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“Gratitude” at the CRTC

By Chef Jayson McCarter

Astheschoolyearwindsdowntoitsend,weintheCareerTechnicalEducationFieldare puttingthefollowingfinishesonourstudentswhoaregettingreadytobeginworkingfull timeandgetthemselvesready,inmanycases,forcollege.


While you may hear that teachers “get the summer off,” it’s quite the opposite. It’s true thatwelookforquietrefugetogetawayfromitall,butmuchofthattimewillbespentin heavy thought on how to be better prepared in September for the new rush of enthusiastic students. How to improve upon what we’ve built already, how to do it with less money, and at the same time deliver more to each student and bring them up to industry standards. We invest ourselves heavily in creating the next generation workforce.

At the CRTC in Concord, we are preparing for some major updates to our dining room, kitchenspace,andculture Ournewbrandingcameeasy It’s“Gratitude”Wearegrateful for all our industry partners, community connections, supportive parents, steadfast administration, and encouraging School Board Most of all, we are grateful for our students Theyhavemadesolidchoicesinthedirectiontheywanttogo,puttheirtrustin us, dedicate themselves to our culture of being professional, and carry our brand with pridewherevertheygo.

We wish our students who are graduating a very successful path forward and we couldn'tbemoreexcitedforthestudentswhowillbewithusnextyearforourwonderful transformation. A special thanks to FEEDNH.org for their support. In their final stretches towards their “Hill to $1Mill,” our program along with many others received $15,000. This willensurewehavealltheindustryratedequipmentandsuppliesnecessarytoprepare ourstudentstoperformattheirbestwhentheybegintoworkormoveontocollege.

Gratitude, where education meets opportunity. If you would like to know more about becoming one of our industry partners, you can contact us at thecrtc.org. If you aren’t from the greater Concord area, check out nh-cte.org/ to find out more about a CTE Centernearyou Haveagreatsummer!

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