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A directory of services for

Drugs and Alcohol in Kirklees 2009-2011

Drugs and alcohol commissioning strategy 2008-2011 Kirklees Drug and Alcohol Action Team, based within NHS Kirklees, and working closely with Kirklees Council, West Yorkshire Police and the Probation Service, is responsible for developing services to address drug and alcohol misuse in Kirklees. Over the last few years waiting times for drug services have been reduced from 13 weeks to less than a week and over 2,000 people each year are treated in our services. Last year over a hundred former drug users were helped into jobs and many more were supported to improve their health and relationships. For people who are referred from Police or Probation, the priority is to address offending or anti-social behaviour. We have developed an Integrated Treatment System that is intended to reduce the flow of young people into the system and offer effective support and treatment for those that need it. Services are also prioritising working with service users, through family, offending, employment and housing support, to enable them play a full part in the community without drug or alcohol dependence.

Kirklees Integrated Treatment System Reduce flow in: Prevention Programmes/targeted interventions for at risk groups

Target entrenched users causing most harm to self/others

<18s and young adults <U25


Problem users

Family focus

Offender Management Programmes User led programmes

Improve flow out: New approaches More outcome focused and better quality

Effective treatment


Social inclusion via housing, ETE, local services

Alcohol services GP Services

Contact your GP

Screening and brief interventions are offered by practice staff within some Kirklees practices. This service aims to identify risky drinking. The service can raise awareness of sensible drinking levels and provide support to those who want to reduce their drinking. Telephone your GP practice to find out if they are participating on this scheme. Some practices are operating Alcohol Shared Care Clinics from their practices. The clinics are held by either a GP/Practice Nurse and an Alcohol Worker from the specialist treatment provider. The clinics are aimed at people who are alcohol dependant. Services offered include assessments, medical and non medical treatment including community detoxification. Telephone your GP practice to find out if they are participating on this scheme.

Specialist Alcohol Service

01484 353333

Lifeline Kirklees provides specialist treatment* for patients who are alcohol dependant. This service is also suitable for those patients whose drinking is risky and are unable to access the GP services at outlined above. The service provides assessment, medical and non medical treatment including detoxification. The service also co-ordinates the referrals for inpatient treatment and residential rehabilitation. See page 3 for contact details. * Please note that a tender will take place during 2009 for a supplier to provide an independent specialist alcohol service from September 2009. If you are reading this after September 2009, please ring 01924 351414 for the specialist provider details.

Kirklees Alcohol Advisory Service (KAAS)

07966 306334

KAAS offers peer support to those with alcohol problems. They meet weekly in Huddersfield and Batley and have separate sessions for carers. Methodist Mission, Lord Street, Huddersfield, Tuesdays 7–9pm Salvation Army Community Centre, Bradford Rd, Batley, Wednesdays 7–9pm

Alcoholics Anonymous

02074 030888

Alcoholics Anonymous offers daily abstinence based group work for people suffering with drink problems. They also operate a local helpline on 0845 7697555. They have a separate organisation for the carers of people with drink problems, this is known as al-anon.


Shared care services - drugs GP Shared Care

01924 351430

A number of GPs in the area provide Shared Care Clinics. These clinics enable individuals affected by drugs and/or alcohol, to access treatment services within their local community. Some GPs who do not hold Shared Care Clinics in their own practices are able to refer their patients to other GPs to access Shared Care Clinics at local practices.

Pharmacy Shared Care

01924 351430

A number of community pharmacies take part in schemes to provide services to people affected by substance use. Needle Exchange is available in some Kirklees Pharmacies and provides free needle exchange and access to leaflets and information around safer injecting. Needle exchange helps reduce the spread of blood borne viruses and offers a safe disposal method for used needles. Needle exchange is also available within the Lifeline Services. For more information and advice about participating pharmacies and Shared Care GPs please contact 01924 351430.

Mental Health Trust Dual Diagnosis

01924 516160

South West Yorkshire Mental Health Trust provides specialist mental health care for people with mental health problems, including those who misuse drugs and alcohol. Services are available to people who have both complex serious mental health and substance misuse problems (dual diagnosis). For more information contact Community Mental Health Services on 01924 516160.


