Stacy Krecklow, owner of Ohana Kitchen, led 32 women of industry through an insightful discussion around thepurposeofmentorshipand the impact it can have on someone both personally and professionally. It was amazing to meet new people, share stories about people who have made a difference in our lives, and as one of our attendees said, "fill ourcup. "
With the holiday season fast approaching, it’s the perfect time to focus on America’s favorite crustacean crab. You’re all probably asking yourselves what kind of eggnog is this guy drinking to suggest crab in this economy?Well,timeshavechangedfor crabmeatandit’snolongerjustaprize fortherichandfamous.Nope,thecrab
marketsawamajorcorrectionoverthepast90days,comingdownroughly40% in cost since its high in January (Source: Urner Barry). Santa won’t need to bring youyourfavoritecanofJumboLumpthisyear.Youcannowaffordtoheaddown toyourlocalMarketBasketandtakeadvantageofthesavingsyourself!
The story behind this price slide is better suited for Halloween than Hannukah or Christmas, but here goes Crab, like so many imported commodities, is largely sold in foodservice. When the pandemic hit in ’20, foodservice demand dried up. Because restaurants were largely closed, crab imports slowed to a trickle. When restrictions were lifted in the summer of ’21, everybody and his brother jumped backintothecrabimportinggame.
AtidalwaveofdemandhitIndonesia and prices went through the roof on limited supplies Prices climbed almost daily through 2021 until the consumersaidnomore.People,tired of having to pay $50 for a can of Jumbo Lump or $40 for their favorite restaurant’s crab cake, had had enough The dam broke in May and prices fell faster than the Patriots SuperBowlodds.
In a food processor add the scallops and puree for 2 minutes. Scrape down thesideswithaspatulaandpureeforanadditionalminute.
Add the cream and puree for 30 seconds. Scrape down the sides and puree foranadditional30secondsoruntilcombined
Add the chopped chives and seasonings and gently mix. Cover with plastic wrapandrefrigerateuntilneeded.
Addthemushroomsandcookonallsidesforabout5minutesoruntilevenly browned,stirringoften.
Season, remove from pan and drain on a paper towel. Let cool and refrigerateuntilneeded.
Combine the spinach, flour, eggs, salt and pepper in a food processor and mixfor3minutes.
Warmalargenon-sticksautépanonmediumheat. Pourinasmallamountofoilandcoatthepan
Add ¼ (or more) depending on the size of the pan and spread around. The crepeshouldbenomorethan1/8“thick.
Cook for about a minute, until the crepe batter is firm, but not fully cooked and flip. Cook for about a minute on each side and remove from the pan. Repeatwiththeremainingmix.
a a a a
Carefullyremovewithtongsandplaceinicedwaterfor20minutes.Remove, unwrap,anduseorrefrigerate.
Laythreeoverlapping3 footsheetsofplasticwraponyourworksurface.
Place the crepes (about 3), then salmon on the plastic wrap so its 8 inches tall,10incheswideand¼inchthick.
Place the cooked scallop, crab and mushroom roulade on the salmon and wrapthesalmonaround.
Rollthecylinderniceandtightanduseatoothpicktopopanyairbubbles Tietheendstightlywithbutchertwine,placeintherefrigeratorandletsetfor 1hour.
Meanwhile,onalightlyflouredsurface,rolloutthepuffpastrysoit’sabout1/8 inchthick.Usingalatticecutter(optional),cutthepuffpastryaccordingly(it’s fine to skip the lattice step, if you would rather just have it covered entirely in puffpastry)
Refrigeratethepuffpastryintherefrigeratorfor15minutes. Meanwhilepreheattheovento400°F. Remove the puff pastry from the refrigerator and brush gently with the beateneggs.
Placethecrepewrappedrouladeinthemiddleandrollthepastryaround Place on a parchment lined baking tray and brush the outside with the egg wash.
Placeinovenfor10minutes,thenlowerthetemperatureto325°Fandcookfor anadditional10minutesoruntilinternaltemperatureis145°F.
Remove from the oven and place on a wire rack. Let cool for 10 minutes and enjoy!
SpotOn,thetop-ratedsoftwareandpaymentspartnerforrestaurantsandsmall businesses,wasnamedtoInc BusinessMedia’sinauguralPowerPartnerAwards, honoring B2B organizations across the globe that have proven track records supportingbusinessownersandhelpingcompaniesgrow.
