BSG Monthly Magazine-July 2023

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VOL. 66, ISSUE 07, JULY, 2023

The National Executive Committee Meeting was held at the Bharat Scouts and Guides, National Headquarters under the chairmanship of Dr. K. K. Khandelwal, IAS (Retd.)

Chief National Commissioner

The Bharat Scouts and Guides






















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THOUGHT FOR THE MONTH 04 05 06 07 15 11 v President's Message v Personally Speaking v Editor’s Desk v International Event v v v International Yoga Day 17 National Events Youth Adventure Gadpuri & Goa National Adventure Institute Pachmarhi v v 19 22 28 34 Regional Events Activities and Action v Quiz No. 286 v
“In Scouting, a boy is encouraged to educate himself instead of being instructed.”
^^LdkmfVax esa] yM+ds dks funsZ'k fn, tkus dh txg Lo;a dks f'kf{kr djus gsrq çksRlkfgr fd;k tkrk gSA^^ JULY, 2023 v 18 National Training Centre Pachmarhi
03 JULY, 2023

The purpose of the Scout and Guide movement prioritizes the physical development of youth. Without being physically t, they cannot effectively serve themselves, society, or the nationatlarge.

The International Day of Yoga has been celebrated worldwide on June 21 annually since 2015. Yoga is a practice that originated in ancient India, encompassing physical, mental, and spiritual aspects. This year's theme is "YogaforVasudhaivaKutumbakam.”

The idea to establish an international day to recognize and honor the practice of yoga was rst proposed on 27th September,2014bythePrimeMinisterofIndia,ShriNarendra Modi, at the UN General Assembly. He suggested the date as it coincides with the Summer Solstice of the Northern Hemisphere.

"Through yoga, we discover seless action and embark on the journey from Karma to Karmayoga," stated Shri Modi condently, expressing his belief that yoga will improve our health. He also emphasized that yoga is a truly universal practice, free from any copyrights, patents, or royalties. The Yoga event led by our Prime Minister at the United Nations evenmadeitintotheGuinnessBookofRecords.

Yoga can be adapted to any age, gender, or tness level. Slow movements and deep breathing increase blood ow and warm up muscles, while holding poses can build strength. The Prime Minister stated, "Let us harness the power of Yoga not only to promote health and happiness, but also to cultivate kindness towards ourselves and others. Yoga builds bridges of friendship, fosters a peaceful world, and contributes to a cleaner, greener, and sustainable future. Let us come together to realize the goal of One Earth, One Family,i.e.,VasudhaivaKutumbakam.”

Therefore, Yoga teaches us to live harmoniously as a global family. I strongly encourage all the youth members of our movement to practice Yoga daily and maintain their health andvitality.


LdkmV ,oa xkbM vkanksyu dk mís'; ;qokvksa ds 'kkjhfjd fodkl dks çkFkfedrk nsuk gSA 'kkjhfjd :i ls LoLFk gq, fcuk] os çHkkoh <ax ls viuh] lekt dh ;k lexz :i ls jk"Vª dh lsok ugha dj ldrsA

varjkZ"Vªh; ;ksx fnol 2015 ls çfro"kZ 21 twu dks fo’o Hkj esa euk;k tkrk gSA ;ksx ,d vH;kl gS ftldh mRifÙk çkphu Hkkjr esa gqbZ] ftlesa 'kkjhfjd] ekufld ,oa vk/;kfRed igyw 'kkfey gSaA bl o"kZ dh Fkhe ^^olq/kSo dqVqacde ds fy, ;ksx^^ gSA

;ksx ds vH;kl dks ekU;rk vkSj lEeku nsus ds fy, ,d varjkZ"Vªh; fnol LFkkfir djus dk fopkj igyh ckj 27 flracj

2014 dks la;qä jk"V egklHkk esa Hkkjr ds ekuuh; ç/kku ea=h Jh ujsaæ eksnh }kjk çLrkfor fd;k x;kA mUgksaus rkjh[k dk lq>ko fn;k D;ksafd ;g mÙkjh xksyk)Z ds xzh"e laØkafr ds lkFk esy [kkrk gSA

^^;ksx ds ek/;e ls] ge fuLokFkZ deZ dh [kkst djrs gSa vkSj deZ ls deZ;ksx dh ;k=k ij fudyrs gSa]^^ Jh eksnh us vkRefo'okl ls dgk] mUgksaus fo'okl O;ä fd;k fd ;ksx gekjs LokLF; esa lq/kkj djsxkA mUgksaus bl ckr ij Hkh tksj fn;k fd ;ksx okLro esa ,d lkoZHkkSfed vH;kl gS] tks fdlh Hkh dkWihjkbV] isVsaV ;k jkW;YVh ls eqä gSA la;qä jk"V esa gekjs ç/kku ea=h ds usr`Ro esa ;ksx dk;ZØe us bls fxuht cqd vkWQ fjdkWMZ~l esa Hkh 'kkfey fd;kA ;ksx dks fdlh Hkh mez] ySafxd ;k fQVusl Lrj ds vuqlkj viuk;k tk ldrk gSA /kheh xfr ,oa xgjh lkal ysus ls jä çokg c<+rk gS rFkk ekalisf'k;ka xeZ gksrh gSa] tcfd vklu /kkj.k djus ls rkdr izkIr gksrh gSA ç/kku ea=h us dgk] ^^vkb, ge ;ksx dh 'kfä dk mi;ksx u dsoy LokLF; vkSj izlUurk dks c<+kok nsus ds fy, djsa] cfYd vius vkSj nwljksa ds çfr n;kyqrk iSnk djus ds fy, Hkh djsaA ;ksx fe=rk cukrk gS] ,d 'kkafriw.kZ nqfu;k dks c<+kok nsrk gS] vkSj ,d LoPN] gfjr vkSj fVdkÅ Hkfo"; esa ;ksxnku nsrk gSA vkb, ge ,d i`Foh] ,d ifjokj vFkkZr olq/kSo dqVqacde ds y{; dks lkdkj djus gsrq ,d lkFk vk,aA^^

blfy,] ;ksx gesa ,d oSf'od ifjokj ds :i esa lkSgknZiwoZd jguk fl[kkrk gSA eSa gekjs vkanksyu ds lHkh ;qok lnL;ksa dks çfrfnu ;ksxkH;kl djus ,oa vius LokLF; vkSj thou 'kfä dks cuk, j[kus ds fy, çksRlkfgr djrk gw¡A

LdkmfVax@xkbfMax 'kqHkdkeukvksa lfgrA

MkW- vfuy dqekj tSu jk"Vªh; v/;{k Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa
National President The Bharat Scouts and Guides
JULY, 2023 04

The rainy season has started, and it is time for the Scouts and Guides to select places for tree plantation. I expect each Cubs, Bulbuls, Scouts, Guides, Rovers, Rangers and Adult Leaders at all levels to plant at least one sapling in a public placeandnurtureituntilitssurvival.

The National Executive Committee of the Bharat Scouts and st Guides met on 1 July, 2023 at the National Headquarters. State Chief Commissioners from different states attended, along with commissioners at the national level. I am happy to learn that the National Adult Resources Policy has been implemented in some states, and Capacity Building workshops for implementing the policy were organized in all theregions.

The scarf is part of our uniform, which is also part of our st symbolic framework. World Scarf Day will be observed on 1 August every year. On this day, wear the scarf with any attire of your choice while moving out, whether you are a current member of the movement or a former scout. This day also gives you the opportunity to encourage younger generations to opt for scouting and teach them how it can prove to be an unforgettable experience. Former scouts may also teach children and adults alike how a scarf can be used in emergencies, like a Band-Aid, when no other option is available. So let us feel proud to wear the scarf on this day andattendourregularwork.

Youth is the largest source of potential in any country. It is time to celebrate the potential of youth as partners in global th development. 12 August is celebrated as International Youth Day, and the theme of this year is "Intergenerational solidarity: Creating a world for all Ages." In this context, an exhibition in the domains of art, culture, music, and awareness programs on youth-related issues may be organized, involvingyoungpeople.

