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Minutes of the Clinical Commissioning Executive Meeting held on 13 September 2012 in the Shibden Meeting Room, F Mill, Dean Clough Mills, Halifax Present:

Dr Alan Brook

Dr John Taylor Dr Nigel Taylor Dr Matt Walsh Dr Graham Wardman Penny Woodhead

Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) Board Chair (Chair of the meeting) CCG Board Member CCG Board Member CCG Board Member CCG Board Member CCG Board Member CCG Board Member Non Executive Associate Designate Chief Finance Officer Lay Member and Deputy Chair of CCG Director of Adults, Health and Social Care, Calderdale Metropolitan Borough Council CCG Board Member CCG Board Member Designate Chief Officer Director of Public Health Head of Quality

Apologies for absence:

Dr Steve Chambers Keith Wright

CCG Board Member Non Executive Director

Also present:

Gill Manojlovic

Head of Infection Prevention and Control (for item 105/12) Head of Primary Care (for item 101/12) Head of Business Intelligence (for items 98 & 99/12) Customer Services Manager (for item 103/12) Assistant Director of Workforce (for item 100/12) Corporate Governance Manager/Board Secretary

Dr Majid Azeb Dr Hazel Carsley Dr Steven Cleasby Dr Peter Davies Dr Dinesh Kumar Dr Krishna Kumar Trevor Lake Julie Lawreniuk John Mallalieu Bev Maybury

Debbie Robinson Tim Shields Janet Smart Laura Smith Jane Brownlie Observers:

Cllr Goldthorpe Cllr Lambert Mike Lodge


Member of Adults, Health and Social Care Scrutiny Panel, Calderdale Metropolitan Borough Council Member of Adults, Health and Social Care Scrutiny Panel, Calderdale Metropolitan Borough Council Senior Scrutiny Support Officer, Calderdale Metropolitan Borough Council

OBSERVERS FROM THE ADULTS HEALTH AND SOCIAL CARE SCRUTINY PANEL OF CALDERDALE METROPOLITAN BOROUGH COUNCIL The Chair advised the meeting that, following a request from Calderdale Metropolitan Borough Council, it had been agreed that as part of their development, members of the Adults, Health and Social Care Scrutiny Panel could attend at any of the next three Clinical Commissioning Executive meetings 1

as observers. The Chair welcomed Cllr Goldthorpe, Cllr Lambert and Mike Lodge to the meeting. 93/12

DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Drs Azeb, Brook, Carsley, Cleasby, Davies, Dinesh Kumar, Krishna Kumar, John Taylor and Nigel Taylor declared an interest in item 101 (Improving the quality of primary medical services). Penny Woodhead, the Head of Quality declared an interest in item 106/12 (Draft Terms of Reference of the Shadow NHS Calderdale Clinical Commissioning Group Governing Body). Dr Majid Azeb declared an interest in item P02(b)/12 in respect of the minutes of the Yorkshire and the Humber Specialised Commissioning Group (considered in the private part of the meeting).


MINUTES OF THE MEETING HELD ON 16 AUGUST 2012 The minutes of the meeting held on 16 August 2012 were accepted as a correct record subject to the final sentence on page 3 being amended to read “The Head of Quality advised that a peer review of safeguarding in Calderdale was to be undertaken in November 2012.”


MATTER ARISING FROM THE MINUTES (A) INFORMATION GOVERNANCE TOOLKIT BASELINE AND APPOINTMENT OF CLINICAL COMMISSIONING GROUP (CCG) SENIOR INFORMATION RISK OWNER (SIRO), CALDICOTT GUARDIAN AND INFORMATION GOVERNANCE LEAD At its previous meeting the CCE had considered a report which provided details of the Information Governance Toolkit and asked the Clinical Commissioning Executive, on behalf of the CCG, to assign responsibility of the key roles required for ensuring effective management of information governance for CCGs. The Designate Chief Finance Officer reported that following subsequent discussions it was being proposed that the Chief Finance Officer be appointed as the CCG SIRO, the Chief Officer be appointed as the CCG Caldicott Guardian and the Head of Finance be appointed as the CCG Information Governance Lead. It was noted that the individuals concerned would need to undertake relevant training as soon as possible. DECISIONS 1. That the Chief Finance Officer be appointed as the CCG Senior Information Risk Owner. 2. That the Chief Officer be appointed as the CCG Caldicott Guardian. 3. That the Head of Finance be appointed as the CCG Information Governance Lead. 2


