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NHS Calderdale, Kirklees and Wakefield District Cluster

Minutes of the CKW Cluster Board held on Thursday 27 September 2012 at 9.00am in the Shibden Room at Dean Clough, Halifax Present: Angela Monaghan Roger Grasby Keith Wright Sandra Cheseldine Tony Gerrard Mehboob Khan Mike Potts Sue Cannon

Chair Non Executive Director and Vice Chair Non Executive Director and Audit Committee Chair Non Executive Director Non Executive Director Non Executive Director Chief Executive Executive Director of Quality and Governance (Executive Nurse) Executive Director of Finance Executive Director of Public Health (NHS Kirklees) (from 9.30am) Executive Director of Public Health (NHS Wakefield District) Executive Medical Director and Primary Care Lead

Ian Currell Dr Judith Hooper Dr Andrew Furber Dr Damian Riley In attendance: Peter Flynn June Goodson-Moore Gill Galdins Jo Webster Dr Matt Walsh Carol McKenna Andrea McCourt Eleanor Nossiter Steve Brennan Pauline Kershaw Alison Fearnley Michaela Iveson Judith Salter

Director of Performance and Commissioning Intelligence Director of Workforce Director of Corporate Development and Transition Designate Chief Officer (NHS Wakefield CCG) Designate Chief Officer (NHS Calderdale CCG) Designate Chief Officer (NHS Greater Huddersfield CCG) Head of Corporate Governance (NHS Wakefield District) Head of Communications (NHS Wakefield) Chief Finance Officer (NHS North Kirklees CCG) Executive Assistant (NHS Kirklees) Corporate Governance Administrator (NHS Kirklees) Senior Engagement Manager (NHS Wakefield District) (Agenda Item CKWCB/12/187) Assistant Director of Transition (Agenda Item CKWCB/12/193)

In addition there were two members of the public also in attendance. CKWCB/12/176

Apologies for Absence Apologies for absence were received from Ann Liston, Non Executive Director, Roy Coldwell, Non Executive Director, Ann Ballarini, Executive Director of Commissioning and Service Development, Chris Dowse, Shadow Accountable Officer, NHS North Kirklees Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) and Dr Graham Wardman, Executive Director of Public Health (NHS Calderdale).

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Declarations of Interest No Cluster Board members declared interests in any of the agenda items.


Minutes of the last meeting held 3 July 2012 The minutes of the Cluster Board meeting held on the 3 July 2012 were AGREED as a true and accurate record. The action log was reviewed and updated as necessary.


Matters arising from the Minutes of the last meeting There were no other specific matters arising from the minutes of the last meeting other than those reviewed on the action log sheet.


Public Question Time The Chair gave an opportunity for members of the public to raise any questions. No questions were raised.


Chair’s Comments The Chair expressed her appreciation to staff for their continued hard work to deliver excellent services, despite difficult times, through the transition and closedown period. This was supported by the Cluster Board and it was AGREED that a message would be included in the next Staff Briefing.


Chief Executive’s Report Mike Potts presented his report to the Board highlighting the following: •

NHS Calderdale, Kirklees and Wakefield District Annual Review The Board noted a letter that had been received from Ian Dalton, Chief Executive, NHS North of England, following the annual review on 21 May 2012. It was noted that feedback was awaited from a quarterly review meeting held on 14 August 2012. A Non Executive Director asked whether the Cluster was on target to achieve the 5.6% Quality, Innovation, Productivity and Prevention (QIPP) reduction in non-elective activity over the coming year. It was acknowledged that achievement of this target was challenging nationally and the Cluster was focusing on how this could be accomplished.

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Mid Yorkshire Hospitals NHS Trust The Board noted that three non-executive directors (NEDs) had been appointed to the Board of Mid Yorkshire Hospitals NHS Trust (MYHT). These were: -

Pat Garbutt Trevor Lake Rosie Valerio

In addition, it was noted that the Appointments Commission had appointed a new Chairman to MYHT, Mr Jules Preston, MBE. Jules is to take up his new role from 1October 2012. The Board RECEIVED and NOTED the contents of the Chief Executive’s Report. CKWCB/12/183