I look forward to the state associations expanding the Scout and Guide movement to areas that have remained untouched until now. Let us work hard to increase the membershiptosixmillionbeforetheVision2024periodends.


cjlkr dk ekSle 'kq: gks x;k gS rFkk vc LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l ds fy, o`{kkjksi.k gsrq LFkkuksa dk p;u djus dk le; vk x;k gSA eSa lHkh Lrjksa ij çR;sd dCl] cqycqYl] LdkmV~l] xkbM~l] jksolZ] jsatlZ ,oa o;Ld yhMlZ ls vk’kk djrk gw¡ fd os lkoZtfud LFkkuksa ij de ls de ,d ikS/kk yxk,a vkSj mlds thfor jgus rd mldh ns[kHkky djsaA

Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l] jk"Vªh; dk;Zdkjh lfefr dh cSBd 1 tqykbZ] 2023 dks jk"Vªh; eq[;ky; esa vk;ksftr gqbZA jk"Vªh; Lrj ds vk;qäksa ds lkFk&lkFk fofHkUu jkT;ksa ds jkT; eq[; vk;qäksa us Hkkx fy;kA eq>s ;g tkudj izlUurk gqbZ gS fd jk"Vªh; o;Ld lalk/ku uhfr dqN jkT;ksa esa ykxw dh xbZ gS] vkSj uhfr dks ykxw djus gsrq lHkh {ks=ksa esa {kerk fuekZ.k dk;Z'kkyk,¡ vk;ksftr dh xbZaA

LdkQZ gekjh onhZ dk fgLlk gS] tks gekjs çrhdkRed <kaps dk Hkh fgLlk gSA fo'o LdkQZ fnol izR;sd o’kZ 1 vxLr dks euk;k tk,xkA bl fnu] ckgj tkrs le; viuh ilan dh fdlh Hkh iks'kkd ds lkFk LdkQZ igusa] pkgs vki vkanksyu ds orZeku lnL; gksa ;k iwoZ LdkmVA ;g fnu vkidks vkSj ;qok ih<+h dks LdkmfVax pquus ds fy, çksRlkfgr djus vkSj mUgsa ;g fl[kkus dk volj Hkh nsrk gS fd ;g dSls ,d; vuqHko lkfcr gks ldrk gSA iwoZ LdkmV~l cPpksa ,oa o;Ldksa dks leku :i ls ;g Hkh fl[kk ldrs gSa fd vkikr fLFkfr esa cSaM&,M dh rjg LdkQZ dk mi;ksx dSls fd;k tk ldrk gS] tc dksbZ vU; fodYi miyC/k ugha gksrk gSA rks vkb, ge bl fnu LdkQZ igudj vius fu;fer dk;Z ij tkus esa xoZ eglwl djsaA

fdlh Hkh ns'k esa ;qok {kerk dk lcls cM+k lzksr gSA ;g oSf'od fodkl esa Hkkxhnkj ds :i esa ;qokvksa dh {kerk dk t'u eukus dk le; gSA 12 vxLr dks varjkZ"Vªh; ;qok fnol ds :i esa euk;k tkrk gS] vkSj bl o"kZ dk fo"k; gS ^^varjih<+hxr ,dtqVrk lHkh mez ds fy, ,d fo’o cukukA^^ bl lanHkZ esa] dyk] laL—fr] laxhr ds {ks= esa ,d çn'kZuh ,oa ;qokvksa ls lacaf/kr eqíksa ij tkx:drk dk;ZØeksa dk vk;kstu djsa blesa ;qok yksx 'kkfey gksA

eSa jkT; la?kksa }kjk LdkmV ,oa xkbM vkanksyu dks mu {ks=ksa esa foLrkfjr djus dh vk'kk djrk gw¡ tks vc rd vNwrs jgs gSaA vkb, fotu 2024 dh vof/k lekIr gksus ls iwoZ lnL;rk dks Ng fefy;u rd c<+kus gsrq dM+h esgur djsaA

LdkmfVax@xkbfMax 'kqHkdkeukvksa lfgrA

MkW- ds-ds-[k.Msyoky]Hkk-ç-ls-¼ls-fu-½


Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l

JULY, 2023 05

It has been observed that many states have completed the Rajya Puraskar testing for Scouts, Guides, Rovers, and Rangers at the state level. Similarly, it has come to our attention that the Chaturtha Charan testing and training of Cubs and Bulbuls for Golden Arrow and Heerak Pankh at the state level are currently underway. It is expected that the testing process should be of high quality and strictly adhere to the guidelines issued by the National Headquarters.

As the monsoon season sets in, it is crucial that we contribute to greening our earth by planting fruit-bearing and shade-providing trees in suitable public areas Moreover, we must not forget to adopt and care for these trees.Giventhatthisisalsoaseasonofoods,manypeople will unfortunately be affected. I urge the rovers and rangers to assist the Disaster Management teams and the victims by reachingtheaffectedareasinyourrespectiveregions.

We are approaching the celebration of the 77th Independence Day on 15th August. The ongoing celebrations, which commenced on 12th March, 2021, to commemorate the Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav, will continue until 2023, culminating with the 77th Independence Day. Throughout these two years, we have had the opportunity to hear stories about the unsung heroes whose sacrices made freedom a reality for us. Let us honor our freedom by encouraging widespread participation of our scouts, guides, rovers, and rangers in parades at various levels, and let us project a positive image of The Bharat Scouts andGuides.

A remarkable number of approximately 400 participants from the Bharat Scouts and Guides will represent India in the 25th World Scout Jamboree in Korea. The event will take place from 1st to 12th August, 2023 at Saemangeum, North Jeolla, South Korea, hosted by the Korea Scout Association under the theme, "Draw Your Dream." An estimated 30,000 to 50,000 participants are expected to attend. The support and encouragement from the State Associationsishighlycommendable.


;g ns[kk x;k gS fd dbZ jkT;ksa us jkT; Lrj ij LdkmV~l] xkbM~l] jksolZ ,oa jsatlZ gsrq jkT; iqjLdkj ijh{k.k iw.kZ dj fy;k gSA blh çdkj] ;g gekjs /;ku esa vk;k gS fd jkT; Lrj ij xksYMu ,Sjks ,oa ghjd ia[k gsrq dCl ,oa cqycqYl dk prqFkZ pj.k ijh{k.k ,oa çf'k{k.k orZeku esa vk;ksftr fd;s tk jgs gSaA

;g vis{kk dh tkrh gS fd ijh{k.k çfØ;k mPp xq.koÙkk okyh gksuh pkfg, vkSj jk"Vªh; eq[;ky; }kjk tkjh fn'kkfunsZ'kksa dk l[rh ls ikyu fd;k tkuk pkfg,A

ekulwu dk ekSle 'kq: gks x;k gS] ;g egRoiw.kZ gS fd ge mi;qä lkoZtfud {ks=ksa esa Qy nsus okys ,oa Nk;k çnku djus okys isM+ yxkdj viuh /kjrh dks gjk&Hkjk cukus esa ;ksxnku nsaA blds vfrfjDr] gesa bu isM+ksa dks xksn ysuk vkSj mudh ns[kHkky djuk ugha Hkwyuk pkfg,A ;g ns[krs gq, fd ;g ck<+ dk Hkh ekSle gS] nqHkkZX; ls dbZ yksx çHkkfor gksaxsA eSa “h jksolZ

,oa jsatlZ ls vkxzg djrk gw¡ fd vki vius&vius {ks=ksa ds çHkkfor {ks=ksa esa igqapdj vkink çca/ku Vheksa vkSj ihfM+rksa dh lgk;rk djsaA

ge 15 vxLr dks 77osa Lora=rk fnol ds t'u ds djhc igqap jgs gSaA vktknh dk ve`r egksRlo ds miy{; esa 12 ekpZ] 2021 dks 'kq: gqvk lekjksg 2023 rd tkjh jgsxk] ftldk lekiu 77osa Lora=rk fnol ds lkFk gksxkA bu nks o"kksaZ ds nkSjku] gesa mu xqeuke uk;dksa ds ckjs esa dgkfu;k¡ lquus dk volj feyk gS ftuds cfynkuksa us gekjs fy, vktknh dks okLrfodrk cuk fn;kA vkb, ge fofHkUu Lrjksa ij ijsMksa esa vius LdkmV~l] xkbM~l] jksolZ ,oa jsatlZ dh O;kid Hkkxhnkjh dks çksRlkfgr djds viuh Lora=rk dk lEeku djsa vkSj Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l dh ,d ldkjkRed Nfo is'k djsaA

Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l ds yxHkx 400 çfrHkkfx;ksa dh ,d mYys[kuh; 25osa fo'o LdkmV tacwjh dksfj;k esa Hkkjr dk

