Calderdale Kirklees & Wakefield District Cluster Remuneration and Terms of Service Committee Minutes 23 February 2012 PRESENT: Ann Liston Roger Grasby IN ATTENDANCE: Mike Potts June Goodson-Moore Development Jonathan Molyneux Laura Smith Committee)
Non-Executive Director (Chair) Non Executive Director
Chief Executive Executive Director of Workforce and Corporate Director of Finance and Efficiency Assistant Director of Workforce (Secretary to the
RTSC 01/12: APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE: Mehboob Khan Non-Executive Director The Committee noted with sadness the recent and unexpected death of Ian Hazlehurst, formerly Secretary to the Committee, and remembered his thorough and professional support to the Committee at Cluster and PCT levels. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST The Chief Executive declared an interest in items 05/12 (CCG TRANSITIONAL ASSIGNMENT PROCESS) and 06/12 (LEASE CARS).
RTSC 02/12: MINUTES OF THE CLUSTER RTSC HELD ON 17 NOVEMBER 2011 Subject to a spelling amendment the minutes of the RTSC meeting held on 17 November 2011 were ACCEPTED as a correct record.
RTSC 03/12: MATTERS ARISING The Committee AGREED that matters arising related to RTSC 11/11 be dealt with under item RTSC 04/12. The Committee AGREED to receive a verbal item under item RTSC 07/12 ANY OTHER BUSINESS, related to the extension of a contract.
RTSC 04/12: VOLUNTARY REDUDANCY AND EARLY RETIREMENT DEFERRED APPLICATIONS The Committee considered a paper recommending that two deferred voluntary redundancy / early retirement applications now be turned down. Both applicants work at a senior level within Urgent Care. . In considering the paper the RTSC noted that the Urgent Care programme is critical to the business of the Cluster, and that skills in this area are in short supply. After full and careful consideration of all the information presented the Committee AGREED to the following: That one of the two applications under consideration was INELIGIBLE to be considered for its requested departure date during 2012/13; and that the Committee had only been able to consider it for departure during 2011/12. That the applications NOT BE APPROVED for departure during 2011/12, on the basis that the posts are business critical, and that the individuals possess skills and experience that the organisation needs to keep. The Committee considered a Matters Arising issue from item RTSC 11/11, related to the proposed waiving of the retrieval of Occupational Maternity Pay in the case of approved voluntary redundancy. The Committee AGREED that taking into account the legal position, value for money, and the fact that the 2011/12 Scheme documentation was silent about potential OMP retrieval implications for those on maternity leave, Occupational Maternity Pay should NOT BE RETRIEVED from successful applicants under the 2011/12 Voluntary Redundancy/Early Retirement Scheme. The Committee AGREED that any similar schemes in future would contain an explicit statement clarifying the Occupational Maternity Pay retrieval implications of a successful application; explaining that where appropriate Occupational Maternity Pay WOULD BE RETRIEVED. The Committee was advised of the latest position regarding the continuity of service issue considered previously by the Committee under item RTSC 11/11; specifically that the individual involved had now raised a grievance against the RTSC decision which is being dealt with under the Final Stage of the Grievance Policy and Procedure.
RTSC 05/12: CLINICAL COMMISSIONING GROUPS – transitional assignment A recap was provided to the Committee of the top tier transitional structures of CCGs and the process of assignment to them. A document was tabled providing information detailing the names and job titles of those who had been pooled against each transitional assignment. The Committee was advised that pooling decisions had been made on the basis of three key criteria: pay band, geography, and match of role content.
The Committee NOTED the assurance provided regarding the transitional assignment process, and ENDORSED the pooling decisions made at the Top Tier, subject to the Cluster Directors and Chief Executive being considered for the pools for all 4 CCGs, based on their Cluster appointment. RTSC 06/12: LEASE CARS Having declared an interest in this item at the outset, the Chief Executive left the meeting. The Committee considered an issue regarding lease car arrangements for Directors and Chief Executive in Kirklees, who have an allowance of up to ÂŁ5,000 to contribute towards their lease car. The Committee was asked to consider how to address the risk of early lease termination penalties, which is escalated at present as a consequence of uncertainty beyond 1 April 2013. The Committee determined that it needed to review the NHS Wakefield District and NHS Calderdale arrangements prior to making a decision; and to understand the renewal dates of existing leases. It was AGREED that the RTSC would consider the issue, together with the required additional information, at their next meeting.
RTSC 07/12: ANY OTHER BUSINESS The Committee ENDORSED a decision to extend the contract for a contractor, subject to there having been nobody made redundant in NHS Wakefield District who could have carried out the duties; and subject to there being nobody at risk within the Cluster who could carry out the duties. RTSC 08/12: DATE AND TIME OF NEXT MEETING It was agreed that the next meeting was arranged for Friday 23 March 2012 at 3.30pm, in the Stewart Room at Broad Lea House.