A directory of services for drugs and alcohol in Kirklees 2009-2011

Lifeline Adult Services

Lifeline Kirklees provides a wide range of services for people experiencing substance problems including their family, friends and others who may be affected. Advice, information and access to a wide variety of medical and non medical treatment options are available for people affected by both drugs and alcohol. All workers are committed to harm minimisation and are trained to help people reduce the harm substances may be causing in their lives. Services aim to meet the needs of a wide range of people from a variety of different backgrounds. There is access to translation and interpretation services if required. Out of hours opening times are offered and the majority of buildings are accessible to those with specific needs for example, wheelchair users. Lifeline Kirklees offers confidential access to services including: • Alcohol, stimulant and opiate services • Open access, walk in provision and telephone support • Holistic assessment focussing on the person’s wider needs as well as substance use • Individual care planned and co-ordinated treatment • Advice, Guidance and Support (24 hours)

• Outreach provision including mobile outreach van • Blood borne virus screening, vaccination and treatment • A safe place to learn new skills and keep occupied • Leisure and recreation activities • Education and employment opportunities • Access to GP prescribing in local areas

• 1-1 and group work

• Detoxification and rehabilitation

• A range of counselling and psychosocial interventions

• Aftercare support and relapse prevention

• Access to clinical prescribing treatment

• Access to inpatient treatment and residential rehabilitation

• Harm minimisation including needle exchange Lifeline Kirklees (North) 3 Wellington Street Dewsbury WF13 1LY

Lifeline Kirklees (South) Station Street Buildings Station Street Huddersfield, HD1 1LZ

01924 438383

01484 353333 (24/7)


Lifeline Kirklees Programme of Activities

01484 353333

If you use or have used drugs or alcohol and you are now ready to make changes in your life, Lifeline Kirklees Programme of Activities can offer you confidential support. It is not just about solving problems, it’s also about your interests, new and old. You could get involved in activities like sports and fitness, art, computers and music or we can help you to relax with acupuncture, massage and reflexology. Advice on employment and education including job search, CV preparation, identifying your skills and how to access training and education courses is available. Training on life skills is offered, including how to manage your time and money, how to communicate effectively, improve your confidence and relationships and goal setting. On your first visit a worker will talk to you about your interests and goals and how you want to use the service. There is no waiting list so you can get involved in activities straight away. You can find out more about Lifeline Kirklees Programme of Activities through your key worker or ring 01484 353333.

Children and Young People’s Services

01484 353353

Services for young people are based at Brian Jackson House in an environment that is young person friendly. Services are also delivered from Dewsbury Health Centre and community venues across Kirklees. Young people are encouraged to take control of their lives and make informed choices for themselves by offering a range of interventions including: • Confidential, specialist support to young people who are experiencing problems because of substance use • Targeted services for vulnerable groups of young people, for example, those who are homeless, at risk of exclusion from school, attending pupil referral units, involved in the criminal justice system, looked after by the local authority • Support to professionals working with young people to deliver up-to-date drug awareness sessions for young people • Youth Offending Team substance use workers • Diversionary activities delivered in partnership with Communities United project • Locality-based workers providing structured interventions to young people using or affected by drugs or alcohol • Connexions Personal Advisor.

4 A directory of services for drugs and alcohol in Kirklees 2009-2011

Volunteering Programme

01484 353333

Lifeline Kirklees offers individuals the opportunity to develop their skills in working within our services and strengthen the capacity of the drug and alcohol sector by improving workforce skills, experience and knowledge. Lifeline offers individuals the opportunity to gain experience across the range of services provided through volunteering, student placements and peer education work. Individuals who choose to volunteer for Lifeline get access to extensive training. Furthermore they are given a positive insight into the services and roles that offer work experience, which improve their skills and knowledge. Peer education is an opportunity for people who have personal experience of drug or alcohol use to use their experiences to support others in a real and positive way. Lifeline Kirklees has developed peer education opportunities in the areas of harm minimisation, service promotion and support for those in the Criminal Justice System. Lifeline is always looking for new and creative ways in which to develop this area of work. For more information on the activities mentioned on this page ring 01484 353333.