çfrfuf/kRo djasxhA ;g dk;ZØe 1 ls 12 vxLr] 2023 rd lsesfUt;e] mÙkjh ftvksyk] nf{k.k dksfj;k esa gksxk] ftldk vk;kstu dksfj;k LdkmV ,lksfl,'ku }kjk ^^Mªk ;ksj Mªhe^^ Fkhe ds rgr fd;k tk,xkA yxHkx 30]000 ls 50]000 çfrHkkfx;ksa ds

Hkkx ysus dh mEehn gSA jkT; la?kksa dk leFkZu ,oa çksRlkgu vR;f/kd ljkguh; gSA

LdkmfVax@xkbfMax 'kqHkdkeukvksa lfgrA

&lEiknd JULY, 2023 06



The Workshop was conducted by the AsiaPacic Scout Region at Hotel Park Village, KGH, Budhanilkantha, Kathmandu, Nepal from 4th to 7th July 2023 with the support of Nepal Scouts. Mrs. Bhagya Srinivas, Mr. Karthik Ramachandra and Mr. Shivam represented The Bharat Scouts and Guides and proudly participated in the workshop. The workshop brought together key stakeholders from diverse backgrounds to discuss the challenges and opportunities associatedwithachievingtheSDGs. The Chief Guest for the opening ceremony was Hon.Indira Ranamagar, Deputy Speaker, House of Representatives of Nepal. Mr. Lok Bahadur Bhandari, Chief Commissioner, Nepal Scouts, Mr. Syed

Castillo, Director of Educational Method and Mr. Devraj Ghimire, Chairman, APR committee were present. Overview of SDGs: A comprehensive overview of the 17 SDGs and their underlying targets were presented to familiarize participants with the goals. This session emphasized the interconnected nature ofthegoalsandtheneedforintegratedapproachestoaddressthem.

Expert Panel Discussions: Panel discussions were conducted with experts and practitioners from various backgrounds related to sustainable development. They shared their experiences and expertise, highlighting successful initiatives and challenges faced in their respective sectors. Case Studies and Presentations: Participants were given the opportunity to present case studies and projects related to SDGs, showcasing successful outcomes and lessons learned. This session encouraged peer learning and collaborationamongtheparticipants.

JULY, 2023 07

Action Planning: The workshop concluded with a collective action planning session, where the participants identied practical steps and initiatives they could undertake individually or collectively to contributetotheachievementofSDGs.

Key Outcomes and Recommendations: The following were the several key outcomes and recommendations emerged:

1. Increased Awareness: Participants developed a deeper understanding of the SDGs, their interdependence, and the roles, different sectorscanplayintheirachievement.

2. Collaboration: The workshop fostered cross-sectoral collaboration, promoting partnerships and networkingopportunitiestoenhancecollectiveeffortstowardstheSDGs.

3. Knowledge Sharing: Best practices, innovative approaches, and success stories were shared amongparticipants,enablingpeerlearningandinspiringnewinitiatives.

4. Action Plans: Participants formulated individual and collective action plans to contribute to the SDGs,emphasizingtheneedformeasurabletargetsandcontinuousmonitoringofprogress.

Conclusion: The workshop successfully achieved its objective of increasing awareness and understanding of the goals while fostering collaboration and networking among the participants. The event served as a platform for sharing experiences, best practices, and innovative solutions to accelerate progress towards a sustainable future. It is imperative to continue organizing such workshops toensureacollectiveandholisticapproachinachievingtheSDGs.


The APR Intergenerational Leadership Roundtable had 203 participants from 15 Member Organisations. During the Roundtable, we attended fruitful plenary sessions, discussions and sharing sessions. This gave us an opportunity to delve in further into intergenerational leadership, a refresher on leadership mindset and enhanced our skills further through hands on discussion on strengths, weakness, challenges and opportunities. Outside of the roundtable, we had the opportunity to explore the beautiful city of Kuala Lumpur and also appreciate the diversity of the Asia pacic region through the spectacular cultural performances and networking sessions.

JULY, 2023 08

The opening ceremony was graced by the President of Girl Guides Association Malaysia and the former Deputy Prime Minister Datuk Sari D Wan Azizah Wan Ismail. She said “Choosing women should not be a matter of obligation by regulations. A woman should be the p r e f e r r e d c h o i c e d u e t o h e r capabilities”. Datuk Juseon Byun from Korea was also present at the ceremony and said “Women who are more experienced in Leadership roles should be allies and role models to emerging leaders”.

Main objectives of the roundtable were to Exchange of knowledge and experiences, Collaboration and networking, Generation-specic

concerns, and Empowerment and leadership development. A delegation under the leadership of Ms. Anar Jayesh Patel, Addl. International Commissioner of Guides, Chairperson of International Relations actively participated in the roundtable along with Ms. Geetika Kharola, National Commissioner (Head quarters) for Growth - Guide Wing Ms Darshana Pawaskar Joint Director Guides and a Ranger Ms Harshitha from Rajasthan.They returned with many mindful actions to be implemented at the National level.


Global Youth Mobilization Summit for the Asian Pacic Region hosted by the Boy Scouts of Malaysia was held from 16 June to 18 June 23 in Kuala Lumpur. It was a signicant event with the participation of 120 participants from 22 countries. and a focus on achieving the SustainableDevelopmentGoals(SDGs).

The summit aimed to bring together the six major youth organizations in the region to coordinate and collaborate on various projects for sustainable development. By uniting under one umbrella, these organizations can work towards a common goal and have a more signicant impact at the national, state, and grassroots levels.

09 JULY, 2023

The Asia Pacic Regional Big 6 Summit 2023 is expected to pave the way for recognizing the importance of non-formal education in equipping young people with the skills and competencies needed to address local and global issues. This recognition will contribute to resolving challenges in communities and help create a sustainablefuture.

A delegation from India, lead by Ms. Geetika Kharola, National Commissioner (Head quaters ) for Growth - Guide Wing actively participated in the summit. The delegation, which included Ms Darshana Pawaskar Joint Director Guides, a Ranger Ms Harshitha from Rajasthan and a Rover Mr Kalyan from Karnataka , returned to India with new ideas, multiple perspectives, and improved

networking opportunities with other member countries for international cooperation among youth organisations. ThisexchangeofknowledgeandcollaborationwillhelpharmonizeSDGeffortsbothlocallyandglobally towork togetherby contributingtoasustainablefuture.

10 JULY, 2023



A Meeting of the National Executive Committee of The Bharat Scouts and Guides was held on 01st July, 2023 at the National Headquarters New Delhi. The meeting was conducted as per the meeting agenda. During the meeting Schedule of events for the year 2023-24, hosting of International Events, the celebration of the 75th Year of the Bharat Scouts and Guides, upcoming Jamborees etc. were discussed. The meeting started with BSG prayer followed by the presentation of highlights and achievements of BSG from November 2022 to June 2023. The members discussed the overall progress of the BSG. The Meeting concluded with vote of thanks to the Hon’ble Chair of the meeting Dr. K. K. Khandelwal, Chief National Commissioner and other distinguishedmembers.


The Bharat Scouts and Guides, National Headquarters has organized National Rover/Ranger Samagam at NTC Pachmarhi from 12th to 16th June, 2023 on the theme of G20 “Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam” in which 161participantsandstafffrom12stateassociationsparticipated.

The Samagam was inaugurated on 12th June, 2023 afternoon in a short and solemn ceremony by Shri Amar B. Chettri, Jt. Director of Scouts (Prog. & Trg.). Further input session on ‘Leadership Skills’ was organized at NAI complex by the invited resource speaker Col. Nirmal Kumar Panda of Army Education Corps,Pachmarhi.

The activities of Samagam were divided into four bases, namely, Input Sessions on Rovering & Rangering, Community Development Activities, Skill Based Activities and Adventure Activities.

Physical Jerks, B.P . Six and Yoga were organized at Yoga Park, adjacent to NTC followed by an inspection of Camp Craft and Flag. Sessions and C.D. Activities included the collection of waste plastic water bottles in the whole training centre as part of Sustainable Development Goal- Climate Action. In the afternoon, the construction of various pioneering projects was organized practically. After campre and dinner, night trekking was organized for a distance of about 4 K.Ms. amidst the nature of Pachmarhi Pine Grove to build the condence of the youth walking at night in the darkness without the support

JULY, 2023 11

of torchlight and studying nature closely. Input sessions on Star Gazing were also delivered during the nighttrekking.

A Hike was organized up to ‘Sangam’ for 14 K.M. to study the ora and fauna of the area. The participants hiked throughout, in the midst of nature, and at the endpoint of Sangam, they observed rivers owing from threecorners.Theyenjoyedswimmingafteratediouswalk.

