Agenda Item: 29 Enclosure: CKWCB/12/204 Category of Paper Tick()
27 September 2012 Paper Title:
Decision and Approval
Chair’s Action Report
Position statement
Responsible Director:
Gill Galdins, Director of Corporate Development and Transition
Paper Author:
FOI Status: Open
Andrea McCourt, Head of Corporate Governance Executive Summary:
This paper presents to the to the Cluster Board information on Chair’s actions taken since the last meeting of the Board on 3 July 2012.
Outcome of Equality Impact Assessment:
Sub Group/Committee: Recommendation (s):
It is recommended that the Board ratifies the three Chair’s actions relating to: i.
Award of a Substance Misuse Psychosocial Interventions Service (PSI) at HMP & YOI New Hall
submission of the Outline Business Case for the capital bid for the refurbishment and development of Stanley Health Centre, Wakefield
iii. the Calderdale, Kirklees and Wakefield District / Airedale, Bradford and Leeds policy for filling of posts on behalf of the CKW Cluster.
Purpose of Report This report presents to the Board information on three Chair’s Actions taken since the 3 July 2012 Board meeting. The Cluster has in place a procedure for enabling Chair’s action to be taken for urgent decisions between Board meetings. These need to be formally reported to the Board. One of the three Chair’s action decisions taken related to a procurement decision needed before the next formal meeting of the Board on 27 September 2012. With the proposed establishment of a Procurement Committee, any such future procurement decisions will be taken through a Procurement Committee rather than through Chair’s Action. 2. Chair’s Action Taken 2.1
Procurement of Substance Misuse Psychosocial Interventions (PSI) at HMP & YOI New Hall
A formal tender process was undertaken for the provision of a Substance Misuse PSI Services at HMP & YOI New Hall in line with Standing Financial Instructions. Prior to consideration of Chair’s Action, discussion on this procurement took place with the Cluster Executive Team (13 August 2012) and with Executive and Non Executive Directors (14 August 2012). Chair’s action was agreed to recommend that bidder 1, the highest scoring bidder based on the outcomes of the tender evaluation process, be awarded a contract for the provision of a PSI service for a period of three years commencing November 2012. The contract value was £1,349,729. 2.2
Approval of the Outline Business Case for the Capital Bid for the Refurbishment and Development of Stanley Health Centre, Wakefield.
A decision was needed before the end of August 2012 to submit the Outline Business Case (OBC) to the NHS North of England (NHSNE) to secure capital funds for the refurbishment and development of Stanley Health Centre. The value of the contract is £1,000,000. Scrutiny of the bid had previously taken place by the NHS Wakefield Finance and Performance Group, NHS Wakefield Clinical Commissioning Executive Committee, a meeting of Executive and Non Executive Directors (on 14 August 2012) and a subsequent meeting with the Chief Executive and Non Executive Directors. Chair’s action was agreed to submit the outline business case (OBC) to NHS North of England (NHSNE) Capital Finance for the refurbishment and development of Stanley Health Centre, Wakefield to secure capital funds of £1,000,000. This was subject to confirmation at a meeting of the NHS Wakefield Clinical Commissioning Executive (CCE) Committee’s meeting on 21 August that NHS Wakefield Clinical Commissioning
Group acknowledged and accepted its responsibility regarding the impairment funding risk of £496K. The interim Chief Financial Officer subsequently confirmed that NHS Wakefield CCE acknowledged and accepted it’s responsibility regarding the impairment risk. 2.3
Calderdale, Kirklees and Wakefield District (CKW) / Airedale, Bradford and Leeds Filling of Posts policy on behalf of the CKW Cluster
A filling of Posts Policy across the two clusters within West Yorkshire was developed based on national guidance on the filling of posts arising from organisational change released by the Department of Health on 1 August 2012. Chair’s action was required to approve the policy to enable the CKW cluster to implement the policy as soon as possible for the policy to be launched across the cluster in advance of the commencement of pooling and matching panels for staff at the start of September 2012.
Recommendations It is recommended that the Board ratify the above three Chair’s actions taken.