4. That the individuals in 1., 2. and 3. above undertake relevant training as soon as possible. 95/12

DESIGNATE CHIEF OFFICER’S REPORT The Designate Chief Officer presented this report which updated the Clinical Commissioning Executive on current pertinent issues. In respect of the people transition/staffing structures for the Commissioning Support Unit (CSU) and the CCG, it was noted that the structures were about to be finalised and reference was made to the support being offered to staff throughout the process. A CCG Board member asked who was responsible for making the appointments and it was explained that the Cluster was responsible for providing role specifications and the “receiver organisations” e.g. the CSU and the CCG were responsible for making the appointments. The CCG appointment process was expected to be completed by the end of October 2012. Reference was made to recent appointments to the CCG - John Mallalieu had been appointed to the post of Deputy Chair and Lay Member with responsibility for audit and governance and Dr Sanjay Suri had been appointed as the CCG’s Secondary Care Specialist. DECISION That the report be noted.


FINANCE REPORT The Designate Chief Finance Officer presented this report which outlined the current and forecast financial position for 2012/13 and the financial risks. The Finance and Performance Group had considered this report in detail at its previous meeting. It was noted that the forecast was for the control total for 2012/13 and the other statutory financial targets to be delivered. It was reported that there was presently an issue of under-spending, with some of the budgets being under-spent and with there were still unused contingency fund moneys and some business planning money set aside since the start of the year. However the Designate Chief Finance Officer advised that a comprehensive spending plan was being prepared to deal with these issues. With regard to QIPP schemes, it was reported that at present there was a significant underachievement. It was reported that the Care Streams had identified some relatively small schemes which could be implemented quite quickly. Work was also being undertaken to establish whether some schemes could be implemented now with a view to alleviating the anticipated winter pressures and the Calderdale and Huddersfield Foundation Trust. However it was reported that there was still a need to identify some large transitional schemes. Discussion took place on the funding of community care. It was noted that there was a current budget under-spend and it was confirmed that a lot of work had recently been done on cost control and out of area placements and it appeared that the rapid increase in cases seemed to be reducing. However a process of considering funding appeals was presently on going and the result of appeals might result in additional expenditure. 3


Reference was made to the inter-relationship of schemes and the impact of one scheme on other areas of the health economy, hence the need for the comprehensive plan presently that was being prepared. DECISIONS 1. That the forecast financial position for 2012/13 be received. 2. That the risk rating of green for achieving the control total be noted. 97/12

QUALITY AND SAFETY REPORT The Head of Quality presented this report which provided an update on recent quality and safety issues. Reference was made to discussion at the previous meeting on the Single Integrated Improvement Plan prepared to ensure improvements of children’s social care services. It was noted that a second peer review was being planned to commence on 26 November 2012 and it was reported that the Designated Nurse (Children’s Safeguarding) was to act as lead manager to support the CCG in the process. In response to a question from a CCG Board Member it was confirmed that OFSTED could make an unannounced visit at any time. The Head of Quality referred to the National Quality Board’s report “Maintaining and improving quality in the new health system” which set out how quality was to be maintained and improved in the new structures and identified a number of questions needing to be addressed. A briefing note on this report had been circulated to CCG Board Members, it was intended that the subject would be considered further at the next Quality Group meeting and it was agreed that a CCG Development session also be arranged to consider this report. Discussion took place regarding the maintenance of quality in General Practice and it was pointed out that although the CCG had a role in ensuring quality improvements in General Practice, the NHS Commissioning Board would be responsible for the processes regarding quality in general practice. Reference was made to the MRSA figures and the fact that NHS Calderdale’s target for the year had been breached and with three of the four cases having been Calderdale residents being treated at Leeds Teaching Hospitals Trust. It was noted that information from the root cause analyses on lessons to be learned from the Leeds cases was still not yet available. Although it was accepted that the target set was low the Designate Chief Officer stressed that it was still important to maintain a culture of zero tolerance and to investigate every case to establish whether there were any preventable actions or systems weaknesses. DECISION That the CCE note the updates on Quality and Safety information including HCAI, EMSA, the Venous Thrombo embolism, CQC activity, the update and next steps on the Single Integrated Improvement Plan, the CQUINs process for quarter 1 and the report on Maintaining and Improving Quality in the new system. 4



