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Minutes of the West Yorkshire Commissioning Support Unit Joint Committee held on Wednesday 5 December Ibbotson Room, Broad Lea House, Huddersfield Present Ann Liston (AL) Brian Marsden (BM) Alison Hughes (AH) Peter Thomas (PT) June Goodson – Moore (JGM)

Kevin Gallacher (KG) Rachel Carter (RC) Andrea McCourt (AM) In Attendance Rachel Spilsbury (RS) Maureen Goddard (MG) Sarah Fatchett (SF) Vivek Gupta (VG) Amanda Jenkinson


Chair Non Executive Director Joined by conference call Managing Director (WYCSU) Interim Finance Director (WYCSU) Leeds Director of Corporate Development, NHS Calderdale, Kirklees and Wakefield and Airedale, Bradford and Leeds (NHSCKW & ABL) Deputy Chief Operating Officer (WYCSU) Deputy Chief Operating Officer (WYCSU) Senior Associate, Governance and Risk (WYCSU) Project Manager (WYCSU) Associate Director, Organisational & Martha Roberts, Internal Organisational Development (ABL) Interim Chief Operating Officer (WYCSU) Project Manager (WYCSU) Calderdale, Kirklees and Wakefield (NHSCKW)


Apologies for absence were received from Ann Ballarini, Director of Strategy and Commissioning, NHS Calderdale, Kirklees and Wakefield (NHS CKW) CSS/12/35

Declarations of Interest AL declared her husband has a non financial interest on the lease at NHS Airedale and Bradford, Douglas Mill, Bradford.


Managing Director Report AH gave an update on a number of events / pieces of work: • •

An Investors in Excellence event took place on November 2012 to undertake a baseline assessment; An “Excellence in Commissioning” workshop had been held, with a further event planned for 7 December;

The Voice of the Customer work had been completed, which has provided rich data for further analysis

AH informed the group on areas of business, noting there had been an increase in the value of the national Communications and Engagement business, which was now £3.5 million and that the Commissioning Support Unit (CSU) had withdrawn its bid for Human Resources business nationally due to budget issues. AH confirmed that all of the 2013/2014 SLAs had been signed and thanked the team for their hard work in achieving this. AH explained that nationally there was a risk relating to Information Technology (IT) in primary care, which the NHS Commissioning Board (NCB) is progressing. AH gave an update on the checkpoints for the CSU noting the following: • •

Checkpoint 3 – a visit is expected in January 2013 (date to be confirmed); Checkpoint 4 - information had been received for checkpoint 4 which focuses on Finance and Governance controls, through a self assessment process which is externally validated. The date for checkpoint 4 is yet to be confirmed, but is expected to be during January or February 2013. Checkpoint 5 - information on checkpoint 5 is not yet available, but it is understood that this checkpoint will take place in March / April, 2013.

AH gave an update on the progress of the recruitment and confirmed that the Chief Operating Officer, Commercial Director and Chief Finance Officer posts had been advertised, with interviews during the week before Christmas. AH confirmed that all other senior posts were substantively in post with interviews still taking place to fill other substantive posts. It was RESOLVED to: i) ii) iii)


note the progress in the development of the WYCSU; note variances against milestones in the programme plan and note the next steps identified.

WYCSU Joint Committee Minutes held 7 November 2012 The minutes of the last meeting held on 7 November 2012 were AGREED as a true and accurate correct record, subject to the following amendments: Page 3, Finance Update, to record that the £2.2 million is subject to approval.


PT requested that the paragraph relating the risk for payroll be clarified to confirm that the risk relates to national implementation and whether the systems are in place on time. The action log was reviewed, noting that all actions are on track. It was agreed that PT will share with AL and BM information on the ÂŁ2.2 million expenditure. CSS/12/38

Terms of Reference Andrea McCourt presented the revised terms of reference, drawing attention to the revisions to membership. It was agreed to remove the Business Service Divisional Lead from the membership and note that June Goodson-Moore had a dual role covering the Executive Director (ABL) as the former Director member had now left ABL. The terms of reference have been amended to reflect the pace of change and allow for some discretion in issuing papers prior to the meeting to ensure these contain the most up to date information. AL highlighted that where a paper is complex, if a paper had to be tabled it was agreed that they would be taken outside the meeting with a timescale for comments. It was RESOLVED to: i ii


approve the amendments to the Joint Committee Terms of Reference BM/AL would notify the ABL and CKW Boards of the minor changes to the Terms of Reference

Committee Work plan RS updated the members on the items within the work plan. AH commented on the need to ensure that the January meeting considered governance arrangements and compliance with NCB policies, including any policy gaps. It was RESOLVED to: i ii iii


Collate a list of policies for the WYCSU for adoption at the 9 January 2013 meeting Add the policies into the work plan agree the work plan

