Agenda Item: 07 Enclosure: CKWCB/12/182 Category of Paper Tick()
27 September 2012 Paper Title:
Decision and Approval
Chief Executive’s Report
Position statement
Responsible Director:
Mike Potts Chief Executive
Paper Author:
FOI Status:
Mike Potts Chief Executive
Executive Summary:
This report updates the Cluster Board on current pertinent issues not covered elsewhere on the agenda.
Outcome of Equality Impact Assessment:
Sub Group/Committee:
Recommendation (s):
The Cluster Board is asked to RECEIVE and NOTE the content of this report.
NHS Calderdale, Kirklees and Wakefield District Cluster Board 27 September 2012 Government Reshuffle As part of an extensive Government reshuffle, Jeremy Hunt, previously Culture Secretary, has replaced Andrew Lansley as Health Secretary. Andrew Lansley has become the leader of the House of Commons. NHS Calderdale, Kirklees and Wakefield District Annual Review A letter has been received from Ian Dalton, Chief Executive, NHS North of England, following the annual review held at Blenheim House on 21 May 2012 and is attached for information. A quarterly review meeting, attended by Peter Flynn, Ian Currell and Sue Cannon, took place on 14 August 2012. Feedback from this meeting is awaited. NHS 111 Update The contract has now been signed between NHS Calderdale (acting on behalf of Yorkshire and the Humber Commissioners) and Yorkshire Ambulance NHS Trust as the provider of NHS 111 and West Yorkshire Urgent Care Primary Medical Services for which they have subcontracted with Local Care Direct to deliver. The new service is expected to be ready for soft launch on 5 March 2013 and public launch on 19 March 2013. At the soft launch date the service will be switched on to take calls from Out of Hours Service providers only. This allows some demand management to ensure that the service operates effectively prior to the public being able to access the service on 19 March and also for all NHS Direct 08454647 calls to be transferred. The programme has entered the mobilisation phase with mobilisation workshops in each of the cluster areas during week commencing 6 August 2012. These workshops were attended by a wide range of stakeholders from the urgent care system in each area and involved an update on NHS 111 in Yorkshire & the Humber, a national perspective on NHS 111 and was followed by work on developing the model mobilisation plan shared by the Department of Health (DH) – and ensuring it is made unique to each of the local urgent care systems where services, needs and expectations are different. A very clear message from these events was that although a regional NHS 111 service has been procured – delivery will be bespoke to local areas and mobilisation planning will indeed be undertaken at that local level. As the programme progresses through mobilisation to testing by the DH in readiness to go live in March 2013, there is a significant amount of work to do such as ensuring: • • • •
the technical configurations and inter-operability is right between clinical systems and telephony; operational procedures are in place; the Directory of Services is validated, tested and up-to-date; clinical governance and assurance processes are in place both locally and regionally;
staff are transferred and receive the appropriate training.
These are just a few of the key areas included in mobilisation plans. Importantly, over the next few weeks, CCGs will be deciding on arrangements for contract management under a Lead Commissioner arrangement so that an effective transition can be made from the 111 Programme Board to the Lead Commissioner and its Contract Management Board next year. If you want to know more about NHS 111 Y&H programme please visit the NHS 111 website available at the following link:, click ‘Campaigns’ and then ‘NHS 111’.
Mid Yorkshire Hospitals NHS Trust Three non-executive directors (NEDs), Pat Garbutt, Trevor Lake and Rosie Valerio, have been appointed to the Board of Mid Yorkshire Hospitals NHS Trust (MYHT). Their appointment follows the resignations of Anita Fatchett, David Longstaff, Margaret Faull and Iain Wilkinson on 3 July 2012, who left amid a deepening financial crisis at Mid Yorkshire. David Stone, the Trust’s interim chairman, said two more non-executives would be appointed later in the year. Pat Garbutt is a Pontefract North councillor and Wakefield Council’s cabinet member for adults and health. Trevor Lake is an independent member of West Yorkshire Police Authority and a nonexecutive associate with NHS Calderdale Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG), he will step down from his Non Executive Associate role once the CCG is authorised. Rosie Valerio provides employment advice and consultancy to the voluntary sector and is an independent trustee of the University of Sheffield Pension Scheme. Two directors of the MYHT have recently left the organisation. Chief Nurse, Tracey McErlain-Burns, left to take up a senior role with NHS North of England, undertaking a programme of work to manage the major transfer of responsibility for quality assurance across the health system from the Strategic Health Authority to the new Clinical Commissioning Board, which comes into effect fully from April 2013. Medical Director, Professor Tim Hendra, has moved on to allow him to focus on his existing national advisory roles. Tim has external roles as a Chairman for General Medical Council Fitness to Practice Panels, as a medical assessor for the National Clinical Assessment Service and is a steering group member for the National Confidential Enquiry into Patient Outcome and Death. Kate Harper, currently Deputy Chief Nurse, is now Acting Director of Nursing and Quality and Dr Richard Jenkins, currently the Trust’s Clinical Director for Medicine, is Acting Medical Director. The Trust will look to recruit more permanently to both posts later this year.