DIP Drug Interventions Programme

01484 353333

The Drug Interventions Programme (DIP) is a major part of the National Drug Strategy for reducing drug-related crime. It is a joint initiative between the Home Office and Department of Health. DIP aims to take advantage of opportunities within the criminal justice system for accessing drug-misusing offenders – many of whom are difficult to reach by other approaches – and moving them into treatment and away from drug use and crime. In doing so, it contributes towards making the residents of Kirklees safer - it is known that crime, particularly drug related crime and anti-social behaviour can destroy communities. The programme shows that one more offender into treatment makes all the difference. The Programme brings together West Yorkshire Police, the courts, the Prison Service, West Yorkshire Probation Service, treatment providers, services that provide ‘wraparound’ support, government departments and Drug and Alcohol Action Teams (DAATs) in a way that is a world first. The difference we make: • Drug misusing offenders get help through treatment and support. • Communities suffer less crime • Criminal justice costs are reduced. Nationally the Programme’s initiatives are expected to save at least £4.4 billion over eight years, so everybody wins. Drug-misusing offenders receive tailored treatment and ongoing support, treatment services continue to improve for everyone who needs them, the criminal justice system targets drug-misusing offenders effectively, communities suffer less crime, and the taxpayer pays out less for criminal justice and health costs. If you need help to give up drugs and crime, or you know someone who does contact DIP 24 hours a day on 01484 353333.


A directory of services for drugs and alcohol in Kirklees 2009-2011

Support services Kirklees User Forum (KUF)

01924 462468

KUF was formed and fully constituted in 2003. KUF has got together with drug and alcohol treatment services to advise, using our insight, about how these services could be improved to produce more meaningful experiences for those using them. This is known as User Involvement; it’s a voice for substance users which gets stronger as more members come and get involved with KUF. Lifeline, the main provider for drug and alcohol services in Kirklees, has fully embraced this and together many improvements have been achieved. KUF also provides training, peer education and experience that can help individuals to gain employment in drug and alcohol services. Tel: 01924 462468


Peacock Project

01484 353333

Peacock Project is a support group for people with viral hepatitis. They have a drop in session on Monday evening from 5.15pm to 8.00pm on a fortnightly basis at;Lifeline Kirklees Station Street Buildings 12 Station Street Huddersfield HD1 1LZ

Tel: 01484 353333

These informal get-togethers are a chance for people suffering from Hepatitis C, their partners and carers to discuss their problems and concerns with each others. They provide holistic aromatherapy, reflexology and massage sessions. There is also a Hep C nurse in attendance at some drop in sessions to offer help and advice.

Crimestoppers We are dedicated to helping fight crime in West, North and South Yorkshire and Humberside. Call 0800 555 111 if you want to give information about crime anonymously, or fill out our anonymous online Giving Information Form at


SWEET Project – Sex Worker Empowerment, Education & Training

01484 226911

The SWEET project engages with female adult street sex workers to provide alternative lifestyle choices and to tackle the anti-social behaviour, crime and disorder that may be associated with it. The SWEET project provides a holistic service incorporating elements of support, advice, information, advocacy and brokerage for sex workers. In partnership with other services we aim to best engage with them with a view to enabling a process of leaving sex work and making alternative positive lifestyle choices. The SWEET Project 1st Floor Estate Buildings Railway Street Huddersfield HD1 1JY

Tel: 01484 226911 Fax: 01484 226938


01484 226911

Sweeties is a project working with children and their families, supporting vulnerable children who may be affected by the sex industry. These children will have parents/carers who are sex workers and/or are at risk of sexual exploitation themselves. What we do We can provide a dedicated children’s worker who will: • carry out a needs assessment

• organise play and leisure activities, and involve parents to help build positive relationships between them and their children

• offer techniques such as play therapy to support the child’s emotional needs

• liaise with schools to help support children’s placement and achievement raise awareness of the issues of these children with professionals and agencies, and offer advice and information.

