Calderdale & Kirklees Primary Care Trust Induction Policy & Guidance
Responsible Directorate: Date Approved Committee
Calderdale & Kirklees HRSS July 2008 C&K Staff Forum/Kirklees Governance Committee & Calderdale RTSC
Signature of Accountable Director
Print Name
Sue Ellis
Version Control.
Document Title Document number Author Contributors
Calderdale & Kirklees PCT Induction Policy & Guidance 1 Ruth Shaw HROD Shared Service Team
Risk Management Team Version 1 Date of Production July 2008 Review date 3 years Postholder responsible for Assistant Director Organisational revision Development Primary Circulation List Via PCT Intranets- C&K PCTs, Employment Policies Web address
Restrictions None
Standard for Better Health Map.
Second Domain – Clinical Effectiveness Third Domain - Governance
Core / Development Core Standard C5 Standard Reference Core Standard C10, C11 Performance Indicators 1. All new staff, staff changing roles or departments within the organisation and staff returning from extended leave invited to attend induction programmes 2. Staff attendance at induction programmes collected 3. Non-attendance at induction programmes reported 4. Induction programmes evaluated for quality
Section Policy Statement 1 Introduction 2 Associated Policies and Procedures 3 Aims and Objectives 4 Scope of the Policy 5 Accountabilities 6 Consultation, Approval and Ratification Process 7 Elements of the Induction Programme 8 Equality Impact Assessment 9 Training Needs Analysis 10 Monitoring Compliance with the Policy Supporting Documents 1 Calderdale & Kirklees PCT Personal Induction Checklist 2 Induction – Guidance Notes for Managers 3 Training Needs Analysis 4 Departmental Induction Evaluation Form 5 Example of a New Starter Departmental Induction Schedule
Page 3 3 3 3 4 5 6 6 8 8 8
Policy Statement Calderdale & Kirklees Primary Care Trusts (the PCTs) will have a clear, defined induction programme for all staff who commence employment with the organisation or return to work following extended leave i.e long term sickness absence, maternity leave, and for all staff who change roles or departments within the Trust. This will ensure that all staff are provided with appropriate information about the organisation, the department in which they will be working, have a clear understanding of what is expected from them and how they will deliver this (KSF outline), and establish good relationships with new colleagues. 1.0
New starters become integrated into an organisation, or new role over a period of time, and helping a new employee to settle down quickly makes good business sense and benefits the organisation as a whole. The PCTs are committed to ensuring that all staff are fully supported during this crucial time, and will provide a robust induction programme that is flexible enough to meet the varying needs of individuals. Recruitment and Selection is the starting point of the Induction process for new starters to the organisation. The following document sets out the: 1. Level of induction required for different individuals 2. Responsibilities and accountabilities associated with induction 3. Elements of the induction process 4. Audit and evaluation methods for induction 5. Induction Guidance document for managers 2.0
Associated Policies and Procedures.
This Policy and Guidance should be read in accordance with the following PCT policies, procedures and guidance:1. The Calderdale & Kirklees PCTs’ Personal Development Review and The Knowledge and Skills Framework Procedure and Guidance 2. The Calderdale PCT & Kirklees PCT Preceptorship Guidelines 3. The Calderdale & Kirklees PCTs’ Mentoring Procedure and Guidelines 4. The Calderdale & Kirklees PCTs’ Recruitment & Selection Policy 5. The Calderdale PCT & Kirklees PCTs’ Staff Handbook 3.0
Aims and Objectives.
