lumber inspector, need help with dispute resolution, seek networking opportunities with the finest lumber people in the world, or you want to sell a forklift. Each scenario has its own corresponding benefit, which all of you could answer as well as I could.
Today, while writing this article, I had a conversation with a man no longer in the industry. He mentioned that an owner of a mill told him, “NHLA can’t do anything for me.” I wanted to talk to this person and help them comprehend that we have benefits to satisfy almost every need. I just need to know what his particular need is. Unfortunately, I left the conversation without being given the name. However, the point was valid . . . in a way. How do you reach out to the uninformed to educate them that, in fact, NHLA CAN do something for you?
Over the coming year, you’ll hear more about NHLA’s new Strategic Plan. Our Member & Networking Services Committee will develop fresh communication strategies to attract non-members. We will create valuable opportunities for member interaction and participation in NHLA activities and establish ourselves as the central hub for association, university, government agency, and member collaboration.
Through our Market Impacts Committee, we will become the primary portal for hardwood industry information. This will include research, market trends, and other product information for the benefit of the hardwood lumber industry. And we are committed to delivering this information promptly to the industry and encourage your feedback on shared knowledge.
If you ever find yourself in a situation where someone claims, “NHLA can’t do anything for me,” tell them they need to call me. I’d love to talk to them.
John Hester NHLA Chief Development Officer j.hester@nhla.com | 901-399-7558