Using the Health Needs Assessment (HNA) with newly diagnosed patients Patient diagnosed with Patie h a long term condition
Use the health needs assessment tool to assess patient needs
Completed copy off the HNA faxed to self care
Completed copy of the HNA A to go into patient notes
Ordering resources through Public Health Resource Centre: (registration required) 1. Place order online. Delivered free internally 2. Fill in a leaflet order form at the PHRC
Patient given resources/ esources/ signposted p to services e
Options: 1. Health professional gives the information to patient. Surgery has their own supply of resources. 2. Information is posted to patient (health professional posts the HNA to resource centre who post resources out.
Information support needs are met
Ye Yes
Signposted to health trainer for further support s
Review appointment n with n nurse
HNA reviewed
Supports patient in self-management and signposted to services