SWEETIES 1st Floor, Estate Buildings Railway Street Huddersfield HS1 1JY

Tel: 01484 226911

• signpost children and families to relevant agencies/professionals

8 A directory of services for drugs and alcohol in Kirklees 2009-2011

01484 223148

Bin the Pin

The DAAT promotes a range of practical measures for the safe disposal of used needles. Environmental Services – 01484 223148

Bin the Pin sites in Kirklees: Huddersfield Area • Fartown Health Centre, Spaines Road, Fartown – outside front door • Moldgreen Public Toilets, Wakefield Road, Moldgreen – at front • Berry Brow Flats, Woodhead Road, Berry Brow – on slip road • Rugby Club Car Park, Ridgeway, Dalton – back of car park • Brownroyd Avenue/Dalton Fold junction, Rawthorpe • Rashcliffe Hill Flats, Rashcliffe Hill Road, Lockwood – side of flats • Woods Avenue, Marsden – by electricity box • Holmfirth Public Toilets, Towngate, Holmfirth – outside • Greenhead Park Gates, Trinity Street – opposite gates • Chesil Bank Flats, Quarmby • Ridge Street/Elizabeth Street/Lawton Street junction, Primrose Hill • Newsome Public Toilets, Newsome Road/Jackroyd Lane junction – outside • Waterloo Rise, Wakefield Road/ Waterloo junction, Waterloo – at bottom • Newsome Road, near Damside/Elm Street, Waterloo – at bottom • Triangle, Church Street, Paddock

Dewsbury Area • Parker Road/Slaithwaite Road junction, Thornhill Lees • St Johns Car Park, Bradford Road, Cleckheaton – at exit point • Dewsbury Public Toilets, Longcauseway – outside front • Chickenley Medical Centre, Princess Lane, Chickenley – at front • Dewsbury Railway Station, Eightlands – by rear entrance • North Road/Northstead junction, Ravensthorpe • Moorend Road/Moorside Avenue junction, Dewsbury Moor • Partridge Crescent Shops, Thornhill – front • North Cross Road/Cross Foundary Street junction, Ravensthorpe – by electricity box • St John’s Parade/High Street junction, Westtown – side of shops • Ouzelwell Road/Crescent junction, Thornhill Lees – by electricity box • Crow Nest Park, Heckmondwike Road, Dewsbury Moor – by main gates • School Lane, Dewsbury Moor – at top • Ravenshouse Road/Huddersfield Road junction, Scout Hill – by railings • London Park Estate Community Centre, Northway Gardens, Mirfield – in car park


Free Web Based Drug & Alcohol Training This free web based drugs training is suitable whether you are a parent, carer, employer, employee, friend or somebody who is worried about anyone who is or may be using drugs (legal and illegal substances). Those coming into contact with drug users should be able to identify and respond appropriately to the individual’s needs. Users frequently report that it is through having the support of someone who understands, that they could talk to, which has helped them get through difficult times. Suitable training can bring about an understanding about drugs which assists in being there for someone in their time of need.

Communities The DAAT is working with community groups, residents and tenants associations, community forums and Area Committees to identify local needs and help to find solutions to drug and alcohol related problems. As part of the DAAT’s community strategy ways of supporting more local carer groups are being developed. Through Lifeline, we offer the provision of an outreach service across Kirklees which includes Harm Minimisation, access to complimentary therapies, appropriate assessments, group work and 1 – 1 support.

