Minutes of the Clinical Commissioning Executive Meeting held on 14 June 2012 in the Shibden Meeting Room, F Mill, Dean Clough Mills, Halifax Present:
Dr Alan Brook
Dr John Taylor Dr Nigel Taylor Dr Matt Walsh Dr Graham Wardman Penny Woodhead Keith Wright
Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) Board Chair (Chair of the meeting except for item 49) CCG Board member (Chair of the meeting for item 49) CCG Board member CCG Board member CCG Board member CCG Board member CCG Board member CCG Board member Non Executive Associate Chief Finance Officer (Designate) Non Executive Associate Director of Adults, Health and Social Care, Calderdale Metropolitan Borough Council CCG Board member CCG Board member Accountable Officer Designate Director of Public Health Head of Quality Non Executive Director
Lucy Beeley Debbie Graham Rebecca Jenkins Rebecca Lyth Judith Salter Tim Shields Neil Smurthwaite Jane Brownlie
Senior Programme Manager (Urgent Care) Head of Service Improvement Senior Human Resources Manager Programme Manager Assistant Director, Transition (for items 48 & 49/12) Head of Business Intelligence (for item 40/12) Assistant Director of Workforce (for item46/12) Board Secretary/Corporate Governance Manager
Dr Steven Cleasby Dr Majid Azeb Dr Hazel Carsley Dr Steve Chambers Dr Peter Davies Dr Dinesh Kumar Dr Krishna Kumar Trevor Lake Julie Lawreniuk John Mallalieu Bev Maybury
Also present:
DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Dr Alan Brook declared an interest in item 49/12 regarding letter of support for the Chair Dr Steven Cleasby declared an interest in item 47/12 regarding the Integrated Dermatology Service Drs Brook, Azeb, Carsley, Chambers, Cleasby, Davies, Dinesh Kumar, Krishna Kumar, John Taylor and Nigel Taylor declared an interest in item 38/12 Accountable Officer’s report (with regard to BMA Industrial Action) 1
MINUTES OF THE MEETING HELD ON 10 MAY 2012 The minutes of the meeting held on 10 May 2012 were accepted as a correct record.
MATTERS ARISING FROM THE MINUTES AND ACTION SHEETS (a) Calderdale and Huddersfield Foundation Trust Out-Patient Survey The Head of Quality referred to the action point of checking to ensure that the CHFT Quality Accounts made reference to the Out Patient Survey results. She advised that the PCT could not determine the content of CHFT’s Quality Accounts, but had a statutory duty to comment upon their content and in doing so had asked that reference be made to the Out Patient Survey results. (b) Workforce Report It was reported that the issue of the reporting arrangements on completion of staff appraisals and the importance of prompt notification of their completion had been discussed at a Senior Management Team meeting and cascaded to other relevant managers. The action was therefore complete.
ACCOUNTABLE OFFICER’S REPORT Drs Brook, Azeb, Carsley, Chambers, Cleasby, Davies, Dinesh Kumar, Krishna Kumar, John Taylor and Nigel Taylor declared an interest in this item, with regard to BMA Industrial Action The Accountable Officer (Designate) presented this report which provided information on current pertinent issues including senior staffing changes at the NHS Commissioning Board and across the Cluster; legacy and handover processes leading up to the PCT closedown; progress with decision making in respect of children’s congenital heart services following a Court of Appeal decision requiring assurance on the local implementation of the NHS Equality Delivery System; BMA Industrial Action scheduled for 21 June 2012; the publication of the NHS Commissioning Board Authority’s business plan and “wear your uniform to work day”. In respect of comments on the local implementation of the equality duties (in relation to children’s heart surgery services), it was noted that the response had not yet been signed off by the Chief Executive but that once this had been done copies would be made available to CCE members. With regard to the BMA Industrial Action it was reported that there was a variable picture on the extent of involvement of Primary Care practitioners in the industrial action, with practices being required to notify the PCT of the anticipated impact on service provision. A Non Executive Associate asked 2
about the anticipated impact on services of main secondary care providers. It was reported that at present it was not expected that a significant number of outpatient appointments/or planned admissions would be cancelled but it was acknowledged that the situation needed to be kept under review. The Director of Public Health advised that contingency plans were in place. DECISION That the report be noted. 39/12