Among thousands of companies considered, just 252 were selected across a rangeofdisciplines,fromadvertisingtoengineeringtofinancialplanning.SpotOn washonoredinthebusinessproductsandservicescategoryasacompanythat provides software and/or hardware allowing companies to receive digital payments.
Inc. partnered with leading global social and media intelligence platform Meltwatertodevelopaproprietarymethodologythatusessentimentfromonline conversations about organizations and translates it into numerical scores Companies were evaluated on commitment, reliability, trust, creativity, supportiveness, and other virtues that offer value to clients. Inc. also conducted surveystogatherclienttestimonialsaspartoftheprocess.
“It is an honor to be recognized by Inc. as a trusted and proven partner to our clients, helping deliver real growth for their businesses,” said Kevin Bryla, Chief Marketing Officer and Head of Customer Experience at SpotOn. “Recognition on the Inc. Power Partners list is particularly rewarding because it is based on real feedbackfromourclients,aswellasInc’sdata drivenevaluation.Drivinggrowth throughtruepartnershipiswhatSpotOnisallabout.”
Inthepast12months,SpotOnhaslaunchedseveralnewproductsandresources tohelpbusinessownersboostprofitandstreamlineoperations,including:
SpotOn Teamwork, the industry’s most comprehensive labor management solution,whichstreamlinestipdistribution,employeescheduling,payroll,and employeecommunication,savingmanagersupto20hoursperweek; ExperiencesbySpotOnReserve,areservationandwaitlistplatformthatallows restaurant and family entertainment centers to manage and merchandise theirspacetomaximizerevenue;
Manager Toolkit, a series of step by step guides, worksheets, and other resources to help restaurant owners and managers save time, drive efficiency,andboostprofit;
The State of Restaurant Tech Report, revealing insights from restaurant operators on the rate of technology adoption, emerging challenges, and predictionsfortheyearahead;
PointsofProfit,afirst of its kindeducationalcampaigntoshowrestaurantsa path to better profit margins, including an easy to use restaurant profit calculatorandanin-depthwhitepaperfullofrealsuccessstories;and SpotOnRetail, the industry’s first omnichannel solution built from the ground upforindependentretailerstosellonline,in store,andon the go.
Earlier this year, SpotOn was also recognized as the best point of sale for restaurants,bars,andretailintheCapterraCompetitiveComparisonReport.The company received the highest marks among its competition across all categoriesmeasured,includingfunctionality,easeofuse,customersupport,and valueformoney.LiketheInc.PowerPartnerAwards,theCapterrarecognitionwas alsobasedonrealuserfeedback.
“Trusted B2B partners provide guidance and expertise that founders rely on at various steps of their organization’s journey. Partners that possess a demonstrated ability to deliver quality support are at the core of entrepreneurship and help bring big ideas to life,” says Scott Omelianuk, editor in chiefofInc.Businessmedia.
Owl’sNestResortrecentlycelebratedthegrandopeningof theirextensiveracquetsportscomplexwhichincludes8redclaytenniscourts,13 pickleball courts and 4 paddle tennis courts. The 4 paddle courts are heated for year round use. The complex is just one of many additions to the resort, which was first developed in 1994 and operated solely as a golf destination until its current owners, LCJ Management, purchased the 18-hole course and over 600 acresofsurroundingrealestatein2014
Since then, the course was redesigned, becoming the only Nicklaus designed course in the state and rated #6 worldwide for design andvalueamongstover400Nicklaus courses worldwide by NBC Sports/Golf Pass. The existing banquetfacilitieswereexpandedand on siterestaurant,PanoramaSix82,
Having already earned the distinction ofatopdestinationforgolf,Owl’sNest recently opened The Lakehouse, a brand new timber frame lodge capableofaccommodatinggroupsof up to 500 people It partially sits over 10 acre Lake Harold, the largest manmade recreational lake in New England.Theresort’sextensivelodging facilities include 18, 4 bedroom, 4 1/2 bathgambrelunits,13brandnew2
bedroom units, 26 new expansive guest rooms and 12, 1 bedroom, 1 bath nano cottages, all with a spacious living room, private decks and fireplaces and most with full kitchen and laundry facilities. All units are available to rent by groups or thegeneralpublic.
