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Calderdale Kirklees & Wakefield District Cluster Remuneration and Terms of Service Committee Minutes Thursday 17th November 2011 PRESENT: Ann Liston Sandra Cheseldine Tony Gerrard

Non-Executive Director (Chair) Non-Executive Director (representing Roger Grasby) Non-Executive Director (representing Mehboob Khan)

IN ATTENDANCE: Mike Potts Sue Ellis Jonathan Molyneux Ian Hazlehurst

Chief Executive Director of Human Resources and Organisational Development Director of Finance and Efficiency Secretary to the Committee

RTSC 07/11 APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE: Roger Grasby Mehboob Khan

Non-Executive Director Non-Executive Director

RTSC 08/11 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST No declarations of interest were needed to be noted. RTSC 09/11 MINUTES OF THE CLUSTER RTSC HELD ON 18th OCTOBER 2011 The minutes of the RTSC meeting held on 18TH October 2011 were accepted as a correct record. RTSC 10/11 GOVERNANCE ARRANGEMENTS – NON EXECUTIVE ASSOCIATES The Committee received written advice from the Auditors concerning additional remuneration being paid to an individual Non Executive Director for additional responsibilities in Wakefield District and NOTED that this was consistent with the recommendation that they made at the last meeting. The Committee considered the need required to support any new emerging Clinical Commissioning Executive. The Committee AGREED that any Non Executive Associates given a secondary appointment to support any new emerging Clinical Commissioning Executive could be remunerated for one day per month paid pro rata to the current rates paid to Non Executive Directors. RTSC 11/11 VOLUNTARY REDUNDANCY AND EARLY RETIREMENT SCHEME The Committee received for information various papers on the background to volunteers seeking early retirement/ redundancy; the process adopted by the Cluster and the applications received. The Committee’s attention was also brought to changes in the level of delegated authority by the SHA to only wishing to receive business cases on those posts with capitalisation costs of over £100K; and/or with payback period of over two years or a Very Senior Manager contract holder. The Committee received for


consideration forty five applications. After full and careful consideration of all the information the Committee came to the following view: The Committee AGREED that seventeen of those applications should NOT BE APPROVED, on the basis of one or more of the following reasons and in the knowledge of running costs expectations, that: • The post is considered business critical. • The post is not considered redundant. • The individual post holder possesses skills, knowledge and experiences that the organisation needs to keep. The Committee AGREED that twenty five of those applications should BE APPROVED, on the basis of that confirmation that finance was available and the relevant manager had indicated that services can be maintained in releasing the individuals. The Committee AGREED that two applications should BE DEFERRED, whilst further information is gathered. The Committee AGREED to an application that should BE APPROVED, on the basis of that confirmation that finance was available and the relevant manager had indicated that services can be maintained in releasing the individual and that it needed to be referred to the SHA for their approval. General Points Administrative Review With the reduction in the number of posts that a review of administrative posts and functions be undertaken to establish the number of posts required; where and at what level. Staff Currently on Maternity Leave The Committee received information concerning staff on maternity leave when making an application for voluntary redundancy and AGREED that in such circumstances they would not to reclaim any monies but the view of the Audit Committee be sought. Continuity of Service The Committee reaffirmed previous RTSC decisions and AGREED that previous service with a GP practice should not be recognised for redundancy purposes. RTSC 12/11 RTSC WORKPLAN The Committee received for information a proposed a work plan for the RTSC. RTSC 13/11 ANY OTHER BUSINESS Sue Ellis The Committee expressed thanks to Sue for all her hard work and wished her well in her new post which she was due to take up prior to the next scheduled meeting. RTSC 14/11 DATE AND TIME OF NEXT MEETING It was agreed that the next meeting be arranged to take place in March 2012.


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