Quality and Performance Report The Board was circulated a copy of two press releases concerning a review of compliance undertaken by the Care Quality Commission (CQC) at MYHT. These related to an unannounced CQC inspection of the Day Surgical Unit at Pinderfields Hospital in Wakefield on 5 September 2012. It was noted that the CQC had imposed an urgent legal restriction on the registration of MYHT, preventing the use of the day surgical unit at Pinderfields Hospital for patient stays in excess of 23 hours. The concerns raised by the CQC related to the facilities and physical environment of the Unit for patients spending more than 23 hours there. The Executive Director of Quality and Governance provided background to the inspection undertaken and confirmed the immediate action that had been taken by the Trust to address the issues of concern. The Cluster Board was concerned that internal governance arrangements (e.g. whistleblowing procedures) had not been used to raise concerns. Mike Potts reassured the Board that Stephen Eames, Interim Chief Executive of the MYHT, was firmly sighted on these issues and was working collectively with the CKW Cluster to address the areas of concern. Attention was then drawn to the regular Quality and Performance Report previously circulated to the Cluster Board. Peter Flynn highlighted some minor errors within the report and provided assurance regarding the actions being taken to improve areas of underperformance. In particular the following points were highlighted:

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18 Weeks Referral to Treatment (RTT) It was recognised that 13 patients had breached the national waiting time standards - 4 at Calderdale and Huddersfield NHS Foundation Trust (CHFT) and 9 at MYHT. The Board acknowledged that robust action was being taken to address this issue.

NHS Health Checks It was noted that the RAG status for Calderdale and Wakefield showed RED rather than GREEN.

A & E 4 Hour Wait (CHFT) It was recognised that performance at CHFT was showing below target. The indicator was showing AMBER due to a problem with the clinical software system which has since been resolved.

The Cluster Board AGREED to: •


NOTE the performance of NHS Calderdale, NHS Kirklees and NHS Wakefield District PCTs against key principal outcomes/measures for 2012/13 and key quality and safety metrics; and APPROVE the action being taken to address areas of under/over performance.

Finance Report The Board received a summary of the financial position for the year to date, up to 31 August 2012 (Month 5). It was noted that the income and expenditure surplus at Month 5 was £7.6m for the cluster against a budget of £5.5m and the forecast annual surplus is £13.3m in line with the original budget. The Director of Finance emphasised that it was important that each control total was met in full and was not either under or over achieved. He also confirmed that he had written to each of the Designate Chief Officers and Chief Finance Officers asking for detailed plans showing how any in year flexibility would be used. The Board acknowledged that the forecast was subject to a number of risks. The significant ones which may be critical to the achievement of these targets include: • • •

Delivery of QIPP savings Delivery of running cost targets Financial challenges at MYHT

The Board acknowledged the improved financial position in relation to NHS Wakefield District.

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A discussion ensued regarding the non recurrent reserves for NHS Calderdale. It was recognised that there were uncommitted reserves/resources at present however the Finance and Performance Group was exploring how this would be used. A further discussion ensued regarding prescribing savings and whether there were any benefits from cross cluster learning. Steve Brennan explained the current reporting position and confirmed that QIPP plans were all on target. It was recognised that the way forward to cross cluster learning was via the West Yorkshire Commissioning Support Unit (WYCSU). The Board received and noted the 2011/12 Annual Audit Letters for each PCT. A discussion ensued regarding the Healthcare Resource Groups (HRG) error rate at MYHT noting this was 16.5%. This was worse than the national average from 2009/10 of 9.1%, and was also worse than the Trust’s results in 2010/11 when 7.7% of HRGs were incorrectly coded. It was noted that the Cluster Audit Committee was sighted on this issue and had requested that a plan is agreed with MYHT to improve coding, as previous assurances on this issue had been sought but not led to improvements. The Designate Chief Officer for Wakefield CCG also provided assurance that this had been raised with the Executive Contracting Board for MYHT and advised that a report was being issued on how the Trust will improve clinical coding in the future. In addition, it was recognised that extra staff had been recruited to improve clinical coding. The Cluster Board AGREED to NOTE the report and the financial risk identified. CKWCB/12/185

Governance and Risk Report The Director of Corporate Development and Transition introduced the report to the Board. She explained that the report provided information on governance and risk arrangements across the cluster and asks for the Board to approve a number of recommendations. Additionally, the report also provided an update on risk management. In particular, the following key areas were discussed: •

