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Mid Yorkshire Clinical Services Strategy Patient and Public Advisory Group Tuesday 17 July 2012 9.30am – 11.45am Present:

Helen Crawford Naseem Saeed Dai Gifford Mohammed Laher David Hutchinson Jan Power Patricia Hodge Hilary Rowbottom Rachel Plachinski Ruth Unwin, Director of Development, The Mid Yorkshire NHS Hospitals Trust Michelle Ezro Andrew Leeson Nick Molyneux Sarah Mackenzie-Cooper Dawn Pearson Kirsty Wayman

1. Ways of working The group discussed how it should operate in terms of how often it should meet, location of meetings, how members should be communicated with i.e. post / email etc. The following was agreed: Meetings to be held 6 weekly, alternating venues between Al-Hikmah Centre and Pontefract District Hospital. Additional meetings may be arranged if and when anything urgent arises. Meetings not be arranged on Friday or first Tuesday of the month Meetings to start at 10am Correspondence will be via email, however, larger documents will be posted to all members. Actions Travel expenses will be reimbursed and forms will be sent out with agendas, together with information on how to get to the venue. Costs for childcare, carer costs will also be covered. A briefing sheet of key messages from meetings will be distributed to members to enable them to take back to their groups A tour of the hospitals will be arranged for interested members. Where possible the tour will be held prior to a meeting

2. Membership of the Group Sarah Mackenzie-Cooper explained the need to ensure that the group is representative of the communities that Mid Yorkshire serves, specifically in terms of protected

characteristics. The group discussed the lack of young people and ways that contact could be made with those groups to encourage their participation. Examples given were: Wakefield LINk – will be visiting secondary schools to gain views of young people Knottingley Youth Voice Pontefract Youth Voice Wakefield Youth Parliament – they would need to be formally invited IMWS youth groups Members of the group mentioned groups that they were actively involved with and discussed ways of how they could be engaged. The following was agreed: Actions Equality monitoring form to be distributed to all members of the group for them to complete. This will enable Sarah to assess what gaps exist and to consider how these gaps can be filled. Form to be sent to members to enable them to list which groups they liaise with and the ways that we can engage with those groups e.g. newsletter, distributing information to their databases, website and attending meetings Group to be advised of what groups we already engage with so they can check the list to see if there are any gaps

3. Terms of Reference for the group Examples of terms of reference used by GP Practice Patient Reference Groups were discussed by the group. It was agreed: The name of the group should change to be an Advisory group rather than a Reference group. The group has been established to influence and challenge the proposed service changes at Mid Yorkshire Hospital and also to advise on communication and engagement processes, to ensure that we are engaging with a wide range of people in meaningful and timely way. The members of the group will feedback on any views / comments being expressed by the groups they engage with. Actions Draft Terms of Reference to be circulated to the group for comment The next meeting will look at the communications and engagement plans that have been developed. Helen Crawford to circulate her co-production document which explains possible ways of working for the group Minutes from the group will be put on website to enable the wider public to have sight of the work being undertaken by the group 4. Updates on events held on 22nd June and 10th July Ruth Unwin delivered a presentation on the Clinical Services Strategy which provided an update on what had taken place at the events held on 22 June and 10 July. The presentation included the list of services currently provided across each hospital site and how these would change in Option 1 and Option 2. It was agreed:

Action Email the option lists providing additional information detailing what each hospital would be gaining and losing under each option compared to the current service provision. The following issues were raised by members: Reassurance needs to be given to the public, particularly in Dewsbury, that the hospitals are not closing. How could Pinderfields cope with additional demands, when it appears to be struggling now? Funding for Baby Cafes in Dewsbury is being cut. Lack of support for breast feeding impacts on the number of babies being admitted to hospital due to weight loss. Need to look at the bigger picture. What will the impact on staffing be? Does this mean they would be expected to work at different hospitals? Is this being communicated with staff? What does Dewsbury gain? Training budget needs to be in place to ensure staff are appropriately trained e.g. midwife led unit. Public need to be made aware that private hospitals don’t have high dependency / intensive care units Need to focus on what the benefits are for the populations of Dewsbury and Pontefract rather than focus on what is changing at the hospitals. Need to communicate what is being retained and improved, benefits of having a centre of excellence and how this would outweigh the travel. Need to communicate the future of Dewsbury, Pontefract and Pinderfields. Want reassurance that Option 2 has not already been agreed? Can we have the figures of how many people are already choosing not to have a baby at Dewsbury, how many to Calderdale, Leeds and Pinderfields?

5. Scoring service change options Andrew Leeson attended to explain the scoring process that had taken place on 10 July 40-50 people attended the scoring event and from the data collated option 2 was rated significantly higher than option 1 on nearly all the criteria. Concerns were expressed that scoring results didn’t reflect the views expressed by the public in terms of transport. Action The scoring information will be emailed to all members, so those that had not been involved in the scoring would have the opportunity to be involved. Ruth Unwin offered to be available to discuss the options with anyone.

6. Proposed changes to Neuro-Rehabilitation, Ophthalmology and Orthopaedics Nick explained the current engagement that is taking place with regards to NeuroRehabilitation, Ophthalmology and Orthopaedics. Action Copies of the engagement documents to be circulated to members to enable them to comment and distribute to their networks

7. Any other business None

8. Date and time of next meeting Next meeting to be held in 3-4 weeks, date, time and venue to be confirmed.

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