OPERATING FRAMEWORK – PERFORMANCE REPORT The Head of Business Intelligence presented this report which provided an update on performance in respect of the headline and supporting indicators. It was noted that the required levels of performance had continued to be delivered in the majority of the indicators, but discussion took place on those areas where performance had fallen below the required level. With regard to the failure to achieve the required level of performance on Choose and Book, a CCG Board Member commented that she was aware of occasions where patients had attempted to use Choose and Book but found that there were no appointments available. The Head of Business Intelligence advised that this issue had also been raised at the Finance and Performance Group meeting and the problems had arisen due to the provider’s lack of capacity. A Non Executive Associate referred to discrepancies between some of the data supplied in the Quality Report and that in the Operating Framework Performance Report. In response it was explained that the Performance Report data had to be validated data, rather than data in the system and sometimes the reporting period or time of writing of the two reports differed as they were initially prepared for different Sub-Groups (Quality and Finance and Performance) and until recently the dates of those Group meetings had differed. DECISIONS 1. That the progress made with headline and supporting indicators be noted. 2. That the update on the areas requiring continued focus be noted.


DELIVERY OF CCG COMMISSIONING PLAN 2012/13 – PERFORMANCE REPORT The Head of Business Intelligence presented this report which provided an overview of delivery of the Clinical Commissioning Group’s Commissioning Plan for 2012/13. Reference was made to discussion at the previous meeting regarding the extent of detail required in the update report and the decision had been taken that highlight/overview reports were the most appropriate. It was noted that the appendices set out information in respect of each of the four Care Streams of the Strategic Refresh and aimed to triangulate progress on programmes and projects with a view of the savings, activity and risk. A Non Executive Associate referred to the Planned Care Appendix and asked what was being done differently. The Designate Chief Officer commented that this was described in more detail in the actual QIPP Plan. A Non Executive Associate referred to the appendix on Unplanned Care and asked how the Programme would bring about a reduction in Accident & Emergency attendances. The Designate Chief Officer advised that more detail had been presented in the report to the Finance and Performance Group. The Designate Chief Officer commented that more detailed reports might sometimes be appropriate in the future. 5

DECISION That the report be noted. 100/12 WORKFORCE REPORT The Assistant Director of Workforce presented this report which provided workforce information figures, trends and trajectories related to the directlyemployed NHS Calderdale workforce together with key workforce headlines. It was reported that staff turnover was gradual and although sickness absence rates were still relatively low, they had increased and were higher than they had been for the last few months and were higher than the same period in 2011. The Assistant Director of Workforce presented an update on the workforce headlines element of the report. She advised that consultation on the CCG and Commissioning Support Unit structures had now ended and it was anticipated that pooling and matching of staff would begin shortly and would be undertaken on a function by function basis. Workshops on pooling and matching were now being arranged for panel members. The Director of Public Health reported orally on progress with the NHS Commissioning Board structures and on correspondence regarding the “lift and shift” of groups of public health staff. DECISION That the report be noted.

