NHD Nov 2015 issue 109

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web watch

web watch Online resources and useful updates. Research prioritisation: workshop reports Public Health England has published five reports from workshops held to prioritise research needs in dementia, obesity, best start in life and evaluation of public health interventions: www. gov.uk/government/publications/ research-prioritisation-workshopseries Commissioning nutrition and hydration care NHS England has published Guidance - commissioning excellent nutrition and hydration 2015-2018. This document provides guidance on commissioning and provides examples of approaches that can be adopted locally to improve the nutrition and hydration care of the population in acute services and the community. It also outlines why commissioners should make this issue a priority - how to tackle the problem, how to assess the impact of commissioned services and highlighting the work which is already underway. www.england. nhs.uk/commissioning/nut-hyd/ Measuring child development The Department of Health has updated its guidance Developing a public health outcome measure for children aged 2 – 2½ using ASQ-3. Originally published in January 2015, this update includes information on how to submit data on the child development indicator to HSCIC and about the introduction of the ASQ Social and


Emotional questionnaire. www. gov.uk/government/publications/ measuring-child-development-atage-2-to-25-years

Alternative guide to mental health care in England The King’s Fund has published an animation illustrating the different mental health services available and how they fit in with other health services. Whilst demonstrating the range of services available, it also highlights some of the issues that need to be addressed. www. kingsfund.org.uk/audio-video/ alternative-guide-mental-healthcare-england Dental caries and obesity in children Public Health England has published The relationship between dental caries and obesity in children: an evidence summary, exploring whether dental caries and obesity are found in the same individuals and populations. The report reviews and summarises what is currently known and supports the dental public health and obesity teams. www.gov.uk/government/ publications/dental-caries-andobesity-their-relationship-inchildren Ageing and health The World Health Organisation has published World report on aging and health. This report outlines a framework for action to foster healthy ageing built around the new concept of functional ability.

NHDmag.com November 2015 - Issue 109

Making these investments will have valuable social and economic returns, both in terms of health and wellbeing of older people and in enabling their ongoing participation in society. www.who.int/ mediacentre/news/releases/2015/ older-persons-day/en/

0-5 Children’s public health transfer The Local Government Association has published Must knows: Children’s public health transfer. It details councils statutory responsibility for commissioning children’s public health services for children aged 0-5 following the transfer of these responsibilities from the NHS on 1 October 2015. This joins up with the much larger transfer of public health functions to local government which included responsibility for 5-19 year olds, which took place on 1 April 2013. www.local.gov.uk/web/ guest/publications/-/journal_ content/56/10180/7505714/ PUBLICATION Inflammatory bowel disease audit The Royal College of Physicians has published the fourth inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) clinical audit report. The report reveals that the majority of patients (80% adult and 77% paediatric) with Crohn’s disease saw an improvement following biological therapies. The purpose of this audit is to measure the efficacy, safety and appropriate use of the biological therapies infliximab and

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