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3 Ways New Restaurants Can Hire Staff to Stay
By Ariel N. Banayan, SpotOn
Openinganewrestaurant?Here'showtogetstartedhiringgreatrestaurantworkersand makingsuretheyhavetotechtheyneedtowanttostay
Everyone in the restaurant industry will tellyouthesamething—arestaurantis nothing without its staff. It doesn’t matter if you’re an executive chef leading several sous chefs or a new restaurant owner just trying to hire the right people. Every team member matters.
Of course, if you’re the general managerstartingthehiringprocessat a new restaurant, you’re doing a lot more work on your own. You’re writing your own restaurant job descriptions, posting on restaurant job boards. You have to be your own HR team, often creating your own employee onboarding program for new staff for a restaurant.
That’s why we put together a few tips for the best way to hire new talent in your restaurant We know you want to find restaurant staff that’ll help you build the dining experienceyou’vealwayswanted LetSpotOnhelpyougetthere
Beforewetacklehowtohirethebestrestaurantstaff,it’simportanttofirsttalkaboutone ofthebiggerfearsmanagersfacewhenitcomestohiringstaffforanewrestaurant the GreatResignation.
The Great Resignation refers to the trend where more and more people are resigning from their jobs due to the shifting workplace dynamics since the COVID pandemic and thequalityoftheirownworklife.Thisdoesn’trefertomultipleemployeesatthesamejob quitting at the same time over something like an abusive supervisor or other stressful work situation. Rather, it’s a larger phenomenon that spans across a ton of different sectors and disciplines, where goods and services cost more than the work and wages beingpaid