101/12 IMPROVING THE QUALITY OF PRIMARY MEDICAL SERVICES – UPDATE Drs. Azeb, Brook, Carsley, Cleasby, Davies, Dinesh Kumar, Krishna Kumar, John Taylor and Nigel Taylor declared an interest in this item The Head of Primary Care presented this report which provided an update on progress made (following a Quality Group Development session) in developing the CCG’s approach to continually improving the quality of primary medical care in Calderdale. Reference was made to the fact that although the CCG would not be directly responsible for commissioning primary medical care, it would have a statutory duty to continually improve the quality of local primary medical services. At the development session in June 2012, the Quality Group (together with additional practice management input) had agreed key principles of a framework for the development of the CCG’s approach to improving the quality of primary medical care in Calderdale. Those principles were listed in Appendix 1 of the report. During the development session it had been acknowledged that the NHS Commissioning Board would be reviewing the performance of individual 6

practices through a range of performance indicators and those present at the development session believed it would be appropriate to develop a local dashboard to focus on local priorities. The issue of focusing on and changing the culture in respect of patient safety in primary care had also been discussed at the development session, leading to a proposal of identifying safety champions at CCG level and within GP practices. There had also been discussion on the Productive General Practice programme, aimed at helping general practices to continue delivering high quality care whilst meeting increased demand and diverse expectations. The next steps being proposed to take the above issues forward were detailed in the report. CCE members commented upon the importance of fully involving the practices throughout and recognising that primary care delivery impacted upon all elements of CCG commissioning. With regard to the identification of performance indicators and the development of a dashboard, it was acknowledged that, in its performance management of General Practices the NHS Commissioning Board would be using a large range of indicators, but it was felt that a smaller number needed to be identified locally for use in the first year. The importance of continuing to strengthen relationships with the practices was acknowledged and it was suggested that a series of development and engagement sessions be held to encourage participation in selection and ownership of appropriate performance indicators for the dashboard.


The Head of Quality advised that Dr Steven Chambers was being suggested to act as the CCG champion on safety and key tasks would then include supporting the roll-out of the Datix Patient Safety cultural tool and education/training and development to support the primary care workforce. The Designate Chief Officer acknowledged that the proposals were still at the development stage but he believed there was a need to be more explicit in terms of clear metrics, for example on numbers and improvements sought. The Head of Primary Care sought confirmation of the CCE’s agreement with the approach principles to improving quality in primary care set out in Appendix 1 of the report. The Designate Chief Officer advised that further to the discussion he would meet with the Head of Primary Care to agree revised wording of the principles.


DECISIONS 1. That the report be noted. 2. That the next steps proposed in the report be endorsed. 3. That the Designate Chief Officer meet with the Head of Primary Care to agree revised wording of the approach principles to improving primary care.


4. That a series of development and engagement sessions be held with GP practices to encourage participation in selection and ownership of ACTION appropriate performance indicators for the dashboard.


102/12 BUILDING CAPACITY AND CAPABILITY The Designate Chief Finance Officer presented this report which referred to the work Calderdale CCG had carried out in conjunction with the West Yorkshire Commissioning Support Unit (CSU) to design the capability needed to deliver the CCG responsibilities and functions (as defined in the Department of Health Document “The Functions of GP Commissioning Groups”). The Designate Chief Finance Officer apologised for having attached an incorrect version of the CCG staffing structure to the report and she advised that copies of the correct final structure (which was to be “locked down” on 14.9.12) were available from her on request. It was reported that there were still some areas requiring clarification e.g. Information Technology. The Designate Chief Finance Officer advised that the approach had been to look at each function and determine what should be provided locally, which should be shared with a neighbouring CCG and what should be provided “centrally” by the CSU. A copy of the CCG’s draft order book with the CSU was appended to the report and it was reported that a Memorandum of Understanding with the CSU had been signed, although there was still some further work to be done on the details. The Designate Chief Finance Officer referred to point 9 of the report regarding financial modelling and advised that Calderdale’s share of the CSU cost had been challenged and had subsequently been reduced from £2.4m to £1.8m, thus freeing up a contingency of £600,000. A Non Executive Associate referred to proposals for the Communication and Engagement function and commented that he had understood there was to be some local control and focus, but it now appeared the function was to be a central one. The Designate Chief Finance Officer responded that further discussions were still to be held on the issue of local delivery teams. A CCG Board member commented on the absence of reference in the documentation to local professional networks. He also asked about the cost sharing of posts that were shared with Greater Huddersfield CCG and was advised that it had been agreed they be split on a 50/50 basis. A CCG Board member referred to the proposals in respect of medicines management set out in the Draft Order Book. It was noted that 12 of the 13 elements of the function were to be purchased from CSS but that Practice Based support to CCGs was listed as being “built into the CCG” but there did not appear to be any such provision in the CCG structure. A CCG Board member expressed surprise that there were few areas where the CSS Service was to be provided through a Local Delivery Team. DECISION That the report be noted.