Calderdale & Kirklees PCTs have a standardised approach to the induction of new starters into the organisation, and for supporting staff returning to work after an extended period of absence or changing roles or departments within the Trust. 3
This standardised approach will achieve the following governance objectives
Compliance with the NHSLA Risk Management Standards
Compliance with C5, C10 and C11 Standard for Better Health
Compliance with 10A and E of the Health Act (Hygiene Code)
Scope of the Policy and Guidance
This Policy and Guidance must be followed by all PCT employees including staff on temporary or honorary contracts, staff on secondment, bank staff, Non-executive Directors (NEDs), Professional Executive Committee members (PEC) and students as detailed below. New Staff All new staff, regardless of grade or profession, and including those seconded into the organisation must receive a formal induction to the PCT that incorporates both a corporate and departmental element in accordance with this policy. Non Executive Director Any new board member (including all NEDs) should receive an induction programme which is relevant to their role. The Appointments Commission, the PCT Chair, and Human Resources Service will co-ordinate an induction programme for NEDs within the PCTs. Chairs of statutory committees will ensure that induction is provided for new members as appropriate. PEC Members All new PEC members should receive an induction programme that is relevant to their role. The Chair of the PCT is responsible, with the HR Service for coordinating this for all other PEC members. Bank Staff Attendance at the corporate induction programme is mandatory unless the following circumstances apply. Attendance at the formal corporate induction programme is not a requirement if a member of staff already holds another contract with the Trust, has previously attended the corporate induction day, and the bank contract is over and above this commitment. Staff falling into this category should however receive a departmental induction using the personal induction checklist, where relevant. Temporary Staff (including agency, locum staff and volunteer workers) Staff appointed on a contract (honorary contract for volunteer workers) of one month or more will automatically be notified in writing with a date to attend the
corporate induction programme. Any new starter with contract duration of less than one month should receive a departmental induction in accordance with this policy. Line managers are responsible for ensuring short term contractors and agency staff receive an induction appropriate to their role and the delivery of a safe service. Line managers can seek advice from the senior management team to ensure the induction needs of staff appointed on contracts of less than one month are appropriately identified and met. Where a one month temporary contract is subsequently extended the individual will be required to attend the formal corporate induction day. Work Experience Students Work experience students, although on placement for short periods of time, should receive a departmental induction in accordance with this policy. The person arranging work experience for the student must be able to produce evidence on request that a departmental induction has taken place. Staff Transferring Posts within the PCT Any employee who takes on a different role within the organisation should receive a departmental induction programme relevant to that post. This will vary from situation to situation, depending on the level of familiarity that the new post holder already assumes. It is the line manager’s responsibility to ensure this process is followed. 5.0
5.1 Directors The Human Resources/Organisational Development Shared Service Director is lead Director with board level responsibility for induction of all staff. The Director team is responsible for participating in the delivery of the induction programme, and for actively supporting team members within their directorate to undertake induction. The Director team is responsible for supporting a culture of development within their PCT. 5.2 Non-Executive Directors and PEC Members The chair of the PCT and PEC Chair are responsible for ensuring that all NEDs and PEC Members complete the corporate induction day and receive inductions appropriate to their roles, in partnership with the Appointments Commission where relevant. 5.3 Managers Managers are responsible for ensuring that new members of staff (including temporary and bank staff) are released from routine duties to attend the scheduled formal corporate induction day, and for ensuring individuals are provided with a local departmental induction programme. Managers must confirm reason for any new starter non-attendance at corporate induction to OD admin support service. Line managers are responsible for completing
the Calderdale & Kirklees Personal Induction Checklist with the new member of staff during the three month induction period. 5.4 Staff Staff are required to attend and participate in all elements of the induction programme provided by the Trust and to complete the induction process within 3 months of commencement of employment. New staff will be allocated a place on the PCT Corporate Induction day and notified in writing of this and relevant details within the first month of their employment. Staff have a duty to attend Corporate Induction and will be supported by the Trust to complete the induction process. Non attendance at Corporate Induction may result in failure to meet the requirements of the KSF foundation gateway. 5.5 Human Resources Shared Service (HRSS) HRSS are responsible for recording details of all new starters to the organisation and of all staff changing roles or departments within the Trust. Corporate induction is set up via HROD administration staff. HRSS are responsible for the quarterly auditing and reporting of staff:1. Attendance at corporate induction 2. Completion of departmental induction 3. Induction evaluation feedback 4. Transition through KSF foundation gateway
6.0 Consultation, Approval and Ratification Process The policy has been widely circulated prior to going through formal approval processes.
