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Agenda Item: 07 Enclosure: CKWCB/13/15 Category of Paper Tick()

22 January 2013 Paper Title:

Decision and Approval

Chief Executive’s Report

Position statement

Responsible Director:


Mike Potts Chief Executive


Paper Author:

FOI Status:

Mike Potts Chief Executive


Executive Summary:

This report updates the Cluster Board on current pertinent issues not covered elsewhere on the agenda.

Outcome of Equality Impact Assessment:


Sub Group/Committee:


Recommendation (s):

The Cluster Board is asked to RECEIVE and NOTE the content of this report.

NHS Calderdale, Kirklees and Wakefield District Cluster Board 22 January 2013

NHS North of England Professor Paul Johnstone has been confirmed as the Regional Director for Public Health England North (PHE). PHE will start to operate in shadow form from January 2013. Paul’s role includes supporting five new PHE centres and four designate directors have been appointed as follows: PHE North East – Dr Roberta Marshall, PHE Yorkshire and Humber – Dr Stephen Morton, PHE Manchester – Professor Martin Regan, PHE Cheshire and Merseyside – Professor Qutub Syed.

NHS Commissioning Board - Cumbria, Northumberland, Tyne and Wear Area Team John Lawlor has been appointed as the NHS Commissioning Board’s Area Team Director for Cumbria, Northumberland, Tyne and Wear. John is currently Chief Executive of Airedale, Bradford and Leeds PCT Cluster, and previously been Chief Executive of NHS Leeds. From 2006 to 2009, he was Chief Executive at Harrogate and District NHS Foundation Trust after moving from his post as Deputy Chief Executive and Director of Service Development at Calderdale and Huddersfield NHS Trust. John has also worked at the Department of Health leading on aspects of primary care policy following the introduction of the 1990 GP contract and on primary care commissioning, including GP fundholding and GP led total purchasing pilots. He was also seconded to the Department of Health Flu Resilience Team for seven months in 2009, to work with the SHAs, PCTs and primary care, to support the NHS response to the H1N1 pandemic.

NHS Commissioning Board – West Yorkshire Area Team Alison Knowles has been appointed Director of Commissioning for the West Yorkshire Area Team. Alison is currently working at Sherwood Forest Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust and has previously worked at SHA, PCT and community levels. A starting date for Alison to take up her new role has yet to be agreed.

West Yorkshire Commissioning Support Unit (WYCSU) Ming Tang has been appointed as Director for Data and Information Management Systems at the NHS Commissioning Board and will be leaving her role as Managing Director of South Yorkshire and Bassetlaw Commissioning Support Unit (CSU) later this month. Alison Hughes, Managing Director of West Yorkshire CSU, will now also take responsibility for South Yorkshire and Bassetlaw CSU.

The changes have been designed to ensure maximum stability and support for CCGs as they continue to prepare for and progress through authorisation. They will also enable commissioning support services in both areas to continue to develop and improve their service offers and maximise new opportunities for the benefit of customers. We wish all the above all the very best in their new roles.

Mid Yorkshire Hospitals NHS Trust Dr Richard Jenkins has been appointed as Medical Director. Richard is a Consultant in Diabetes and Endocrinology and has been with the Trust since 2002 after completing his training in South Yorkshire. He has held a number of medical leadership roles in the Trust since 2004, most recently as the Divisional Clinical Director for Medicine. Richard works clinical at all three MYHT sites and in the community.

South West Yorkshire Partnership NHS Foundation Trust Tim Breedon has been appointed as Director of Nursing, Clinical Governance and Safety. Tim has been acting in this role over the past few months and was previously District Director for the Trust’s Wakefield Business Delivery Unit (BDU). In the interim, management arrangements for the Wakefield BDU will remain as they are now with Andrea Wilson providing cover to Mental Health Services and Ann Rutter to Specialist Services.