QUALITY AND SAFETY REPORT The Head of Quality presented this report which provided an update on patient safety and quality activity. Reference was made to the breach rate on the elimination of mixed sex accommodation (EMSA) over 2011/12. Discussion took place regarding the breaches that had occurred at CHFT over the year, with some breaches having been considered more justified than others and differing views were expressed as to whether an attitude of zero tolerance was always appropriate. In discussion reference was made to the possibility of patients being kept in A&E for longer periods so as to avoid breaching the MSA rules. It was concluded that the aim should be to achieve the targets in both EMSA and A&E waiting times and to investigate and understand the reasons for any breaches. With regard to the MRSA cases it was noted that the target for the year had been hit and the root cause analyses for the breaches and lessons to be learned from them had been discussed at the Healthcare Associated Infection quarterly meeting earlier in June 2012 and at the PENPALs training session on 13 June 2012. The Head of Quality reported that at its previous meeting the Quality Group had discussed the targets for the proportion of patients who had received a Venous Thromboembolism (VTE) risk assessment and the fact that although CHFT was just achieving its target many other providers had significantly over-achieved. The CHFT Medical Director had given assurances on the processes in place and a more detailed report was to be considered at the next Quality Board meeting. The report provided information on the Quarter 4 performance of the main providers in respect of the Commissioning for Quality and Innovation Schemes and the payments therefore recommended to be made through the Contract Management Boards. It was noted that there was an outstanding issue on the level of achievement by the Yorkshire Ambulance Service, the recommendation upon which would have led to a financial shortfall of £500,000. This issue had been escalated to Director level for further discussion. A Non Executive Associate asked that in future information be provided on what the proportion was of the provider’s budget being deducted. It was suggested that such information be included in one of the performance reports (e.g. the contracting element of the finance report) rather than in the Quality Report. DECISIONS 3
1. That the reports on quality performance information on HCAI, EMSA, VTE and Serious Incidents (SIs) be received and the actions taken be noted. 2. That the update on recent regulatory activity published by the Care Quality Commission be received and action taken to address areas of concern be noted. 3. That the Quality Group’s agreement to the integrated community dermatology service specification be noted. 4. That information on the proportion of the YAS budget that might be deducted as a result of the Quarter 4 performance against the CQUINs targets be reported to a subsequent CCE meeting. 40/12
OPERATING FRAMEWORK – PERFORMANCE REPORT The Head of Business Intelligence presented this report which provided an update on performance in Calderdale in relation to the priorities established in the Annual Operating Framework 2011/12. Further to discussion at previous meetings, the report included information on an audit undertaken of all patients who had breached the 4 hour target for time spent in A&E by patients who were subsequently admitted, the report included information on an audit undertaken, during February 2012, of all patients who had breached the 4 hour target for time spent in A & E. The report referred to several areas of focus that had emerged from the audit and discussion took place in respect of the pilot being initiated to provide weekend consultant cover. The Accountable Officer (Designate) commented upon the need for clarification on the detail of the entire A&E services commissioned under the existing contract with CHFT, including the extent of consultant cover and any discrepancies with the service being delivered. It was agreed that a further report be submitted to the Quality Group for detailed consideration. ACTION A Non Executive Associated referred to point 4.3 of the report regarding Transient Ischaemic Attack (TIA) services and from his own observations expressed concerns at the lack of patient-centred “after care” information provided to patients upon discharge from hospital. Reference was made to similar comments having been made by the Stroke Association in the past. The importance of patient experience data being used to identify service improvement areas was acknowledged. In discussion it was accepted that significant improvements had been made to the discharge information produced by the hospital for GPs but it was acknowledged that this was not particularly patient-friendly. The CCG lead on urgent care offered to raise this point with the CHFT officer responsible for electronic discharge information. The Head of Quality also advised that a related report was to be considered at the next Quality Group meeting and issues raised regarding patient experience in relation ACTION to stroke services would also be considered. DECISIONS 1. That the strong levels of achievement in Calderdale during 2011/12 be 4
noted. 2. That the update on the areas that require continued focus be noted.
