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NHLRAEF Scholarship Winner Thrives in Culinary Arts Program
By Amie Pariseau
In 2022, Kearsarge Regional High School alum, Logan, attended a New HampshireHospitalityMonthKickOffeventatNHTI.Whenhearrived,hehadthe notion that he was not “college material.” He toured the campus, heard about theprogramsofferedinhospitality,andaskedquestionsofanindustrypanel.
At the end of the day, Logan and his teacher approached me. Logan wanted to know about internship opportunities and started to shift his thinking a little bit. He loves culinary and was wondering if in fact he could be someone who could pursuescollege.
Within a short few weeks, Logan made his mind up. He applied to and was accepted to Lakes Region Community College. He then followed with an application for a scholarship from the New Hampshire Lodging & Restaurant Association Education Foundation. He was awarded a scholarship from FEEDNH.org.
Tanya Randolph, ambassador of philanthropy & community outreach from FEEDNH.org, and I went to Logan’s high school, to present his scholarship“check.”Thesupportand excitement of Logan’s teacher, student support services, and principal brought tears to our eyes. They believed in Logan and were thrilled he now believed in himself, too.
At the opening of Lakes Region Community College’s student-run restaurant, The Community Table, I saw Logan. His smile and his recent words said it all. He said receiving the FEEDNH.org Scholarship meant “quite a bit,” as “it was pretty much the only reason I could afford books in the firstsemester.”
Loganhasbeenenjoyinghistimeatcollegesofar,andalwayslooksforwardto attendingevents.Heinitiallytookinterestinculinaryartswhenhetriedcooking for his family and they loved his food. “I enjoy the cooking process, and I like seeing my food make people happy,” Logan said of his interest in joining the program.Heonedayhopestorunarestaurantofhisown.