NHS Calderdale, Kirklees and Wakefield District Cluster Minutes of the West Yorkshire Commissioning Support Services Joint Committee held on Wednesday 11 July 2012 at 10.00am in Room 1.1, Douglas Mill, Bradford Present Brian Marsden (BM) Ann Liston (AL) Alison Hughes (AH) Jonathan Molyneux (JM) Jane Westmoreland (JW) Kevin Gallacher (KG) Kay Wilson-Poe (KWP) Matt Neligan (MN) Andrea McCourt (AM) In Attendance Rachel Spilsbury (RS) Louise Auger (LA)
Chair Non Executive Director Interim Managing Director (WYCSS) Interim Finance Director (WYCSS) Interim Commercial Divisional Lead (WYCSS) Interim Operations Division Lead (WYCSS) Interim Business services Lead (WYCSS) Director of Strategy, NHS Airedale, Bradford and Leeds, (NHSABL) Head of Corporate Governance, NHS Wakefield Interim Project Manager (WYCSS)
Head of Performance, NHS Calderdale, Kirklees and Wakefield, (NHSCKW) – Deputy for Ann Ballarini Amanda Jenkinson Calderdale, Kirklees and Wakefield (Notetaker) (NHSCKW)
The Chair opened the meeting by welcoming all those in attendance to the first meeting of the WYCSS Joint Committee CSS/12/01
Apologies Apologies for absence were received from June Goodson-Moore, (JGM),Executive Director of Workforce and Corporate Development (CKW & ABL) and Ann Ballarini, Executive Director of Commissioning and Service Development (CKW).
Declarations of Interest BM and AL declared an interest as Cluster Board members, BM as Non Executive Director for NHS Airedale, Bradford and Leeds (ABL) and AL as Non Executive Director for NHS Calderdale, Kirklees and Wakefield District (CKW). Formal declarations of interest of members of the Joint Committee will be sought and recorded.
WYCSS Programme Board Minutes The minutes and action log from the last meeting of the WYCSS Programme Board held on 13 June 2012 were presented. It was confirmed that actions had been picked up or were covered later on in the agenda of the joint committee. It was noted that the Programme Board was now superceded by this Joint Committee and was therefore disbanded. It was RESOLVED to i
note the minutes of the Programme Board of 13 June 2012.
Terms of Reference Terms of reference, for the WYCSS Joint Committee were presented for approval. It was noted that minor amendments to the membership were needed. It was confirmed that the two Non Executive Directors would co-chair the Joint Committee, i.e. the chair would alternate each meeting. The WYCSS Joint Committee has been approved at both the ABL and CKW Cluster Boards to replace the WYCSS Programme Board which was disbanded at the last meeting held on the 13 June 2012. The Joint Committee will establish and oversee the management of the WYCSS until it is hosted by the NHS Commissioning Board. MN queried whether there was clarity on the date the NHS Commissioning Board would host the WYCSS and it was noted that this may be October 2012, however it was not clear what hosting would mean in practice. The minutes of the WYCSS Joint Committee will be circulated to both the ABL and CKW Boards. It was agreed that a briefing note would be provided for the Non Executive Director as there may be several sets of minutes to present at Board meetings. It was noted that the work plan needed to be populated and that work was needed to identify and incorporate the key outputs from the programme plan. It was RESOLVED to: i. ii. iii.