3. That a report on consultant cover/the detail of the entire A&E services commissioned be considered by the Quality Group
4. That the Quality Group further consider patient experience in relation to stroke services.
CCG COMMISSIONING PLAN 2012/13 – PERFORMANCE REPORTING The Head of Service Improvement presented this report which confirmed the key elements of the CCG’s Service Improvement agenda in 2012/13 and beyond (as set out in the Commissioning Plan) . The report also outlined the proposed reporting arrangements to CCE on progress with implementation and assurance on delivery of the local priorities established in the Commissioning Plan. The report included at its appendix the list of schemes aimed at achieving service improvements for which Business Cases for the non recurrent funding had been submitted (and showing the way in which they had been scored against the 5 locally determined areas of focus within the Operating Framework); a matrix of the priority of the schemes; detail of progress in the processing and action required upon the individual schemes leading up to a funding decision; and the proforma intended to be used as a basis for future highlight reporting on the impact of schemes. It was intended that future performance reports would focus on the delivery of the local elements of the Commissioning Plan and would be exception based. In discussion, CCE members asked about the prioritisation of schemes and arrangements in the event of the need for a scheme becoming apparent late in the year. In response it was reported that the intention was to try to move away from a strict timetable for submission of schemes towards a continuous/rolling process and with the scoring mechanism determining prioritisation and preventing preferential treatment on the basis of the timing of a scheme’s submission. The Chief Finance Officer (Designate) added that she did not expect there to be an issue in availability of non-recurring monies this year for schemes that successfully passed through the scoring mechanism. The Chair commented that the process also included monitoring the performance/outcome of schemes and monies would be freed up in the event of schemes being terminated as a result of unsatisfactory performance. DECISIONS 1. That the report be noted. 2. That the proposed process for assurance on delivery on the 2012/13 Commissioning Plan through receipt of reports on progress of initiatives through the business planning process and highlight reporting on the impact of the initiatives be agreed.
The Senior Human Resources Manager presented this report which provided workforce information figures, trends and trajectories related to the directlyemployed NHS Calderdale workforce, as well as key workforce headlines. She drew attention to the sickness absence figures which were very low for an organisation in transition. The Senior Human Resources Manager also presented an update on progress with CCG senior staff appointments. Reference was also made to the formation of the Joint Staff Engagement Transition Sub Committee/the bringing together of the Calderdale, Kirklees and Wakefield District Staff Forum with that of Airedale, Bradford and Leeds. DECISION That the report be noted. 43/12
RISK MANAGEMENT FRAMEWORK The Head of Quality presented this report which referred to the requirement within the CCG authorisation process for the CCG to have an integrated Risk Management Framework. The report introduced and included at its appendix a draft Risk Management Framework. The Head of Quality advised that due to the tight timescale, it had not been possible to carry out a full consultation, but she had received detailed comments form the CCG lead on Governance. It was suggested that the Audit and Governance Group be asked to oversee the development of the framework by September 2012 and that it be reviewed in 12 months’ time. The Director of Adults, Health and Social Care, Calderdale Metropolitan Borough Council raised the issue as to whether specific reference needed to be made to safeguarding risks/procedures. The Head of Quality responded that this Framework concerned the processes involved rather that the specific risks, although it was confirmed that safeguarding risks would be included on an individual portfolio holder’s risk register. In discussion, reference was made to the proposed facility for web-based interrogation of the risk register and it was confirmed that this would be able to be accessed through NHS Calderdale’s internal intranet. A CCG Board member raised the issue as to whether this might be able to be extended to member practices at some time in the future. The Head of Quality advised that this was not the final version of the document and that it needed to be updated in the light of comments she had received since the report was prepared. DECISIONS 1. That the report be noted. 2. That the draft version of the Integrated Risk Management Framework be updated by the Head of Quality in the light of comments she had received subsequent to this report’s preparation and with that amended version being submitted for approval by the Chair and the Accountable 6
Officer (Designate).