The next day, early in the morning they went for Rock-Climbing at Ekantgiri and Encountering Obstacle Bases at NAI Campsite simultaneously by the groups. In the afternoon Group Discussions and Youth Forum were organized in which the participants got an opportunity to expose themselves in the discussion and further in the forum platform which was highly appreciated by each one of them for getting learning opportunities with a new concept. Further, inputs on Youth Committee, Upa-Rashtrapati Award Competitions, Laxmi Mazumdar Award, President Award Certicate Examination and upcoming Regional/National Level events were discussed. In the evening combined grand camp-re, with the participants of the Basic Commissioner`s Course, ALT(Guide Wing) Course and National Adventure Programme was organized in which a gathering of about 700 participants and guests joined. Col. Nirmal Kumar Panda of the Army Education Corps, Pachmarhi was present as the Chief Guest and addressed the gathering. He highly lauded the cultural programme presented by the participants of all the courses/events.

All Faith Prayer was conducted followed by input sessions. Further, a practical session on How to dismantle and fold a tent was demonstrated, group-wise, followed by an Open Session, Final Talk , presentationofParticipationCerticatesandclosing.

The National Rover/Ranger Samagam was organized under the leadership of Shri Amar B. Chettri, Jt. Director of Scouts (Prog. & Trg.) duly assisted by Dr. Rajeev Kumar Niranjan, ALT (R) of Uttar Pradesh, Shri Shubanshu Kumar Kori, HWB(R) and Shri Manohar Patidar, Adv. RSL of Madhya Pradesh, Ms. Swapnil, Unit LeaderofDelhiStateandstaffofNTC.


The National Level Workshop on Climate Change was conducted at National Training Centre, Pachmarhi from 05th to 09th June 2023 in which 75 participants from 13 State Associationsactivelyparticipated.

The Workshop was inaugurated by Shri Smriti Sourav Ray, incharge Deputy Director of Scouts (Leader Training) in the presence of other dignitaries. The inaugural function was started with the lighting of the traditional lamp. World Environment Day was celebrated by planting Saplings and presenting Nukkad Natak at Rajendragiri by the participants on thethemeofClimateChange.

The workshop commenced with aerobic exercises to promote physical well-being and reinforce the importance of staying t. All the participants engaged in a session on `waste reduction

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challenges` taken by the Leader of the workshop Mr. Bablu Goswami, where they were encouraged to come up with innovative ideas to minimize waste in their daily lives. The introductory session on an eco-friendly art project was taken by Mrs. Bhagyashree. The art project allowed them to express their creativity while incorporating sustainability concepts. A demonstration of hand washing techniques was dealt by Ms. Shalini Jain and Ms. Neha Upadhyay. The Handwashing techniques highlighted the signicance of hygiene in maintaining a healthy environment. Environmental clean-ups were also organized under the leadership of Mr. Narendra Sharma and Ms. Archana. Clean-up drive to instil a sense of responsibility towards keeping our surroundings clean was organized. In the evening, the campre was inaugurated by Ms. Monica Maurya, Social BehaviouralChangeOfcer,UNICEFMadhyaPradeshOfce.Theparticipantspresentedacolorfuland standardtraditionalculturalprogramme.

The participants were engaged in a session on "B.P . Six," which focused on mindfulness and selfawareness. Shri Sashwat Kumar Nayak, State WASH Consultant, UNICEF Madhya Pradesh Ofce took a session on Climate Change. During the session participants came to know about its causes, impacts, and possible solutions. As part of a nature walk, the participants went to Rajendragiri with Margaret Gwada, Chief of Field Ofce Madhya Pradesh and Ms. Jhimly Barua, Social Behavior Change Specialist Madhya Pradesh.

The next day commenced with yoga and a refreshing nature walk to Rajendra Giri in the morning, where participants practised Yoga and Asanas. Dr. Rajkumar Kaushik, Director and Ms. Margaret Gwada, Chief of Field Ofce, Madhya Pradesh visited the workshop and addressed the participants to motivate them to do good work for the betterment of the Environment. T- Shirt was released as a souvenir by Dr. Rajkumar Kaushik,Director,BSGinthepresenceofMs.MargaretGwada,ChiefofFieldOfce,MadhyaPradesh.

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Ms. Margaret Gwada and her team visited the adventure bases and enjoyed sky cycling and valley crossing. Sapling Plantation was organized in the evening at Thurman Park. The joint valedictory function was organized in the evening in which the Chief of Field Ofce Madhya Pradesh was the Chief Guest and Dr. Raj Kumar Kaushik, Director was the Guest of Honour. Ofcials of UNICEF were also present to witness the function. Shri Bablu Goswami, I/Charge Assistant Director, Eastern Region was the Leader oftheWorkshop.


The National Level Disaster Preparedness and Management Training on Fire Fighting and Land Slide for Rovers/Rangers/Unit Leaders on the Theme of Y20 was held at State Training Centre, Bhopalpani, Dehradun, Uttarakhand from 08th to 17th May, 2023 in which 42 participants from 7 State Associations participated.

The Training Camp was inaugurated by Mr. A.S. Unniyal, Joint Director of Higher Education, Uttrakhand) who lighted the lamp. The Rangers and Rovers were divided into four groups on the basis of unity in diversity and were named as Mussoorie, Kempty Falls, Guchu Pani & Sahastra Dhara to remember local sightseeingpoints.

Sessions on Introduction of basic Concepts of Disaster Management, Types of Disaster, identifying accidental prone areas, Rules of road safety, establishing messenger services using Phone, Telex, Fax, Morse Code & Signalling, Anti-social elements causing the disaster by various means, Explaining the techniques of removal of victims from the debris & carriage of casualties, Explain the method of providing temporary sanitation, Various methods of water purication, Rescue from re and water, Methods of Rehabilitations, Various methods of First – Aid, Identify the role of Media etc. were thoroughly discussed duringthetraining.EverydaystartedwithphysicaljerkslikeB.P .Six,Aerobics&Yogaetc.

Pioneering, knotting and lashing, Backwoodsman cooking and River crossing were a new experience for most of the participants. Practical sessions on First Aid like Slings, Bandages, Burns, Sprains, Wounds, carrying casualty, stretcher drill, How to prepare various types of stretcher with available materials and CPR etc were dealt by Dr. Brijender Kumar of Delhi State. The Programme was led by Shri Mahinder Sharma, I/c Asst. Director, Northern Region. He was ably assisted by Shri Indermani Chamoli, Pre-ALT(S), Ms.SarikaRawatHWB(G)&Ms.VeenaBhandariofUttarakhandState.

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International Yoga Day is observed every year on June 21 to raise awareness about this ancient practice and to celebrate the physical and spiritual process that yoga has brought to the world. Yoga is a practice that plays an important role in relaxing the mind and body and boosting people’simmunesystems.

On 21st June 2023, The Bharat Scouts and Guides, National Headquarters celebrated International Yoga Day all the NHQ staff was participated withgreatenthusiasm.

The event began with a brief introduction to Yoga Day by Dr. B. Islam Kairanvi, National Level Senior Yoga Instructor, Delhi. After warm-up exercises, all the staff practised & performed sitting and standing asanas, the importance of these was explained simultaneously. He also encouraged the staff to practice regular yoga to remain t and improve concentration. The participants were briefed about the importance of Yoga in their life & how to maintain harmony between body and mind. Different yoga postures were exhibited for practising them in their daily lives.

International Yoga Day celebrations were successfully conducted under the supervision of the Director BSG, Dr. Raj Kumar Kaushik. Mrs. Surekha Srivastava, Deputy Director Girl Prog. proposedvoteofthanks.


Yoga day was celebrated at Guntur. Smt. P . Parvathi, Director (Co-Ordination), State Commissioner (Ranger) attended as the Chief Guest at the programme conducted by Bharat ScoutsandGuidesAuxileamSchool,Guntur.

