NHS Greater Huddersfield Clinical Commissioning Group
Minutes of the NHS Greater Huddersfield Clinical Commissioning Executive (CCE) Meeting held on Wednesday 8th August 2012, 2.00 – 5.00pm, Board Room, Broad Lea House, Bradley, Huddersfield Present: Vanessa Stirum (VS) Rob Millington (RM) Dr Steve Ollerton (SO) Dr Dil Ashraf (DA) Dr Karen Dean (KD) Dr Judith Parker (JP) Dr Anuj Handa (AH) Dr Paul Wilding (PaW) Carol McKenna (CM) Julie Lawreniuk (JL) Nicky Hoyle (NH)
Non-executive Associate and Chair Non-executive Associate CCG Clinical Leader CCG member CCG member CCG member CCG member CCG member Designate Chief Officer Shadow Chief Financial Officer Public Health Consultant
In attendance: Jan Giles (JG) Vicky Dutchburn (VD) Kath Woodford (KW) Sarah Cowman (SC) Charlotte Parker (CP) Lynsey Warwick Giles (LWG)
Head of Practice Support & Development Head of Strategic & Business Planning Business Reporting Manager Head of Communications Medical Student Research Analyst
Minutes: Kelly Chadwick (KC)
Personal Assistant to Greater Huddersfield CCE
Welcome, Introductions and Apologies for Absence VS welcomed the CCE members and opened the meeting. Apologies for absence were received from; Mehboob Khan (MK) Dr David Hughes (DH) Penny Woodhead (PeW) Dr Jane Ford (JF) Rachel Carter (RC) Merran McRae (MM)
Non-executive Director CCG member Head of Quality & Safety CCG member Head of Contracting Director of Wellbeing, Kirklees Council
Declarations of Interest No Declarations of Interest were noted.
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Accuracy of Minutes of 27 June 2012 It was noted that page 2 required to be amended for accuracy. Di-Dimer to read D-Dimer. The minutes were AGREED as accurate with the amendments as noted above. Action Log CM explained that due to the change of dates for future meetings, some of the items planned for the August agenda will now be included on September’s agenda. Agenda items for September to include; • Estates (JL) • Risk register (CM) • Equality & Diversity (PeW) EC/12/147 - Performance Report (Choose & Book) JG confirmed that Choose & Book was being factored into a future PPT session and that feedback would not be available until around November. Action: KC to add to agenda for November. EC/12/149 – NHS Transition (Election of CCG Chair) CM advised that accountability of the Chair was still to be clarified and she would feedback when possible. CM confirmed that she had received clarity on the Chair of the CCE (governing body) going forward and advised that SO would now take on this role commencing on 5th September. EC/12/152 – Staff Survey CM advised that due to the current transitional process, PCTs will be exempt from undertaking the staff survey in 2012. It is expected that this will be reinstated for the CCGs in 2013. EC/12/154 – Treatment Room LES It was confirmed that this LES has been extended for a further 6 months. It was AGREED that the scheme would be evaluated in November and a report would be brought back to the CCE in January for discussion. Action: KC to add to agenda for January. EC/12/156 – Any Other Business (Communications Team) It was AGREED that the ratification of the Clinical Chair would be added to the website. Action: KC to discuss further with SL Page 2 of 7
EC/12/156 – Any Other Business (Stroke Patients) CM advised she had fed back about the recent conversations and advised that this needs to be assessed by Overview and Scrutiny first. CHFT are picking this up. CM to provide further feedback during next meeting. Action: CM to provide further update on stroke patients at September meeting, if available. All other actions were confirmed as complete. EC/12/160
Finance & Contracting Report JL provided a brief update. Key points to note include; • £280k GHCCG budget in line with current plans. • CHFT position – still early in financial year and work is ongoing with contracts to look at variances. • QIPP - £5.3million – of which around £1million is at risk of not being delivered. This would not bring any risk on 2012/13 year end position but it needs to be addressed as part of the 2013/14 planning round. JL confirmed that a report focusing more on GHCCG and QIPP will be provided at the next meeting. AH questioned the specific areas to be focused on. JL explained this level of detail would be discussed and agreed at SMT before sharing with CCE. Further discussion took place about future transitional QIPP projects. Clinical engagement costs were discussed and JL explained that the detail around these costings would start to be discussed at SMT and will be removed from future reports. CSS Budgets JL presented the paper that explained the current situation with CSS budgets. Discussions took place about the costings. JL explained this paper has recently been presented to F&P for detailed discussion and is now seeking support of the budgets from CCE. The CCE AGREED to support the CSS start up budget. The CCE RECEIVED and NOTED the contents of the report and thanked JL.
Performance Report KW was in attendance and presented the report. KW explained the report had been developed in a new style and that the detailed information would be presented to SMT/F&P before sharing high level key points with CCE. KW also explained that some areas of the report will still relate to Kirklees wide activity. Page 3 of 7
YAS June information is available but the report is based on April and May data, which is showing there has been a slight improvement. Previous actions were agreed that a small working group would be developed to meet with YAS and determine if any further work could be carried out to improve the outcomes. The group is ongoing. Mixed Sex Accommodation KW reported that there have been 2 breaches at CHFT this year. MRSA Nothing to report at the moment. It was AGREED to start reporting this on a bi-monthly basis. CDiff KW advised that the reporting of this is fed into the Infection Control Committee. The recent activity has been disused and investigations are being carried out by the Contracting team. Consultant to Consultant Referrals JG advised that a piece of work has been carried out to look at consultant to consultant referrals. JG advised this has been discussed with CHFT as it appears that there are lots of referrals unrelated to the initial GP referral. Choose & Book Significant improvement but figures are still showing approximately 56% for April, 53% for May and 55% for June. JG is the lead for Choose & Book and AGREED to pick this up with Christine Powell and determine areas for action. AH advised that EMIS PCS practices use Choose & Book but the data can’t be captured by Choose & Book. JG AGREED to pick this up with Christine. Action: JG to pick up areas of concern on Choose & Book with Christine Powell The CCE confirmed they were happy with the new format of the report. The CCE RECEIVED and NOTED the contents of the report and thanked KW for her attendance. EC/12/162
Quality & Safety Report JG presented the report on behalf of PeW.