103/12 ANNUAL COMPLAINTS REPORT 2011-12 The Head of Quality presented this report which outlined complaints activity for the year 1 April 2011 – 31 March 2012. The Customer Services Manager attended the meeting to address any detailed questions. It was noted that Regulations required all local providers and independent contractors of health and social care to provide NHS Calderdale with their annual complaint activity. This annual report therefore comprised a compilation of health and social care activity across Calderdale and was to be submitted to the Strategic Health Authority. Details of those providers and independent contractors who had not submitted their complaints information had been passed on to be addressed by the relevant contract monitoring teams. The Director of Adults, Health and Social Care agreed to arrange for information on social care complaints to be passed on to the Head of Quality. The report included a breakdown of the complaints information received by type of provider and independent contractor, by age, disability and ethnicity of the complainant and by subject matter of the complaint. The Head of Quality referred to the fact that all the complaints received in 2011/12 had been resolved at a local level, with none having proceeded to conciliation or mediation. However the Head of Quality commented that she believed there was more work to be done in drawing out the lessons learned and sharing them across the system and she intended to discuss this further with the Head of Primary Care. A Non Executive Associate speculated as to whether it might be appropriate to introduce an additional category of comments/suggestions which were not complaints as such and the Head of Quality advised that a range of patient feedback information was being considered. A CCG Board Member referred to a course she had recently attended and wondered whether it might be possible to draw on experiences in respect of Patient Development Groups. A CCG Board Member questioned some of the numbers in Figure 1 on page 4 of the report, which did not tally with those in Figure 4 on page 6 and the Head of Quality agreed to look into this outside the meeting. 1 The Chair referred to one of the themes of complaints being staff attitudes and he commented upon instances of staff having to deliver unwelcome messages, such as there being no appointments available, which would immediately make their relationship with patients more difficult and would require careful handling. A CCG Board Member referred to complaints in respect of the 0844 telephone numbers used by some GP surgeries and it was agreed that further information would be distributed on this. DECISIONS 1. That the Annual Complaints Report 2011-12 be received. 2. That the complaints activity for NHS Calderdale local providers and independent contractors for 2011-12 be noted. 1

Note: it was subsequently established that in Figure 1 the number of level 3 complaints for 2010/11 should read 129 and the total for 2010/11 should read 1,980



104/12 EQUALITY AND DIVERSITY STRATEGY 2012 – 15 The Head of Quality presented this report which introduced and included at its Appendix the Equality and Diversity Strategy, which outlined the way in which it was intended that the CCG would address the equality agenda so as to ensure progress was made in an efficient, effective and economical manner. It was noted that the strategy also included equality objectives for the CCG and an action plan detailing how they would be delivered. The Head of Quality advised that she had recently received a number of late comments on the strategy. She advised that she had received assurance that the level of service specified in the CSU Order Book was sufficient to deliver the Equality and Diversity Action Plan. The Head of Quality expressed the view that the strategy was still work in progress and she suggested that it be reviewed in 12 months’ time.