Voice of the Customer RS presented this paper updating members on the Voice of the Customer exercise recently undertaken to understand the perception of CCGs of the WYCSU. RS confirmed the work had been led by an independent consultancy company and all CCGs within West Yorkshire had been interviewed. 3

PT confirmed that the feedback for WYCSU from this work had been positive and that going forward the ability of the CSU to deliver was key. Discussion took place on some of the comments within the report. The Non Executive Directors welcomed the findings, however were keen to receive detailed information on operationalisation for delivery given the short timescale to April 2013. SF outlined how the data on hot topics will inform meetings with all Designated Officers (DO) in January 2013. AH informed that the members that the WYCSU was very pleased with the feedback, but it was realised that much work is still needed, it is expected that some staff would start to move into their new roles in January 2013 and all staff needed to be “on message�. It was RESOLVED to: i ii


note the feedback from the voice of the customer exercise present a paper to 9 January 2013 meeting on operationalisation

Balanced Scorecard VG presented to the members the Balanced Scorecard, its benefits and how it can be implemented to align the workforce in the WYCSU to the WYCSU business strategy as a strategic performance management tool. The presentation covered the details of a balanced scorecard, the timescale for implementation, use of the balanced scorecard in the private sector Credit was to be noted to VG for the hard work that had been put into the development of the scorecard. Discussion about the balanced scorecard took place, including, the benefits of linking individual objectives with corporate objectives, the need to get the balance right, the need for such an approach to be clearly communicated to staff, the need to avoid any adverse consequences and the need to have the scorecard populated with real data. BM commented that he would like to see more about the customer. JGM said she would share some national work on the balanced scorecard from approximately five years ago. Members endorsed the use of the balanced scorecard and BM and AL noted that it should focus on a smaller number of initiatives than was suggested to ensure change is delivered, i.e. 6 rather than 20 initiatives. It was RESOLVED to: 4

i ii ii iii


note the intention of the WYCSU to use a balanced scorecard as a strategic planning and performance tool and endorse this; VG to e-mail the presentation to members; BM, VG and RS to set up a meeting to discuss balanced scorecard; and JGM to send information on previous national work on balanced scorecard to VG.

WYCSU Service Offer / Service Level Agreements (SLA) SF updated members on the progress with the SLAs with CCGs and tabled a signed SLA. SF requested that members acknowledge the work carried out over the last few weeks to refine the service specifications and develop service level agreements with each CCG. SF explained that each CCG’s SLA is bespoke to each individual client’s requirement for services. All SLAs have been signed, with one signed by proxy due to unforeseen circumstances. It was noted that the SLAs are based on a national template, tailored to local requirements, with independent legal advice sought. SF explained that some last minute changes to prices had been undertaken as a result of CCG allocations and the need to remove six posts. Credit was given to the Client Relationships Managers (CRM’s) for their hard work in reaching this point. SF highlighted a risk relating to the need for both the CSU and the client to manage what services are delivered within the SLA and a risk relating to ownership of intellectual property. It was RESOLVED to: i ii


note progress on SLAs with CCGs JGM to share information on the posts removed with AL/ BM

Vision and Values/ OD Plan In terms of organisational development, it was confirmed that a significant amount of work was needed to develop the balanced scorecard approach into individual level objectives and time was needed for this. In relation to the updated mission, vision and values, MG informed members that consultation with staff and stakeholders had taken place around the WYCSU vision and values. MG explained that Investors in Excellence had helped the senior leadership team focus on the vision and values of the WYCSU and this had led to some amendments. It was noted that visions and values needed to be embedded within job descriptions. The need to help staff understand and manage change was also highlighted. 5

It was RESOLVED to: i ii CSS/12/44

Approve the WYCSU revised mission, vision and values; and to note that these are to be reviewed in one year

Business Development Unit (BDU) Action Plan from Checkpoint 3 Rachel Spilsbury presented this paper containing an action plan following formal receipt of feedback from checkpoint 3. It was noted that the feedback is positive and WYCSU has been rated fifth in relation to the 23 CSUs nationally. PT commented that the recommendations / actions relating to finance will be tested at checkpoint 4. AL welcomed the detail within the action plan. It was RESOLVED to: i


note the progress and key actions against the BDU recommendations from checkpoint 3 gree the changes and the vision and values are to be reviewed in one year

Client Relationship Management update AH gave an update, noting that a regular monthly report on key issues from customers be brought to the meeting. AH raised for discussion how sensitive information could be communicated at the meeting, e.g. via a front sheet closed to freedom of information requests, a private session or Commercial in Confidence papers. Following discussion it was agreed that there should be an option to discuss papers in private, with AL, BM and AM discussing whether items need to be in public or private, using the principle that as much as possible be considered in a public arena. Discussion took place on how the meeting should consider potential new areas of work and it was agreed that criteria needed to be developed to inform which new business proposals come to this meeting for discussion. It was RESOLVED to: i