Clinical Commissioning Groups It was recognised that it would be appropriate for the Clinical Commissioning Executive Committees of the CCGs to become the shadow Board for CCGs from the point of authorisation, holding meetings in public as CCGs prepare to become statutory organisations and adjust to meeting in an open environment. The Board was reassured that each CCG had a development plan in place to achieve meeting in public following authorisation, however it was acknowledged that the CCGs were at different stages of the authorisation process. Page 5 of 18

A Board member challenged how recommendation iii on page four of the report fitted in with the transition planning arrangements outlined in David Nicholson letter appended at Appendix 1 of the report. Mike Potts explained the arrangements for developing the Local Area Team (LAT) in West Yorkshire. It was acknowledged that these would currently run differently until the West Yorkshire LAT was fully established and that this would be reviewed in December. It was therefore AGREED to ensure that as the LAT develops their role around planning for 2013/14 is clear. It was AGREED to add some additional narrative to recommendation iv on page four “...taking into account any national guidance relating to directly commissioned primary care services”. It was AGREED to: • • •

APPROVE the proposal for CCG Clinical Commissioning Executive Committees to act as shadow Boards and meet in public from the point of authorisation; ADOPT a revised CCE membership following confirmation of authorisation by the NHS Commissioning Board; and APPROVE that CCGs can have autonomy in financial decision-making relating to expenditure for 2013 onwards, with ratification by the Board taking into account any national guidance relating to directly commissioned primary care services.

NHS Commissioning Board Local Area Team The Board NOTED the arrangements in place for the recruitment to the West Yorkshire LAT.

Governance Committee The Board was presented with revised Terms of Reference for the Governance Committee following a review of its role within the context of changes to the commissioning architecture of the NHS. It was recognised that the focus of the Governance Committee, in its last six months, should be on seeking assurance during the transition period, focussing on areas of change such as Public Health transfer of functions, the closedown of the three Primary Care Trusts within the Cluster and the quality legacy. Following discussion it was AGREED that the Governance Committee would be given delegated authority to approve Section 75 agreements with local authorities if required. It was AGREED to:

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APPROVE the Governance Committee Terms of Reference and delegate authority to the Governance Committee to approve Section 75 agreements with local authorities if required.

Procurement Committee The Board was presented with Terms of Reference for establishing a Procurement Committee as a sub-committee of the Board. It was noted that these had been proposed to ensure that decisions relating to procurement were not held up due to the reduced frequency of Board meetings. It was AGREED to: •

APPROVE the establishment of a Procurement Committee and the Terms of Reference.

Changes to Scheme of Delegation and Reservation – Section C The Board noted that minor changes had been proposed to the Scheme of Delegation and Reservation – Section C, namely the deletion of item 13 relating to decisions reserved to the Board ‘Strategy, Operational Plan and Budgets’. These changes had been discussed and agreed by the Audit Committee on 18 September 2012 where it was recommended that the Board approve these. No significant issues were raised regarding the removal of this section. It was therefore AGREED to: •

APPROVE the deletion of item 13 of the Scheme of Delegation and Reservation as detailed above.

• Risk Management update The Board received an update on critical risks on the risk register. An assurance that CCGs are engaged in risk management was also given. The Chair of the Audit Committee raised an issue with regard to a delayed infection control report and the interface between NHS Leeds and NHS Calderdale. This related to the critical risk of breaching the MRSA target. It was AGREED this issue would be addressed outside of this meeting. •

Board Assurance Framework (BAF) It was noted that the BAF was currently being reviewed to ensure that it was a dynamic document, and also in light of the PCT closedown, prior to an update being presented to the Board. Page 7 of 18

It was noted that the updated BAF would be presented to the Governance Committee in November 2012, Audit Committee on 27 November 2012 and the Board at its meeting on 22 January 2013. The Board NOTED the critical risks identified from the Risk Register. CKWCB/12/186

Designate Chief Officer Reports The Board received an update report from each of the Designate Chief Officers of the local Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs). The reports covered the following: • • •

Quality, safety, finance and performance and progress towards Authorisation and establishment for the CCG; The approach to governance and risk; and System transformation

It was agreed that future reports from Designate Chief Officers should include reports on: • •

Health and Well Being Strategies and Transformation Programmes Highlight any CCG decisions requiring ratification by the Board

Each of the Chief Officers provided a summary of their report. In particular the following points were highlighted: Calderdale CCG •

NHS Health Checks It was noted that overall there was a marked improvement on the previous year’s achievement and assurance was provided on achieving the required target this financial year.