DECISIONS 1. That the Equality and Diversity Strategy be approved and that it be agreed to implement the action plan. 2. That the Strategy be reviewed in 12 months’ time. 105/12 INFECTION PREVENTION AND CONTROL ANNUAL REPORT The Head of Infection Prevention and Control presented this report which introduced and included at its appendix the Infection Prevention and Control Annual Report for 2011/12. It was explained that the report had been considered in detail at the Quality Group and reference was made to the key highlights in the report. The Head of Infection Prevention and Control advised that engagement of her team in care homes and residential homes was proceeding well, with constructive working relationships having been established. In 2011/12 the rates of incidence of MRSA and C Difficile were quite low and did not breach the PCT’s objective/trajectory. In respect of immunisation it was reported that uptake rates had improved on those of 2010/11 and with MMR immunisations having increased considerably following a decision to publish MMR immunisation rates by GP practice. The Designate Chief Officer referred to the increase in the national target for influenza vaccination for over 65s from 50% to 70% in 2012/13 and it was acknowledged that this target would be challenging. In discussion disappointment was expressed at the immunisation rates of pregnant women. A CCG Board member suggested that when the shared care case records were next reviewed consideration should be given to including a check box on the front sheet regarding immunisations. DECISION That the report be noted. 10


106/12 DRAFT TERMS OF REFERENCE FOR THE SHADOW NHS CALDERDALE CLINICAL COMMISSIONING GROUP GOVERNING BODY The Head of Quality declared an interest in part of this item The Corporate Governance Manager/Board Secretary presented this report which introduced and included at its appendix draft Terms of Reference for the Shadow Calderdale CCG Governing Body aimed at assisting in the smooth transition of the handover of legal responsibility for local health service commissioning from the PCT to NHS Calderdale CCG. It was noted that these draft Terms of Reference would need to be submitted for approval by the Cluster Board (if they were to come into effect prior to 1.4.13) and it was anticipated that they would be further reviewed prior to being recommended for adoption by the substantive CCG Governing Body on or around 1.4.13. The Corporate Governance Manager drew particular attention to the sections of the Terms of Reference that differed significantly from those of the CCE. It was reported that one of the significant changes was the section on conflicts of interest which had been amended to ensure consistency with the CCG Constitution and it was pointed out that a policy for handling conflicts of interest might need to be developed. A Non Executive Associate stressed the importance of clarity and practicality in any policy or guidance on the handling of conflicts of interest and the importance of the role of the Chair in handling potential conflicts was acknowledged. A CCG Board member referred to a training course she had recently attended on conflicts of interest, where the importance of openness and transparency had been stressed. The Head of Quality commented that the section on quality and safety ought to be revised prior to 1.4.13 so as to reflect new terminology in respect of quality. A CCG Board member referred to the need for consistency throughout the Terms of Reference in the description of GP members/clinical leads and it was agreed that the section in brackets at point 8.2.1 be amended to read “provided s/he has satisfied the appraisal process” and point 18 be amended to reflect the fact that the Governing Body would usually meet monthly. The Designate Chief Officer reported that he wished to discuss membership of the CCG Governing Body. The Head of Quality, having declared an interest, left the meeting for the remainder of this item. The Designate Chief Officer referred to quality and safety being one of the CCG’s key statutory functions and he raised the issue as to whether it was appropriate for this to be carried out through the Accountable Officer (i.e. the Chief Officer) or whether the Head of Quality should become a member of the CCG Governing Body. The Corporate Governance Manager pointed out that the Calderdale CCG’s Constitution, which all the Calderdale GP practices had signed up to, was specific as to the Governing Body membership (Both in terms of voting members and non-voting members) and it also specified the circumstances and way in which the Constitution could be amended. The 11

Constitution had also been approved by the CCE and submitted as part of the authorisation process documentation. However it was acknowledged that over the next six months it might well become apparent that other amendments needed to be made to the Constitution and all such amendments could then be raised with the Calderdale practices and submitted for approval by the NHS Commissioning Board. It was agreed that the membership of the Governing Body be kept under review and in the meantime that the Head of Quality be invited to attend all Shadow CCG Governing Body meetings.