NÙkhlx<+ NÙkhlx<+ jkT; Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l ds jkT;
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eq[;k;qDr ,oa lalnh; lfpo Jh lsouyky panzkdj ds usr`Ro esa lHkh ftyksa us fo’ks"k :Ik ls jk;iqj] jktukanxko] dksjck ,oa fcykliqj ds LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l vUrjkZ’Vªh; ;ksx fnol fnukad 21 twu] 2023 dks euk;kA bl volj ij LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l us ;ksx izf’k{k.k ds fn’kkfunsZ’ku eas fofHkUu vkluksa dk vH;kl o izf’k{k.k xzg.k fd;k rFkk ;ksx dks vius nSfud fnup;kZ esa djus dh 'kiFk yhA


Eastern Railway State observed the day during their State Level Chaturtha Charan, Heerak Pankh and Rajyapuraskar Testing Camp. Yoga Asanas like Vrikshana, Bajrasana, Savasana, Bhujangasana, Ustrasana, Surya Namaskar, etc were demonstrated to the participants by Sri Gopal Hazra, Cub Master fromCLW.About250participantsparticipatedinthisauspiciouscelebration.


Marmagoa district and St. Michael's Convent High School, Bardez district, of Goa State and all the districts ofGujaratStatealsocelebrated InternationalYogaDay.


The members of N. F. Railway BSG, took part in the celebrations at Railway Indoor Stadium, Maligaon wheretheSeniorrailway ofcials led by General Manager of N. F. Railway ShriChetan Kumar Shrivastava, performed various Yoga Asanas. The National Vice President and State Chief Commissioner of N. F. RailwayShriChandrajitSaikiaaddressedtheparticipantsinthisoccasion.


International Yoga Day was jointly celebrated by South Central Railway State Bharat Scouts and Guides andRailwayInstituteatRailStadium,KazipetofSecunderabadDistricton21June2023.Scouts,Guides, RoversandRangersfromalltheDistrictsofSCRBSGactivelyperformedyoga.YogaGuruShriPurellaRavi performedthedemonstrations.


9th International Day of Yoga was celebrated by all the District Associations with large participation of ScoutsandGuides


Uttar Pradesh State has celebrated the day at Ghaziabad District with 400 Scouts, Guides, Rovers, Rangers, Scouters and Guiders. The presence of Asst. District Magistrate & Sub Divisional Magistrate of Ghaziabad encouraged the participants. Children demonstrated various types of yoga such as Taadasana,Garutdasana,Kukkuasana,Markatasana,Anulomvilom,KapallBhatietc.

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JULY, 2023 16

The National Youth Adventure Programme was conducted at National Youth Complex, Gadpuri, Palwal Haryana from 22nd to 26th May, 2023 in which 29 candidates from Maharashtra and Rajasthan participated and another programme was conduced from 29th May to 02nd June, 2023 in which 40 candidates from Maharashtra, TelanganaandEasternRailwayattended. The Programme included visits to Vrindavan dham (Vaishno Devi Temple, Iskcon Temple, Banke Bihari and Prem Mandir), Mathura (Janma Bhoomi) and Agra (Taj Mahal). The participants also visited National Headquarters and had lunch at NHQ. Later, they visited Lotus Temple, India Gate as well as Kartavya Path, Lal Quila, Chandani Chowk and Akshardham Temple. The night, campre was the most enjoyable activity


in the Camp. The participants enjoyed Obstacle crossings,ArcheryandRieshootingetc.

The above programmes were conducted by Mr. Aman Singh, Jr. Instructor with the help of Shri R.S. Thakur,BharatScoutsandGuidesNYC,Gadpuri.

The National Adventure Programme was conducted in Goa from 14th to 18th June, 2023 in which 97 participants from Rajasthan, U


The participants of the programme visited famous places of North Goa and South Goa which included old Goa Church, State Museum of Goa, Miramar Beach, Mangeshi Temple, Shantadurga Temple, Colva Beach, Anjuna Beach, Wagah Tour Beach and Calangute Beach. The participants also enjoyed the World famous night cruise on the Mandovi River in Goa. The programme was conducted by Shri Yashpal Hooda, Youth Coordinator with the help of Mr. Amit from Dadar Nagar Haveli and Mr. Rajkumar fromHaryana.

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ttarakhand and DAV Jind, Haryana



Himalaya Wood Badge Course for Cub Masters was conducted at Lalit Cub Bulbul campus of NTC, Pachmarhifrom1stto7thMay,2023inwhich38participantsfrom8stateassociationsparticipated. The training imparted was theoretical and practical aspects of Cubbing using modern technology with a focus on the core values of Cubbing. The most thrilling part of the course was an overnight pack camp on the bank of Jhill. It was a memorable experience for all the participants as it blended with animated yarn. The Course was led by Mr. Kaushik Chatterjee, Leader Trainer (Cub) of West Bengal who was ably assisted by the experienced trainers invited from KVS, Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh andUttarakhand.


Himalaya Wood Badge Course for Rover Scout Leaders was conducted at Thurman Park campus of the National Training Centre, Pachmarhi. More than 40 candidates actively participated. Mr. Raghuveer Singh Sekhawat, Leader Trainer (Rover) was the Leader of the Course. He was assisted by a group of experienced trainers invited from Rajasthan and West Bengal. Campcraft of a high standard and discipline of high order were demonstrated throughout the course and also during the overnighthike.ThecoursewasconductedstrictlyfollowingtheSchemeofTraining.


This year we have a record number of 147 participants in the course. The participants were divided into four groups and four courses were conducted simultaneously at the Thurman Park Campus from 10thto16thMay2023.

Mr. Arvind Sriwastava, LT (Scout) and State Training Commissioner (Scout),U. P . led the Course of

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Group “A”. Group “B” was led by Md. Yusuf, L.T. (Scout) and former State Training Commissioner (Scout). Mr. Abhay Singh Shekhawat, L.T. (Scout) of Rajasthan and Mr. Yogesh Kr Tonk, L.T. (Scout) and State Training Commissioner (Scout) led the Groups ‘C” and ‘D’ respectively. A group of Assistant LeaderTrainersweregivenopportunitiesonrequesttoassistthecourse.

On 15th May a Grand Campre was organized with the participants of Pre - ALT and ALT Course of Guide wing and also with the participants of the Capacity Building workshop on AIS which was also conducted simultaneously at B.P . Bhawan. Dr. Raj Kumar Kaushik, Director, Bharat Scouts and Guides was the Chief Guest and Colonel S. Shukla, Dy. Commandant AIC Pachmarhi, Colonel Amit from Central Command Allahabad graced the occasion as Guests of Honour. Mr. Amar B. Chhetri, Jt Director of Scouts (Programme and Training) and Ms. Darshana Pawaskar, Jt Director (Guides) (Programme and Training) andAssistantDirectorswerepresent.

Dr. Raj Kumar Kaushik, Director BSG along with both the Jt. Directors visited the courses and addressed the participants. Mr. S.S. Ray, in charge Dy. Director (Scout) Leader Training coordinated all the courses


52ndLeaderTrainerCourseforScoutWing(ResidentialModule)wasconductedatNationalTraining Centre, Pachmarhi from 19th to 25th May 2023 in which 36 participants from 14 state associations participated.

Since it is a theory-based course in a camping environment, participants projected a high standard of camping and apart from lesson demonstration, Post course project also played a vital role in the

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learning of participants. Participants were given ample opportunities to undertake appropriate projects afterassessingthepresentlevelofperformanceandidentifyingthetrainingneeds.

With the adoption of pleasant and innovative approach to the course sessions, all the participants expressedtheirappreciation.

The Course was conducted by Shri S.S. Ray, i/c Deputy Director of Scouts (Leader Training) with the assistance of Mr. V. Narayanswamy Amalraj, Tamilnadu, Mr. Ajaz Ahamad Siddique, KVS, Mr. Abhay Singh Sekhawat,RajasthanandMr.M.MohanRao,AndhraPradesh.


The Assistant Leader Trainer Course Guide Wing was conducted at NTC, Pachmarhi from 12th to 18th June2023inwhich43candidatesfrom13stateassociationsparticipated.

As per Scheme of Training(GW), sessions such as Fundamentals, what is Scouting /Guiding, Training NeedsofUnitLeaders,GroupDynamics,ImportanceofGames,ASystematicApproachtoTraining,Areas of Training, Designing the Course Programme, Training Administration and Course Report, Base Method, Team Teaching and Brain Storming, Assessment of Candidates, Selection of course Staff, Principles of Communication, Obtaining and using resources, Role Functions and Skills of a Trainer, Human Relation, Community Development Project, Planning and Back Dating, Golden Arrow, PMSC / UPRAC, Lesson Demonstrationweredealt. Awrittentestandquizwerealsoconducted.

Mr. Amar B. Chettri, Joint Director of Scouts, Programme and Training visited the course and interacted withtheparticipants.