Mid Yorkshire Hospitals NHS Trust – Appointment of New Chairman The Appointments Commission has appointed a new Chairman to Mid Yorkshire Hospitals NHS Trust Board, Mr Jules Preston, MBE. Jules will take up his new role from 1 October 2012. David Stone, CBE, who was appointed to the Chair to the Trust in an interim capacity in March 2012, will leave at the end of September 2012. Jules has extensive experience in the HS, having served as Chairman of Northumberland, Tyne and Wear NHS Foundation Trust, one of the largest mental health and learning disability trusts in the country, since its establishment in 2006. He has previously been a non-executive director of other NHS organisations including the former Sunderland Health Authority and the then Northumberland, Tyne and Wear Strategic Health Authority. He has also held senior positions with the Manpower Services Commission and Sunderland City Training and Enterprise Council and for more than two years he was part-time Chief Executive of the National Glass Centre in Sunderland. He was, until recently, an assessor both in the UK and internationally, or organisations that are working to achieve Investor in People status. In addition to his NHS non-executive experience, Jules has broad experience of serving on boards in the public, private and voluntary sectors. He was Chairman of Sunderland Carers’ Centre and is currently Chairman of Grace House Children’s Hospice Appeal and New Deal for Communities East End of Sunderland and Hendon – a successful £54 million regeneration scheme. We wish both Jules and David all the very best.
Pontefract Accident and Emergency Services Patients are again able to access Accident and Emergency (A&E) services overnight at Pontefract. The decision was taken in October 2011 to temporarily close the Emergency Department at Pontefract between 10.00 pm and 8.00 am from 1 November 2011 due to a shortage of emergency doctors. A commitment was made to reopen the Department and earlier this year, Mid Yorkshire Hospitals NHS Trust signed a contract with health service provider, Primecare, for emergency medicine-skilled GPs to cover the Department from 10.00 pm until 8.00 am, seven days a week, initially for 12 months. From 3 September 2012, the team of GPs will be working with emergency medicine nursing staff and an onsite anaesthetist to assess and treat anyone who attends. However, if those people are critically ill, or need to be admitted, they will be transferred immediately to Pinderfields Hospital. The overnight service put in place at Pontefract was always intended as a short-term measure. Options for a long-term future of emergency care at Pinderfields, is currently being looked at as part of the clinical services strategy. No decisions have been made as yet, but it is expected to go to formal consultation on this and a range of other service changes early next year.
More information about the developing options is available at
Healthwatch England Anna Bradley has been appointed as Chair of Healthwatch England. She has also been appointed as a member of the Board of the Care Quality Commission (CQC). Healthwatch England will be a statutory CQC committee, launching on 1 October 2012, followed by local Healthwatch on 1 April 2013.
Equitable Access - Calderdale In relation to the ongoing contract management of existing PMS contracts, NHS Calderdale has been successful in its implementation of Equitable Access and manages the formal contract review processes with its two existing providers, Care UK and Assura Medical. These contract review processes operate in parallel to the standard contract review process for GMS and PMS practices. It is proposed that Dr Matt Walsh, Designated Chief Officer, NHS Calderdale CCG, will continue to be the lead director for the Calderdale Equitable Access procurement as we move forward through transition. In his role as PCT Medical Director, Dr Walsh was Senior Responsible Officer, overseeing the re-procurement of Phase 1 of the initiative. It is proposed that Dr Walsh maintains this responsibility and provides continued senior leadership to the initiative until mobilisation of the contract, which is expected to be in February 2013.