Phase 2 is already underway and includes the addition of The Boathouse, which will contain a seafood restaurant and bar, additional event space for up to 150 people, outdoor, year round swimming pool, 30 person hot tub, radiant heated decks,boatrentals,indoorandoutdoorshowers,lockerroomfacilitiesandbeach access. Groundbreaking for a 33 room hotel called the Lafayette Lodge has begunwithplannedcompletioninMayof2023.Bynextsummer,theresortwillbe adding8Teslaand6ElectrifyAmericaSuperchargerswhichwillprovidealltypes ofelectricalvehicleswithfullchargesinlessthananhour.
Phase 3 will include an additional 80 100 room hotel, complete with spa, large fitness facility, indoor pool, bowling alleys and restaurant, as well as another 9 hole, walkable golf course surrounding Lake Harold, ideal forallskilllevels.Therecentlyacquired White Mountain Country Club in nearby Ashland will also undergo course renovations and group functionexpansion.Inall,another60 million dollars will be invested in the resort in addition to the 40 million invested since2014.
“OurgoalistomakeOwl’sNestResortoneofthepremierresortsinNewEngland, notjustbecauseofourmanyon siteofferingsbutourlocationandeasyaccess to all that the White Mountains Region has to offer,” says General Manager, Brad McCoil. “Needless to say, we’ve been quite busy creating something special and invite everyone to come experience it for themselves. You will not be disappointed.”
InlateOctober,theUnitedStatesEqual Opportunity Commission announced the release of an updated “Know Your Rights Workplace Poster.” The new posterreplacesthepreviousversionof thenoticetitledthe“EqualEmployment OpportunityIstheLaw”poster.
announced new poster
the Age Discrimination in Employment Act, are required to display a notice regarding at their work sites.The purpose of the poster is to provide a summary of these laws and inform employees of their rights, and in turn, advance the EEOC’s mission to prevent unlawful employment discrimination and remedy discriminationwhenitoccurs.
There was some concern by the EEOC that the prior version may have been too dense and/or confusing to workers and employers. To remedy these issues, the EEOCsoughttoprepareandpublishanewposterthatsued“plainlanguageand bullet points” that would make “it easier for employers to understand their legal responsibilities and for workers to understand their legal rights and how to contactEEOCforassistance.”Tothatend,thenew“KnowYourRights”poster:
Clarifies that sex discrimination includes discrimination based on pregnancy, sexualorientation,orgenderidentity;and
In these ways, the updated notice sets out clearly and unambiguously, in black and white, that employees working for covered employers cannot be discriminated against on the basis of race, color, sex, pregnancy, sexual orientation,genderidentity,nationalorigin,religion,age(40andolder),disability, unequal pay, and genetic information (including family medical history or genetictestsorservices).ItalsoremindsemployersandemployeesthatFederal EEO laws prohibit retaliation for filing a charge, reasonably opposing discrimination, or participating in a discrimination lawsuit, investigation, or proceeding Theposteralsoexplainshowemployeesmayfileaformalcomplaint if they believe they have been discriminated against. Newly added to this EEOC noticeisaQRcodethatallowsfastdigitalaccessdirectlytotheEEOC’showtofile achargewebpage.
The poster is available in English and Spanish (with additional languages expected shortly), formatted for print and physical posting, electronic posting and,optimizedforscreenreaders.Hereiseveryversion:
Forprinting/posting English
Forprinting/posting Spanish
ForElectronicPosting Spanish
Covered employers (those with 15 or moreemployeesforTitleVIIandthe
ADA and those with 20 or more employees for the ADEA) who had the prior versionpostedintheworkplaces,shouldtakethatoldnoticedown.
They should physically post the new notice in a conspicuous location in the workplace.ThenewEEOCnoticeshouldbepostedinthesamelocationthatother noticestoapplicantsandemployeesarecustomarilyposted,forexampleonan employeebulletinboardnearwhereemployeesclockin.
The notice should also be made available in a location that is accessible to applicants and employees with disabilities that limit mobility, as required by the ADA.
Finally,employersareencouragedtopostanoticedigitallyontheirwebsitesina conspicuous location. Electronic posting supplements the physical posting requirement. In some situations (for example, for employers without a physical location or for employees who telework or work remotely and do not visit the employer'sworkplaceonaregularbasis),itmaybetheonlyposting.