The National Adventure Institute, Pachmarhi organized 475th National Adventure Programme from 16th to 22nd May, 2023, SplNAP from20th to 22nd May and 476thNational Adventure Programmefrom25th to 31st May. A total number of 200 youth and leaders participated from various schools and colleges of differentstates asdetailedbelow:

During the programme, activities such as Rappelling, Rock Climbing, Valley Crossing, Obstacles Crossing, Sky Cycling, Valley Crossing, Zip Line, Rie Shooting, Archery, Horse Riding and Boating. All


the participants enjoyed the trekking to Jatashankar, Rajendra Giri, Pandav Caves, Bee Fall, Sangam & Ramyakund. The participants enjoyed the adventure during the night trekking and completed the journey with full enthusiasm observinginnumerablestarsinthesky.

National Adventure Institute organized a camp for the children of military ofcers for the rst time under the leadership of Col. Shukla, AEC, Pachmahri and Col. Amit, Hq & MP Sub Area, Allahabadmilitaryofcers.

Commandant, AEC Centre, Pachmarhi Shri Arya Bhatt with his Wife and other army ofcers and their family members were present in the campre of the Special Adventure Programme and colourful programmes were presented by the participants.

All Faith prayer meetings were organized on the lastdayinboththecamps.Theprogrammeended after the closing inspection and completing all the formalities. An open session was conducted, followed by event evaluation, distribution of certicates thanks letters to all the institutes, staff and participants. The program ended with the NationalAnthem.

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Regional Level Capacity Building Workshop on Adults in Scouting/Guiding for Eastern and North East Region was conducted at Snow View Campsite, Kurseong, Darjeeling from 26th to 30th June 2023 in which 31 participants from Seven State Associations along with 04staffmembersattended.

The Workshop started with Flag Ceremony followed by an Integration session. The Leader of the workshop took a session on personal expectations and shared the Objectives of the workshop in an interactive way with the help of staff. This workshop provided the opportunity to expand the capacities and build new connectionsforexcellence.

Topics such as leadership competencies, SWOT analysis, Historical background of Adults in Scouting from the beginning of the movement till the formulation of WARP in 1993, NARP and WARP, Seeking & recruiting Leaders – on Acquisition of Adult Resources, Assessment of Needs, Recruitment, Mutual Agreement, Appointment, etc and job proles of State Ofcials, Training and support system, Evaluation tools and PersonalDevelopmentweredealt.

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All the participants were busy updating Job Proles of District and Group Ofcials and in formulating Key Result Areas as part of Evaluation Tools for the State Ofcials.

The workshop was conducted under the leadership of Mr. Bablu Goswami I/C Assistant Director, Eastern Region with the help of Mr. Kaushik Chatterjee STC (S) WestBengalandMr.AidorSTC(S)Meghalaya.

Regional Level Yoga Fest was organized at Sita Saran Memorial School Bhatahar, Tharathari, Nalanda from 19th to 23rd June 2023 in which 59 participants from 04 regional states along with 06-Staff members participated.

On 19th June 2023, the Yoga Fest was inaugurated by the Chief Guest Shri Sudhir Kumar, SDO, Hilsa in the presence of Dr. Arvind Kumar, Eye Specialist, Dr. Arun Kumar Orthopaedics, Dr. Sanjay Kumar and other dignitariesbylightingthelamp.

The participants actively participated in Surya namaskars. Sessions on what is yoga and its types, meditation, Poster-making and Slogan Competition and Climate Change were dealt. The collective efforts of the participants emphasized the importance of addressing climate change and fostering a sustainable future. In the evening campre was organised.

On the occasion of “International Yoga Day”, Yoga and Asanas were demonstrated by the invited experts of Yoga Haryali and team with invited Staff members. The participants actively participated in the yoga demonstration. Yoga Awareness Rally was organized at Hilsa Bock and it was agged off by Shri Shriniwas Kumar, State Organising Commissioner (Scout) who blessed the participants. Awareness Rally passed through Hilsa market, Hilsa Railway Station, Police stations, and other public places. They passionately educated the public about the importance of daily yoga practice and its myriad benets. The rally aimed

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to inspire people to embrace yoga in their lives, promotingoverallwell-being.Thesessionon“door se Namaste” was taken by Smt. Poonam Prajapati, SOC(G)-Bihar.

The participants visited Pawapuri, Nalanda and Rajgir and they also performed Nukkad Natak and participated in cleanliness drive at monument of Nalanda. The participants had the opportunity to visit various Jain temples in Rajgir, immersing themselves in the spiritual serenity of these sacred sites.

On the concluding Day, All Faith Prayer Meeting was organised. Session on climate change and action on 07 key issues was dealt with by the leader of the workshop. The Prize distribution ceremony was organized. Dr. Sanjay Kumar, Director Sita Saran Memorial School, Bhatahar presented mementos to all the participants. The participation Certicates were presented to each participant and Prizes were given to the winners. Team Haryali distributed 100 Guava saplings to the participants for plantation at home to take a smallactionasclimatechangeactivity.

Regional Level Yoga Fest was successfully conducted under the leadership of Shri Bablu

Goswami, Assistant Director In charge, Eastern Region with the help of dynamic staff member Ms. Poonam Prajapati SOC (G) - Bihar, Ms. Kavita Das – Eastern Railway, and Shri Mahatam Chawdhary, Yogaexpertandotherstaffmembers.


The Bharat Scouts and Guides, Northern Region conducted Regional Level Capacity Building Workshop on Adults in Scouting/Guiding at State Training Centre, Sheetalakhet, Uttarakhand from 21st to 25th June, 2023 in which 25 participants from four State Associations and 5 Staff Members actively participated. Shri Mukesh Agrawal, Assistant State Commissioner of Uttar Pradesh State Bharat Scouts and Guides and Joint Director Education Aligarh & Dy. Director in charge, Agra Region,inauguratedbylightingthelamp.

During the Workshop, 9th International Yoga Day was observed on 21st June, 2023. Dr. Dipika

Dharmsatu, Sheetalakhet led the Yoga Asanas and participantsoftheWorkshopwhoreachedon20th night attended the programme along with local people.

Sessions during the ve-day workshop covered

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ership competencies, Historical background of the NARP, AISG, SWOT analysis, Current rules and Job proles of district level ofcials, Seeking and Recruiting Leaders, How to write Job Proles, Updating the existing job proles of District Ofcials as per the Rules Book of BSG, Training System and Support to the Adult Leaders were dealt by Shri H.C. Shrivastava, LT (Scout) from Uttar Pradesh, Shri Arvind Shrivastava, STC (S) UP, Smt. Kusum Manral, LT(G) and STC(G), U.P . All the sessions were interactive, with Group discussions. Updated Job Proles of District Ofcials were presented by the Groups. The formal Closing ceremony of the workshop was organized in the evening of 24th June. Bank Manager, SBI, Sheetalakhet was the Chief Guest. Smt. Kumud Mehra, Assistant Director Southern Region was the LeaderoftheWorkshop.


Regional Level Rover Service Camp was

conducted at New Ashok Nagar, Delhi from 20th to 26th May, 2023 in which 25 Rovers from 5 State Associationsparticipated.

All the Rovers worked hard to maintain the campsite like trimming of trees, cutting of the grass, cleaning bushes and leaves, removing garbage etc.

Sessions on Rovering to success, Scouting for Boys, Community Service, Community Development etc. were dealt to maintain their Scout spirit. The Camp was led by Sh. Mahinder Sharma, Asst. Director, Northern Region. He was ably assisted by Md. Akbar Khan, Scout Master, HaryanaState.


The Colloquium is a beautiful kaleidoscope of exciting program, which include - Understanding

25 topics like
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the World Scout Youth Involvement Policy and World Scout Youth Programme Policy, Youth engagement in global decision-making spaces, Role of the young members in BSG, SDG’s, Better World Framework, Initiatives of BSG in collaborating with partner Organizations etc. Camp re, “Azadi Ke Senani”- dress up like any favorite freedom ghter, Group Discussion/ Youth Forum,RecreationalTourinShillongetc.

The Colloquium was inaugurated by the State Vice President of Meghalaya State BSG and Dr. T.K. Bamon, Vice Chancellor, Martin Luther Christian University– Shillong on 04th July, 2023 and concluded on 8th July 2023. Total 26 participants took part in the activities started with exercises at personal level followed by morningassembly–Prayer,Reection,Reportand Morning Sessions. Whole day all participants were busy with different sessions. In the Evening participants enjoyed Campre and Extempore Speech.

