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NHS Calderdale, Kirklees and Wakefield District Cluster

Minutes of the Procurement Committee held on Tuesday 6 November 2012 at 1.00pm in the Board Room at Broad Lea House, Huddersfield Present: Angela Monaghan Tony Gerrard Ian Currell In attendance: Dr Matt Walsh Martin Pursey Ann Ballarini Paul Wilding Andrea McCourt Jayne Conway PC/12/04

Chair Non Executive Director Executive Director of Finance and Efficiency

Designate Chief Officer, NHS Calderdale Clinical Commissioning Group Assistant Director of Contracting (NHS Calderdale) Director of Strategy and Commissioning, NHS Calderdale, Kirklees and Wakefield Chair of Calderdale and Huddersfield Health and Social Care Strategic Review Programme Head of Corporate Governance (NHS Wakefield District) Personal Assistant (NHS Kirklees)

Declarations of Interest No committee members declared any interests in the procurement.


Calderdale and Huddersfield Health and Social Care Strategic Review Programme Support – Recommendation of Preferred Provider. The Designate Chief Officer (DCO) introduced the report and gave the background to the history of the Calderdale and Huddersfield Health and Social Care Strategic Review Programme Support, confirming that this had been discussed at the Cluster Board meeting, that Calderdale and Greater Huddersfield CCGs had identified £300,000 each to invest in a 5 month piece of work. The Board had accepted the finance plans. It was highlighted that a procurement process had been running in anticipation, however this had been made clear to the bidders that this had been running at risk. The Committee was informed that an EQIA was not applied to the procurement process, however the procurement process went through a Request for Quote process using the Government Procurement Service Framework RM353 (Multi-Disciplinary Consultancy). The procurement was undertaken in full compliance with EU public procurement regulations including a full financial evaluation.

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As a result of the tender process, the evaluation panel had put forward recommendations to award a contract to the preferred bidder as detailed in the paper, to deliver the Calderdale and Huddersfield health and Social Strategic Review Programme Support. The Director of Finance and Efficiency sought assurance on the project management and financial aspects of the contract. It was confirmed that the Designate Chief Officers in Wakefield and North Kirklees and Chief Executive of the Cluster were aware of the project and the value of the procurement had been highlighted verbally to the Cluster Board at a business meeting on 6 November 2012 meeting. It was noted that the Calderdale Clinical Commissioning Executive was aware of the procurement through business planning processes. Key points from the financial model submission as detailed in the paper were highlighted regarding the services being delivered in two phases, with the cost of Phase B being determined, following the completion of Phase A, with both phases costing up to ÂŁ600K It was confirmed that the recommendation had been through CCE, not procurement but financial planning had been agreed. Assurance was given that although the preferred bidder was not the cheapest, it was within the financial envelope and would deliver better value for money. A Non Executive Director sought clarity on the scenarios and how they differed for Phase B. It was confirmed that two of the scenarios would run until the budget was used and two of the scenarios would run until the end of March 2013. The configuration for these would not be known until the diagnostics had been made. The Director of Finance and Efficiency sought confirmation that the preferred bidder offered the best value for money. Discussion took place about the preferred bidder per day rate being 30% higher than another bidder, however assurance was given that the preferred bidder offered better value for money. Assurance was given that the financial ceiling had been made clear. The Chair enquired if any concerns or weak areas had been identified in terms of mobilisation. The Assistant Director of Contracting assured the Committee that there had been no deficient answers and the preferred bidder scored comparatively higher than the others. The Chair sought assurance on clear performance measures. The DCO confirmed that he, as Senior Responsible officer (SRO) would be managing the preferred provider and confirmed that clear deliverables were set out for phases A and B and that a clear break was included between the phases to ensure the provider was delivering. The Procurement Committee AGREED to:

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APPROVE the recommendation of the preferred bidder to deliver the Strategic Review Programme Support.

Recommendation for Contract Award following the Procurement for an Intermediate Care Service at HMP Wakefield. The context for this procurement was given, together with the background to the history of the Intermediate Care Service at HMP Wakefield, confirming that details had been circulated at the Cluster Board. Ann Ballarini confirmed that the budget was already in place for this procurement from the existing inherited service. It was confirmed that responsibility for this service will sit with the NHS Commissioning Board from April 2013, however, local stakeholders had been aware of and supported the proposal to undertake this procurement, including Mid Yorkshire NHS Hospitals Trust, NHS C,K,W Cluster Board, and NHS Wakefield CCG Clinical Commissioning Executive. The Procurement Committee was assured that the EU Restricted Tender process had been followed, being the tender process recommended for health services, and the electronic tender system “Bravo Award” as outlined in the paper has been used. As a result of the tender process, the evaluation panel had put forward recommendations that the contract is awarded to Bidder 1 for the provision of an Intermediate Care Service at HMP Wakefield for a period of 3 years commencing 1 April 2013. The Director of Finance and Efficiency sought clarification on how the budget replaces the existing budget. It was confirmed that the contract was the same value as the current service. Termination notice had been given to the current providers and no TUPE issues had arisen from prison staff. One issue involving Spectrum had been resolved. It was confirmed that there had been no overspend. The Director of Finance and Efficiency sought clarification on the financial standing with the bidders and it was confirmed that the panel were assured of their financial standing. The Director of Finance and Efficiency sought clarification on the Finance presentation score on the prisons tender. The SRO confirmed that this would be provided following the meeting. It was confirmed that the score of 40 for finance was out of 100 therefore both bidders scored low for this. The score included two aspects: how they would manage financial risk and KPIs. The response from the bidders on both scores lacked detail.

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The level of financial risk in the contract is relatively low as the income for the provider will not vary significantly (unlike a contract where the income value is based on activity levels for example) and the issue of KPIs can be addressed. Therefore the Director of Finance and Efficiency agreed that the procurement could still be supported, but asked that these two finance areas are addressed with the bidder as part of implementation. The SRO confirmed that the Intermediate Care Service would be a 15 bedded unit and would provide a service for approximately 700 patients a year. A capital bid had also been submitted to improve the environment for where the beds will be situated. The Procurement Committee AGREED to: •

APPROVE the recommendation that a contract is awarded to Bidder 1 for the provision of an Intermediate Care Service at HMP Wakefield for a period of 3 years commencing 1 April 2013.

This concluded the content of the meeting and the Chair declared the meeting closed at approximately 3.30 pm.

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