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Clothes and bedding •

Each night put on fresh clean nightclothes that have not been shared by anyone else Change bedding each day for the five days you are using the cream and wash

How to use nose cream and hair and body wash

We are committed to providing high quality care. If you have a suggestion, comment, complaint or appreciation about the care you have received, or if you need this leaflet in another format please contact the Patient Advice and Liaison Team on: 01924 212672 or email: To contact any of our hospitals call: 0844 811 8110 To book or change an appointment call: 0844 822 0022 1342a Published Dec 08 Review Date 2010

SMOKE FREE hospital

Design: The Mid Yorkshire Hospitals NHS Trust - design and print dept


Information for patients

Nose cream, body and hair wash These instructions are for those patients who have been prescribed an antiseptic nose cream, body and hair wash. The cream and wash will help reduce the chance of you getting an infection. Please read the instructions below before you start using the nose cream, body and hair wash.

How to use the hair wash Use the hair wash liquid once on the first day, third day and fifth day:

How to use the nose cream Use the nose cream for 5 days - on a morning, afternoon and before you go to bed: 1. Wash your hands. 2. Using a cotton bud or your fingertip put a small amount of cream inside of both sides of the nose. 3. Close your nose by pressing both sides together and then let go. Do this over and over again for about 1 minute. Be careful not to touch your eyes. 4. Wash your hands straight away to get rid of any cream that may be left on them.

How to use the body wash Use the body wash liquid once a day for 5 days: 1. Wet your body all over. 2. Put the body wash straight onto a fresh clean wash cloth that has not been shared by anyone else. 3. Wash you body all over, washing well in the parts of your body shown in the picture. 4. Keep washing for about 3 minutes. 5. Rinse off well.

6. Dry yourself with a clean fresh towel that has not been used by anyone else 7. If you want to you use your own body lotion or cream afterwards you can, as long as it has not already been opened.

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1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Wet your hair. Put the wash liquid straight on to your hair or your hand. Wash hair well for about 3 minutes. Rinse hair well. If you want to use your own shampoo and conditioner afterwards you can. 6. Dry your hair with a clean fresh towel, that has not been shared by anyone else.

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