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Agenda Item: 17 Enclosure: CKWCB/13/25 DATE OF MEETING:

Category of Paper Tick()

Paper Title:

Decision and Approval

West Yorkshire Commissioning Support Unit (WYCSU) Update Responsible Director:

Position statement


Alison Hughes, Managing Director, WYCSU


Paper Author:

FOI Status:

Rachel Spilsbury, Project Manager, WYCSU


Executive Summary:

The purpose of this paper is to update the board on progress and next steps for developing and operationalising service delivery for WYCSU. Progress to ensure robust service delivery is supported in the following ways:: • Director appointments • Signed service level agreements with CCGs • Workforce and organisation development • Business Transformation Programme • Finance and Commercial System and Process Programme (contract mobilisation 17.01.12) • Estate Strategy and mobilisation plan • Checkpoint 3 and Checkpoint 4 validation This paper captures the current position relating to the above elements. The scale of the challenge is significant and the agenda is extremely complex. The overall delivery assessment in terms of operational readiness is rated as achievable against plan and on track. This does not mean there are no risks to delivery, however all areas of delivery are currently making progress and there are no areas where there is significant slippage of a scale that would prevent the CSU current forecast for ‘go live’.

The establishment of the CSU is overseen by the joint committee of the two cluster boards. Assurance is provided to the joint committee in the form of detailed reporting on WYCSU development and the risk register. All risks that have been identified are captured on the risk register and regularly reviewed with appropriate treatment plans in place. Alison Hughes has been appointed as the Managing Director of South Yorkshire and Bassetlaw CSU (SYBCSU) as well as WYCSU. This is an endorsement of the national profile and reputation of WYCSU and its leadership. Alison will now lead both WYCSU and SYBCSU which will continue to work as independent organisations. The agreed staffing structures for both organisations that are currently being implemented will not be changed. Outcome of Equality Impact Assessment:

Not applicable

Sub Group/Committee:

Not applicable

Recommendation (s):

The board is requested to: i) note progress in the development of WYCSU.

NHS West Yorkshire Commissioning Support Unit (WYCSU) Progress Update 1 Purpose of Report The purpose of this report is to update the board on progress for the development of the West Yorkshire Commissioning Support Unit. 2 Progress Update Progress is being made in the following areas: 2.1 Director appointments Two key director level posts have appointments: Pete Thomas – Commercial Director Sarah Fatchett – Chief Operating Officer Interviews were held for the Chief Finance Officer (6 candidates shortlisted) but we were unable to appoint due to lack of suitable candidates. This has significantly strengthened the director team and leadership capacity and capability and puts WYCSU in a strong position moving forward. 2.2 Service Level Agreements Service level agreements have been signed with all 10 CCGs. We will continue to work with CCGs to develop the delivery programme for 2013/14 to ensure that services reflect the priorities of each individual CCG. 2.3 Workforce and Organisation Development The CSU has completed recruitment in line with the national process up to stage 3b which has resulted in the recruitment of 294.2 WTE which equates to a personnel headcount of 317 people (this information is the current position as at 04.01.12 as this clearly changes on a day to day basis). The CSU has now successfully fulfilled stage one of the national requirement and has now recruited 84% of the budgeted positions. This however is a moving number due to the level of the ‘churn’ in the system where some individuals who have secured posts are now identifying different positions in different NHS organisations. From an operational delivery point of view this is a reasonable position to operate from with significant planning taking place to determine the next steps for recruitment. The service leads are now in active planning stage to ensure allocated staff are appropriately inducted, with a known base and are engaged in developing the service deployment models to support the CSU go live process.

The ‘on-boarding’ programme has begun and several welcome sessions for staff have been held. These have been positively received. ‘Buddy’ arrangements have also been put in place to provide each member of staff with a named contact in the existing CSU team for advice and support. We are agreeing hand over arrangements with the cluster to determine the point at which responsibility for delivering services and line management arrangements transfer to the WYCSU. 2.4 Excellence Commissioning and Business Transformation The excellence in commissioning and business transformation programme is in progress. The key elements linked to operational delivery within this programme have been the workshops and process mapping that has taken place across service delivery areas. Each service area is now being further reviewed and developed to ensure there is a clear method of delivery, supported by an appropriate staffing structure and agreed deployment model. A business review workshop is planned for 16 January 2013 where we will consider the key findings of the work to date to inform key decisions on developing our services to ensure they are fully aligned to customer and business need. 2.5 Estates and mobilisation The Business Case to secure the appropriate premises at the right commercial values to support the staff in operational delivery has now been completed. Each member of staff who has secured a position with the CSU is now being canvassed to discuss the agreed model of delivery and location for the function they have been mapped to and to determine if this is suitable alternative employment. The outcomes of this large scale process will inform the final site sizes and lease requirements and will enable the CSU to accurately deliver an estates footprint that enables delivery to our customers. Douglas Mill is identified as the corporate headquarters and we are currently out to tender for the design and fit of the accommodation. We will ensure that the work environment supports the vision and values for the new organisation, enabling us to work differently and flexibly and to gain the best return on investment. 2.6 Financial and commercial consultancy tender This is the tender that has been evaluated to deliver support in the overall process for finance and commercial development of the CSU. This is part of the agreed set up investment for WYCSU and will increase our capacity to meet the requirements of checkpoints 4 and 5 and prepare for operation on 1 April 2013. This programme of work will commence week beginning 21 January 2012 and will enable the detailed delivery of the financial and commercial systems to support operational and business delivery. The scale and quality of the support is significant and therefore the contribution to effective operational delivery, support to service leads in financial and budget management and skills transfer over the next 2 month period is robust.

2.7 Checkpoint 3 and Checkpoint 4 Significant progress has been made to ensure the delivery requirements of checkpoints 3 and 4 in the authorisation process for the CSU. Many of the areas of requirements within the Checkpoint 4 process have been captured within the CSU mobilisation (‘go-live’) project and additional support for delivery has been identified by a dedicated CSU lead to ensure the requirements are met in full. The business transformation and financial and commercial support will both be instrumental in supporting the CSU to deliver the requirements which in themselves are key enablers to sound business and operational delivery on a sustainable basis. 3 Assurance The joint committee which is established as a sub-committee of the two cluster boards meets once a month and is co-chaired by two non-executive directors one from each cluster – Ann Liston (CKW) and Brian Marsden (ABL). Detailed reports are provided to the joint committee on progress for the development of the CSU including HR transition, operationalisation of services and commercial development. The risk register is submitted to the joint committee each month and incorporates details of risks identified, risk scores, risk owners and risk treatment plans. An excerpt of the risk register is attached at appendix A showing risks with a residual risk score of 10 or above. 4 Managing Director Appointment to South Yorkshire and Bassetlaw CSU Alison Hughes has been appointed as the Managing Director of South Yorkshire and Bassetlaw CSU (SYBCSU) as well as WYCSU. This is an endorsement of the national profile and reputation of WYCSU and its leadership. Alison will now lead both WYCSU and SYBCSU which will continue to work as independent organisations. The agreed staffing structures for both organisations that are currently being implemented will not be changed. 5 Next Steps Next steps in the development of WYCSU are: • • • • •

Regular reporting to ensure focus and grip on delivery and to manage any emerging risks that may affect delivery Recruitment to key posts not filled through pooling and matching or redeployment Continue the excellence in commissioning and business transformation programme (Ernst & Young and blackswan) Operationalise and implement service deployment plans Prepare for Checkpoint 4 (January/February 2013)

6 Recommendations The board is requested to: i) note progress in the development of WYCSU. Rachel Spilsbury WYCSU Project Manager 4 January 2013

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