In discussion, reference was made to the appendix on disqualification from membership of CCG Governing Bodies and clarification was sought on the nature of offence for which conviction would warrant disqualification from membership. 2 DECISIONS 1. That, subject to the amendments outlined above, the Draft Terms of Reference be recommended for approval by the Calderdale, Kirklees and Wakefield District Cluster Board. 2. That the Terms of Reference and the Constitution be kept under review over the next six months with a view to the possibility of amendments being made/proposed to the NHS Commissioning Board. 107/12 DEVELOPMENT OF THE CALDERDALE COMMISSIONING GROUP – UPDATE REPORT The Assistant Director, Transition presented this report which provided an update on progress towards the establishment of the CCG as a statutory body by 1 April 2013. A copy of the risk register in respect of this transition was appended to the report. It was noted that the draft report on the desk top review from the NHS Commissioning Board Authorisation Team had been received and that, overall, the CCG was seen to have submitted a well written and comprehensive set of document providing good evidence for 71 of the required criteria. 14 Key Lines of Enquiry had also been identified and they would need to be addressed prior to/at the authorisation visit. Information was provided on preparation for the authorisation site visit due on 25 September 2012. An update was provided on progress in filling the remaining CCG Governing Body posts. DECISION That the report be noted.


Following subsequent consideration of the appendix it should be noted that this refers to offences where the outcome of proceedings was a sentence of imprisonment of three months or more, whether suspended or not, and without the option of a fine



108/12 COMMITTEE MINUTES RECEIVED The following minutes were received: (a) (b)

(c) (d)

Audit and Governance Group – Draft Minutes of the meeting held on 26 July 2012 Finance and Performance Group – meeting held on 24 July 2012 (it as noted that this had been an informal meeting of some of the members of the Group) Quality Group – Draft Minutes of the meeting held on 16 August 2012 Calderdale and Huddersfield Health and Social Care Strategic Review Programme Board – Minutes of the meeting held on 24 July 2012

109/12 ITEMS FOR THE LEGACY DOCUMENT Equality and Diversity Strategy 2012 – 15 Complaints Annual Report 2011/12 Infection Prevention and Control Annual Report NHS Calderdale CCG Shadow Governing Body Draft Terms of Reference





Clinical Commissioning Executive action sheet 13 September 2012 Report name

Action no.

Matters arising – Information Governance


Quality and Safety Report


Improving the quality of primary medical services


Annual Complaints Report


Equality and Diversity Strategy


Action required


Designate Chief Finance Officer, Designate Chief Officer and Head of Finance to undertake relevant Information Governance training as soon as possible in view of their new information governance roles

Matt Walsh Julie Lawreniuk Neil Smurthwaite

Not yet due

Penny Woodhead


Completion date: January 2013

Debbie Robinson


Completion date: January 2013

2. Designate Chief Officer to agree revised wording of the approach principles to improving quality in primary care.

Matt Walsh


October 2012

Further information on the 0844 telephone numbers used by some GP surgeries to be circulated

Debbie Robinson


Completion date: October 2012

Strategy to be reviewed in 12 months’ time

Penny Woodhead

CCG Development session to be arranged to consider the “Maintaining and improving quality in the new health system” report 1. A series of development and engagement sessions to be held with GP practices to encourage participation in selection of appropriate performance indicators for quality dashboard.


Current status*

Not yet due

Comments (include expected completion date, areas of concern etc) Completion date: December 2012

Completion date: September 2013

Report name

Action no.

Draft Terms of Reference for the Shadow NHS Calderdale CCG Governing Body


Action required


1. Head of Quality to be invited to attend all Shadow CCG Governing Body meetings.

Alan Brook


Comments (include expected completion date, areas of concern etc) Completion date: October 2012

2. These Terms of Reference and the Constitution to be kept under review over the next six months

Jane Brownlie


March 2013


Current status*

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