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Everything you ever needed to know about

Kirklees Primary Care Trust

Everything you ever needed to know about Kirklees PCT

Welcome and introduction Welcome to the Kirklees Primary Care Trust Fact File. This document aims to provide you with useful facts and information about the PCT.


Fact File

Background information About Kirklees Primary Care Trust

1 Mike Potts, Chief Executive

Kirklees Primary Care Trust (PCT) was set up in October 2006 from the three former primary care trusts in Huddersfield and North Kirklees. Mike Potts is our Chief Executive and Rob Napier is our Chairman. The PCT is responsible for making sure health services are in place to meet the needs of local people living right across the district, mirroring the same boundaries as the local authority. Our staff work across seven localities. These are: • The Valleys (Holmfirth, Meltham, Honley, Marsden and Slaithwaite) • Huddersfield North (Marsh, Fartown and Deighton) • Huddersfield South (Crosland Moor, Almondbury, Newsome and Dalton) • Denby Dale and Kirkburton (Shepley, Skelmanthorpe) • Dewsbury and Mirfield (Savile Town and Thornhill) • Spenborough (Cleckheaton, Liversedge) • Batley, Birstall and Birkenshaw

Rob Napier, Chairman


Everything you ever needed to know about Kirklees PCT


What we do The PCT commissions services on your behalf such as GPs, dentists, pharmacists and opticians and funds hospital, mental health and residential care services. An important part of our job is to set up partnerships to improve health locally. We have strong links with Kirklees Council, Calderdale and Huddersfield NHS Foundation Trust and the Mid Yorkshire Hospitals NHS Trust as well as other partners including the voluntary sector. We are all working together to make sure the health services you need are right for you. Kirklees PCT serves a population of approximately 400,000 and works closely with general practices in the area. We also work with dental practices, pharmacies and opticians, as well as hospitals, the local authority and other agencies, to provide and develop high quality services for our population. The PCT has three main functions: • Engaging with our local population to improve health and well-being; • Commissioning a comprehensive and equitable range of high quality, responsive and efficient services within allocated resources, across all service sectors; and • Directly providing high quality, responsive and efficient services where this gives best value.


Fact File

Provider services


The provider services part of the PCT is set up like an armslength body. More than 1,110 staff work in provider services team and there is an annual budget of £25 million. Staff in the provider services arm deliver a range of services including: • Community and specialist nursing services • Children and public health nursing teams • Allied health professional services • Community hospital • Learning disabilities teams • Out of hours and walk-in centre • Intermediate care services • Community equipment and wheelchair services • Services for the homeless and asylum seekers • Rehabilitation services • GP specialist services • Two PMS contracts for two GP services • Consultant-led services • Community dentistry


Everything you ever needed to know about Kirklees PCT



Facts and figures at a glance Population served


GP practices


Dental practices


Pharmacy practices


Optometry practices


Budget for 2007/08

ÂŁ540 million

Employed staff


Fact File

Population profile


Kirklees covers a large and diverse geographical area which includes the urban towns of Huddersfield, Dewsbury, Batley, Cleckheaton, Liversedge, Heckmondwike and Mirfield, containing some areas of considerable disadvantage and significant deprivation, as well as the more rural areas in the Colne Valley, Holme Valley and Dearne Valley areas of south Kirklees. Our population is around 400,000 but projections show a significant increase to 450,000 by 2029. People are living longer, but it is a comparatively young population. A significant factor is our large and increasing black and ethnic minority (BME) population (14.4%) which is mainly Asian.