Financial position Work was ongoing to apply for non recurrent funding to support the strategic review.

Quality, Innovation, Prevention and Productivity Schemes (QIPP) Rigours arrangements were in place for monitoring 2012/13 QIPP plans. It was acknowledged that further work was needed to reduce non-elective demand and work was underway to address this.

Quality and Safety Assurance was provided that the CCG was sighted on ensuring quality and safety in the future.

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CCG Authorisation and development The authorisation site visit was undertaken by the NHS Commissioning Board assessor team on 25 September 2012. Positive feedback had been received regarding the strength of the governance arrangements. A formal response from the site visit was expected mid November.

Greater Huddersfield CCG •

CCG authorisation and development It was noted that the CCG infrastructure was well developed, with appointments now confirmed for lay members, an external nurse and a consultant. The wave two authorisation application was submitted on 3 September and the authorisation site visit was due to take place on 19 October 2012. It was recognised that the CCG was also working well with external partners on other elements of transition, such as the development of the Health and Well Being Board. Following discussion it was AGREED that Mike Potts and Mehboob Khan would look at working through connectivity between the Health and Well Being Board and the Calderdale and Huddersfield Health and Social Care Strategic Review. It was also AGREED that future Designate Chief Officer reports should include an update on Health and Well Being strategies and transformation programmes.

Infection Control It was emphasised that this was a high priority area for the CCG and that enhanced surveillance continued to be undertaken by NHS Kirklees infection prevention and control team.

NHS Health Checks It was noted that a new Locally Enhanced Scheme had been launched during July 2012 to focus on driving this work forward. 33 GHCCG practices had signed up to the scheme.

North Kirklees CCG •

CCG Authorisation and development The CCG will submit its application in line with the planned timescale of 1 November 2012. Engagement with stakeholders had been extremely positive. An update on Governing Body appointments was given, noting lay member appointments were currently underway. An external nurse had been appointed but no appointment had yet been made to the consultant role. Page 9 of 18

Steve Brennan provided assurance that there were no critical risks aligned to the authorisation process following a query raised by the Chair. •

Transformational Programmes It was noted that non-recurrent funding was being used to fund this work.

Wakefield CCG •

Quality and Safety Jo Webster confirmed that robust action was being taken to address the quality issues identified within the report and provided assurance that the CCG was working collaboratively with colleagues within the health economy.

CCG Authorisation and development A site visit from the external assessor panel took place on 26 September. Initial feedback had been positive, particularly regarding the membership model and the Equality Strategy.

Performance It was acknowledged that there had been improved performance in the following areas: -

Accident and Emergency; and Stroke.

It was noted that a utilisation review was being undertaken regarding the Accident and Emergency Department. A deep dive of analysis was also being undertaken around non-elective admissions, looking at the effectiveness of practice action plans. The Cluster Board RECEIVED and NOTED the individual Designate Chief Officer Reports. CKWCB/12/187

NHS Calderdale, Kirklees and Wakefield District Consultation Report 2011/12 June Goodson-Moore introduced this report and Michaela Iveson, Senior Engagement Manager, joined the meeting to present the Consultation Report to the Cluster Board. It was recognised that Primary Care Trusts (PCTs) have a statutory duty to report annually on engagement activities relating to commissioning decisions. The Board acknowledged that the report covered all consultation carried out across the Cluster between 1 April 2011 and 31 March 2012, and provided details of activity planned for 2012-13. Michaela confirmed that CCGs would continue to be responsible for publishing this report in the future as it would remain a statutory duty. Page 10 of 18

It was emphasised that CCGs were sighted on the importance of engaging with the public. The Board acknowledged the report covered a number of interesting themes that would influence future consultation and demonstrates where engagement had been beneficial. A discussion ensued regarding the resource requirements to produce the report to meet this statutory duty. It was acknowledged that the report had been compiled as part of ongoing work throughout the year and therefore the production of the report had not impacted significantly on resources. The Cluster Board RECEIVED and NOTED the contents of the report and APPROVED it for publication and submission to NHS Yorkshire and the Humber for the deadline of 30 September 2012. CKWCB/12/188

Primary Care Trust Baseline Spend Exercise The Cluster Board was presented with a summary of the PCT baseline spend exercise that would help inform allocations to new organisations post April 2013. The Director of Finance explained the background to the exercise and the assurance process. It was recognised that analysis would help inform how funding allocations are made between CCGs, National Commissioning Board, Local Authorities and Public Health England. It was noted that the baseline spend of Kirklees PCT had to be split between North Kirklees CCG and Greater Huddersfield CCG. Where actual activity information was available that was used, where not the split was based on weighted capitation. It was acknowledged that achieving financial stability was fundamental as well as establishing some risk sharing arrangements. The Cluster Board NOTED the content of the report and the risks associated with this.