Next day started with practicing B. P . Six Exercise and it was a memorable day participants visited few important places in Shillong and enjoyed lots. In the Evening all enjoyed “Azadi Ke Senani”dress up like any favorite freedom ghter followed by cultural programme. One of the exciting programme of Colloquium was Zoomba under the guidance of National Youth Committee Member and an professional in the eld Ms. Farheen Pasha followed by the various input session and activities like Team Game, Group Discussion, Youth Forum etc. In the Evening one andallcampersenjoyedthegrandcampre. AllFaithPrayer,OpenSession,ClosingCeremony were conducted in the morning and the Colloquium come to end on 30th August 2022 by lowering ag and singing National Anthem. The Closing Ceremony was graced by Shri. Swapnil

Tembe, IAS, Director of Secondary Education and Literacy and Additional State Chief Commissioner of Meghalaya State BSG. Apart from this Ms. Ritika Sharma, Chair – National Youth Committee addresses the young members virtually via zoom and Mr. Supreeth Balaji interact with the Rovers and Rangers via Zoom and delivered important session. Rovers and Rangers enjoyed the event fully through exchanging their thoughts, ideas and activities.

The colloquium was successfully conducted by Shri Analendra Sarma, AD/NER with the able assistance of the invited staff and SHQ Staff speciallytheStateSecretaryMr.W.Lyngdoh.


The Regional Level Yoga Fest for Central, Northern and Western Region was conducted at National Youth Complex Gadpuri, Haryana from 19th to 23rd June, 2023 in which 72 Senior Scouts /Guides/Rover/Rangers & Unit leaders participatedfrom6stateassociations.

The participants assembled in the camp re circle for practice of protocol yoga. Practice of yoga

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such as Asanas like Ushtasana, Makarasana, Bhadrasana, Vajrasana, Shashank Aasana, Tadasana, Vrakshasana, Paschimotasana, Ardhachakraasana, Meditation, Sanklap & Shantipath etc. were demonstrated&explained.

The participants and staff celebrated the 9th International Yoga Day by following Protocol Yoga of standing, sitting, laying and Parayanam. The theory part of various parayanams was completed. Competitions in Essay writing, Painting & Slogan writing on Yoga were held in the afternoon on the 21st in whichparticipantsshowedkeeninterestandeverybodytriedtostandintherstposition.

A session on Climate Change was dealt with to spread awareness about the changing impact of climate due to deforestation, Industries and chemicals. A painting competition on changing climate in various regions was conducted and each participant tried to show the reality on a piece of paper. Group activitiesonclimatechangewerealsoconductedintheeld.

Mr. Ashok Baghel, District Education Ofcer, Palwal graced the Grand Campre. Mr. Vishnu Gaud, District Secretary, Brahman Sabha & Mr. Yogesh Kumar, District Organising Commissioner (Scouts), Palwalwerepresentontheoccasion.

The Fest was led by Shri Mahinder Sharma, I/c Asst.Director, Northern Region who was ably assisted by ShriJaskaranSingh,ScoutMaster,Ms.AnnapuranaPandeyHWB(G)Chhattisgarh.

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Activities and Action


Basic and Advanced Courses for Guide Captains was conducted at Bharat Scouts and Guides District Headquarters, Kurnool from 21st to 27th June, 2023 in which 78 Guide Captains participated.


Bihar State celebrated the day at District Araria, Sub-Divisional Headquarters Plus Two Lee Academy, Khel Maidan, Forbesganj with 135 scoutguidesandchildrenfromdifferentschools.


Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l ftyk la?k&xfj;kcan }kjk ftyk Lrjh; csfld LdkmV] xkbM] jksoj] jsatj f’kfoj jkT; izzf’k{k.k dsUnz >kadh vHkuiqj ftyk &jk;iqj esa fnuk¡d 02 ls 08 tqykbZ 2023 rd dh vof/k esa vk;ksftr fd;k x;k] ftlesa 90 LdkmV~l] xkbM~l] jksolZ ,oa jsatlZ us Hkkx fy;kA

Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l ftyk la?k&jk;iqj }kjk jkT; iqjLdkj tkap f’kfoj gsrq ftyk Lrjh; iwokZH;kl f’kfoj LdkmV~l]xkbM~l]jksolZ ,oa jsaatlZ ohj f’kokth uxj ikfyd fuxe mPp ek/;fed fo|ky; [kerjkbZ esa fnukad 07 ls 09 tqykbZ 2023 rd dh vof/k esa vk;ksftr fd;k x;k] ftlesa fofHkUu ftys ls 90 LdkmV~l] xkbM~l] jksolZ ,oa jsaatlZ lfEefyr gq,A

Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l NRrhlx<+ ftyk la?k&dchj /kke }kjk do/kkZ ls Hkksjenso rd in;k=k dks Jko.k ekl ds izFke lkseokj dks ftyk iz’kklu dchj/kke ds lg;ksx ls fnukad 10 tqykbZ] 2023 vk;ksftr fd;k] ftlesa ftys ds LdkmV@xkbM@jksoj@jsatj }kjk eafnj ifjlj esa lsok dk;Z fd;k x;kA


Safety Public Awareness Campaign was conducted by Sonpur Division of East Central Railway State Bharat Scouts and Guides, District Association Gadhara at Gate No. 18B on 25th June 2023. A Nukkad Natak was organized to

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make the campaign a big success. During the campaign, the general public was not allowed to cross the railway gate when it was closed. Common people were aware that crossing the closed railway gate is a punishable offence and theycancrossthegateonlywhenitisopen.


An MOU was signed between Deenbandhu Chhotu Ram University of Science and Technology and The Haryana State Bharat Scouts and Guides on 02nd July 2023 to introduce Rovering & Rangering in University and College. Prof. Rajendra Kumar Anayath, Vice chancellor expressed full support for promoting the activities of the Scouts and Guides in the university. A workshop was also conducted to enhance technical knowledge and address

issues related to registration on the OYMS portal with the support of Mr. Jit Ghosh, IT Incharge, National Headquarters of the Bharat Scouts and Guides.

Rovers and Scouts of Haryana Warriors Open Group diligently attended “KITCHEN OF HUMANITY” Part-5 round of free food distribution at Lohar PeerBaba Mandir- Bhiwanion 29thJune, 2023. Almost 300 people were served food by the rovers of our group. The local visitors at the temple along with the young people of the societyhelpedusthroughout.


State Level Ranger Prerana Programme was conducted at Sri Sri Sri Shivalingeshwara Govt. First Grade College, Channagiri, Davanagere District, Karnataka State from 26th to 29th June, 2023inwhich250Rangersparticipated.

29 JULY, 2023

Sri P.G.R. Sindhia, State Chief Commissioner encouraged the participant Rangers to inform them about the importance of the Prerana Programme. Smt. Manjula C, State Organising Commissioner(G) gave the introductory speech. Justice Sri Billappa, Retired High Court Judge, Karnataka took a session on important rules & regulations concerning the protection of Women. Important activities likeYouth Voice, Health aspects, Counselling, Beautician, Quiz, Group Discussion, Active Women, Good Culture in daily life, Grand Campre andSelfDefenceetc.weredealt.

State Level Training camp for Rovers and Rangers on “Naturopathy and Healthy living life” was conducted from 16th to 20th June for Kalaburgi

and Belagavi Division participants and from 22nd to 26th June for Bangalore and Mysore Division participants at Ammana Prakruthi Madilu, Mannina Mane, Ammanagatta(Village), Gubbi Taluk, Tumakuru District Under the Guidance of StateChiefCommissioner.

State Chief Commissioner and State Organising Commissioner (S) visited the camp and encourage the Rovers and Rangersactivitiesandtheirparticipation.

Sri P.G.R. Sindhia, State Chief Commissioner, Sri A.S. Mahesh in collaboration with Minchu Idea Association, 75 saplings were planted by Rovers-Rangers. 26 Rovers & Rangers were participated in First Batch and 18 Rovers & Rangers were participated in the Secondbatchcamp.


More than 200 Scouts, Guides, Rovers, Rangers and Unit Leaders participated in the District Level Workshops on Climate

30 JULY, 2023

Change organized by the Bharat Scouts and Guides, Madhya Pradesh state at Katni & Ujjain district under the guidance of the BSG, National Headquarters with the collaboration of UNICEF. During the Workshop the participants discussed Climate Change, Carbon Food Print, Nature Walk and 07 Key issues in Climate Change. An Awareness Rally & Sapling Plantation programme was also organised during theevent.