Employers also should make sure that going forward they use the correct, most updated version of the new poster. It will be marked “Revised 10/20/2022”. The EEOC released a version on October 19, 2022 that was incorrect and should NOT beposted
TheEEOCprovidednospecificdeadlinetodisplaythenewnotice,statingsimply thatitneededtobeposted“withinareasonableamountoftime.”Withthatsaid, employers are well-advised to change out their posters ASAP. Covered employersaresubjecttofines(over$500foreachincidenceofnoncompliance)
While they are at it, employers should also make sure that they have complied withallothernoticerequirements,andthattheyhavepostedintheirworkplaces all applicable state and federal notices. Those may include but are not limited noticesconcerningunemployment,workers’compensation,wageandhourlaws andtheFamilyandMedicalLeaveAct(FMLA).
There'snodenyingthatemployees'needshavechangedoverthepastfewyears. As such, employers can offer benefits to meet evolving worker needs shaped by lingering effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, a tight labor market and rising inflation.Manyworkersarepayingmoreattentiontotheirbenefitsandwondering how to stretch their dollars further Benefits have always been crucial for attracting and retaining top performers. For 2023, employers are uniquely positioned to offer more than just a health care plan, including holistic benefits, resources and perks that today's workers most need. This article highlights benefitsthatarelikelytobepopularin2023.
It's no secret that health care costs in the United States have risen sharply over thepasttwodecadesandwilllikelycontinuetoincrease.Healthcareaffordability istopofmindforemployersandemployeesalike.Asemployerssearchforways tomanagetheirhealthcarecosts,someareconsideringvoluntarybenefitsasa strategy to round off their offerings. A rising number of organizations recognize that voluntary benefits are advantageous to employees and their families—and many come at no cost to the employer Consider the following popular secondarybenefitsemployersareoffering:
Voluntarybenefitscanprovidevaluetoemployeeswithoutraisinganemployer's costs,makingthempowerfultoolsforattractingandretainingtopworkers.
Manyemployeesarefeelingfinanciallystrainedduetorecord highinflation Not only will inflation impact employees' decisions about benefits, but it may also resultinaneedforfinancialwellnesseducationandguidance.However,financial wellness benefits must go beyond only offering educational resources to be impactful. Organizations can boost their attraction to today's workers by offeringthefollowingtypesofdesiredfinancialwellnessbenefits:
Financialreimbursements(e.g.,tuitionorstudent loanrepaymentplans,caregivingsupportfundsand professionaldevelopmentstipends)
With any of those offerings, education will remain a necessary component to increase employee utilization Employers are uniquely positioned to help employees understand the importance of these benefits and can help them increasetheirfinancialliteracywithadditionalresourcesandtools.
As health care costs continue to skyrocket, some employers choose to pay 100% of employees' monthly health care premiums. For reference, the Kaiser Family Foundation reports the monthly average for employer contributions in 2021 was 83%.Thistypeofbenefitismorecommoninsmallorganizations.Fullypaidhealth plans could be a key differentiator for workers weighing their employment options.
Family-building benefits are becoming increasingly popular with employees, as they inclusively support the unique and complex ways individuals, and couples buildtheirfamilies.Employersarealsofocusingonwaystosupportreproductive health care. Such benefits can provide employees peace of mind as employers demonstrate their emotional and financial support for employees' decisions to build a family. Additionally, many employers are increasingly prioritizing parental leave. According to Mercer data, 70% of employers are already offering or planning to offer parental leave in 2023, while 53% are providing or planning to provide paid adoption leave. Adoption and surrogacy benefitsarealsoontherise,inadditiontoaccesstofertilitytreatmentcoverage.
To round out family friendly benefits, large employers are also considering on sitechildcareoraccesstobackupchildcareservices.
Organizations can start optimizing benefits packages by evaluating employee preferencesandthinkingaboutwaystoimproveofferingsortailorthemfortheir workforce. To ensure offerings and investments will resonate with employees, organizations should consider surveying them first. It's important to keep a pulse on employees and see what they find most valuable and necessary for their overall well-being as lives continue to be impacted by COVID-19, inflation, andanyotherpersonalchallenges