3. That the Audit and Governance Group be asked to oversee the development of the CCG Assurance Framework, with the work to be completed by September 2012.
4. That the Integrated Risk Management Framework be reviewed in 12 months’ time.
RISK REPORT AND HIGH LEVEL RISK LOG The CCG lead on risk management presented this report which provided an update on the current level of reported risk on the risk register and highlighted changes that had occurred to the High Level Risk Log since it had previously been considered by the Audit and Governance Group and the CCE in March 2012. The High Level Risk Log as at May 2012 was appended to the report. It was noted that the risk relating to transition would need to be reassigned in view of the Programme Director for Transition having left NHA Calderdale’s employment. A Non Executive Associate asked about other risks relating to transition. It was reported that there were other risks on portfolio holders risk registers but since it was felt they were being managed they had lower risk scores and did not appear on the High Level Risk Log. It was noted that the report and risk log had been considered by the Audit and Governance Group and were being recommended for approval by CCE and subsequently the Cluster Board. DECISIONS 1. That the risk report and High Level Risk Log be accepted as a true reflection of the risk position as at May 2012. 2. That the High Level Risk Log be referred to the Calderdale, Kirklees and Wakefield District Cluster Board with the recommendation that it be accepted as a true reflection of the risk position of NHS Calderdale as at May 2012.
NHS 111 AND WEST YORKSHIRE URGENT CARE PROCUREMENT UPDATE The Senior Programme Manager (Urgent Care) presented this report which provided an update on the on-going process to award the NHS 111 and West Yorkshire Urgent Care contract. Further to a previous CCE decision, it was noted that Dr Haider and the Senior Programme Manager (Urgent Care) had been involved on behalf of Calderdale CCG in evaluating bids. On 22 June 2012 the NHS 111 Programme Board was due to meet to consider a recommendation of a preferred bidder for the award of the contract. The Programme Board was expected to ask each Cluster Board to approve the awarding of the contract. In view of the tight timescale for the decision the Cluster Board was to be asked to delegate authority to the Chief Executive and Chair of the Cluster Board and it 7
was proposed that NHS Calderdale sign the contract on behalf of CCGs across Yorkshire and the Humber (with the Chair of Calderdale CCG being invited to the sign-off). The Senior Programme Manager advised that NHS Calderdale was not proposing to manage the contract. DECISIONS 1. That the process set out in the report be approved. 2. That the proposal for the Calderdale, Kirklees and Wakefield District Cluster Board to delegate authority to the Chair and Chief Executive to approve the award of the contract be noted. 46/12
ANNUAL ACCOUNTS AND ANNUAL REPORT 2011/12 The Head of Finance presented this report which outlined the process that had been followed leading up to the approval of the Annual Accounts and Annual Report 2011/12 and confirmed that NHS Calderdale had achieved all its statutory financial duties in 2011/12. It was reported that the accounts had been submitted to the Department of Health on 11 June 2012. Copies of the Accounts were available on the NHS Calderdale website. The Non Executive Director, being also the Chair of the Audit and Governance Group and the Cluster Audit Committee commented that these accounts showed that there was a sound financial platform going forward and he congratulated the Chief Finance Officer, the Head of Finance and the finance team in achieving this position. DECISION That the report be noted.