Under the project CLAP with UNICEF, BSG Madhya Pradesh state conducted the mass tree plantation programme and cleanliness drive at the different districts in MP state including National Adventure Institute, The Bharat Scouts and Guides, Pachmarhi, Madhya Pradesh. Around 300 saplings were planted throughtheprojectCLAP(ClimateLeaderActionPlan)inMadhyaPradeshState.

Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l jkT; eq[;ky; Hkksiky ds vUrxZr ,d fnolh; ty ØhM+k dk;ZØe fr?kjk MSe laHkkx Xokfy;j esa fnukad 30 twu] 2023 dks vk;ksftr fd;k x;k] ftlesa 24 LdkmV~l] xkbM~l] jksolZ] ,oa jsatlZ us Hkkx fy;kA


State Level Testing camp for President Scouts/Guides certicate examination was conducted at State Training Centre, Sontali, Kolhapur, Maharashtra from 3rd to 5th July, 2023 with 04 Scouts and 11 Guides respectively.


26th of June 2023 is globally marked as `International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafcking`. On this day, Badarpur District Association of N.F. Railway performed a Street drama (Nukkad Natak) at Badarpur Railway Station, to create awareness about issues related to drugs and strengthen action and cooperation in order to make the world free from drugs.


“Together, we can create a thriving ecosystem that benets future generations and make a signicant difference to the environment and encourage others to join us.” The "BANA MAHOTSAV WEEK" was celebrated by the members of Odisha State BSG, with various activities like awareness campaigns, and planting saplings etc. All district associations of Odisha state have actively participated in this week-long celebration by planting saplings and givingplantsasgifts.

31 JULY, 2023


jktLFkku jkT; Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l ftyk eq[;ky; fljksgh ds rRok/kku esa ftyk Lrjh; dyk dkS'ky ,oa vfHk#fp çf'k{k.k f'kfoj dk lekiu lekjksg jktdh; fof'k"V iwoZ mPp ek/;fed fo|ky; cky eafnj fljksgh esa 25 twu 2023 dks vk;ksftr fd;k x;kA f’kfoj esa lekiu lekjksg ds eq[; vfrfFk M‚ xksjo xksgksbZ] çk—frd fpfdRlk vf/kdkjh ftyk vk;qosZn fpfdRlky; fljksgh ,oa fof'k"V

vfrfFk Jh fofiu Mkch] vfrfjä ftyk f'k{kk vf/kdkjh

çkjafHkd f'k{kk fljksgh rFkk vU; x.kekU; inkf/kdkfj;ksa ds fof'k"V vfrfFk ds vkfrF; esa gqvkA rRi'pkr LdkmV lh vks Jh ujsaæ [kksjoky us vfrfFk;ksa dks çn'kZuh dk voyksdu djok;kA vfrfFk;ksa us çn'kZuh dh ljkguk dhA çn'kZuh esa ckyd ckfydkvksa }kjk dyk dkS'ky f'kfoj esa esganh] Mªkbax] flykbZ vkfn çdkj ds lkeku tks cPpksa ds }kjk cuk, x,

FksA bl vloj ij Jh baæk pkSgku] ç/kkukpk;Z jktdh; mPp ek/;fed fo|ky; fof'k"V iwoZ cky

eafnj us dgk fd bl fo|ky; esa dbZ o"kksaZ ls ;g dyk dks'ky çf'k{k.k f'kfoj vk;ksftr fd;k tk jgk gS ftlesa cgqr gh de jkf'k esa nks fo"k;ksa dks çf'k{k.k fn;k tkrk gS ;g çf'k{k.k buds futh

thou esa ykHkdkjh fl) gks ldrk gS lkFk gh thfodksiktZu dk lk/ku Hkh cu ldrk gSA lekjksg esa ckyd ckfydkvksa ds }kjk ,dy ,oa ;qxy u`R; dh jaxkjax çLrqfr;ka nh xbZA f'kfoj esa vk;ksftr fofHkUu çfr;ksfxrkvksa fo'o /kweziku fu"ks/k fnol çfr;ksfxrk] flykbZ çfr;ksfxrk] fo'o i;kZoj.k fnol iksLVj] fuca/k] esganh] gs;j LVkby] nqYgu ltkvksa ,oa ,dy u`R; vkfn izfr;ksfxrk,a vk;ksftr dh xbZA


Shalimar Balaji Group of South Eastern Railway organized an outing programme at Science City on 2nd July 2023 with 52 participants including Cubs, Bulbuls, Scouts, Guides, Rovers, Rangers, along with 5 adult leaders. The objective of this programme was to offer its participants an engaging way of experiencingscienceandtofostertheircuriosityandinterestintheeldofscience.


The Bharat Scouts & Guides Maharishi District conducted Tritiya Sopan Camp for zone-1 from 3rd to 5th July 2023 at MIRS Camp site with 212 Scouts, Guides, Scouters & Guiders and staff members from Maharishi Vidya Mandir Senior Secondary School, Chetpet and Maharishi Vidya Mandir Senior SecondarySchool,Avadiparticipated.ShriG.SrikanthwastheLeaderoftheCamp.

32 JULY, 2023

The Bharat Scouts & Guides Maharishi District conducted Tritiya Sopan Camp for zone-2 at MIRS Camp site from 5th to 7th July 2023 in which 250 Scouts, Guides, Scouters & Guiders and Staff members from Maharishi Vidya Mandir Senior Secondary School Mangadu, Maharishi Vidya Mandir Senior Secondary School Irungakottai, Maharishi Vidya Mandir Senior Secondary School Polachery & Maharishi International Residiential School were participated. Shri Jayakumar,ADV(S)wastheleaderoftheCamp. The activities in both the camps were B.P Six, Inspection, Flag Break, Camp Craft, Hike, Adventure Activities, Pravesh Tests, All Faith PrayerandGrandCampreetc.


On 26th June 2023, the inauguration day of the Kharchi Puja mela, 150 Rovers and Rangers of Tripura state offered theirservices.Kharchi Puja is one of major festivals of Tripura. Every year on Shukla Ashtami Tithi of Ashad month, fourteenth deity temple of old Agartala turns into a meeting place of harmony, brotherhoodand tradition with thousands of visitors ocking to this traditional week-long festival. IT is a fusion of spiritual & cultural spirits. Scouts and Guides will continue their servicesduringwholeperiodsofPuja.


The Scouter’s Guider’s Conference of Howrah District Association of West Bengal State was held at Delhi Public School, Howrah on 02nd July 2023. The conference brought together passionate leaders who discussed important topics for the growth and development of the district. Key points included strategies to reach targets, fund-raising approaches, development of adult leaders, and recognition of outstanding achievements were discussed. The importance of OYMS registration was also emphasized. The newly appointed State Training Commissioner (Scouts) of the West Bengal State Association was felicitated, and gratitude was expressed for the collective efforts that made the conferencesuccessful.

33 JULY, 2023

QUIZ NO. 286

Note: Your answers along with recent passport size photographs should reach us on or before 15th August , 2023. The names and photos of rst ve lucky winners with correct answers will be published in the magazineof August,2023. issue.

1. WhenwastheFirstWorldScoutJamboreeheldandwhere?

2. WhatdoesJamboreeliterallymean?

3. WhatwasthethemeoftheFirstWorldScoutJamboree?

4. Whatisthethemeofthe25thWorldScoutJamboreeconductedbyWOSM?

5. Wherewasthe24thWorldScoutJamboreeheld?

6. WhowastheChiefoftheFirstWorldScoutJamboree?

7. WhenwastheFirstNationalJamboreeofBSGheldandwhere?

8. Name the lashing used whenever spars cross each other at an angle, and touch each other at the pointwheretheycross.

9. Whatisthetypeoflashingusedatthetopsofthreepolestogetherinordertoformatripodor`gyn`?

10. WhatisaParbuckle?


1. Sevenbrighteststars

2. AftertheJamboreeatOlympia,in1920.

3. WaterPolo

4. Erasesignalof8Es.

5. The simplest form of hut with two upright stakes rmly driven into the ground, with a ridge-pole placed in position along the tops from which a numberofpolesaremadetoleandown.

6. Getpermissionfromtheauthorities.

7. Indicatesthatthewearerisgood-natured.

8. Onewhostudiesbirds.

9. Infangsinsidetheirmouths.

10. Kenya.

JULY, 2023 34


JULY, 2023 35



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