approve the terms of reference subject to minor changes to membership; populate the workplan and bring this to the next meeting of the Committee provide a briefing note for Non Executive Directors to accompany minutes
Scheme of Delegation
The draft scheme of delegation that was attached to the terms of reference was discussed, noting that at this point no further development would take place. Discussion took place about ensuring that Non Executive Director (NED) members were involved in decisions given the pace of change. BM advised the Committee that both AL and himself need to be informed of any significant decisions via the Interim Managing Director, and it was agreed that virtual meetings would be organised as required to obtain NED involvement and sign off. It was noted that key decisions would be reported to the appropriate meeting and would be scheduled into the work plan. It was RESOLVED to ensure that NED input to decisions is secured where this is needed outside of scheduled meetings of the Joint Committee. CSS/12/06
Interim Managing Director Report AH reported that a first draft of the order book had been largely agreed with all Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs) across West Yorkshire. It was noted that further work is planned to map out a number of processes further, for example contracting / service redesign. AH also advised of the need for the staffing structure for the Commissioning Support Services (CSS) to be costed within the next couple of weeks and submitted as part of Checkpoint 3. An update on senior posts was given, with the WYCSS having appointed three interim senior members. JM, who is leaving to take up another post, was formally thanked by AH for his work relating to finances and the WYCSS and his input and help at Checkpoint 2. It was noted that a substantive Director of Finance position could be advertised in the next few months and temporary Finance support had been secured. The meeting was advised that two Relationship Managers had been appointed, one internal appointment and one external appointment, with expertise in client service management. The operating model for the CSS and the ongoing work to set up a WYCSS was discussed. A staff transition plan was requested by the NEDS for the next meeting. An update on checkpoint three was also given, noting that further guidance has been received, with RS co-ordinating the work required. The full business plan is to be submitted as part of checkpoint three by 31 August 2012 and a visit by Dame Barbara Hakin is scheduled for 13 September 2012. The Business Development Unit (BDU) now performance manages the WYCSS and the next WYCSS performance report will be brought to the next meeting. 3
Work is underway to set up a separate budget for the WYCSS. AH confirmed that external support from KPMG may be needed on redesign and it was agreed that a tender would be worked up and shared with BM and AL. AH shared feedback received from the Black Swan Process Redesign workshops held on 9 and 10 July 2012, noting the feedback had been positive. It was RESOLVED that: i. ii. iii.
the service specification for external support would be shared with BM and AL; a staff transition plan be brought the next meeting of the Joint Committee; it was agreed that BM would be involved in reviewing the draft submission for checkpoint 3 towards the end of August.
WYCSS Strategy AH shared the WYCSS Strategy which contained information on visions, vales, strategic aims and corporate objectives for the WYCSS. AH asked the committee for feedback and informed members that this information will be distributed to staff for comments.
Organisational Structure AH advised the committee that work was in hand to firm up the organisational structure and she was meeting with JGM to move the structures forward and seek clarity on alignment of staff into the WYCSS. Clarification is awaited from the NHS Commissioning Board regarding recruitment to permanent positions in the CSS. It is expected that job descriptions for Director posts will be written by the NHS Commissioning Board.
Programme Plan RS presented the Programme Plan which is structured around the EQFM enablers. RS is the coordinator of the Business Plan and explained the plan in detail, noting that this is still being developed. A variance report against the Programme Plan will be brought to future meetings for critical items on the plan. It was RESOLVED that a variance report against the Programme Plan be presented at future meetings.
Risk Register
AM presented the risk register, commenting that it had been developed for Checkpoint 2, was structured around the domains for Checkpoint 2 and scores risks using the 5x5 risk scoring matrix which assesses consequence and likelihood. It was noted that the risk register is currently being updated by risk leads and an updated version would be presented to the next meeting. It was RESOLVED to note the ongoing development work on the Risk Register for presentation at the next meeting. CSS/12/11
At Scale Services JW explained that as part of the development of CSSs nationally there are some services where there is an expectation and/or requirement that some services will be delivered at scale covering more than one CSS. WYCSS has put forward an expression of interest as a provider of Communications services at scale. Feedback on this submission is expected on 23 July 2012.
Finance Update and Programme Budget JM declared an interest as his employment costs were included within the report. JM tabled a finance update for discussion. JM gave an update on financial issues, based on information submitted at Checkpoint 2. He talked through a number of costing models using income and expenditure assumptions. An example draft budget was also discussed. The key issues affecting finance were also highlighted, including a hosting charge by the NHS Commissioning Board, IT, estates and staffing and pay issues. It was RESOLVED that Non Executive Directors should raise any questions with JM once they had reviewed the finance update.
Meeting Dates Given the priority for work on Checkpoint 3 and annual leave requirements, the meeting scheduled for 8 August 2012 was cancelled.
Date and time of next meeting Post meeting note An informal meeting of the Joint Committee will take place on 5 September 2012, 11.00 – 1.00 pm in the Lonsborough Room, Broad Lea House, NHS Kirklees. The meeting of 3 October will be brought forward to mid /end of September. 5