NHS West Yorkshire Commissioning Support Unit Update The Board received an update on progress with the development of the West Yorkshire Commissioning Support Unit (WYCSU). June Goodson-Moore introduced the report and highlighted the progress made to date, key risks and next steps. The Board noted that significant progress had been made in recent weeks in the following areas: •

The appointment of interim divisional lead roles; Page 11 of 18

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Establishing the WYCSU’s vision and values and sharing these with staff for consultation; The draft structure had been developed and published to all staff for consultation and there had been regular; communication with staff through newsletters and staff briefings; The draft order book was completed in July 2012 and negotiations with CCGs was taking place to finalise their service requirements and the pricing for these services; A draft operating model had been developed; A draft service specification had been developed; A draft organisational development strategy had been developed; and There had been two meetings of the joint committee of the two PCT Cluster Boards. It was noted that minutes from these meetings would be received by the Cluster Board under a separate agenda item.

The Board noted that a key risk to the further development of the WYCSU was the lack of capacity to manage and deliver the scale of change and the work programme required to ensure the WYCSU is ready to operate effectively from 1 April 2013. It was acknowledged that this would be addressed by putting in place additional project and implementation support through approved HR recruitment processes. It was noted that the “pooling and matching” process was due to be underway next week. It was anticipated that this would be complete together with any external recruitment required to fill posts not filled through “pooling and matching”, by the end of December 2012. The Board AGREED to: • • •


NOTE the progress and key next steps identified in the report; NOTE the risks identified re lack of capacity and the intention to address this through additional project, implementation support; and NOTE that the CSU will undertake a risk assessment re the contracting round to ensure that the programme plan takes into account any new risks identified.

Commissioning Development Report and Public Health Transition Update Mike Potts introduced the report to the Board explaining that the report provided an update on the latest developments in establishing the new national commissioning system and progress of the commissioning development milestones that the Cluster Board is responsible for ensuring delivery against. In addition it was noted that the report also outlined the proposal to develop a section 75 Partnership Agreement between the Local Authority and Wakefield District Public Health function. Page 12 of 18

The Board noted the Local Area Team (LAT) Director appointments that had been made by the NHS Commissioning Board to the North of England. In addition to those listed in the report he confirmed that Ian Currell had been appointed as Director of Finance and Damian Riley had been appointed to the post of Medical Director for the LAT. It was noted that work was underway to develop a Section 75 Partnership Agreement between the Local Authority and Wakefield District Public Health function to agree what Public Health support will continue to be provided to NHS Wakefield District. It was therefore AGREED, as discussed earlier, that the Board would delegate authority to the Cluster Governance Committee to consider the proposal to enter into a Section 75 agreement to transfer lead commissioning and establish a pooled budget agreement for defined public health services for the shadow period 1 November 2012 to 31 March 2013 to the local authority. The Board AGREED to: • • •

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NOTE the progress made against the transition milestones and update on progress towards transition; RECEIVE the Public Health exception report; DELEGATE authority to the Cluster Governance Committee to enter into a Section 75 agreement to transfer lead; commissioning and establish a pooled budget agreement for defined public health services for the shadow period 1 November 2012 to 31 March 2013; DELEGATE the development of the agreement to the Wakefield Public Health Transformation Steering Group; and NOTE the work being undertaken to agree the most appropriate way forward in respect of public health contracts included in NHS and GP contracts.

Workforce Report The Board received an update on progress headlines associated with workforce metrics and with people transition to the new NHS Commissioning system. In particular, the following points were highlighted: • • • •

Workforce numbers across the Cluster continue to fall, although at a much slower pace than in 2011/12; Sickness levels remain higher than in 2011/12; CCGs and the CSU have consulted on their draft organisation structure; and The filling of posts process is due to commence 1 October, with employees being “pooled and matched” to new organisational structures.