7.0 Elements of the Induction Programme The following statements set out the PCTs commitment to supporting new staff throughout the induction process: 7.1 A formal corporate induction programme will be provided by the Calderdale & Kirklees HRSS for all new starters regardless of grade or profession, and all new staff will be invited to attend in accordance with this policy. Every effort must be made to ensure all new starters have attended the corporate induction day within six weeks of starting work. The corporate induction programme will include: • •
Introduction to the PCT Risk Management – H&S, Consent, Incident Reporting, Complaints 6
• • • • • • •
Fire Safety Fraud Human Resources Information Safeguarding Issues – adults and children Confidentiality and Information Security/Data Protection Infection Prevention and Control Any other agenda item as deemed necessary by the PCTs
7.2 Human resources will provide a Calderdale & Kirklees Personal Induction Checklist for all new starters and any staff moving into new roles within the organisation. The checklist should be used as the basis for the departmental induction and must be completed within set timescales. 7.3 All staff should undertake a personal development review with their line manager on an annual basis in accordance with the PCT’s Personal Development Review and The Knowledge and Skills Framework Procedure and Guidance. 7.4 The Calderdale & Kirklees PCTs’ ‘Induction – Guidance for Managers’ Document will be available from human resources department and the intranet for all managers to access when inducting a member of staff transferring into their team from within the PCT. A copy of the guidance document will be issued automatically to managers along with the personal induction checklist for all new starters joining the PCT as part of the recruitment process. 7.5 Preceptorship arrangements will be available for all professional staff in line with Calderdale & Kirklees PCTs’ Personal Development Review and The Knowledge and Skills Framework Procedure and Guidance, and local guidelines for preceptorship. This includes staff for whom there are recognised professional standards, codes of conduct and/or regulatory body. Preceptorship is mandatory for all clinical staff joining the organisation at band five level as this group move up two pay points in their first year. 7.5 Mentorship arrangements for any member of staff identified within their personal development review as likely to benefit from additional support will be provided in accordance with Calderdale & Kirklees PCTs’ Mentoring Procedure and Guidance. 7.6 All staff must have completed all stages of the induction process and attended the necessary mandatory training relevant to their role in order to progress through the KSF foundation gateway as set out in the Personal Development Review and The Knowledge and Skills Framework Procedure and Guidance document. The exception to this would be if non-attendance was attributed to the fault of the organisation rather than an individual, and in this instance the staff member would be permitted to progress through the gateway. Managers are responsible for informing payroll of any staff member not eligible to pass through the KSF foundation gateway. Situations arising
where new members of staff, appointed above the foundation gateway, do not complete all stages of the induction process or attend the necessary mandatory training will be dealt with through the relevant human resources policies and procedures.
Equality Impact Assessment.
Policies undergo an initial risk assessment against the statutory equality duties to review any risk of inequitable impacts on any diverse community. This policy and guidance was found to be compliant with this philosophy. Implementation of the policy will be monitored to ensure equitable impacts on all staff groups.
Training Needs Analysis.
All staff commencing employment with Calderdale & Kirklees PCTs must attend the corporate induction programme and complete a departmental induction in accordance with this policy.
Monitoring Compliance with this Policy and Guidance.
The administration of the corporate induction programme, joining details and organisation and evaluation of the programme will be undertaken by the Human Resources and Organisational Development team. New starters will automatically be booked onto the corporate induction day and informed in writing of the venue and date they are required to attend. New starters must attend corporate induction in line with this policy. Line managers will be informed of the date the new starter has been given to attend corporate induction. Two subsequent invitations (copied to the line manager) will be sent to new starters who fail to attend the first date given. It is the line managers’ responsibility to release the new starter from the workplace to attend corporate induction. Managers will be asked by OD admin support services to confirm reason for any new starter non-attendance at corporate induction. Attendance figures will be audited quarterly and the programme content and delivery evaluated on an ongoing basis. Failure to attend corporate induction after a third invitation has been issued may result in formal action being taken against the line manager or the new starter if non attendance after the third invitation cannot be reasonably justified. The induction process will be subject to routine audit and evaluation by HRSS. This will include information relating to new starters: 1. Attendance at corporate induction 2. Completion of departmental induction programme
3. Induction evaluation feedback – corporate and departmental The HRSS will audit the corporate induction procedure from attendance statistics and will collate information and feedback given via evaluation forms completed by new starters on the day they attend corporate induction. A second questionnaire will be issued to new starters to evaluate their experience of departmental induction. Feedback received will be used to help evaluate the local induction process and inform further development of the induction programme. 11. Supporting Information Calderdale & Kirklees Personal Induction Checklist Induction Guidance for Managers Calderdale & Kirklees Departmental Induction Evaluation Form Flowchart for Departmental Induction Process Example of a Departmental Induction Schedule Training Needs Analysis This information is available on the intranet or via Human Resources Department