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NHS Kirklees Equality Impact Assessment Programme 2010 – 2013 Directorate Commissioning

Policy, service or function New Mental Health Joint Commissioning Strategy Revised Learning Disability Health Strategy Learning Disability Direct Enhanced Service (year 4) Accommodation specification tendering Third Sector service tendering New care home contract Sexual Advice and Rape Counselling LD step up/step down service Revised LD pathway LD assessment & treatment LD respite Peri-natal Strategy Childrens Eating Disorder Service CAMHS & LAC Adult ASD Strategy Childrens – Psychological & Well being Strategy Dual Diagnosis Strategy Individual Funding Request Policy Sexual Health Minor ailments Audiology Rheumatology Teenage clinic Ring pessary Peer review C13 breath testing Glucose tolerance testing Exercise on prescription Drug treatment plan Substance Misuse Commissioning Strategy Clinical Services Substance Misuse (Kirklees Community Healthcare Services) Needle exchange programme 1


Year 2011/12 2012/13



Corporate Services


Human Resources

Dual Diagnosis Strategy Lifeline Services Alcohol Services – Local Enhanced Service Alcohol Services – treatment User/Carer Services Drug Intervention Programme Offender Health Programme Urgent Care Strategy Local Care Direct Out of Hours service Yorkshire Ambulance Service Contract Planned Care Freedom of Information Publication Scheme Serious Untoward Incident policy Customer Liaison Service (inc. Complaints & PALS) Complaints Policy Performance Advisory Group Risk Management Strategy Health and Safety Policy Environmental Strategy Green Travel Plan Patient and Public Involvement Communications Communications and Engagement Strategy Corporate Governance Function Reporting to Board, F&P Committee, Audit Committee Medium Term Financial Plan Workforce Planning Workforce Information Occupational Health Payroll Services Improving Working Lives Leadership Organisation Development Employee Relations Recruitment Policy & Recruitment Guidelines Reward Policies Facilities and Time Off for Union Reps Policy


Alcohol & Substance Misuse in the Workplace Policy Arrangements for Secondments Policy Capability Policy and Procedure Career Break Policy and Procedure Dealing with Ill Health Policy Dignity at Work Policy & Tackling Bulling & Harassment Discipline Policy Diversity & Equal Opportunities in Employment Policy Employing Agency Staff Procedure Exit Interviews Procedure Flexible Working Scheme Grievance Procedure Induction Policy Investigating suspected fraud (Procedure) Investigations Policy and Procedure Managing Organisational Change Policy & Procedure & Management Guidance Managing Personal Relations at Work Policy (KPCT) Managing Stress at Work Policy & Guidelines Management of Serious Performance and Disciplinary matters for Medical and Dental staff (Policy & Procedure) Maternity, Adoption & Paternity Policy Mentoring Policy Partnership Working & Recognition Agreement Personal Development Review Policy Pre Employment Checks (Policy/Procedure) Professional Registration Policy Procedure & Guidance Protection of Pay & Conditions Removal & Relocation Expenses Policy


Patient Care and Professions (Long

Homeworking Policy (KPCT) Employing People with Criminal Records and ISA Registration Policy & Procedure Special Leave Policy & Procedure Voluntary Schemes Whistleblowing (CPCT) End of Life

Term Conditions)





Intermediate tier therapies Predictive risk Personalised care planning NHS Health Checks Workforce capability and capacity Arrhythmia Telehealth Project for Prevention & Awareness Project for Reducing Acute activity for heart failure Project for Reducing Zero length of stay for Cardiology Project for Transfer of PCI Project for Awareness raising Project for Emergency & Acute Care Project for Improving health functioning for people who experience stroke TIA Project for Reducing Non Elective Admissions for COPD and Asthma Project for Reducing Non Elective Admissions for COPD and Asthma Project for Transferring Care from Secondary to Primary Care Project for Patient Education Review Project for Development of a SelfCare Handbook Project for Footcare Project for Urgent Care Review Project for Care Planning Project for Service re-design Prevention of Type 2 diabetes 4



Performance and Information

Public Health

Project for to prevent A&E visits for patients reporting Headaches Project for Interventions to prevent admissions of Epilepsy patients Increased management of renal disease in primary care Project for Urgent Care Review Project for Care Planning Project for Service re-design Prevention of Type 2 diabetes Information Team – Service Assessment Review equality impact assessment for Information Strategy IM&T Strategy Electronic Prescription Service r2 Summary Care Record Joint Strategic Needs Assessment Chronic Pain Pathway Chlamydia screening service redesign Health in Schools Health Trainers service redesign


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