Everything you ever needed to know about Kirklees PCT


Public health issues The public health challenges that face Kirklees PCT are complex and numerous. Of the 23 wards within Kirklees, eight fall within the 25% most deprived in England and Wales. The PCT’s main challenge is to tackle the underlying causes of deprivation, which result in health inequalities within the population. For example, the infant mortality rate in Kirklees (the number of babies born who die within the first year of life) is higher than the national average in all but two localities within Kirklees (Denby Dale and the Valleys). Infant mortality is an important underlying indicator of the health of the population, in particular mothers. We are urgently working on the factors that give rise to this problem. In addition an above-national average proportion of Kirklees residents describe their health as ‘not good’. Tooth decay among five-year-olds in Kirklees is significantly higher than the national and regional average. The proportions of residents being treated for severe mental health problems, for substance misuse, or registered as having diabetes, are all above average. Life expectancy in Kirklees is significantly lower than the national average, particularly in some wards within the town centre area of Huddersfield and wards within North Kirklees. Death rates from smoking, cancer, and heart disease and stroke are all significantly higher than average. The increasing levels of obesity within the population are also worrying.


Fact File

Alcohol consumption within Kirklees is a cause for concern and is contributing to the poor health of the population. Local surveys suggest that a greater proportion of men and women in Kirklees have an alcohol intake well above the weekly national average. Â We are looking at how we can tackle this issue so that people drink at more sensible levels.


Everything you ever needed to know about Kirklees PCT


Our partners Kirklees Council

The local authority partner serving the majority of the area is Kirklees Council. Kirklees Council was the first Comprehensive Performance Assessment (CPA) ‘excellent’ authority in Yorkshire and the Humber and has a three star social services department. The council’s boundaries are the same as the PCT. The PCT is a key partner in the Local Strategic Partnership (LSP). The Local Strategic Partnership is a forum in which all public, private and voluntary sector organisations in the district work in partnership to achieve the outcomes set in the Local Area Agreement. For more information, visit Yorkshire and the Humber Strategic Health Authority

Yorkshire and the Humber Strategic Health Authority is one of 10 new Strategic Health Authorities in England created on 1 July 2006. The Strategic Health Authority (SHA) is the local headquarters of the NHS, and is based at: Blenheim House, West One, Duncombe Street, Leeds, LS1 4PL.


Fact File

Key functions of the SHA are: • Strategic leadership • Organisational and workforce development • Making sure local systems operate effectively and deliver improved performance. Hospital services

In the south of the area, hospital services are provided by Calderdale and Huddersfield NHS Foundation Trust (CHFT). CHFT has hospitals in both Halifax and Huddersfield and the PCT commissions their services in partnership with Calderdale Primary Care Trust. In the north of the PCT, hospital services are commissioned from the Mid Yorkshire Hospitals NHS Trust (MYHT). MYHT has hospitals in Dewsbury, Pontefract and Wakefield and the PCT commissions services in partnership with Wakefield PCT. We also commission services from neighbouring hospital trusts including Bradford, Leeds and Sheffield. Mental health services

Mental health services are commissioned from South West Yorkshire Mental Health Trust which covers Calderdale, Kirklees and Wakefield.


Everything you ever needed to know about Kirklees PCT


Primary care services There has been a rapid development in the PCT’s primary healthcare premises over the years. Five new health care facilities were built in 2005. These included state-of-the-art health centres in Dewsbury, Ravensthorpe, Cleckheaton and Batley. Each centre provides a wide range of primary care services to local people. The buildings also have the flexibility to allow the opportunity to deliver much more, making services more accessible and attractive to local people. The fifth centre, an intermediate care facility in Liversedge, provides care for people away from hospital to support them back to health and to adapt their lifestyle after a health problem.

New state-of-the-art health centre in Batley


Fact File

A north Kirklees Walk-in centre was opened in 2005 in the grounds of Dewsbury and District Hospital. The centre is helping to divert patients with minor injuries and ailments away from the A & E department at the hospital. A number of new and re-furbished premises have opened during 2006. These include: Kirkburton Health Centre, Shepley Health Centre, University Medical Centre, Slaithwaite Health Centre. A fully equipped surgical suite has been developed at Holme Valley Memorial Hospital to support the provision of traditional acute services in primary care. The PCT also has some inpatient intermediate care beds at Holme Valley Memorial Hospital and will be investing more money to develop services here over the next two years. The Moorfields Primary Care Centre in Crosland Moor also opened in 2006 and is providing primary care services and administrative support to the GPs with special interests. Fore more information about services provided by the PCT, visit our website

Fully equipped surgical suite at Holme Valley Memorial Hospital


Everything you ever needed to know about Kirklees PCT


Our Vision and Values Our Vision was developed by staff, stakeholders and the Board: ‘Working together to achieve the best health and well being for all the people of Kirklees.’

