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OBJECTIVES OF THE PAPER 1.1 To share with the Board the progress of the Strategic Review programme


BACKGROUND 2.1 On 4 July 2012 a programme launch event was held for the Calderdale and Huddersfield Health and Social Care Economy. In August 2012, the programme entered the crucial phase of establishing the four ‘Care Streams’ and the ‘Cross–Cutting Themes’ that will expedite the design work that will comprise the intentions of the Strategic Review.


PROGRESS AND NEXT STEPS 3.1 Care Streams Key members of the Programme Steering Group met with the Care Stream Chairs and Vice-chairs on 27 July 2012 to introduce the Design Framework (and other core documents) and to discuss expectations around their leadership role within the Care Streams. It was a successful event, a good dialogue was established, and no significant issues were raised. The progress of each of the Care Streams is covered at Appendix A. 3.2 Risks An initial identification, evaluation and mitigation of programme risks has been conducted by the PMO and commented upon by the Steering Group and received by the Programme Board at its meeting of 28 August 2012. It is anticipated that the number of risks will grow as the programme progresses with, notably, risks arising from the analyses and design challenges in the care streams. As stated in the Terms of Reference for the Strategic Review Programme Board: Board members are responsible for ensuring that the systems applied by the Strategic Review Programme on their behalf are consistent with their own organisations governance arrangements, notably in respect of standing orders, standing financial instructions and clinical governance regimes. Therefore, none of the Strategic Review Risk Management requirements in any way replace or provide substitution for the standard corporate risk policies and procedures utilised by any of the partner organisations, at any time, for the duration of the programme. 3.3 Planning and Progress The programme – high level - critical path is shown at Appendix B and the timeline now carries significant risk, simply put, in terms of the time available for the care streams to produce business cases. As reported to the Programme Board at the meeting of 26 June 2012 the partnership agreement of a ‘Vision’, Design Framework’ and ‘Fact Sheet’ took 9 weeks longer than planned and, therefore, reduced the time available for care stream design work from some 19 weeks to around 10 weeks. This is, for all care streams, an extremely challenging timescale. 1

Part of the mitigation will include: 3.3.1




The determination of the care streams leadership and membership to deliver the critical path; currently, all the care streams have accepted the challenge while being cognisant of the risks. Not all of the proposals from the care streams will require consultation and, therefore, could be finalised in parallel with any public consultation process (thus allowing more time). Proposals may be sufficiently defined in a business case – albeit not complete – to allow the designs to feature in a public consultation while the fine detail is completed in parallel (thus allowing more time). Finally, the timescales for the preparation and delivery of any public consultation may need to be re-visited if this risk becomes an issue that cannot be mitigated by other measures.

The focus of the PMO is currently on the mitigation measure at 3.3.1. above. If adopted, the measures at 3.3.2 and 3.3.3 will need to be assessed in terms of their inherent risks. 3.4 Outcomes and KPIs The PMO has facilitated two workshops comprising managers and clinicians drawn from the partner organisations to select a range of whole systems outcome measures that may – dependent upon the outputs from the care streams – be used at board level to measure the impact of the programme and also monitor for any ‘unintended consequences’. The resulting work has also been informed and amended by the Steering Group and their colleagues amongst the partner organisations. The resulting document was considered by the Programme Board at its meeting on 28 August 2012. The Board has now requested the Steering Group and PMO to oversee work to hone these initial proposals into a simplified list of high level success criteria. 3.5 Quality The focus on quality needs to be a constant concern for all of those involved in the Strategic Review Programme and all our stakeholders. The Programme Director has met with Sue Cannon, Executive Director of Quality and Governance CKW, to discuss the programme quality regime. The methodology of ‘Quality Impact Assessment’ is being researched – there are currently ‘live’ advances being made in this domain from a policy perspective – to ensure that we use the latest and best advice. Moreover, the PMO has adopted the ‘European Foundation for Quality Management’ (EFQM) template to provide a pictorial representation of how the various strands of programme activity drive quality outcomes. The diagram also references the quality models that are being employed across the programme. 4.0

KEY NEXT STEPS The key next steps for the Steering Group and the Programme are as follows: 4.1 Care Streams – Gate 1 Assurance Reviews The PMO is working closely with Care Stream Chairs and members to apply the first stage of our internal ‘programme gate’ quality regime to ensure that the care streams are well established. All gate one reviews are planned to be carried out during the week commencing Monday 11 September 2012.


4.2 Patient and Public Involvement The Communications and Engagement Group are currently meeting with the care streams as a matter of urgency to establish patient and public engagement plans that will be enacted during the design phase. 4.3 Cross-Cutting Themes The launch of the priority ‘Cross-cutting Themes’ will be finalised and all groups invited to meet in September to enable the necessary support to be available to the care streams. 4.4 Programme Budget The PMO has shared a DRAFT programme budget with the CFO and this will be submitted to the September Programme Board for approval. 4.5 Liaison with SHA regarding the Strategic Change Assurance Process (SCAP) The Communications and Engagement Group have arranged for Tim Barton, the SHA Strategy Lead, with regard to Board, Steering Group and PMO representatives meeting with him on to discuss the SCAP requirements for the Strategic Review Programme. 4.6 Programme Presentation to the Overview & Scrutiny Committees (O&SCs) The Communications and Engagement Group has liaised with the two O&SCs to facilitate an initial presentation of the programme. The Kirklees O&SC received a briefing on 11 September 2012 and requested a follow-up briefing on 4 December 2012. The Calderdale O&SC will receive an initial briefing in the week commencing 17 September 2012. 5.0

RECOMMENDATIONS 5.1 For the Cluster Board to receive and note the contents of this Progress Report for the ‘Calderdale & Huddersfield Health and Social Care Strategic Review Programme’.

Dr Paul Wilding, Steering Group Chair Joe Gibson, Programme Director 11 September 2012


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