INTEGRATED DERMATOLOGY SERVICE Dr Steven Cleasby declared an interest in this item (due to the potential involvement of one of his practice partners) and did not take part in the discussion. The Programme Manager presented this report which provided background to a two phase programme of work to develop an Integrated Dermatology Service for Calderdale and Kirklees and sought approval of the specification for the Phase 1 procurement, a copy of which was appended to the report. Reference was made to national and local issues concerning skilled senior staff shortages in secondary care dermatology services and studies recommending increased use of GPs with a Special Interest (GPSIs). The report referred to the fact that dermatology had therefore been one of the first key areas of focus for Calderdale CCG. The report made reference to CHFT having given formal notice that it would not be able to provide the required level of out-patient dermatology activity in 2012/13 and it outlined short term actions taken to mitigate the risks pending a new service model being developed. This included an agreement by Calderdale CCG to procure a one-year GPS service to support Calderdale patients (this being Phase I of the programme. 8
It was noted that the Quality Group had already considered a similar report and a number of amendments had been made to the specification as a result of those discussions. Discussion took place upon the exclusion criteria set out at point 2.4 of the specification and in particular the conditions expected to be managed at level 2 (generalist care). The view was expressed that if GPs were seeking assistance on particular cases, refusal of the referral would perpetuate the unmet need and would encourage a hospital referral. It was explained that the exclusion criteria were based on the level of service in the existing specification (with Phase II being expected to expand the service). However it was suggested that the wording be amended to indicate that those referrals would only be accepted in exceptional circumstances or after direct clinical debate. The Accountable Officer (Designate) asked for clarification on the process for accreditation of Practitioners with a Special Interest (PwSI). The Head of Quality advised that this issue had been discussed at the meeting of the Quality Group and that the wording in the specification was being amended. She understood that the provider organisation would hold contracts with individual PwSIs and would carry out their accreditation in accordance with the Cluster policy on accreditation. The Head of Quality agreed to discuss this further with the CCG Lead on dermatology and ensure the wording in the specification was accurate. The Chair suggested that the wording in Section 3.5 regarding GPs assuming responsibility for repeat prescriptions be rephrased. The CCG Lead on the integrated dermatology service advised that he had a number of minor points on clinical issues which he would pass on to the specification author. In response to a question from a Non Executive Associate it was confirmed that the cost of delivery of this service was within the financial envelope already allocated for dermatology services. DECISIONS 1. That the report be noted. 2. That the service specification be approved subject to the wording being reviewed/revised as appropriate in accordance with the points outlined above regarding the exclusion criteria, the accreditation process for PwSIs, repeat prescribing and points on clinical issues from the CCG Lead on the integrated dermatology service. 48/12
DEVELOPMENT OF CALDERDALE CLINICAL COMMISSIONING GROUP – UPDATE The Assistant Director, Transition presented this report which provided an update on progress towards the establishment of the Clinical Commissioning Group as a statutory body by 1 April 2013, together with information on transition risks and action to mitigate them and key priorities for the next few months. It was confirmed that the Constitution document had now been sent to 9
constituent practices for signature. It was noted that work was on-going to collate all the information required to be submitted by 2 July 2012 in support of the CCG’s application for authorisation. The Assistant Director, Transition advised that the date for the NHS Commissioning Board Authority visit to Calderdale had been set for 25 September 2012. In response to a question from a Non Executive Associate it was confirmed that the time between the submission and the visit would be used to undertake further work on any areas where there was presently a shortage of evidence. Reference was made to the National Attendance Centre attendances by the CCG Chair, Accountable Officer (Designate) and the Chief Finance Officer (Designate) and the assessment of competencies interviews of GP CCG Board members. It was reported that one to one feedback would be arranged shortly for the GP CCG Board Members. With regard to the Risk Register on Transition (a copy of which was appended to the report) it was reported that the risk on promoting Health and Wellbeing had been closed but that the rating of all the other risks had not changed since the previous meeting. DECISION That the report be noted.
CLINICAL COMMISSIONING GROUP AUTHORISATION – LETTER OF SUPPORT FOR THE CHAIR Dr Alan Brook declared an interest and left the meeting during the discussion on this item. Dr Steven Cleasby (CCE Deputy Chair) assumed the Chair The Assistant Director presented this report which explained the need for a letter of support for the Chair to be included in the evidence pack accompanying the CCG’s application for authorisation that was due to be submitted by 2 July 2012. This letter of support was needed because the Calderdale CCG’s Constitution stated that the Governing Body would elect one of its number to be chair and in advance of the Governing Body being established it was proposed that the CCE be taken as a proxy for the Governing Body. The CCG Governing Body would be asked to ratify the appointment of the Chair at its first meeting. A copy of the proposed letter was appended to the report. Subject to the agreement of the meeting and subject to any agreed amendments, it was proposed that the letter of support be signed by the Deputy Chair on behalf of the CCE. Discussion took place as to whether the Chair of the NHS Calderdale should be invited to also submit a letter of endorsement, but it was suggested that this might lead to a conflict of interest if the PCT or the PCT Chair had a subsequent 10
role in the authorisation process. It was agreed that the Assistant Director, Transition look into this issue further.
