5 minute read


FRIDAY 10|06

7 am–3 pm NHLA Registration Desk Open! | Second Floor Foyer

7–8:30 am Fellowship of Christian Lumbermen Meeting n | Clifton Room

7–8:30 am Canadian Hardwood Bureau Meeting n | Old Louisville Room

8:30–10 am General Business Session with Keynote Speaker, Mike Snow | Olmsted Ballroom | Sponsored by Pennsylvania Lumbermen's Mutual Insurance Co.

10:30–11:30 am Education Session: Personal Investing 101 with Eric Lynn | Old Louisville Room

10:30 am–3 pm Exhibit Showcase Open | Commonwealth Ballroom

11 am–Noon Bloody Mary Bar in the Exhibit Hall | Commonwealth Ballroom | Sponsored by BreezeDried, Inc.

11:30 am–1:00 pm Lunch for All Convention Attendees in the Exhibit Showcase | Commonwealth Ballroom | Sponsored by Cersosimo and JoeScan

1–2 pm Education Session: Hardwood Trends, Forecasts & Insights for 2024 - Part 2 | Olmsted Ballroom | Sponsored by Ressources Lumber, Inc.

5:15 pm Buses begin transporting attendees to the Kentucky Derby Museum | 704 Central Ave., Louisville

6–11 pm Grand Finale Party | The Kentucky Derby Museum, 704 Central Ave., Louisville | Reception with full museum access, cocktails, dinner, dancing, and giveaways. Live music by the Bourbon Revival Band.

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