NHS Direct Trevor Smith has been appointed Managing Director of NHS Direct, responsible for taking forward the organisation to deliver the new NHS 111 and other services that NHS Direct has been commissioned to provide. Trevor has been performing this role in an interim basis since September 2012, and has been the Finance and Performance Director for NHS Direct for the past four years. Nick Chapman, the current Chief Executive of NHS Direct, will continue to steer the organisation and staff through the process of decommissioning the 0845 service, until he leaves the organisation on 1 July 2013. NHS Confederation Michael O’Higgins has been appointed as the next chair of NHS Confederation. He is the current chair of The Pensions Regulator and is the former chair of the Audit Commission, a position he held for six years before stepping down in September 2012. He is also a non-executive director of Network Rail, a non-executive director of HM Treasury and chair of the Treasury Group Audit Committee. Michael took up his new part-time, remunerated position from November 2012.

Mid Year Review Letter A letter has been received from Stephen Singleton, Interim Chief Executive, NHS North of England regarding mid-year performance. In view of the transition pressures, NHS North of England agreed to undertake the mid-year performance review exercise in an exchange of correspondence rather than the usual face to face discussion. A copy of the letter is attached for information.

Publication of the NHS Mandate In November, the Secretary of State published the first mandate to the NHS Commissioning Board (NHSCB). The NHS Mandate sets out the Government’s ambitions for the NHS, which it is asking the NHSCB to achieve from April 2013 to the end of 2015. The mandate has been informed by a wide range of organisations and stakeholders across the health and care system. It sets a number of objectives for the NHSCB, based on the five domains identified by the NHS Outcomes Framework, an updated version of which was also published in November. The NHS Mandate may be accessed at

Publication of the Standards for Members of NHS Boards and CCG Governing Bodies in England The above standards, which apply to NHS England, were commissioned by the Secretary of State for Health. The standards cover three domains, personal behaviour, technical competence, and business practices, and put compassion and respect at the heart of NHS leadership. They were developed through extensive engagement with NHS board members, experts in leadership and management, and patients and public. Many organisations were also spoken to with interest in the work, such as NHS Employers, the Institute for Healthcare Management, and the King’s Fund. A three-month consultation period was carried out from January – April 2012, to which over 60 people and organisations responded. A review of existing standards and guidance was also carried out. Information regarding the standards has been passed to the four CKW Clinical Commissioning Groups for their consideration. Savile Allegations Three NHS organisations about whom allegations of abuse have been made - Stoke Mandeville Hospital, Leeds General Infirmary and West London Mental Health Trust – are working closely with the police and Local Safeguarding Boards, undertaking reviews to ascertain what happened and whether there are any lessons to learn. In addition, the Department of Health is holding a review into Savile’s role at Broadmoor Hospital for the period it was responsible for its management.

The Secretary of State has appointed Kate Lampard, a barrister and Vice Chair of the NHS South of England, to provide assurance that the Department and the relevant NHS organisations are following a robust process aimed at protecting the interest of patients. She will also look, as part of that work, at NHS wide procedures, in the light of the findings of the reviews, to see whether they need tightening. When this work has concluded, any learning relevant for the wider system across the service as a whole, will be shared. On 11 January 2013, the Metropolitan Police published a report into these allegations which flagged up some offences in the NHS that previously haven’t been listed before. This includes an offence at Dewsbury Hospital (now part of Mid Yorkshire Hospitals NHS Trust) in 1969. A media statement has been prepared should this be required. NHS Calderdale, Kirklees and Wakefield, working with local agencies as necessary, are taking this opportunity to review our own arrangements and practices relating to vulnerable people, particularly in relation to: safeguarding; access to patients (including that afforded volunteers and celebrities); and listening to and acting on patient concerns.

Self Care Expert Patient’s Programme National Accreditation Award NHS Kirklees Public Health Team have been awarded the intermediate level QISMET accreditation, the first in the country, for the Expert Patient’s Programme (EPP). The accreditation was awarded after a successful desk top submission/review and a full day visit from the auditor. QISMET and their SS2Q quality framework and audit tool for lay led self management programmes is a nationally sought after quality assurance endorsement for any self management course/programme. It asks for rigorous and consistent evidence and application of systems and processes to ensure the lay tutors/the course and whole system of monitoring/support and evaluation is robust. This is a great achievement for the team and for Kirklees Self Care programme continuing to lead the way and set a benchmark within the local health economy of how self management programmes should be managed/supported and delivered to achieve real outcomes for the many patients across the patch that have benefited from this approach.

Mike Potts Chief Executive

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