DECISION That the Deputy Chair of the CCE (Dr Steven Cleasby) be authorised to sign the letter of support, on behalf of all CCE members, for the existing CCE Chair (Dr Alan Brook) to become Chair of the Calderdale CCG Governing Body. (This decision, voted upon by a show of hands, was unanimous). Dr Alan Brook returned to the meeting and resumed the Chair 50/12
REMUNERATION COMMITTEE DRAFT TERMS OF REFERENCE The Corporate Governance Manager/Board Secretary presented this report which referred to the need for the CCE to consider the establishment of a Remuneration Committee as part of the CCG’s preparation for authorisation and in preparation for the CCG becoming an employer on 1 April 2013. The Remuneration Committee would advise the CCG Governing Body on appropriate remuneration and terms of service for its staff and people who provided support to the CCG. Draft Terms of Reference for the Committee were appended to the report for consideration. Comments had been particularly invited on a number of specific issues and discussion took place on those issues. It was agreed that the servicing of the committee should be carried out by a Human Resources specialist and the independent member should be the member who was lead on patient experience. It was also agreed that his/her attendance should be included in the quoracy requirement but that there be provision for the finance/audit lead independent member to act as his/her substitute if necessary. Discussion took place on the level of staff (e.g. the top one, two or three tiers) for which the Committee (as opposed to the Accountable Officer) would be responsible for considering arrangements for termination of employment. The Non Executive Director expressed the view that the issue of appeals mechanisms should be taken into account in this decision. It was therefore suggested that the Committee should probably only deal with the top two staff tiers, so that it could act as an appeals body in respect of the third staff tier. However it was agreed that the Accountable Officer (Designate) and the Corporate Governance Manager/Board Secretary consider this issue further and amend the Draft Terms of Reference accordingly. It was noted that the Draft Terms of Reference were due to be reviewed prior to April 2013 when the Committee would actually be established . DECISION That the Draft Terms of Reference for the Remuneration Committee be approved subject to the following amendments: a) Servicing of the Committee was to be provided by a Human Resources 11
specialist. b) The independent member of the Committee was to be the patient involvement lead independent member, but with provision being made for the finance/audit member to act as his/her substitute. c) Attendance of an independent member being included in the quoracy provisions. d) The Accountable Officer (Designate) and the Corporate Governance Manager/Board Secretary were to give further consideration to the staffing levels for which the Committee would consider arrangements for staff terminations and amend the Draft Terms of Reference accordingly. 51/12
Finance and Performance Group – Minutes of the meeting of the held on 24 April 2012
Quality Group – Minutes of the meeting of the held on 19 April 2012
Yorkshire and the Humber Specialised Commissioning Operational Group – minutes of the meeting held on 27 April 2012 A CCG Board member asked about Minute 11/12 regarding the issue of risk sharing. The Non Executive Director commented that this issue had been raised at a Cluster Board meeting and assurance had been given that the new arrangements did not expose the PCT to additional risks. A CCG Board member referred to the minute 8/12 on page 7 regarding non attendance at meetings. The Accountable Officer (Designate) acknowledged that a risk had been noted regarding limitations on the PCT and CCG’s capacity to attend and be involved in SCG and its sub-group meetings. He advised that a meeting of WYCOM was shortly to be held and discussions were to begin on collaborative arrangements for representation/involvement of CCGs.