The Alliance

0845 1228608

Kirklees Advocacy Service Kirklees Advocacy Team is a user led, peer advocacy service for people affected by drugs and alcohol. We offer advice, information and advocacy support concerning the rights of people receiving treatment and general information and guidance surrounding a wide range of issues such as travel with medication, DVLA, pain medication etc. You can contact KAT through The Alliance helpline on 0845 1228608, Monday Friday, between 10am and 5pm or email Our website can be found at


A directory of services for drugs and alcohol in Kirklees 2009-2011

Services for parents & carers GASPED (Greater Awareness & Support for Parents Encountering Drugs)

01924 787504

GASPED is a charity that supports parents and carers of problem drug users. They offer support in Kirklees through a Resource Centre in Dewsbury. They offer advice by telephone or though various parent support groups. The service is free and confidential, you will talk with people who are experienced in managing problem drug use from their own experience. They offer: • Support group, daytime and evening • 24 hour helpline • 1 – 1 information sessions • Counselling individuals, couples, family or bereavement

• Complimentary therapies • Monthly creative workshops and mini pamper day • Social activities and respite

GASPED - Sakoon Project (South Asian Women’s Group) The project offers support to all parents affected by someone else’s drug use needs support. Sakoon means Peace and South Asian carers can get support in confidence from others with similar experiences. GASPED Dewsbury Resource Centre Fieldhouse, Suite 105 Tel: 01924 787504 Wellington Road Fax: 01924 787502 Dewsbury WF13 1HF 24 hour helpline: 08451 460002

Ravensthorpe & District Community Drug Action Group

07966 459243

Drugs information and advice and a support group for parents/carers of drug users.

Kirklees Parent and Relative Support Group (Drugs/Alcohol)

01484 722223

This is a voluntary service run by the parents of drug and alcohol users. We offer confidential advice and support in a friendly atmosphere by way of one to one appointments and group meetings. We are here to help anyone who is experiencing problems with a drug or alcohol user. Alternative therapies are also available.


Housing/floating support Horton Housing Horton Housing is a voluntary sector, not for profit organisation. At Horton, they aim to meet the housing and support needs of some of the most socially excluded and vulnerable people in the community. To achieve this, the following services have been developed:-

Horton Housing - STARS (Substance, Tenancy & Resettlement Service) Stars is a housing and support service for single people who are homeless and have substance use issues. The service has 10 self contained single occupancy properties in various locations across Calderdale & Kirklees and a team of staff who provide housing related support. The service is for single people, aged 16 and over. STARS 13 Cartwright Court Bradley Business Park Dyson Wood Way Huddersfield HD2 1GN

01484 411879 Email:

Horton Housing - Kirklees – Homeless, Alcohol and Drugs Service (HADS) The service provides housing-related support to vulnerable people, 16 and over, in order to prevent them becoming homeless, or are homeless and living in temporary accommodation. It also supports people to address or manage the problems caused by use of drugs or alcohol.

01484 411870 Email:


A directory of services for drugs and alcohol in Kirklees 2009-2011

Stonham – DOTS (Dependancy Outreach Team – Stonham)

01484 341770

The substance service provides 32 units of support for anyone who has a substance problem and has their own home/tenancy. Referrals are taken from any source and no one is automatically excluded. Stonham Kirklees 355 Bradford Road Fartown Huddersfield

Community Links Alcohol Support Service (CLASS)

Tel: 01484 341770

01484 500100

This service supports people with alcohol problems to build their independence. The service helps with the issues a person may be facing: chaotic lifestyle; no stable accommodation; social exclusion in terms of family, friends, employment, income; poor physical and mental health. It is a needs-led service which delivers the right support to the people most vulnerable because of problematic alcohol use. A positive approach is taken, which promotes independence and maximises the chances for the person to move out of harmful patterns or cycles into a life which is more socially included and where there is less harm to themselves and others. It is a high quality, strategically planned, cost effective service which fits with existing care services and which helps to build positive pathways for people with problematic alcohol use, identifies and supports people earlier; and reduces the need for acute, long-term or crisis care. Community Links Alcohol Support Service Unit 2, Batley Business Park Tel: 01484 500100 Technology Drive Batley WF17 6ER

There are also many other Supporting People services within Kirklees. To find out more information regarding what’s available, please go to supportingdirectory.pdf


For more information visit our websites: General enquiries: 01924 351430 Kirklees Drug and Alcohol Action Team (DAAT) Beckside Court Bradford Road Batley WF17 5PW

Reference: MW2622 Date of publication: Nov 08 Š Kirklees Primary Care Trust


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