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SO pointed out that a lot of detail was duplicated in the Performance and the Quality & Safety reports. JL advised this has been raised previously and was in hand. RC is meeting with KW to agree a way forward with reporting the information. Discussion took place regarding the agenda items at F&P and RM highlighted this needs more focus to ensure this is streamlined and only the high level detail is shared with CCE. It was AGREED that sub-group work would be mapped out to agree what could be on the agendas and what could be brought to CCE. It was AGREED this could be developed during the planned timeout for SMT in September. Action: CM to add mapping of subgroup work to the SMT timeout agenda. The CCE RECEIVED and NOTED the contents of the report and thanked JG. EC/12/163
Clinical Chair/Designate Chief Officer Report CCG Structures CM advised that formal consultation on the structures is now underway. This will continue until 23 August. CM offered the GPs the opportunity to pass further comment on the structure. CM explained that banding of the posts is still to take place. The final HR national policy has now been issued. This sets out how we manage the matching and pooling exercise and this can't be changed. HR are meeting with trade union representatives to get the final details agreed before a localised implementation guide will be released. CM advised that the CSS structures are also being developed and it is hoped that these can be shared w/c 20 August. Pooling and matching will then commence early September. All staff will be informed of the assignments by the end of December 2012. A decision is yet to be made on whether another voluntary redundancy scheme is to be offered to staff. Recruitment CM advised that there has been one interview already for the Secondary Care Doctor, with a further one or two to be scheduled. The Nurse interviews are scheduled for 15 August. 3 have been shortlisted. The CFO interviews are scheduled for 9 August. The lay members interviews are planned for 18 September. The advert for these posts will be going out shortly.
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Mid Yorkshire Two further directors have left their posts at MYHT. Options about the reconfiguration of their 3 sites have been raised. There are some changes potentially affecting Pinderfields and Pontefract. There is no immediate impact on GHCCG but CM advised the CCE to be aware of the developments. The future of MYHT was discussed. CM confirmed they are not going to become a Foundation Trust in the near future. Pain Management CM advised that the pain management tender is currently in a 10 day standstill period, due to end on 10 August. Once the period comes to an end, the winning contractor will be announced. SO provided an update on a workshop he attended on 18 July called Leading the Board. Some key points to note include; • CCGs will undergo an annual re-authorisation – no further information available yet. • Secondary Care clinicians can sit on more than one CCG. • 50% of the non-GP Board members is the quoracy in cases where GPs have to leave the room, such as LES discussions. Care Homes Procurement SO advised that this had been discussed at SMT and a decision had been taken to remove this from the F&P agenda last month. The Strategic Review is developing a Care Homes workstream and it was recommended that this work be moved into the workstream rather than have a separate procurement. The CCE RECEIVED and NOTED the contents of the report and thanked SO/CM. EC/12/164
Receipt of Minutes The CCE RECEIVED and NOTED the minutes of the following meetings; • Cluster Board Meeting (12/06/12 – ratified) • Shadow Health & Wellbeing Board (06/06/12 – ratified and development session notes 04/07/12) • OD & Authorisation Subgroup (19/06/12 – ratified and 17/07/12 draft) • Finance & Performance Subgroup (20/06/12 – ratified) • Quality & Safety Subgroup (10/07/12 – draft) • Audit & Governance Subgroup (30/05/12 – ratified) • Clinical Strategy Group (06/06/12 and 13/06/12 – ratified)
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It was agreed that the 11/07/12 (draft) notes from the Clinical Strategy Group would be removed due to inaccuracy. They would be ratified and included in the papers for the next CCE meeting. Action: KC to remove Clinical Strategy Group minutes and add to next month. EC/12/165
Any Other Business Matters to escalate to Cluster Board CM proposed to pick these items up at the next meeting on 5th September. All AGREED. SHA Proposal JG advised the CCE that there has been a proposal by the SHA put forward to CCGs to work with them to develop into high level member organisations. We have indicated our support for involvement in this work, There is a further meeting in September with a programme of work commencing in October for around 5-6 months. Health Checks SO advised that there has been some discussion recently about the Whitehouse Centre and possible issues that may arise from the LES due to the nature of their changing patient population. It was AGREED that all new registrations could be offered a healthcheck if they fall within the required age range. It was AGREED that Sarah Muckle is invited to the next CCE for a full update on the LES including the decommissioning of the Locala service. Action: KC to invite Sarah Muckle and add Health Checks to September agenda.
Draft Authorisation Application This section of the meeting was formally documented separately and feedback will be given at the next meeting.
Date and time of the next meeting The date of the next scheduled meeting is Wednesday 22 August 2012, 2.00 – 4.00pm.
This concluded the content of the CCE meeting and the Chair declared the meeting closed at approximately 5.00pm.
Chair’s Signature: ........................................................ Date: ..................................
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