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NHS Calderdale, Kirklees and Wakefield District Cluster

Minutes of the Cluster Governance Committee held on 18 December 2012 at 11.30am in the Stewart Room, Broad Lea House

Present: Roger Grasby Angela Monaghan Roy Coldwell In attendance: Gill Galdins Andrea McCourt Deborah Turner Alison Fearnley Craig Danks


Non-Executive Director and Chair Cluster Chair Non-Executive Director

Director of Corporate Development and Transition Head of Corporate Governance (NHS Wakefield District) Head of Quality and Patient Safety (NHS North Kirklees Clinical Commissioning Group) Corporate Governance Administrator (NHS Kirklees) Transition Programme Manager, CKW – (Agenda item GC/12/82 only)

Apologies for Absence Apologies for absence were received from Sue Cannon, Executive Director of Quality and Governance (Executive Nurse) and Judith Salter, Assistant Director of Transition (NHS Calderdale).


Declarations of Interest Roger Grasby declared an interest in Appendix 3 of the Quality Handover Document as Chair of Spectrum CIC.


Minutes of the last meeting held on 23 November 2012 The minutes of last meeting held on the 23 November 2012 were AGREED as a true and accurate record. The action log sheet was reviewed and updated as necessary.


Matters arising GC/12/72

Quality Handover

It was noted that the committee had received significant assurance regarding quality issues following the receipt of the Internal Audit report at the last meeting on Quality Governance. It was therefore noted that there was no longer a requirement for the lay members of the Quality sub groups to attend the Governance Committee. Page 1 of 4


Transition and Closedown Report

It was AGREED to invite Vanessa Stirum, Non-Executive Associate, to attend future Governance Committee meetings to enable her to provide feedback from a lay person’s perspective on transition and closedown issues. It was noted that the findings from the Internal Audit review on Transition guidance/arrangements would be reported to the Governance Committee in January 2013. The committee received assurance that mitigating action was being taken with regard to the level of risk with regard to Emergency planning. GC/12/74

Risk Report, High Level Risk Log, Critical Risks and Board Assurance Framework

It was noted that Gill Manojlovic had been invited to attend the January meeting to present supporting evidence on the actions in place around MRSA. Craig Danks would review the Emergency Planning scores across the cluster. It was recognised that the Governance Committee would not get the opportunity to review the HLRL prior to being presented to the Cluster Board as it meets on 23 January 2013, one day after the Cluster Board. The Board paper will make it clear that the Governance Committee will scrutinise the risk register at its meeting on 23 January 2013. GC/12/75

CCEs and Devolved Budgets

This issue was no longer going to be taken to the Cluster Board in January. Gill was liaising with Ian Currell regarding why this had been withdrawn from the agenda. GC/12/76

Performers Advisory Group (PAG)

A discussion ensued regarding how learning from the PAG would be captured in the legacy documentation. Deborah confirmed the work being undertaken by Terry Service. It was AGREED to invite Terry Service to the next meeting to provide assurance on the high profile cases and provide clarity on what needs handing over to the receiver organisation.

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Quality Handover Document The Governance Committee received and reviewed the second draft of the Quality Handover document. It was noted that this had been submitted to the Strategic Health Authority (SHA) on 7 December 2012 prior to the SHA presenting them to the NHS North of England Transition Board. Deborah provided a brief overview of the main changes and key issues the committee needed to focus on. The following comments and observations were made: • • • • • • • • • •


some information was now out of date and required reviewing with particular regard to dates of events; some of the language was inconsistent and should be reviewed; information needed to be cross referenced to each PCT; risks for Wakefield need to be reviewed; an Executive Summary needed to be produced for each of the Quality profiles; primary care reporting needed to be consistent; more detail/information needed including regarding Never Events including what action had been taken and what the learning was; new data for Version 3 should to be highlighted in red so that the committee are clear what changes have been made; legal advice should be obtained on what information could remain within the public domain and what should remain confidential; version 3 would be presented to the Governance Committee on 13 February 2013 for final review prior to being submitted to the Cluster Board.

Transition and Closedown Craig Danks joined the meeting to present a further update on progress to date on the Transition and Closedown programme. It was recognised that DH guidance was not timely and that local decisions would need to be taken due to lack of information being received from the DH. Additionally, it was acknowledged that timescales were particularly challenging, the next return being due on 17 January 2013. Craig provided assurance that detailed summary checks were being undertaken on the areas of risk to safeguard against these. Craig explained that the report summarised the key risks to the programme. It was noted that there were currently 21 risks on the Programme Assurance Framework of which three were rated as RED. These included: Page 3 of 4

Pressure on capacity now that staff alignment was taking place – It was recognised that dedicated capacity was needed for closedown. Roger confirmed that the Remuneration Committee had approved continued employment through until June 2013 where necessary for relevant functions. Complex IT network realignment work to new organisation – It was emphasised that weekly meetings were taking place to align issues. Craig confirmed that Ian Wightman was working closely with key stakeholders to determine the transfer of services. Information Governance Public Health issue – It was recognised that information had been transferred outside of the organisation to the local authority. It was emphasised however that no patient identifiable information had been transferred and a review had been undertaken to establish what information had been copied across from the PCTs to the local authority.

The committee requested that future reports include additional detail on the RED risks to include what controls are in place. GC/12/83

Any Other Business There were no items of additional business.


Date and time of the next meeting It was AGREED that the next meeting of the Governance Committee would take place between 9.00am and 11.00am on the 23 January 2013 in the Hargreaves Room at Broad Lea House, Huddersfield.

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