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Events and courses
bAnd 6 - kent - June StArt Covering adult community clinics, this is a full-time post running for two to three months. Car would be ideal but not essential as a hire vehicle can be arranged. To be considered for this role please email Hayley@eliterec.com or call 01277 849 649. www.elitedietitians.com. Please follow us on Twitter @elitedietitians or visit our website www.elitedietitians.com for up-to-date jobs.
bAnd 6 oncology - StAffordShIre - StArt IMMedIAtely Band 6 Acute Dietitian required to cover oncology wards and nutrition support. Starting as soon as possible and running for two months. Please call 0800 023 2275 or 01277 849 649. Email: hayley@eliterec.com. Please follow us on Twitter @elitedietitians or visit our website www.elitedietitians.com for up-to-date Jobs.
bAnd 6 Acute PAedIAtrIc dIetItIAn - norfolk Experienced Band 6 Dietitian with some paediatric experience required for two to three months. Starting as soon as possible. Accommodation available. Please call Hayley now for more information on the above position and other excellent roles we have available, 01277 849 649 or 0800 023 2275. Email: hayley@eliterec.com
uniVErsitY of nottingHaM - sCHool of BiosCiEnCEs
Modules for Dietitians and other Healthcare Professionals
• Obesity Management Module - 30th September • Gastroenterology Module - 8th October For further details please email marie.e.coombes@ nottingham.ac.uk, tel: 0115 951 6238 or check out the University website at www.nottingham.ac.uk/ biosciences and click on short courses then ‘for practising dietitians’.
10th June - Priorities for improving outcomes in diabetes care: prevention, integration and personalisation
This event is CPD certified Central London www.westminsterforumprojects.co.uk/
12th June - Effective Clinical supervision Master Class
London Road Community Hospital, Derby www.ncore.org.uk
23rd to 25th June - iPC2015
International Scientific Conference on Probiotics and Prebiotics Budapest, Hungary www.probiotic-conference.net/
We urgently require dietitians for immediate vacancies
To find out your options call or email Freephone: 0800 032 0454 Registration@pjlocums.co.uk
• PJ Locums is an NHS Buying
Solutions framework approved supplier for allied health • Our aim is to find you the right person and the right job • We offer inpatient and community
UK & NI coverage • Competitive rates