RS to set up a meeting with BM/AL to discuss and agree criteria for when new business proposals are presented to the joint committee; and


AM to work with AL and BM on whether papers required a private discussion 6


Business Transformation Programme Update RS presented this paper providing an updated to members on the progress of the Business Transformation Programme following the selection of Ernst &Young in partnership with Black Swan for the business transformation tender and informed that work had commenced. RS tabled the Project Initiation Document (PID) which outlined the scope of the project, key accountabilities of the project team and deliverables and timescales for the project. It was noted that this work aims to understand what excellence in commissioning support looks like and what needs to be done to achieve this. A copy of the PID was to be e-mailed to BM. AL welcomed the detail shared and it was agreed that AL and BM would provide comments to SF on the PID by 12 December. It was RESOLVED to: i ii iii


review the PID and feedback comments to SF by 12 December 2012; note progress for the excellence in commissioning and business transformation programme; and e-mail the PID to BM

Finance Report PT presented the Finance Update paper on the expenditure position for 2012/13 against the budget of ÂŁ1.1 million. Year to date expenditure of ÂŁ172K was based on spend at October. PT explained that expenditure will increase significantly due to the WYCSU developing and recruiting more staff and expenditure incurred between November 2012 and March 2013 for the consultancy support for the business transformation programme. It was noted that the pay costs only include those that are additional staff in the system, e.g. Managing Director (MD) costs are not reflected in the expenditure incurred. PT explained that costing of staff had been projected at mid-point and was not based on real pay costs. JGM noted that HR is populating a spreadsheet to accurately identify total employers costs based on forecasts increments. PT confirmed that this risk had been reflected on the risk register. It was noted that funding for additional projects with set up costs had been requested from both the ABL and CKW clusters and this had been supported. PT gave an indication of the areas where this funding would be used, such as estates, external support, business intelligence and IT infrastructure. 7

It was RESOLVED to: i CSS/12/48

note the current position.

Workforce Transition – On Boarding MG circulated a paper on this topic and e-mailed this to BM. Maureen updated members on the phases of work, noting welcome letters had been sent to staff, buddy arrangements had been made and welcome sessions for staff were being held across West Yorkshire, providing an opportunity for staff to meet the senior team. MG also advised that an electronic survey “Tell Me More” was being piloted to understand more about the working / travelling arrangements of staff. MG confirmed that the “On Boarding” process was being designed and would commence in January 2013. MG noted that posts for recruitment at stages 2d and 3b would be posted on the micro site today.

CSS/12/48a Workforce Transition – Memorandum of Understanding update JGM gave an update of the development of a Memorandum of Understanding on staff and the new organisations and highlighted the need to ensure staff continue to deliver on transition and closure until 31 March 2013. JGM noted that an exit interview process had been introduced so that staff moving roles were clear about where information was being handled so that corporate memory was retained. CSS/12/49

Risk Register AM highlighted that there are two additional risks since the last meeting held on the 7 November 2012. 12 scored as red risks and 21 scored as amber risks. AM explained that the red risk sits under the Information Governance Risk and this is has been identified because the national Information Governance framework is not in place to support the Data Management & Information Control (DMIC) system implementation. AM explained that the amber risk sits under HR/OD and this relates to the lack of clarity from the National Commissioning Board with regard to hosting arrangements and implementation of any system changes which may delay in implementing required changes for the WYCSS. Details of a third risk relating to pay assumptions and costings was circulated and discussed. 8

AM informed the members that the risk registers have now been added to the Q Drive/Exec/Risk Register. It was RESOLVED to: i ii CSS/12/50

note the three additional risks on the risk register; and note the ongoing work on the electronic risk register

Estates Development Proposal SF presented a paper on Estates for WYCSU, highlighting the need for dedicated space from which to develop the CSU. SF explained the delivery model is for some staff to be based in locations that suits both the operating model and customer needs, which will require some of our staff to be fixed in different locations. SF explained the need to maximise the use of estate. SF outlined the hub and spoke arrangement with three main hubs at: Broad Lea House, Bradley, Douglas Mill, Bradford and Thorpe Park, Leeds, as well as accommodation within CCG premises. SF explained the proposed investment of ÂŁ300,000 to develop a new culture within the hubs. The design has been shared with AL and BM. A business case will be developed around the current rates paid by the cluster and what the WYCSU propose in line with current market rates to mitigate any potential commercial risk. Discussion took place on desk utilitsation rates and ensuring that public money was used efficiently. MG informed the members that data is being collected regarding transferring of equipment It was RESOLVED to:

i) ii)


Agree the context and requirements for developing the right estate planning for our organisation and our staff. Agree the proposed investment of up to ÂŁ300,000

Any other business AL apologises for January 2013 meeting.


Date and time of next meeting 9 January 2013 Lonsborough Room, Broad Lea House, Huddersfield 10.00 -12.00 noon


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