It was emphasised that the Cluster had a number of measures in place to help ensure that staff are supported and engaged throughout the process of organisational change. Page 13 of 18

It was confirmed that Chris Dowse had been appointed to the post of Designate Chief Officer for North Kirklees. It was noted that formal consultation with employees working in functions due to transfer to other receiver organisations, including Local Authorities, NHS Property Services and the NHS Commissioning Board would take place separately. The Director of Workforce and Corporate Development agreed to check if Public Health England job descriptions had been issued. The Board noted that a new West Yorkshire Workforce Transition microsite was due to be launched later that week which all staff would be able to access including staff on maternity or long term sick leave. It was acknowledged that there was some disparity in the system regarding TUPE arrangements and that legal clarification was awaited from the Department of Health. The Cluster Board AGREED to NOTE the content of the report. CKWCB/12/192

Transformation Programmes’ Reports The Board received an update on two areas of transformation:Calderdale and Huddersfield Health and Social Care Strategic Review Programme Matt Walsh provided background on the programme of transformation for the health and social care economy in Calderdale and Huddersfield. It was noted that the programme had entered the crucial phase of establishing the four ‘Care Streams; and the ‘CrossCutting Themes’ that will expedite the design work that will comprise the intentions of the Strategic Review. The Board noted that the timeline as shown in Appendix B of the report had been extended by 2 to 4 weeks to enable more support for producing business cases. It was recognised that overall the timeline was particularly challenging. The Board requested that future reports include an indicative decision-making timetable and confirm where decisions need to be made. Secondly, that future reports also highlight relationships between Health and Well Being Boards and furthermore it was AGREED to invite the Programme Director, to attend a future Board meeting. The Board AGREED to: • •

RECEIVE and NOTE the contents of the progress report; and NOTE the potential for significant changes to be proposed as a result of the strategic review. Page 14 of 18

Mid Yorkshire Health and Social Care Partnership Programme It was noted that the report provided an overview of the work that had taken place during this reporting period in relation to the following transformation schemes: • • • •

Clinical Services Strategy The Out of Hospital Care Programme The Urgent Care Programme The Maternity, Children and Young People’s Programme

It was emphasised that the next major milestone would be the submission of the Outline Business Case (OBC) for the Clinical Services Strategy. The Board noted that this was currently planned to be presented to the Board in a joint meeting with MYHT and the CCGs Boards for Wakefield and North Kirklees on 31 October 2012. It was noted that it had become evident that more time was needed on engaging with local elective members and members of the public. The Board acknowledged that a review would be undertaken. The Head of Communications expanded on how public engagement was being addressed and provided assurance that they were exploring new ways of improving this. It was recognised that the Board would have an opportunity to discuss the development of transformation schemes and the OBC in more detail on 15 October, prior to meeting on 31 October. The Board RECEIVED and NOTED the content of the highlight report. CKWCB/12/193

CKW Transition and Closedown: governance arrangements Judith Salter, Assistant Director of Transition, joined the meeting to present the report to the Board. She explained that a programme had been established to: • • •

Support the transition of Calderdale, Kirklees and Wakefield District staff, functions, assets and documents to their successor organisations; Support the closedown of the Primary Care Trusts; and Ensure a strong legacy is transferred to the successor organisations .

It was noted that the report provided the Board with assurance on the governance arrangements to support this process. Judith explained that a Steering Group had been established to oversee the delivery of the programme. The group currently met monthly and it was proposed that this group would report to the Cluster Governance Committee who would provide the oversight and scrutiny of the programme on behalf of the Board. Page 15 of 18

Draft Terms of Reference for the Steering Group were reviewed by the Board. It was acknowledged that Gill Galdins would act as a link to Public Health by attending Public Health Transition Groups, rather than bringing a specific steering Public Health lead onto the Steering Group. Furthermore, it was acknowledged that the steering group was mindful of the opportunities to make best use of resources eg by taking joint legal advice, with the Airedale, Bradford and Leeds Cluster. It was AGREED that Gill Galdins would liaise with Damian Riley to consider the impact of the development of the LAT. The Cluster Board AGREED to: • • • •


RECEIVE the update report; SUPPORT the proposals that the Governance Committee provide the oversight and scrutiny to the programme on behalf of the CKW Cluster Board; APPROVE the Steering Group Terms of Reference; and NOTE the first draft of the programme plan, which will be scrutinised by the Governance Committee in future.