The QIPP Long Term Conditions Year of Care Funding Model Kirklees Kirklees was one of only 7 health and social care economies to be successful in its application to become a national early implementer site for this project. All strategic leaders from the Kirklees health and social care economy supported the application. The QIPP LTC national work stream has two aims; changing the care model to reflect the high number of people with multiple conditions, and changing the financial model to reinforce this care model. The national project intends for early implementer sites to shadow the agreed year of care currencies in 2013/14, leading to the development of the national pricing model. To shadow those national prices in 2014/15, with the expectation that national LTC year of care prices will be implemented in April 2015. Strategic leads will ensure that this project is working hand in hand with the work streams tackling this agenda on behalf of the Transformation Boards.
NHS Staff Survey 2012 The Department of Health (DH), whilst encouraging all trusts to participate in the survey, recognise that PCTs are currently in a difficult position as the NHS transitions to its new
commissioning structure. In particular, PCTs will cease to exist only a few weeks after the publication of the survey results, whilst HR workloads will be very high. In view of this, DH decided PCTs should be offered the opportunity to opt out of the 2012 survey. Therefore, following discussion with our local staff partnership forum, it has been decided that NHS Calderdale, Kirklees and Wakefield District PCTs, will opt out of the 2012 staff survey. The PCTs will continue to engage with and support staff through transition, paying particular attention to the health and well being of staff.
Health Emergency Preparedness, Resilience and Response from April 2013 Local Health Resilience Partnerships (LHRPs) are being established to deliver national Emergency Preparedness, Resilience and Response (EPRR) Strategy in the context of local risks. These will bring together the health sector organisations involved in EPRR at the Local Resilience Forum (LRF) level. Building on existing arrangements for health representation at LRFs, the LHRP will be a forum for co-ordination, joint working and planning for emergency preparedness and response by all relevant health bodies. The LHRPs’ footprint will map to the LRFs. It will offer a co-ordinated point of contact with the LRF and reflect a national consistent approach to support effective planning of health emergency response. The LHRP will be co-chaired by a lead Director of Public Health (DPH) from one of the upper tier or unitary authorities in the area and by a Director responsible for EPRR from the NHS Commissioning Board Local Area Teams (NHS CB LAT). Key elements of the LHRPs Resource Pack have been published and may be accessed via /under Gateway Reference 17820. This pack is recognised as a multi-agency production and includes: 1. A summary of the principal (EPRR) roles for health sector organisations. This document clarifies the roles of organisations at national, sub-national and local levels and answers a number of questions that have been raised during the peer review processes. 2. LHRP Terms of Reference – a model Terms of Reference is provided to support the implementation of the LHRP. This document also contains, as an appendix, the core competencies required for the DPH Co-Chair of the LHRP. 3. LHRP Model Concept of Operations (ConOps) – This document is also provided to support the introduction of LHRPs.
Age Discrimination As part of the Equality Act 2010, provision was made to ban age discrimination against adults in the provision of services and public functions.
The provision will come into effect from 1 October 2012. From this date it will be unlawful to discriminate on the basis of age unless the practice is covered by an exception from the ban, or good reason can be shown for the differential treatment ('objective justification'). There are no specific exceptions to the ban on age discrimination for health or social care services. This means that any age-based practices by the NHS and social care organisations would need to be objectively justified, if challenged. The Governments states: “We are taking a proportionate approach. The new law will only prohibit harmful or unjustifiable treatment that results in genuinely unfair discrimination because of age. The ban on discrimination will not affect the many entirely justifiable instances of different treatment that do not cause any harm. It strikes the right balance between the interests of business and consumers.” A resource pack to help NHS and health and social care organisations prepare for the legislation has been produced, it has three component parts: • • •
A self assessment toolkit that health and social care organisations can use to work with their local stakeholders to identify actions they may need to take to end justifiable age discrimination and promote age equality. A guide for NHS commissioners and providers that helps local NHS organisations identify the actions they need to take to implement the recommendations from “Achieving Age Equality” A guide for Social Care that has been produced by the Social Care Institute for Excellence (SCIE) to help Local Authority Adult Social Care Departments and providers achieve age equality in the delivery of local services.
The equality service across the 2 Clusters will consider this and present some local guidance in the near future. There is no national guidance as yet, though this is expected before October.
Mike Potts Chief Executive