The following values are how the PCT will deliver its services: • To recognise that people are at the heart of everything we do. • To support people in taking responsibility for their own health and well being. • To show understanding, dignity and respect for all our clients, partners and staff. • To encourage open, clear and honest communication. • To value diversity and challenge discrimination. • To encourage innovation and continuous improvement and celebrate the contribution made by our staff • To be accountable for the decisions we make, the work we do, the resources we use and the impact on the environment. Ou r

Vision andValues • To recognise that people are at the heart of everything we do.



Working together to achieve the

• • To support • To encourage people in taking innovation and responsibility for continuous their own health improvement and and celebrate the well being. contribution made by our staff.

Primary Care Trust

best health and well being for all the people of Kirklees.

To encourage • To value open, clear and diversity and honest challenge communication. discrimination.

• To show understanding, dignity and respect for all our clients, partners and staff.

• To be accountable for the decisions we make, the work we do, the resources we use and the impact on the environment.

Fact File

Our strategic objectives

• Work in partnership with local people and all relevant organisations to promote, protect and improve health and well being and reduce the health inequalities that exist within our community. • Achieve real involvement of patients, staff and our local community in identifying their needs and sharing responsibility for improving health, prioritising service development and allocating resources. • Make sure that services are available as close as possible to people’s homes, are delivered safely and to the highest standards and offer patients and their families a positive experience of the NHS in Kirklees. • Encourage new and innovative ways of delivering services that offer choice, improve health and well being are sensitive to the diverse needs of our community and are easily accessed and delivered in an environment that staff and local people can be proud of. • Make sure that services are evidence-based, clinically and cost effective and offer the best possible health outcomes within available resources. • Develop a learning environment that promotes continuous professional development, motivates people to achieve their full potential and aids recruitment and retention of high calibre staff. • Achieve the highest standards of probity and accountability, manage risk and maintain effective governance arrangements that make sure that the organisation is run efficiently within available resources and in a way that inspires public confidence.


Everything you ever needed to know about Kirklees PCT


Our staff The PCT employs 1280 staff, including circa 494 nurses, 103 allied health professionals such as physiotherapists and occupational therapists, as well as teams of managers and administrators. Staff work across numerous sites in the Kirklees area including health centres, GP practices and children’s centres.

89 54 314 140

103 17 22 47 494 Admin and clerical Allied health professionals Support staff – allied health professionals Health care assistants and support staff Medical and dental Nursing (qualified) Nursing (unqualified) Scientific, therapeutic and technical Senior managers


Fact File

The Board


The Board is responsible for the strategy, policy and performance of the PCT. They make sure the key requirements of corporate governance are in place. This includes public accountability, probity, and openness and the important area of public involvement. The chairman and non-executive members of Kirklees Primary Care Trust (PCT) Board are local ‘lay’ people who work together with the Executive members and form the governing Board of the PCT. Non-executive members:

Valerie Aguirregoicoa Tony Gerrard Mehboob Khan Rob Millington Imran Patel Vanessa Stirum

Executive members:

Helena Corder – Director of Corporate Services Executive Director of Patient Care and Professions Dr Peter Flynn - Director of Performance and Information Dr Judith Hooper – Executive Director of Public Health Bryan Machin – Executive Director of Finance


Everything you ever needed to know about Kirklees PCT

Carol McKenna – Executive Director of Commissioning and Strategic Development Sue Ellis – Director of Human Resources and Organisational Development Robert Flack – Director of Provider Services Committee and sub committees of the Trust Board include:


Audit committee Governance committee Patient and public involvement committee Finance and performance committee Remuneration and terms of service committee Professional executive committee Executive committee

Fact File

Professional Executive Committee (PEC)