Minutes of the Yorkshire and the Humber Specialised Commissioning Operational Group The minutes of the Yorkshire and the Humber Specialised Commissioning Operational Group held on 27 July 2012 were ADOPTED by the Cluster Board.


Minutes of NHS Calderdale Clinical Commissioning Executive Committee The minutes of NHS Calderdale Clinical Commissioning Executive Committee held on 14 June 2012 were RECEIVED and NOTED by the Cluster Board.


Minutes of NHS North Kirklees Commissioning Executive Committee The minutes of NHS North Kirklees Commissioning Executive Committee held on 23 May, 27 June and 25 July 2012 were RECEIVED and NOTED by the Cluster Board.


Minutes of NHS Greater Huddersfield Commissioning Executive Committee The minutes of NHS Greater Huddersfield Commissioning Executive Committee held on 23 May, 27 June and 8 August 2012 were RECEIVED and NOTED by the Cluster Board.

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Minutes of NHS Wakefield Clinical Commissioning Executive The minutes of NHS Wakefield Clinical Commissioning Executive held on 22 May, 28 June and 24 July 2012 were RECEIVED and NOTED by the Cluster Board. Attention was drawn to the separate decision sheet appended to the minutes where two decisions were requested to be taken by the Board. The Chair advised that any CCE decisions requiring ratification by the Cluster Board should be highlighted separately via the Designate Chief Officer report. With reference to the first issue regarding the Stanley Health Centre Capital Bid; it was noted that a decision had already been taken via Chair’s action which was to be reported to the Board separately under item CKWCB/12/204. With regard to the second issue on the decision sheet, it was AGREED that Angela Monaghan and Keith Wright would review the decision taken by the Executive team regarding Tackling Inequalities, checking that this was within Standing Financial Instructions and confirming whether the decision had been appropriately made.


Draft Minutes of the Cluster Governance Committee The Draft Minutes of the Cluster Governance Committee held on 20 June were RECEIVED and NOTED by the Cluster Board.


Minutes of the North of England Specialised Commissioning Group The minutes of the North of England Specialised Commissioning Group held on 13 July 2012 were RECEIVED and NOTED by the Cluster Board.


Minutes of the Remuneration and Terms of Service Committee The minutes of the Remuneration and Terms of Service Committee held on 17 November 2011, 23 February, 23 March, 3 April and 19 July 2012 were RECEIVED and NOTED by the Cluster Board.


Minutes of the West Yorkshire Commissioning Service Joint Committee The minutes of the West Yorkshire Commissioning Service Joint Committee held on 11 July 2012 were RECEIVED and NOTED by the Board.

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Minutes of a Board Sub-Committee – Procurement The minutes of a Board Sub-Committee held on 31 July and 14 August 2012 were RECEIVED and NOTED by the Cluster Board. These minutes highlighted the Chair’s action taken on the following: • •


Greater Huddersfield Clinical Commissioning Group Chronic Pain Service Tender Contract Award; and NHS Wakefield Community Dermatology Tender Contract Award.

Receipt of Chair’s Action Report The Board received a report that confirmed information on Chair’s actions taken since the last meeting held on 3 July 2012. The Board noted that Chair’s action had been taken on three occasions relating to: • • •

Award of a Substance Misuse Psychosocial Interventions Service (PSI) at HMP and YOI New Hall; Submission of the Outline Business Case for the Capital Bid for the refurbishment and development of Stanley Health Centre, Wakefield; and The Calderdale, Kirklees and Wakefield District/Airedale, Bradford and Leeds policy for filling of posts on behalf of the CKW Cluster.

The Cluster Board AGREED to ratify the Chair’s action taken on the above. CKWCB/12/205

Date and time of the next meeting It was AGREED that the next meeting of the Cluster Board would take place on 22 January 2013 between 9am and 1pm in the Boardroom at White Rose House, Wakefield.


Resolution to Exclude Public from Part two of the meeting It was RESOLVED that: “representatives of the press and other members of the public be excluded from the remainder of this meeting having regard to the confidential nature of the business to be transacted, publicity on which would be prejudicial to the public interest” (section 1 (2) Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1970).

Chair’s Signature: ..........................................................

Date: .............................. Page 18 of 18

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