(d) Calderdale Safeguarding Children Board – minutes of the meeting held on 25 April 2012 (e) Calderdale Children’s Social Care Improvement Board – minutes of the meeting held on 1 May 2012 The Executive Director of Public Health referred to the fact that the Final Improvement Notice had been served and this related to the entire health economy and not just Calderdale Metropolitan Borough Council. Reference was made to the discussion at the CCE meeting on 16 February 2012 when Calderdale Metropolitan Borough Council’s Director of Children and Young People had attended the meeting and there had been a feeling that a robust Single Integrated Improvement Plan (SIIP) was in place and improvements were being made. However the Final Improvement Notice had since been issued as it was felt that sufficient improvement had still not 12
yet been achieved. The Executive Director of Public Health explained that the next possible enforcement step would be the issuing of Directions and he commented upon the very serious consequences should such a step be reached. Discussion took place upon the action NHS Calderdale/the CCG could or should be taking in response to the Improvement Notice. It was commented that the health response had been to concentrate on the health components/elements of the SIIP that health services could influence and to ensure that local health services continued to do what they were supposed to be doing. It was pointed out that various staff were involved in different aspects of this and that a lot of additional work was being done. However the Non Executive Director felt there was a need to clarify precisely what NHS Calderdale was responsible for and how assurance could be obtained to confirm that those responsibilities were being met. A CCG Board member also referred to the need for appropriate involvement and communication with the local primary care practices. It was agreed that the issues and risks be discussed at a future Senior Management Team meeting and that either an update or a substantive report be submitted to the next CCE meeting. ACTION 52/12
ITEMS FOR REFERRAL TO THE CLUSTER BOARD OR ANY OF THE SUBGROUPS There were no specific items for referral, but the Accountable Officer’s report to the Cluster Board would outline key issues from the meeting.
ITEMS FOR THE LEGACY DOCUMENT Service Specification for the Integrated Dermatology Service Risk Management Framework Remuneration Committee Draft Terms of Reference
ITEMS FOR PRACTICE LEADS/KEY MESSAGES FOR MEMBER PRACTICES Reminder to sign and return the Constitution Document. CHAIR
Clinical Commissioning Executive action sheet 14 June 2012 Report name
Action no.
Action required
Current status*
Comments (include, expected completion date, areas of concern etc) Completion date: 12 July 2012
Quality and Safety Report
Information on the proportion of the YAS budget that might be deducted as a result of the Quarter 4 performance against the CQuINS targets to be reported to a subsequent CCE meeting
Julie Lawreniuk
Operating Framework
1. Further report to be submitted to Quality Group to clarify the detail of commissioned A&E services including the extent of consultant cover and any discrepancies with the service being delivered.
Tim Shields
Penny Woodhead
1. The Risk Management Framework to be updated in the light of comments received since the report’s preparation and the amended version to be submitted to the Chair and Accountable Officer (Designate) for approval
Penny Woodhead
Completion date: 12 July 2012
2. Audit and Governance Group to be asked to oversee the development of the CCG Assurance Framework, with the work to be completed by September 2012
Penny Woodhead
September 2012
2. Quality Group to further consider patient experience in relation to stroke services Risk Management Framework
Completion date: August 2012
Report name
Action no.
CCG Authorisation – Letter of Support for the Chair
Remuneration Committee Draft Terms of Reference
Calderdale Children’s Social Care Improvement Board minutes
51(e)/ 12
Action required
Assistant Director, Transition to look into the issue as to whether it would be appropriate for the NHS Calderdale Chair to be invited to submit a letter of endorsement of the CCG Chair Accountable Officer (Designate) and Corporate Governance Manager to give further consideration to staff levels for which the Committee would consider arrangements for staff termination and amend the Draft Terms of Reference accordingly Senior Management Team to consider the issues and risks relating to the Final Improvement Notice and submit either an update or a substantive report to the next CCE meeting.
Judith Salter
Matt Walsh/ Jane Brownlie
Completion date: 2 July 2012
Matt Walsh
Completion date: 12 July 2012
Current status*
Comments (include, expected completion date, areas of concern etc) Completion date: 2 July 2012