The Professional Executive Committee (PEC) is responsible for giving clinical leadership to the Primary Care Trust. Its functions include setting priorities, developing service strategies and making sure these are implemented in the services that the PCT offers. The PEC is accountable to the Board through the PEC Chairman. PEC members

Dr David Anderson, GP – Chair David Wood, Dentist Dr Ajit Mehrotra, GP Dr Anil Aggarwal, GP Angela Ladocha, School Nurse Dawn Gordon, District Nurse Sarah Brackwell, Health Visitor Non members in attendance:

Dr Judith Hooper – Executive Director of Public Health Bryan Machin – Executive Director of Finance Vanessa Stirum, Non Executive Director


Everything you ever needed to know about Kirklees PCT


Overview and scrutiny Kirklees PCT recognises the importance of involving the people – residents and others – who are most affected by its decisions, services and activities. Public involvement in the work of scrutiny helps make sure that local views are taken into consideration. There are a number of ways that the public can be involved in the work of the standing and ad hoc review panels: • They can ask panels to look into issues of concern or request that an ad hoc review be set up • They can join a pool of people interested in being coopted onto the board when vacancies are advertised • They can make their views known on specific agenda items in writing • They can attend public meetings. Other ways to involve the public include surveys, patient/ public consultations and via the PCT website. Ward councillors are often the best people to advise on and help to communicate with the different communities in their wards if issues affect specific localities. Local newspapers and radio are also important, but are not the only way to inform residents and service users about what is happening and how they can get involved. The PCT’s head quarters are at St Luke’s House, Huddersfield. The switchboard number is 01484 466000. A list of the other PCT premises as well as health centres and clinics is listed overleaf.


Fact File

PCT premises and contact numbers Address

Contact number

Beckside Court Bradford Road Batley WF17 5PW

01924 351600

St Luke’s House Blackmoorfoot Road Crosland Moor Huddersfield HD4 5RH

01484 466000

Princess Royal Community Health Centre Princess Royal Health Centre Greenhead Road Huddersfield HD1 4EW

01484 344000

Ravensthorpe Health Centre Netherfield Road Ravensthorpe WF13 3JY

No main reception number

Savile Town Clinic Pentland Road Dewsbury WF12 9JR

01924 516244

Fartown Health Centre Spaines Road Fartown Huddersfield

01484 347815



Everything you ever needed to know about Kirklees PCT


Marsden Health Centre The Health Centre Victoria Street Marsden Huddersfield HD7 6DS

01484 844332

Dewsbury Health Centre Wellington Road Dewsbury WF13 IHN

01924 351444

Cleckheaton Health Centre Greenside Cleckheaton BD19 5AP

01924 351666

The Eddercliffe Centre Bradford Road Liversedge WF15 6LP

01924 351560

Woodkirk House Dewsbury District Hospital Halifax Road Dewsbury WF13 4HS

No main reception number

North Kirklees Walk-in Centre Dewsbury District Hospital Halifax Road Dewsbury WF13 4HS

01924 816200/ 201

Batley Health Centre Upper Commercial Street Batley WF17 5ED

01924 351555

Fact File

Skelmanthorpe Family Doctors Commercial Road Skelmanthorpe Huddersfield HD8 9DA

01484 862239

Moorfields Primary Care Centre 11 Park Road West Crosland Moor Huddersfield HD4 5RX

01484 347638

Slaithwaite Health Centre New Street Huddersfield HD7 5AB


Holme Valley Memorial Hospital Huddersfield Road Holmfirth HD9 3TS

01484 345627

Mill Hill Health Centre 86 Dalton Green Lane Dalton Huddersfield

01484 347835

Thornton Lodge Clinic Thornton Lodge Huddersfield

01484 347835


Kirklees Primary Care Trust St Luke’s House Blackmoorfoot Road Crosland Moor Huddersfield HD4 5RH

This leaflet is available in other formats or languages, on request. Telephone: (01484) 466000

Date of publication: January 2008 Ref: PW2122 © Kirklees Primary Care Trust

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